

Appendix S1. List of papers included in the literature survey.

Agawin, N.S.R., Rabouille, S., Veldhuis, M.J.W., Servatius, L., Hol, S. et al.

(2007) Competition and facilitation between unicellular nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria and non-nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton species. Limonology and Oceanography , 52 , 2233-2248.

Alberti, J., Escapa, M., Iribarne, O., Silliman, B. & Bertness, M. (2008) Crab herbivory regulates plant facilitative and competitive processes in Argentinean marshes. Ecology , 89 , 155-164.

Altieri, A.H., Silliman, B.R. & Bertness, M.D. (2007) Hierarchical organization via a facilitation cascade in intertidal cordgrass bed communities. American naturalist , 169 , 195-206.

Alvarado, J.L., Pinto, R., Marquet, P., Pacheco, C., Guinez, R. & Castilla, J.C. (2001) Patch recolonization by the tunicate Pyura praeputialis in the rocky intertidal of the Bay of

Antofagasta, Chile: evidence for self-facilitation mechanisms. Marine Ecology Progress

Series , 224 , 93-101.

Amsler, C.D., McClintock, J.B. & Baker, B.J. (1999) An antarctic feeding triangle: defensive interactions between macroalgae, sea urchins, and sea anemones. Marine Ecology Progress

Series , 183 , 105-114.

Arrontes, J. & Underwood, A.J. (1991) Experimental studies on some aspects of the feeding ecology of the intertidal starfish Patiriella exigua . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 148 , 255-269.

Arroyo, N.L., Aarnio, K. & Olafsson, E. (2007) Interactions between two closely related phytal harpacticoid copepods, asymmetric positive and negative effects. Journal of Experimental

Marine Biology and Ecology , 341 , 219-227.

Barnes, D.K.A. & Arnold, R.J. (2001) Ecology of subtropical hermit crabs in SW Madagascar: cluster structure and function. Marine Biology , 139 , 463-474.

Bertness, M.D. (1984) Ribbed mussels and Spartina Alterniflora production in a New England salt marsh. Ecology , 65 , 1794-1807.

Bertness, M.D. (1991). Interspecific interactions among high marsh perennials in a New England salt-marsh. Ecology , 72 , 125-137.

Bertness, M.D., Crain, C.M., Silliman, B.R., Bazterrica, M.C., Reyna M.V. et al. (2006) The community structure of western atlantic Patagonian rocky shores. Ecological monographs , 76 ,


Bertness, M.D., Leonard, G.H., Levine, J.M., Schmidt, P.R. & Ingraham, A.O. (1999) Testing the relative contribution of positive and negative interactions in rocky intertidal communities.

Ecology , 80 , 2711-2726.

Bertness, M.D. & Shumway, S.W. (1993) Competition and facilitation in marsh plants. American

Naturalist , 142 , 718-724.

Blanchette, C.A., Worcester, S.E., Reed, D. & Holbrook, S.J. (1999) Algal morphology, flow, and spatially variable recruitment of surf grass Phyllospadix torreyi . Marine Ecology Progress

Series , 184 , 119-128.

Bloom, S.A. (1975) The motile escape response of a sessile prey: A sponge-scallop mutualism.

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 17 , 311-321.

Bos, A.R. & van Katwijk, M.M. (2007) Planting density, hydrodynamic exposure and mussel beds affect survival of transplanted intertidal eelgrass. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 336 , 121-


Bracken, M.E.S. (2004) Invertebrate-mediated nutrient loading increases growth of an intertidal macroalga. Journal of Phycology , 40 , 1032-1041.

Bracken, M.E.S., Gonzalez-Dorantes, C.A., Stachowicz, J.J. (2007) Whole-community mutualism:

Associated invertebrates facilitate a dominant habitat-forming seaweed. Ecology , 88 , 2211-


Bracken, M.E.S. & Nielsen, K.J. (2004) Diversity of intertidal macroalgae increases with nitrogen loading by invertebrates. Ecology , 85 , 2828-2836.

Brawley, S.H. & Adey, W.H. (1991) The effect of micrograzers on algal community structure in a coral reef microcosm. Marine Biology , 61 , 167-177.

Bruno, J.F. (2000) Facilitation of cobble beach plant communities through habitat modification by

Spartina alterniflora . Ecology , 81 , 1179-1192.

Bruno, J.F. (2002) Causes of landscape-scale rarity in cobble beach plant communities. Ecology ,

83 , 2304-2314.

