RespectED - Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association

for Sport, Culture and Recreation
Updated Communication Plan
September 9, 2002
Communication Plan – Global Project
Communications Challenges
Strategic Communications Considerations
Getting word of the project to members and to the grassroots
Communication around the issue, abuse and harassment prevention and education
Profiling Global partners as taking leadership role
Build and maintain awareness throughout the project and beyond
How to communicate the message in a meaningful way without creating concerns
about an abuse “epidemic”
Positive messages without creating a picture of “rampant” abuse
Different communications processes within each Global
Differing culture within each Global about abuse issue
Leader/Teacher/Coach to child or youth abuse and peer abuse
Special communications needs for First Nations Aboriginal communities/individuals
Coaches, athletes, parents, volunteers, executive directors, zone sports coord.
Teachers, board and staff, committee members
Department of Culture, Youth and Recreation
Technical directors
General public through the sports media
Social and youth agencies
Provincial recreation associations
Regional recreation associations
Members – Cities, Towns and RM’s
Leaders, instructors, etc.
Culture, Youth and Recreation
General public
Member organizations
Grassroots cultural organizations
Parents and children and youth participating
Trainers, leaders, teachers
Culture, Youth and Recreation
General public
Characteristics of Stakeholders
Coaches, Leaders, Trainers, etc.
“here we go again” attitude or very receptive
“Who, us?” culture
5 W’s
Receive info from associations, conferences or specific organizations (sports)
Training courses, school and university programs
All ages of children and youth
May have experienced abuse or harassment
May not know what abuse or harassment are and may not know what to do about
Info comes from schools, leaders, coaches, parents
Role models?
Internet literate
Age appropriate information
Receptive – “protecting our children”
Simple, straightforward message
Reached at registration time or conferences – through leaders and coaches
Orientation meetings
Volunteer training
Can be contacted through written info., websites or e-mail
Organizational Communications
Directly involved in the process
Responsible to distribute information to their members
Need follow up and “personal touch”
Some resistance to the process
Simple, clear policies
Ultimate decision makers in abuse situations
Board orientation
Secondary Stakeholders
Culture, Youth and Recreation
Social Services, Municipal Affairs and Housing
Indian Affairs – healing fund programs
Need endorsement and support for project
Need to educate on projects purpose
On-going communication
Initial meetings face-to-face info sharing followups
First Nations/Metis (direction from FN outreach staff at RC)
General Public
More awareness of issue
Public attention to sport primarily
Intense media interest
Simple definition of abuse and harassment – what is it? Who do I call?
Calls/challenges early in the process
Info from media or word of mouth, advertising at facilities
Growing interest in peer to peer harassment
5. Communication Goals and Objectives
1. An environment through education and awareness, where children and youth who
participate in sport, culture and recreation are free from abuse and harassment.
2. Increased awareness of resources, support and advice on handling issues of abuse,
harassment, bullying and violence.
3. Sport, culture and recreation groups in Saskatchewan motivated to actively support the
RespectEd project.
4. Partners recognized as leaders in abuse and harassment prevention and education.
1. All Members of the SSI, SC and SPRA are aware of RespectEd for Sport, Culture and
Recreation and are communicating its messages to their stakeholders.
- partners will help prepare and disseminate regularly scheduled RespectEd
communication and camera-ready advertisements through their newsletters and email
- partners will establish a RespectEd resource page on their organizations’ web sites by
October 2002 and link to Red Cross RespectEd web site area.
- partners will promote RespectEd project to members at their conferences (June,
September and October)
- partners will promote the availability of presentations by Red Cross spokespeople. Red
Cross will host 16 workshops open to the public. Date and location will be promoted by
- members will place camera-ready advertisements promoting RespectEd in their
newsletters and publications.
- partners provide members with opportunities for their own education sessions on
RespectEd for Sport, Culture and Recreation and/or awareness packages (especially if a
speaking opportunity is not a possibility). Encourage members to incorporate education
sessions and awareness tools into their own conferences and meeting agendas. Red
Cross will coordinate and communicate schedules to partners.
