TEACHING SWIMMING for DECS Sports Swimming & Aquatics Unit APPLICATION AND GUIDELINES FOR EMPLOYMENT As a SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR and ASSISTANT SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR To be completed by applicants seeking employment as instructors with the Department for Education and Children’s Services The Package contains 3 sections: 1. Sport, Swimming & Aquatic Information- please read and keep for future reference. 2. Attachments – please read and keep for future reference 3. Application Form – please complete and return to the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit. Sport, Swimming and Aquatics 6th Floor 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide. S.A. 5001 Tel 08 8226 4137 Fax 08 8232 7021 Website: www.decs.sa.gov.au/schoolsport 1 SECTION 1: SPORT SWIMMING & AQUATICS INFORMATION Please read this information and keep it for future reference. Do not return it to the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit. Content: Are you eligible for employment? Guidelines for completing the application form. Employment qualifications for a Swimming Instructor. What is the process for employment as a DECS Instructor or Assistant Instructor. Permission to teach letter Seeking employment Attachments: DECS Preferred providers for First Aid List of DECS Centres Application Form 2 ARE YOU ELIGIBLE FOR EMPLOYMENT as a Swimming Instructor and Assistant Swimming Instructor To be employed by the Sport Swimming & Aquatics Unit you will be required to comply with the following requirements: Person Specification Relationships The ability to establish and maintain positive and professional working relationships with children/students, staff and the centre/school community. Learning Environment The ability to achieve a productive learning environment by establishing and maintaining: Appropriate centre/pool management strategies Appropriate behaviour management strategies A safe, supportive, inclusive learning environment. The ability to provide a swimming lesson using the following: Curriculum Knowledge An awareness and understanding of the swimming/aquatics program and its relationships to student learning. Programming and Planning The ability to plan and document a program that is relevant and responsive to the needs of all children/students in accordance with the Swimming & Aquatics Development Record. Assessment and Reporting The ability to use the Swimming & Aquatics Unit Student Development Record for assessment, reporting and evaluation processes. As a SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR you are required to: Employment declaration Be a permanent resident or hold a current permit to work in Australia Be a minimum age of 18 years Complete a Health Declaration (see Application Form) Employment qualifications Complete an Austswim Swimming Instructor Course Complete a Resuscitation Course including a practical examination provided by a DECS preferred provider Complete a First Aid Course provided by a DECS preferred provider Complete Asthma First Aid Training Complete a full day Mandatory Notification Course 3 As an ASSISTANT SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR you are required to: Employment Declaration: Be a permanent resident or hold a current permit to work in Australia Be a minimum age of 16 years Complete a Health Declaration Complete a full day Mandatory Notification Course 4 Guidelines for Completing the Application form. The information required to complete the application form is necessary to assess eligibility for employment as a Swimming Instructor. This information is confidential and will be seen only by personnel processing the application. 1. PERSONAL DETAILS: DECS Identity number If you are currently or were previously employed by DECS you will have an Identity Number. This can be found on your payslip. Please contact the pay office for assistance if required. If you are not currently or previously employed by DECS, this section does not apply to you. You will receive an Identity Number when you receive your first payslip. Contact Details: Please ensure that you contact the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit if there any changes to your original contact details. 2. APPLICATION TYPE: Please indicate whether applying as an Instructor or Assistant Instructor. 3. REFEREES Please nominate the names, titles and contact details for two referees. 4. OTHER INFORMATION Convictions Only persons over the age of eighteen (18) years of age are obliged to complete this section. Have you been charged or convicted of any criminal offence (including Road Traffic Act offences of a criminal nature) Please note: you may be required to undergo a police check as part of the employment process. Australian Citizen If you are not a permanent resident or do not hold a current permit to work in Australia, you are not eligible to be registered as an instructor and therefore cannot be considered for employment. Police Checks Currently no police checks are required for employment as an instructor, however it will be a requirement in the future. You will be notified of employment requirements when details are finalised. 5 5. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Registered Teacher Please complete this section if you are a registered teacher and make sure you provide the expiry date. The Teaching experience questions refer to teachers not instructors. Dismissals/retirements/resignations Answer questions in this section remembering to state the month and year where applicable. 