Bulleri, F. & Airoldi, L. (2005) Artificial structures as habitats for non-indigenous species: the case of the green alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides , in the north Adriatic Sea (North-eastern

Mediterranean). Journal of Applied Ecology , 42 , 1063-1072.

Bulleri, F., Airoldi, L., Branca, G.M. & Abbiati, M. (2006) Positive effects of the introduced green alga, Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides , on recruitment and survival of mussels. Marine

Biology , 148 , 1213-1220.

Bulleri, F. & Benedetti-Cecchi, L. (2008) Facilitation of the introduced green alga, Caulerpa racemosa , by resident algal turfs: experiemtal evaluation of underlying mechanisms. Marine

Ecology Progress Series , 364 , 77–86.

Bulleri, F., Tamburello, L. & Benedetti-Cecchi, L. (2009) Loss of consumers alters the effects of resident assemblages on the local spread of an introduced macroalga. Oikos , 118 , 269-279.

Buschmann & Santelices (1987) Micrograzers and spore release in Iridaea laminarioides Bory

(Rhodophyta: Gigartinales). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 108 , 171-


Camus, P.A. (1994) Recruitment of the intertidal kelp Lessonia nigriscens Bory in Northern Chile - successional constraints and opportunities. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and

Ecology , 184 , 171-181.

Canepuccia, A.D., Fanjul, M.S., Fanjul, E., Botto, F. & Iribarne, O.O. (2008) The intertidal burrowing crab Neohelice (= Chasmagnathus ) granulata positively affects foraging of rodents in south western atlantic salt marshes. Estuaries and Coasts , 31 , 920-930.

Castilla, J.C., Lagos, N.A. & Cerda, M. (2004) Marine ecosystem engineering by the alien ascidian

Pyura praeputialis on a mid-intertidal rocky shore. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 268 ,


Ceccherelli, G. & Cinelli, F. (1998) Habitat effect on spatio-temporal variability in size and density of the introduced alga Caulerpa taxifolia . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 163 , 289-294.

Ceccherelli, G. & Cinelli, F. (1999) Effects of Posidonia oceanica canopy on Caulerpa taxifolia size in a north-western Mediterranean bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and

Ecology , 240 , 19-36.

Ceccherelli, G., Piazzi, L. & Balata, D. (2002) Spread of introduced Caulerpa species in macroalgal habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 280 , 1-11.

Chandler, G.T. & Fleeger, J.W. (1987) Facilitative and inhibitory interactions among estuarine meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods. Ecology , 68 , 1906-1919.

Chock, J.S. & Mathieson, A.C. (1976) Ecological studies of the salt marsh ecad scorpioides

(Hornemann) Hauck of Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis. Journal of Experimental Marine

Biology and Ecology , 23 , 171-190.

Choi, H.G. & Norton, T.A. (2005) Competition and facilitation between germlings of Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus . Marine Biology , 147 , 525-532.

Coen, L.D. (1988) Herbivory by crabs and the control of algal epibionts on Caribbean host corals.

Oecologia , 75 , 198-203.

Coleman, M.A. (2003) Effects of ephemeral algae on coralline recruits in intertidal and subtidal habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 282 , 67-84.

Commito, J.A., Como, S., Grupe, B.M. & Dow, W.E. (2008) Species diversity in the soft-bottom intertidal zone: Biogenic structure, sediment, and macrofauna across mussel bed spatial scales.

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 266 , 70-81.

Connell, S.D. (2005) Assembly and maintenance of subtidal habitat heterogeneity: synergistic effects of light penetration and sedimentation. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 289 , 53-61.

Coull, B.C. & Wells, J. B. J. (1983) Refuges from fish predation: experiments with phytal meiofauna from the New Zealand rocky intertidal. Ecology , 64 , 1599-1609.

Creese, R.G. (1982) Distribution and abundance of the acmeid limpet, Patelloida latistrigata , and its interaction with barnacles. Oecologia , 52 , 85-69.

Crooks, J.A. (1998) Habitat alteration and community-level effects of an exotic mussel, Musculista senhousia . Marine Ecology Progress Series , 162 , 137-152.

Crooks, J.A. & Khim, H.S. (1999) Architectural vs. biological effects of a habitat-altering, exotic mussel, Musculista senhousia . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 240 , 53-


Daleo, P., Escapa, M., Isacch, J.P., Ribeiro, P. & Iribarne, O. (2005) Trophic facilitation by the oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus Temminick on the scavenger snail Buccinanops globulosum Kiener in a Patagonian bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and

Ecology , 325 , 27-34.