- A toolkit for members - including Powerpoint presentation, and information kits – will
be developed and distributed by the partners
- number of member organizations reached with message
- number of communication materials sent to members
- number of presentations made to member groups
- web site hits
- feedback from members/follow up questions
- attendance at education sessions/conference sessions
- number of secondary stakeholders attending sessions
2. Children and youth involved in sport, culture and recreation activities are aware of the
RespectEd program and their right to participate in an abuse-free environment.
- Red Cross will make school presentations and provide children with wallet cards with
RespectEd information and toll-free #
- Red Cross will send information kits to schools and facilities in Saskatchewan
containing: letter of intro, backgrounders, flyers and posters (toll-free numbers). Use
School Board mailing.
- Red Cross will include RespectEd into their school resource guide that is distributed
to 816 schools in Saskatchewan.
- Red Cross will create a display (with changeable panels) and accompanying
information kits that can be used when a spokesperson is unavailable.
- feedback/phone calls
- school survey
3. The general public, along with key government decision-makers, is aware of RespectEd
for Sport, Culture and Recreation.
- partners will hold a media event to launch the RespectEd campaign on October 3,
- Media will be given kits containing: background information, speeches, Q & As.
- Spokespeople for RespectEd for Sport, Culture and Recreation will be identified
and prepared to speak at media launch.
- Key information will be available on Red Cross web site, accessible from each of
the partners web sites.
- Partners will develop media campaign to sustain awareness and focus promotion of
RespectEd message on strategic dates.
- Partners will schedule specific media interviews with spokespeople following the
launch to provide further insight into RespectEd partnership.
- Red Cross will send out print PSA/paid advertisements to newspapers (SWNA).
Editorial space will be negotiated.
- Red Cross will create a 30 second PSA aimed at increasing the youth and adult
awareness of RespectEd and their rights. This PSA will be distributed to media
outlets across Saskatchewan.
- Red Cross will develop “announcer-read” PSA scripts for radio; partners will
assist with media distribution
- Partners will arrange television and radio interviews with key RespectEd
spokespeople on strategic times
- Red Cross will develop posters; partners will assist with distribution and display
in schools, recreational facilities, etc.
- number of media stories that appeared following media event.
- # times PSA airs
- calls to toll-free line
- public opinion survey
Implementation Timeline
Articles in SSI, SPRA, SC
Design look for RespectEd
materials (Bruce Wood)
- poster, flyers, wallet cards,
display, camera-ready print
advertisements, etc.
Pre-press layout of wallet card,
brochures & poster (Hillcrest
Wallet cards, brochures & posters
Web site information on Red
Cross national site’ partners poin
Posters and camera-ready ads
September newsletters – new
details article
Mail outs to schools in
Saskatchewan complete
Media Kit prepared
- backgrounder
- Q and A
Identify spokespeople for media
Write speeches for media event
Book media interviews
Red Cross
Aug 19 –
Sept 15
Sept 9 –
Sept 30
Oct 1
Oct 1
Oct 3
Oct –
Oct –
Red Cross
Red Cross +
Red Cross
Red Cross
Red Cross
Media Launch Event
Poster distributed to schools & rec. SPRA
facilities throughout the province
Toolkit (Powerpoint, letter of
Red Cross
intro, backgrounder, flyers &
posters) developed & distributed
to partners & their members
Schedule media interviews for key All
Oct –
Mar ‘03
Presentations/workshops by Red
Red Cross
Nov –
Mar ‘03
Nov –
Jan ‘03
Nov –
Jan ‘03
Nov –
Mar ‘03
Red Cross display with project
info at events TBD
30-second PSA developed &
distributed to media outlets
Announcer-read PSA’s written &
distribute to media outlets
Education sessions for Sport,
Culture & Recreation members
Camera-ready ads in newsletter &
Information kits mailed to schools
Red Cross
Jan ‘03
Red Cross
Red Cross
Red Cross
Red Cross
Red Cross