6. EMPLOYMENT DECLARATION In this section you are asked to state that you are/have: A permanent resident of Australia The minimum age of 18 years for an Instructor and 16yrs for an assistant instructor. Completed the Health Declaration Form. Health Declaration Enclosed is a three page Health Declaration that must be completed and submitted with your application to teach form. Your application can only be processed when a signed and witnessed health declaration is provided. The Health Declaration (ED233) form, must be declared before a Justice of the Peace in Australia or an approved person under the Oaths Act (1936), and must be submitted with your application for employment. Note: A photo copy of the completed form will not be accepted. If you are intending to submit your Application for Employment to the Sport, Swimming and Aquatics Unit in person, please make sure that your Health Declaration has already been declared before a Justice of the Peace. There is no guarantee that a Justice of the Peace will be available within the Education Centre. Information contained in your Health Declaration form remains strictly confidential and is only accessed for the purpose of ensuring that all employees are provided with a safe working environment which will not aggravate any existing medical condition(s). Any information included on the Health Declaration form is not divulged to centres and schools. Where appropriate, the Sport, Swimming and Aquatics Unit may request further information from a medical practitioner. This request will only be in relation to declarations made on your Health Declaration form and its intent is to assist DECS in ensuring that all employees are provided with a safe working environment that will not aggravate any existing medical condition(s). In accordance with the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act (1986) section 12, you must notify DECS (Human Resources) of any 6 health restrictions you may have and take reasonable care to protect your health and not aggravate any existing medical condition. It is also necessary for you to inform the Principal / Instructor in Charge of the school(s)/centre(s) where you may be employed of any health restrictions you may have. 7. EMPLOYMENT QUALIFICATIONS FOR SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR Austswim Instructor Course The Austswim Teacher of Swimming & Water Safety Certificate is provided by Austswim S.A. P.O. Box 321, Henley Beach, 5022 www.austswim.com.au There are three components of this course: Theory Resuscitation Practical. All components of this course must be completed to receive an Austswim Certificate. This qualification is current for three years and you will be required to reregister with Austswim every three years. Candidates who have completed their Practical Component with a DECS Swimming Program will be given preference in employment. On completion of the Austswim Course you will be allocated an Austswim Number which will be used for all future Training & Development and reregistration. You will be required to provide a Current Austswim Certificate to the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit every three years to retain your status as an Instructor. Resuscitation Course A Resuscitation Course must be attended and examined annually. The DECS Preferred Providers List is included. It is important to note that the Basic First Aid Courses do not automatically include a CPR Examination, it is therefore necessary to inform the provider that you require a practical examination and a separate CPR Certificate is required. All Senior First Aid Courses automatically include a CPR Examination. You will be required to provide a copy of the certificate of attendance with your application to teach. 7 Every year you will be required to provide a Current Resuscitation Certificate to the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit to retain your status as an Instructor. First Aid IMPORTANT: When selecting a First Aid Course first consult the DECS Preferred Providers List provided in the attachments. The minimum requirement as an Instructor is to attend a basic first aid course, eg. BELS (Basic Emergency Life Support), Basic First Aid and Basic Life Support. However Instructors are encouraged to attend a Senior First Aid Course. A copy of the Certificate of Attendance must be provided with your application to teach. This qualification is current for three years and your updated qualification must be sent to Swimming & Aquatics Unit every three years to retain your status as an Instructor. Asthma First Aid Asthma First Aid Training must be attended and updated every 3 years. The courses are available through the following organisations: The Asthma Foundation of S.A.- 1 hour course Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) includes the 1 hour asthma component required – provided by Australian Red Cross, St. Johns Ambulance and Australian National First Aid Service (ANFAS) Royal Life Saving Society Courses and Australian National First Aid Service (ANFAS) include the 1 hour asthma component – but it must be noted on the certificate. Mandatory Notification A Full day Training in Mandatory Notification is a mandatory requirement for employment for all applicants. This course outlines the legal requirements for DECS employees to report child abuse. For information of session dates and booking of courses contact: Council of Education Associations of S.A. (CEASA) (08) 8463 5875 Or Families S.A. 8226 6974 and ask for the Education & Care Focus training. If this course cannot be completed in time to send with your application please include a letter of confirmation from one of the above organisations. 