Davis, A.R. (1996) Association among ascidians: Facilitation of recruitment in Pyura spinifera .

Marine Biology , 126 , 35-41.

Dayton, P.K. (1971) Competition, disturbance, and community organization: The provision and subsequent utilization of space in a rocky intertidal community. Ecological Monographs , 41 ,


Dayton, P.K. (1973) Two cases of resource partitioning in an intertidal community: Making the right prediction for the wrong reason. American Naturalist , 107 , 662-670.

Dayton, P.K. (1975) Experimental evaluation of ecological dominance in a rocky intertidal algal community. Ecological Monographs , 45 , 137-159. de Goeij, P., Luttikhuizen, P.C., van der Meer, J. & Piersma, T. (2001) Facilitation on an intertidal mudflat: the effect of siphon nipping by flatfish on burying depth of the bivalve Macoma balthica . Oecologia , 126 , 500-506.

Dethier, M.N. & Duggins, D.O (1984) An "indirect commensalism" between marine herbivores and the importance of competitive hierarchies. American Naturalist , 124 , 205-219.

Dizon, R.M. & Yap, H.T. (2005) Coral responses in single- and mixed-species plots to nutrient disturbance. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 296 , 165-172.

Duggins, D.O. (1981) Interspecific facilitation in a guild of benthic marine herbivores. Oecologia ,

48 , 157-163.

Duffy, J.E. & Hay, M.E. (1991) Food and shelter as determinants of food choice by an herbivorous marine amphipod. Ecology , 72 , 1286-1298.

Duffy, J.E. & Hay, M.E. (2000) Strong impacts of grazing amphipods on the organization of a benthic community. Ecological Monographs , 70 , 237-263.

Durante, K.M. & Chia, F.-S. (1991) Epiphytism on Agarum fimbriatum : can herbivore preferences explain distributions of epiphytic bryozoans? Marine Ecology Progress Series ,

77 , 279-287.

Eckman, J.E., Duggins, D.O & Sewell, A.T. (1989) Ecology of under story kelp environments. I.

Effects of kelps on flow and particle transport near the bottom. Journal of Experimental

Marine Biology and Ecology , 129 , 173-187.

Egerova, J., Proffitt, C.E. & Travis, S.E. (2003) Facilitation of survival and growth of Baccharis halimifolia L. by Spartina alterniflora Loisel. in a created Louisiana salt marsh. Wetlands , 23 ,


Eriksson, B.K., Rubach, A. & Hillebrand, H. (2006) Community dominance by a canopy species controls the relationship between macroalgal production and species richness. Limnology and

Oceanography , 51 , 1813-1818.

Ewanchuk, P.J. & Bertness, M.D. (2003) Recovery of a northern New England salt marsh plant community from winter icing. Oecologia , 136 , 616-626.

Floerl, O., Pool, T.K. & Inglis, G.J. (2004) Positive interactions between nonindigenous species facilitate transport by human vectors. Ecological Applications , 14 , 1724-1736.

Fodrie, F.J., Kenworthy, M.D. & Powers, S.P. (2008) Unintended facilitation between marine consumers generates enhanced mortality for their shared prey. Ecology , 89 , 3268-3274.

Fong, P., Boyer, K.E., Desmond, J.S. & Zedler, J.B. (1996) Salinity stress, nitrogen competition, and facilitation what controls seasonal succession of two opportunistic green macroalgae?

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 206 , 203-221.

Fong, P. & Desmond, J.S. (1997) The effect of a horn snail on Ulva expansa (Chlorophyta):

Consumer or facilitator of growth ? Journal of Phycology , 33 , 353-359.

Fong, P., Smith, T.B. & Wartian, M.J. (2006) Epiphytic cyanobacteria maintain shifts to macroalgal dominance on coral reefs following ENSO disturbance. Ecology , 87 , 1162-1168.

Forester, A.J. (1979) The association between the sponge Halichondria panicea (Pallas) and scallop

Chlamys varia (L.): A commensal-protective mutualism. Journal of Experimental Marine

Biology and Ecology , 36 , 1-10.

Gagnon, P., Himmelman, J.H. & Johnson, L.E. (2003) Algal colonization in urchin barrens: defense by association during recruitment of the brown alga Agarum cribrosum . Journal of

Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 290 , 179-196.

Glynn, P.W (1976) Some physical and biological determinants of coral community structure in the

Eastern Pacific. Ecological Monographs , 46 , 431-456.

Glynn, P.W (1985) El Nino-associated disturbance to coral reefs and post disturbance mortality by

Acanthaster planci .

Marine Ecology Progress Series , 26 , 295-300.

Griffen, B.D. & Byers, J.E. (2006) Partitioning mechanisms of predator interference in different habitats. Oecologia , 146 , 608-614.

Hacker, S.D. & Bertness, M.D. (1995) Morphological and physiological consequences of a positive plant interaction. Ecology , 76 , 2165-2175.

Hacker, S.D. & Bertness, M.D. (1996) Trophic consequences of a positive plant interaction.

American Naturalist , 148 , 559-575.

Hacker, S.D. & Bertness, M.D. (1999) Experimental evidence for factors maintaining plant species diversity in a New England salt marsh. Ecology , 80 , 2064-2073.

Harley, C.D.G. (2006) Effects of physical ecosystem engineering and herbivory on intertidal community structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 317 , 29-39.

Hay, M.E. (1981) The functional morphology of turf-forming seaweeds: Persistence in stressful marine habitats. Ecology , 62 , 739-750.

Hay, M.E. (1986) Associational plant defenses and the maintenance of species diversity: Turning competitors into accomplices. American naturalist , 128 , 617-641.

Hay, M.E., Duffy, J.E., Pfister, C.A. & Fenical, W. (1987) Chemical defense against different marine herbivores: Are amphipods insect equivalents? Ecology , 68 , 1567-1580.

Hay, M.E., Duffy, J.E. & Fenical, W. (1990a) Host-plant specialization decreases predation on a marine amphipod: An herbivore in plant's clothing. Ecology , 71 , 733-743.

Hay, M.E., Duffy, J.E., Paul, V.J, Renaud, P.E. & Fenical, W. (1990b) Specialist herbivores reduce their susceptibility to predation by feeding on the chemically defended seaweed Avrainvillea longicaulis . Limnology and Oceanography , 35 , 1734-1743.

Hay, M.E., Pawlik, J.R., Duffy, J.E. & Fenical, W. (1989) Seaweed-herbivore-predator interactions:

Host-plant specialization reduces predation on small herbivores. Oecologia , 81 , 418-427.

Heck, K.L. & Thoman, T.A. (1981) Experiments on predator-prey interactions in vegetated aquatic habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 53 , 125-134.

Kawai, T. & Tokeshi, M. (2004) Variable modes of facilitation in the upper intertidal: goose barnacles and mussels. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 272 , 203–213.

Kawai, T. & Tokeshi, M. (2006) Asymmetric coexistence: bidirectional abiotic and biotic effects between goose barnacles and mussels. Journal of Animal Ecology , 75 , 928-941.

Kawai, T. & Tokeshi, M. (2007) Testing the facilitation–competition paradigm under the stress-gradient hypothesis: decoupling multiple stress factors. Proceedings of the

Royal Society B , 274 , 2503–2508.

Kennedy, C.W. & Bruno, J.F. (2000) Restriction of the upper distribution of New England cobble beach plants by wave-related disturbance. Journal of Ecology , 88 , 856-868.

Kerr, J.N.Q. & Paul, V.J. (1995) Animal-plant defense association: the soft coral Sinularia sp.

(Cnidaria, Alcyonacea) protects Halimeda spp. from herbivory. Journal of Experimental

Marine Biology and Ecology , 186 , 183-205.

Irving, A.D., Connell, S.D. & Elsdon, T.S. (2004) Effects of kelp canopies on bleaching and photosynthetic activity of encrusting coralline algae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 310 , 1-12.

Irving, A.D., Witman, J.D. (2009) Positive effects of damselfish override negative effects of urchins to prevent an algal habitat switch. Journal of Ecology , 97, 337-347.

Laihonen, P. & Furman, E.R. (1986) The site of settlement indicates commensalism between bluemussel and its epibiont. Oecologia , 71 , 38-40.

Levenbach, S. (2008a) Behavioral mechanism for an associational refuge for macroalgae on temperate reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 370 , 45-52.

Levenbach, S. (2008b) Community-wide ramifications of an associational refuge on shallow rocky reefs. Ecology , 89 , 2819-2828.

Levenbach, S. (2009) Grazing intensity influences the strength of an associational refuge on temperate reefs. Oecologia , 159 , 181-190.

