Graduation Ceremony and Celebrations FAQ #Flight15 When is the deadline for paying my grad fees? You can pay your grad fees until May 1st at a cost of $50.00. If you choose to wait to pay your grad fees between May 4th and May 15th, the cost will be $65.00 and after May 15th the cost will be $75.00. It is important to pay your grad fees as soon as possible so that you may participate in the graduation ceremony and celebrations. What do my grad fees cover? Grad fees cover a multitude of things necessary for the graduation ceremony including (but not limited to) grad breakfasts, grad barbeque, grad gowns and hats, diplomas, stationary, grad class gift, gift to guest speaker, professional photo of grad walking across the stage and receiving diploma from the principal, reception costs, and sound system rental for the ceremony. How many people can I bring to the ceremony? Each graduate will be given four (4) tickets to the ceremony. Any extra tickets will be made available the day of the grad rehearsal. When is the graduation ceremony? The ceremony will take place in your very own high school gym on Monday, June 29th. What time does the ceremony start? The ceremony will start at 9:30 am, but all graduates should be on site for 8:30 am in order to be lined up, gowned and ready to go. How long will the ceremony last? Typically, the graduation ceremony lasts approximately for three (3) hours. Should my guests bring small children? Although we would never discourage our younger guests from attending the ceremony, keep in mind that it is a longer event, it is typically quite hot, and younger children tend not to enjoy themselves. Will there be an opportunity to get my photo taken? There is a hired professional photographer positioned near the stage and takes a picture of your son/daughter receiving their diploma. You are welcome to take pictures throughout the ceremony but by remaining in your seat, everyone’s view is clear and the procession moves along nicely. Pictures can be picked up at the school in the main foyer on Monday, June 30th. What should I wear under my gown? As the temperature for this time of the year will more than likely be warm, it is recommended that you wear something light yet nice enough to have your picture taken with your friends and family. Reception A reception will immediately follow the graduation ceremony. It will be held in our very own cafeteria and consist of light refreshments. Graduates with surnames A-M are asked to bring a plate of sandwiches on a disposable platter, and graduates with surnames N-Z are asked to bring a plate of sweets on a disposable platter. Come and celebrate with your fellow grads! Rehearsal A dress rehearsal will be held for all graduates on Friday, June 26th. All graduates need to be there at 10:28 am. Gown pick-up Graduates’ gowns can be picked up after the dress rehearsal on June 26th, location to be announced – look for signs posted around the school. Do I have to come to school on the “last day” – June 30th? NO!! You’ve graduated – but be sure to pick up your grad ceremony photo in the main of the school on that day. Scheduling This will be a busy time of year for you. With grad barbeque, prom, exams, grad rehearsal, ceremony, you may want to consider cutting back your hours at your part-time job or at least make arrangements ensuring that your schedules do not conflict. Important Dates: Grad barbeque: Thursday, May 21st @ 5 pm – 10 pm in the cafeteria (Hypnotist to follow barbeque) Prom: Saturday, May 30th (see SHS website for details and times) Grad Rehearsal: Friday, June 26th @ 10:28 am (mandatory for grads to attend and tickets/gowns will be given out at this time) Graduation Ceremony: Monday, June 29th (grads need to be here @ 8:30 am) All dates and times are subject to change as events approach.