8 Employment qualifications for An Assistant Swimming Instructor Complete a Full Day mandatory Notification Course No additional qualifications are required to work as an Assistant Instructor, however the Employment Declaration is required to be completed and signed by you and witnessed by a J.P. Please note that the minimum age as an assistant Instructor is 16 years. Applicants applying for this position are often working towards the position as an Instructor. It is recommended that complete an application form including any qualifications that you have, in preparation for the position of Instructor. When completing your Austswim Course it is advisable that you complete part of your Practical Component with a DECS Swimming Program. When seeking employment a candidate with experience in a DECS Swimming Program will be given preference. 9 What is the process for employment as a DECS Swimming Instructor or Assistant Swimming Instructor Permission to teach Once the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit have processed your “Application for employment” it will be forwarded to the Assistant Director- Staffing for final approval. This may take up to ten (10) working days to finalise. Successful applicants will be issued a “Permission to teach” letter which states: Type of Appointment i.e. Instructor, Assistant Instructor. Qualifications and expiry dates. It is your responsibility to check this information and advise the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics unit of any discrepancies. Seeking Employment as a Swimming Instructor. Once you have received the “Permission to teach” letter it is your responsibility to contact the schools/centres etc. where you are prepared to undertake instruction. The Principal or Instructor in charge needs to see your “Permission to Teach” letter before an offer of employment can be made. Offers for swimming instruction are made by the appropriate person, (Instructor in Charge or School Principal) in the centre/school, NOT the Sport, Swimming and Aquatics Unit. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT TO APPLICANTS WHO APPLY FOR EMPLOYMENT AS A SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR. 10 Section 2 - Attachments. DECS preferred providers for First Aid and Resuscitation List of DECS Centres Please keep for future reference, do not return to the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit. 11 DECS Preferred providers for First Aid and Resuscitation Given the increasing number of first aid course providers, DECS has determined the essential elements that must be covered for a first aid course to be included on our preferred providers list. DECS has determined that the following courses cover all the required contents and should be used when updating your qualifications as your current qualifications expire: Australian Red Cross – Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) St. Johns – Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) Australian National First Aid Services – Basic Emergency Life Support (BELS) Royal Life Saving Society – Basic First Aid State Training Services – Basic Life Support Ambulance S.A. – Current employees – must provide proof of current employment. Surf Life Saving Society – providers of Resuscitation only. All Senior First Aid Courses offered by the above providers Upon Expiry of your current qualification you must complete a first aid course that meets the content requirements. If you believe another course addresses the elements listed below, the onus is on you to provide documented evidence this course meets these requirements. First Aid Course Content requirements for DECS Employees in the Swimming & Aquatics Program. Principles of priorities of first aid Principles of emergency service access Resuscitation Gagging, Choking and Drowning Asthma Shock External Bleeding Wound Care Infection Control Burns and Scalds Bites and Stings Allergic reaction Musculoskeletal injury Seizures Hypoglycaemia CPR Certificate: Please note that all basic first aid courses listed do not include the examination of CPR. It is therefore important that, when booking a course, you advise the provider that a CPR Examination will be required. A certificate indicating competency in this area must be provided. Note: All Senior First Aid Course include CPR Examination. 12 DECS SWIMMING SITES – contact numbers available from the Sport, Swimming & Aquatics Unit. Community Pools Adelaide AC Balaklava SC Balyana Bedford Ind Barossa Valley Rec Berri SC Booborowie Pool Booleroo Centre CP Bordertown SC Burnside SC Burra SC Cambrai SP Clare SC Coonalpyn SP Crystal Brook SP Cummins SP Darke Peake SP Elizabeth Aquadome Eudunda SC Gawler Pool Gladstone SC Hamley Bridge SC Hawker SP Jamestown SC Kapunda SP Kensington & Norwood SC Kimba SP Largs Bay SC Loxton SC Magill Campus Pool Marion SC Minda Home Mt Barker Body Heat Mt Barker Mountain Pool Mt Gambier AC Murray Bridge Hydro Murray Bridge SC Nangwarry SC Noarlunga SC Nuriootpa SC Orroroo SP Owen SP Parafield Gardens SC Parks Community Centre Payneham SC Perfect Fit, McLaren Vale Penola SC Pt Augusta ETSA Pool Pt Lincoln Leisure Centre Pt Pirie Centre Quorn SP Ravelles Health Club Regency Park Centre Renmark SC Riverton SC Roxby Downs Salisbury SC Spalding SP State Swim-Clovercrest State Swim-Norwood Strathalbyn SC Strathmont SC Tanunda SC Tea Tree Gully Waterworld Thebarton AC Trengove Indoor Aquatics (Naracoorte) Unley SC Waikerie Inland Pool Waterhole (Mt Gambier) Whyalla Leisure Centre Williamstown SP Woodside SC Woodville Spastic Centre Woomera SP Wudinna SP (highlighted represent heated pools) SCHOOL POOLS Amata Aboriginal School Andamooka PS Angaston PS Ascot Park PS Ashford Special School Belair PS Black Forest PS Blanchetown PS Brighton PS Brinkworth PS Brown’s Well District AS Burnside PS Cadell PS Campbelltown PS Ceduna AS Christies Beach PS Cleve AS Cobdogla PS Coober Pedy AS Coomandook AS Coromandel Valley PS Cowandilla PS Cowell AS Croydon HS Dernancourt PS East Murray AS Davoren Park PS Forbes PS Gepps Cross PS Geranium PS Hendon PS Highgate PS Karcultaby AS Karoonda AS Karrendi PS Kingston on Murray RS Lucindale AS Linden Park PS Lockleys North PS Loxton North PS Marree Aboriginal S Meadows PS Meningie AS Mitcham Girls HS Morgan PS Murray Bridge PS Nairne PS Napperby PS Northfield PS Oakbank AS Oodnadatta Aboriginal S Parndana AS Pinnaroo PS Plympton PS Pooraka PS Ramco PS Renmark North PS Renmark West P S Salt Creek RS Snowtown AS Swan Reach AS Tailem Bend PS Tintinara AS Urrbrae Ag HS Victor Harbor PS West Beach PS Westbourne Park PS Wilmington PS Woodville PS RIVERS/LAKES/BEACHES Beachport/Kangaroo Inn AS Elliston Beach Glenelg Beach Kingscote Tidal Pool Millicent Lake Moonta Bay Naracoorte Lake Penneshaw Beach Point Sinclair Beach Point Turton Beach Port Broughton Beach Port Elliott Beach Robe Beach Stansbury Beach Tumby Bay Beach Wallaroo Beach 13 Application Form – Swimming Instructor or Asssistant swimming Instructor. Before completing this form please make sure that you have read the information provided in the package: Are you eligible for employment? Guidelines for completing the application form. Please return the following details to the Sport ,Swimming & Aquatics Unit. 6th Floor, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide. S.A. 5001 SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR Completed Application Form - 3 Pages Completed and signed Health Declaration Copy of Qualification Certificates o Austswim Certificate o Resuscitation Certificate o First Aid Certificate o Asthma First Aid Certificate o Mandatory Notification ASSISTANT SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR. Completed Application Form - 3 Pages Completed and signed Health Declaration Copy of Certificate for Full Day Mandatory Notification Course If you have any of the following qualifications include : Copy of Qualification Certificates o Austswim Certificate o Resuscitation Certificate o First Aid Certificate o Asthma First Aid Certificate 14 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AS AN SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR OR ASSISTANT SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR PAGE 1 1. Personal Details: (please use blue or black pen) Family Name ………………………………………………………………………………….. Given name(s) …………………………………………………………………………………. Previous Names: ……………………………………………………………………………….. (if applicable) DECS Identity Number:…………………………… Date of Birth ………………… Residencial Address : Street…………………………………………………………………. Suburb …………………………………………………… Post Code……………………….. Home Phone Number…………………………… Email address …………………………………… Mobile Phone………………….. Fax……………………………. Contact Number (if we are unable to contact you on the home phone no.) ………………………………. Postal Address: (if same as residential address print ”as above”) Street……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Suburb……………………………………………………………….. Post Code…………………………… 2. Application Type: (please indicate your application type by circling the category applicable) Swimming Instructor Assistant Swimming Instructor 3. Referees: Name…………………………………………. Name……………………………………….. Position Held:………………………………… Position Held ………………………………. Location ……………………………………… Location ……………………………………. Phone (wk): …………………………………. Phone (wk):………………………………….. Phone (hm):…………………………………. Phone (hm)…………………………………. 15 Application Form Page 2 4. Other Information: Convictions: Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? Yes / No (if yes, enclose details in a sealed envelope marked ‘CONFIDENCIAL”) Are you an Australian Citizen, permanent resident or hold eligibility to work in Australia? Yes / No I understand I may be required to undergo a police check Yes 5. Teaching Experience: Are you registered as a teacher in South Australia yes/no Expiry Date ………… Total number of years teaching experience: In DECS In other school(s) Education Authorities Dismissals/retirements/resignations Have you ever been dismissed from a teaching appointment? If Yes state month and year …………………… Yes / No Have you ever resigned from DECS? Yes / No If yes state month and year …………………….. Have you ever retired or been invalidated for any employment? Yes / No If yes state month and year ……………………….. Have you accepted a targeted or voluntary separation package from the South Australian Government ? Yes / no If yes state month and year …………………………. 6. Employment Declaration I am a permanent resident or hold a current permit to work in Australia. Yes / No I am the minimum age of eighteen (18) years for an Instructor. Yes / No I am the minimum age of sixteen (16) years for an Assistant Instructor Yes / No I have completed the Health Declaration and had it witnessed by a J.P. Yes / No Name of applicant………………………………………………………… Signature of applicant…………………………………….. Date…………………………… 16 Application Application Form Form Page Page 3 3 7. Employment Qualifications For Swimming Instructor. Date qualification expires Tick indicating copy of certificate attached. 