Leonard, G.H. (1999) Positive and negative effects of intertidal algal canopies on recruitment and survival of barnacles. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 178 , 241-249.

Leonard, G.H. (2000) Latitudinal variation in species interactions: A test in the New England rocky intertidal zone. Ecology , 81 , 1015-1030.

Levin, P.S., Coyer, J.A., Petrik, R. & Good, T.P. (2002) Community-wide effects of nonidigenous species on temperate rocky reefs. Ecology , 83 , 3182-3193.

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Martinetto, P., Iribarne, O. & Palomo, G. (2005) Effect of fish predation on intertidal benthic fauna is modified by crab bioturbation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 318 ,


McQuaid, C.D. & Froneman, P.W. (1993) Mutualism between the territorial intertidal limpet

Patella longicosta and the crustose alga Ralfsia verrucosa . Oecologia , 96 , 128-133.

Menge, B.A. (1978) Predation intensity in a rocky intertidal community. Effect of an algal canopy, wave action and desiccation on predator feeding rates. Oecologia , 34 , 17-35.

Miyamoto, Y. & Noda, T. (2004) Effects of mussels on competitively inferior species: competitive exclusion to facilitation. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 276 , 293-298.

Molina-Montenegro, M.A., Munoz, A.A., Badano, E.I., Morales, B.W., Fuentes, K.M. & Cavieres,

L.A. (2005) Positive associations between macroalgal species in a rocky intertidal zone and their effects on the physiological performance of Ulva lactuca . Marine Ecology Progress

Series , 292 , 173-180.

Morrow, K. & Carpenter, R. (2008) Shallow kelp canopies mediate macroalgal composition: effects on the distribution and abundance of Corynactis californica (Corallimorpharia). Marine

Ecology Progress Series , 361 , 119-127.

Mouritsen, K.N. (2004) Intertidal facilitation and indirect effects: causes and consequences of crawling in the New Zealand cockle. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 271 , 207-220.

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Marine Ecology Progress Series , 108 , 265-282.

Reusch, T.B.H. & Williams, S.L. (1998) Variable responses of native eelgrass Zostera marina to a non-indigenous bivalve Musculista senhousia . Oecologia , 113 , 428-441.

Silliman, B.R. & Newell, S.Y. (2003) Fungal farming in a snail. Proceedings of the National

Academy of Sciences USA , 100 , 15643-15648.

Skilleter, G.A. (1994) Refuges from predation and the persistence of estuarine clam populations.

Marine Ecology Progress Series , 109 , 29-42.

Stachowicz, J.J. & Hay, M.E. (1996) Facultative mutualism between an herbivorous crab and a coralline alga: advantages of eating noxious seaweeds. Oecologia , 105 , 377-387.

Stachowicz, J.J. & Hay, M.E. (1999a) Mutualism and coral persistence: The role of herbivore resistance to algal chemical defense. Ecology , 80 , 2085-2101.

Stachowicz, J.J. & Hay, M.E. (1999b) Reducing predation through chemically mediated camouflage: Indirect effects of plant defenses on herbivores. Ecology , 80 , 495-509.

Stachowicz, J.J. & Hay, M.E. (2000) Geographic variation in camouflage specialization by a decorator crab. American Naturalist , 156 , 59-71.

Stachowicz, J.J. & Whitlatch, R.B. (2005) Multiple mutualists provide complementary benefits to their seaweed host. Ecology , 86 , 2418-2427.

Stephens, E.G. & Bertness, M.D. (1991) Mussel facilitation of barnacle survival in a sheltered bay habitat. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 145 , 33-48.

Summerson, H.C. & Peterson, C.H. (1984) Role of predation in organizing benthic communities of a temperate-zone seagrass bed. Marine Ecology Progress Series , 15 , 63-77.

Taylor, P.R. & Littler, M.M. (1982) The roles of compensatory mortality, physical disturbance, and substrate retention in the development and organization of a sand-influenced, rocky-intertidal community. Ecology , 63 , 135-146.

Thieltges, D.W. & Buschbaum, C. (2007) Vicious circle in the intertidal: Facilitation between barnacle epibionts, a shell boring polychaete and trematode parasites in the periwinkle

Littorina littorea . Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology , 340 , 90-95.

Thomsen, M.S. & McGlathery, K. (2005) Facilitation of macroalgae by the sedimentary tube forming polychaete Diopatra cuprea . Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science , 62 , 63-73.

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