Psych 301, 10/20/3 Genetic and Biological Foundations The genetic basis of psychological science Basic concepts in genetics DNA Macromolecule built from nucleotides 4 types of nucleotide (A,C,T,G) allow for coding Chromosomes Strands of DNA Present in pairs, one from each parent Gene Segment of chromosome Basic unit of functionality Allele Sequence of nucleotides comprising a gene Provides blueprint for creation of proteins, via RNA Genetics and heredity Genotype Genetic “fingerprint” of individual sequence of nucleotides in chromosomes choice of allele for each gene Same sequence in every cell Determined at conception Phenotype Observable physical characteristics Result of both genetic & environmental influences Combined effect of both alleles for each gene Dominant allele: Expressed in offspring whenever present Recessive allele: Expressed only when matched with a similar recessive gene from other parent Homozygous: Same allele on both chromosomes Heterozygous: Mismatching alleles Same phenotype as homozygous-dominant Polygenic traits Characteristics resulting from the influence of many genes, as well as the environment Far more common that monogenic traits Height, extraversion, intelligence... Genotypic variation through sexual reproduction Meiosis Cell splits in half* to produce 2 gametes Gametes (sperm/ova): cells containing only one of each chromosome pair (at random) Zygote: union of sperm and ovum, has full set of chromosomes, half from each parent Meiosis explains differences among siblings--each has a random half of each parent’s chromosomes 223 223 = 8,388,6082 > 70 trillion combinations Mitosis Occurs repeatedly after zygote is created Chromosomes duplicate and cell divides Explains growth of individual Mutations: errors in duplication process Behavioral genetics The study of gene-environment interaction Behavioral genetics methods Twin studies Monozygotic twins: identical genetic structure Dizygotic twins: same genetic similarity as other siblings Adoption Studies: Raised together vs. raised apart Twin-adoption studies Heritability Estimate of how much variation in a trait is due to genetics vs. environment Variance due to genetic factors divided by total variance in population total variance = genetic variance + environmental variance Property of the population in question not a property of any one person not inherent to the trait differs across groups, depending on diversity Operation of the nervous system Neurons Basic units of the nervous system Specialized cells for internal communication and information processing Receive, integrate, and transmit signals Operate through electrical impulses Communicate with other neurons through chemical signals Parts of neurons Dendrites: receive chemical signals from other cells Cell body (or soma): collects and integrates inputs Axon: transmits electrical signals (Action Potentials) Terminal buttons: release chemical signals to other cells, in response to action potetials Synapse: Site for chemical communication: terminal button of one cell and dendrite of another Types of neurons Sensory Neurons carry incoming information from sensory organs, muscles (somatosensation) afferent signals: environment affects brain Interneurons intermediate processing; responsible for everything but simplest reactions vast majority of neurons in brain, ~100 billion Motor Neurons send commands to muscles efferent signals: brain effects actions Glial cells Many support functions in brain Guide development and migration of neurons Provide structural support Insulate axons (myelin sheath) Waste removal Smaller and more numerous than neurons (factor of 10) Less well understood; May participate in information processing Electrical properties of neurons Membrane potential Difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of neuron Resting value approximately -70 mV Maintained by sodium-potassium pump Moves Na+ outside neuron Moves K+ inside neuron (at 2/3 rate) Ion channels in membrane Selective permeability Dependence on membrane potential Transduction of incoming chemical signals Chemical signals arriving at dendrites differ in effect on electrical potential Excitatory signals Lead to depolarization (potential moves towards zero) Increase chance of action potential Inhibitory signals Lead to hyperpolarization (potential becomes more strongly negative) Decrease chance of action potential Action potentials Electrical impulse passing along axon Self-maintaining traveling wave, moves from soma to terminal buttons Based on interactive dynamics of membrane potential and action of ion channels Triggered by depolarization past threshold Sodium channels open Na+ rushes into cell large positive potential Positive potential forces K+ out of cell negative potential re-established Causes release of chemicals from terminal buttons Properties of action potentials Spatial and temporal summation Absolute and relative refractory periods Hyperpolarization following action potential About 1 ms All-or-none principle: A neuron fires with the same potency each time Cannot partially fire Information is in frequency and timing of firing Myelin Sheath Fatty material made up of glial cells Insulates the axon Allows for rapid movement of electrical impulses along axon 10-fold increase in speed, up to 100m/s Nodes of Ranvier: gaps in myelin sheath where action potentials are transmitted Saltatory conduction: action potential jumps from node to node Multiple sclerosis is a breakdown of myelin sheath