8. Employment Qualifications Date For Swimming Assistant Instructor. qualification (make sure you have read the employment expires requirement details to ensure correct documentation is supplied) Tick indicating copy of certificate attached. (make sure you have read the employment requirement details to ensure correct documentation is supplied) Austswim Certificate Resuscitation Course First Aid Course Asthma First Aid Course Mandatory Notification Full Day Course Or Mandatory Notification course Confirmation letter (date of course in expiry date column) Mandatory Notification Full Day Course Or Mandatory Notification course Confirmation letter (date of course in expiry date column) 17 HEALTH DECLARATION ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED. IF THE ANSWER TO A QUESTION IS YES, FULL DETAILS MUST BE SUPPLIED. DETAILS REQUIRED INCLUDE THE NATURE OF THE CONDITION, PAST AND/OR PRESENT TREATMENT, AND FULL NAME OF THE DOCTOR OR SPECIALIST CONSULTED. IF THE SPACE AVAILABLE IS INSUFFICIENT, PLEASE ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET. The information required to complete this form is necessary in order to assess eligibility to qualify for employment as a swimming instructor. This information is confidential and will only be viewed by personnel involved in processing the application. Applicants are asked to complete all sections of the Health Declaration form, and submit it with their Application for Employment as a Instructor/Assistant Instructor or Reactivation Letter along with any supporting or explanatory material. You can place the Health Declaration in an envelope to maintain confidentiality if you wish. Do not post the Health Declaration separately. Photocopies will not be accepted. FULL NAME (MR, MRS, MISS, MS, DR) ...........................................................................................……………………… Address ....................................................... …………………………............................ Postcode ........................ Telephone (Home) ...................................…... (Business , 9-5 only) ............…………………………................................... DATE OF BIRTH ..................../................../............... DECS IDENTITY NUMBER ...........……………............... I UNDERSTAND THAT IF FURTHER MEDICAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED I MAY BE ASKED TO GIVE WRITTEN AUTHORISATION FOR THE DEPARTMENT’S OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MANAGER TO SEEK RELEVANT MEDICAL INFORMATION. I, ................................................................................................ do declare that the foregoing particulars to the best of my knowledge are correct, and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Oaths Act, 1936 as amended. Declared at: ............................................................................. on ................./.................../............... (Date) Before me: (Justice of the Peace) (signature) Justice of the Peace: Number: (Print Name) Applicant’s Signature: ........................................................................………………………………………………………………………………… Full Name:…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………... 18 Health Declaration page 2 1. DO YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL CONDITION OR RESTRICTION PHYSICAL OR OTHERWISE WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO UNDERTAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES? YES NO DETAILS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... …… ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. DO YOU REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL SERVICES OR FACILITIES TO UNDERTAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES? YES NO DETAILS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. ARE YOU TAKING REGULAR MEDICATION PRESCRIBED BY A MEDICAL PRACTITIONER THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO UNDERTAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES? YES NO If yes, specify medication and reason for usage ............................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4. HAVE YOU EVER SUFFERED FROM ANY MENTAL OR EMOTIONAL DISORDERS, INCLUDING AN ANXIETY OR DEPRESSIVE STATE THAT REQUIRE MEDICAL SUPPORT? YES NO DETAILS (include dates) ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. DO YOU HAVE ANY DIFFICULTIES WITH VISION, VOICE OR HEARING WHICH MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO UNDERTAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES? YES NO DETAILS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Health Declaration Page 3 6.HAVE YOU EVER BEEN REJECTED OR DEFERRED AS MEDICALLY UNFIT FOR SERVICE IN THE ARMED FORCES, FOR LIFE INSURANCE, FOR PERMANENT APPOINTMENT TO A GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT, OR TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY SUPERANNUATION SCHEME? YES NO DETAILS (include dates) ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7. HAVE YOU HAD ANY SURGICAL OPERATION, A SERIOUS ACCIDENT, OR ANY SERIOUS MEDICAL CONDITION NOT OTHERWISE MENTIONED THAT MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO UNDERTAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES? YES NO DETAILS (include dates) ............................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN RECEIPT OF WORKERS COMPENSATION? If yes, please provide details: Year .................. YES NO State: ........................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20