ECIC - Emory Center for Injury Control

Emory Center for Injury Prevention (ECIC):
Call for Proposals: Faculty Seed Grant Program
Deadline: November 15, 2010
The ECIC has created a multi-disciplinary Faculty Seed Grant Program to facilitate and promote
innovative, preliminary, and interdisciplinary research activities to yield future high-impact injury
prevention research. The four categories of grants (described below) are designed to provide
incentives and support for researchers to work collaboratively with interdisciplinary teams and
community members on projects that can lead to larger grant proposals related to violence and
unintentional injury prevention or that support the preparation of a larger grant proposal. The
Seed grants range in amounts but all reflect total costs (covering both direct and indirect costs,
where applicable) for projects lasting one year or less.
The purpose of the program is to support pilot studies, data collection, secondary analyses, and
other research activities that are aligned with the CDC’s Injury Research Agenda, 2009-2018,
( and that will likely result in the future
submission of a larger grant proposal. In particular, priority areas for the Seed Grant Program
pertain to research that involves vulnerable populations or aspects of research translation.
Guidelines for Preparing Seed Grant Proposals
Seed Grants will be awarded to investigators for studies related to injury or violence prevention
using the following criteria:
Preference will be given to proposals that are submitted by Principal Investigators or CoInvestigators that are active affiliate faculty members of the ECIC.
Proposal Categories:
1. One-year Pilot Grants (up to $20,000) – One to three awards per year will be provided to
support pilot data collection and application for large grants.
2. Grant Application Awards ($5,000) – Two awards per year will be provided to faculty for
academic/ summer release to incentivize the development and submission of grant applications.
3. Community-based, Capacity-building and Translation Research Grants (up to $20,000)
One award per year will be provided to a researcher to partner with a community organization to
conduct pilot collaborative capacity-building and translation research as a new project or one
that is part of an existing project. A faculty member and community member will serve as Co-PIs
all subsequent on this grant. Capacity-building may include training and other activities
designed to strengthen an organization’s or community’s ability to adapt and apply a public
health intervention.
4. Cooperative Grant ($20,000) – One award per year will be provided to support collaborative
research projects between faculty from at least two of the different participating universities or
colleges. Priority will be given to projects that involve one of the Center’s Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and that involve seeking larger external funding.
Proposal Deadline:
Electronic Proposals are due by November 15, 2010 to Shakiyla Smith (
Grant Review Process:
Proposals will be reviewed using pre-determined criteria including emphasis on priority areas
(vulnerable population and translational research), significance, innovation, feasibility,
experience, capacity, and likelihood of future funding. Principal Investigators will be notified
about the status of their proposals by January 15. Principal Investigators may incorporate
feedback from the review process to prepare 1 re-submission of the same proposal in the
following proposal cycle.
The funding award period is estimated to be February 1, 2011 to January 31, 2012.
Proposal Preparation:
1. Style: 12-point font, 1-inch margins, single spaced.
2. Narrative Length (excluding cover page, references, time line, budget page, and
appendices): 8 pages maximum.
Proposal Content:
1. Cover Page
2. Narrative (with section headings):
a. Specific Aims
b. Background and Significance
c. Research Design / Methods
d. Potential for external funding (one paragraph description)
3. References
4. Time Line (include tentative submission/approval dates for IRB/IACUC, data collection,
analysis, dissemination of results, as applicable.)
5. Budget and Budget Justification
Allowable expenses include up to 50% of the budget for PI effort, student assistants,
project-related local travel, participant remuneration, and research-related supplies and
equipment. F&A costs should be 10% of the budget.
6. Appendices:
a. Biosketches for all investigators
b. Letters of Cooperation (If the project depends on collaboration or cooperation of
others, a letter of cooperation should be included. However, general letters of
support from chairs or colleagues are not to be included in the application.)
c. Instruments (Include copies of all paper and electronic instruments (e.g., surveys,
screening questionnaires) to be employed in the project).
d. Responses to the reviewers’ critique (If the grant proposal submission is a resubmission, provide itemized responses to each of the reviewers’ critiques of your
previous submission).
Reporting Requirements:
A report summarizing the grant-related activities is due to Shakiyla Smith 6 months into the
project and within 1 month of the end of the project period.
Publication Citation Requirements:
Seed grant research projects may result in published work. Per ECIC guidelines, all
investigators must use proper citation in scientific publications:
Supported in part by the ECIC Faculty Seed Grant Program from the Emory Center for
Injury Control, Emory University; CDC Grant #5R49CE001494
ECIC Faculty Seed Grant Program:
Cover Page
Title of Project:
Project Director/Lead Investigator:
Participating Institution(s):
Project Director/Lead Investigator Contact:
________________________________ State: ______
Fax: _______________
Zip: _________
Project Focus (please check):
___ Violence Prevention
___ Unintentional Injury
___ Acute Care
___ Rehabilitation
___ Biomechanics
___ N/A
Type of Research (please check):
____ Translation
____ Dissemination
____ Intervention/Evaluation
__ Development Research
____ N/A
Project Category (please check one):
__ One‐year Pilot Grant
___ Grant Application Award
___ Community‐based, Capacity‐building and Translation Research Grants
___ Cooperative Grant
Amount Requested: