SUPPLEMENTAL TABLE 1 Statistical analysis of the genetic interaction experiments shown in FIGURE 4 P value (x10)b genotype eggsa F-test P value (x10) genotype T-test 552 mei-41D1/+; pgs1/pgs1 bha1/bha2; mei-P221/+ 6,90 7,37 526 mei-41D1; pgs1/pgs1 bha1/bha2; mei-P221 464 mei-41D1/+; bha1/bha2 srpk2/srpk4; mei-P221/+ 9,44 8,39 669 mei-41D1; bha1/bha2 srpk2/srpk4; mei-P221 166 mei-41D1/+; srpk2/srpk4 nds2/nds4; mei-P221/+ 4,36 1,47 280 mei-41D1; srpk2/srpk4 nds2/nds4; mei-P221 546 +/+; nds2/nds4 trin1/trin3; mei-P221/+ 0,45 0,09 964 mei-41D1/+; nds2/nds4 trin1/trin3; mei-P221 365 mei-41D1/+; trin1/trin3 mtc2/blv3; mei-P221/+ 2,12 10 303 mei-41D1; trin1/trin3 blv2/blv3; mei-P221 500 mei-41D1/+; mtc2/mtc3 blv1/blv3; mei-P221/+ 2,31 8,91 494 mei-41D1; mtc2/mtc3 blv1/blv3; mei-P221 308 mei-41D1/+; blv1/blv3 okrRU/okrAA; mei-P221/+ n/a n/a 165 mei-41D1; blv1/blv3 okrRU/okrAA; mei-P221 276 mei-41D1/+; okrRU/okrAA dPds51 mei-W681/+ 9,53 0,07 364 mei-41D1; okrRU/okrAA dPds51; mei-W681 362 mei-41D1/+; dPds51 dPds52; mei-W681/+ 4,84 3,02 215 mei-41D1; dPds51 dPds52; mei-W681 748 mei-41D1/+; dPds52 dPds53; mei-W681/+ 9,84 5,29 319 mei-41D1; dPds52 dPds53; mei-W681 375 mei-41D1/+; dPds56 dPds56; mei-W681/+ 8,28 2,14 242 mei-41D1; dPds56 dPds56; mei-W681 289 mei-41D1/+; okrRU/okrAA spn-A093A/spn-A003; mei-W681/+ n/a n/a 272 mei-41D1; okrRU/okrAA spn-A093A/spn-A003; mei-W681 a Total number of eggs scored in two independent trial for each genotype. b eggs F-test 82 109 346 271 481 222 305 277 358 212 158 378 909 852 140 184 90 148 224 69 48 148 143 275 8,13 7,91 2,32 9,51 2,98 1,89 0,06 4,39 9,32 8,01 n/a n/a 7,30 0,08 5,97 0,001 n/a n/a 5,42 0,16 n/a n/a n/a n/a P values for ANOVA (F-test) and T-student (T-test) tests. The F-test compares the variance in the frequency of ventralized eggs for each pair of genotypes. This variance was significantly different between +/+; nds2/nds4 and mei-41D1/+; nds2/nds4 (PF=0,045) and 1 T-test between trin1/trin3; mei-P221/+ and trin1/trin3; mei-P221/ mei-P221 (PF=0,006). The P value for the T-test was calculated for these two genetic interactions; the difference in frequency of ventralized eggs was judged significant between +/+; nds2/nds4 and mei41D1/+; nds2/nds4 (Pt=0,009) and not significant between trin1/trin3; mei-P221/+ and trin1/trin3; mei-P221/ mei-P221 (Pt=0,439). “n/a” = not applicable because the experiment for one or both genotypes was performed only once. 2