UAMS Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

UAMS Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Stephens Spine Institute, 7th Floor
Updated 5/2/2006
Most are Listed and shelved by Author Name, being reviewed as time permits
ABRAHAMS, Marks, Hutchings; McMinn's Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, 5th Ed; 2003 ELSEVIER
ADAMS - Principles of Neurology, 3rd Ed; McGraw Hill publishers
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CEREBRAL PALSY, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, 10 Year
Encephalopathy Study
AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS - Atlas of Orthotics, Biomechanical Principles
and Application
Recording, (Donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer - Nov 1988)
Problems: Current Concepts
CONGRESS OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, January
1988 Volume 69 No 1, Chicago, IL
" " " " 1989
" " " " 1990
" " " " 1991
" " " " 1992
" " " " 1993
" " " " 1994 (missing)
Archives of PM&R: Study Guide, Self-Assessment Exam-Practitioners (Pain Rehabil. & Stroke Rehabil.)
Amer. Acad. of PM&R , May 1994 Vol 75 No.5-S, WB Saunders, ISSN 0003-9993 (donated 9/10/01 by F.
Patrick Maloney)
Archives of PM&R: Study Guide, SAE-P Pretests and Posttests (Geriatric Rehabil. & Sports Medicine.) Amer.
Acad. of PM&R , May 1993 Vol 74 No.5-S, WB Saunders, ISSN 0003-9993 (donated 9/10/01 by F. Patrick
Archives of PM&R: Self Directed Medical Knowledge Program, Study Guide and Pretest (Electrodiagnosis &
Rehab in Diseases Affecting Nerve and Muscle.) Amer. Acad. of PM&R , May 1987 Vol 68 No.5-S, WB
Saunders, ISSN 0003-9993 (donated 9/10/01 by F. Patrick Maloney)
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, Cancer Manual, 7th Ed, Boston, MA, 1986
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY - Clinical Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 6th Ed, Philip Rubin
editor, Rochester, NY 1983
ACRM / AAPM&R , 1990 Annual Meetings Calendar, Phoenix, AZ
ACRM / AAPM&R 1990 Annual Meetings Official Program, Phoenix, Az
ACRM / AAPM&R 1990 Annual Meeting, Course Handout 1
ACRM / AAPM&R 1990 Annual Meeting Course Handout 2
ACRM / AAPM&R 1990 Annual Meeting Course Handout 3
ACRM / AAPM&R 1991 Annual Meeting, Course Supplement 1
ACRM / AAPM&R 1991 Annual Meeting, Course Supplement 2
ACRM / AAPM&R 1992 Annual Meeting Official Program
ACRM / AAPM&R 1992 Annual Meeting Course Handout Volume 1
ACRM / AAPM&R 1992 Annual Meeting Course Handout Volume 2
AMER. HEART. ASSN., Advanced Cardiac Life Support,1997-1999, Editor -Richard Cummins, M.D., ISBN
AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment
AMERICAN RHEUMATISM ASSOCIATION, Handbook of Rehabilitative Rheumatology
AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd
AMINOFF, Electrodiagnosis in Clinical Neurology, 2nd Ed
ANDERSON, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, 8th Ed, Williams & Wilkins Pub.
ANDERSON, Sexuality and Neuromuscular Disease (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
APPLEY J, Care of the Handicapped Child
APPLEY J, One Child (1982, Lowenham Press)
ARKANSAS SPINAL CORD COMMISSION, Identifying Secondary Conditions in Women with SCI, Final
Report, 1996 (donation)
ASSOCIATION OF ACADEMY PHYSIATRISTS Guide for Residency Application in PM&R, Guertin and
Assoc., Allison Park PA
ASBURY, GILLIATT, Peripheral Nerve Disorders
ASTRAND/RODAHL Textbook of Work Physiology
AURBACH, MARX, SPIEGEL, Parathyroid Hormone, Calcitonin and the Calciferols
BANERJEE, Rehabilitation Management of Amputees
BARKER, B, Ambulatory Medicine, 4th Ed, (Roche)
BARNEY V, HIRST C; Conditioning Exercises , 2nd Ed, (Mosby Pub.)
BASMAJIAN, Therapeutic Exercise
BASMAJIAN, DELUCA, Muscles Alive: Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography, 3rd Ed, Donated
by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988
BASMAJIAN, DELUCA, Muscles Alive: Their Functions Revealed by Electromyography, 5th Ed
BASMAJIAN, KIRBY, Medical Rehabilitation
BATES, A Visual Guide to Physical Examination
BECKER DP, Central Nervous System Trauma Status Report, Natn’l Institutes of Health, Natn’l Inst. of
Neurol. and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, 1985
BEDBROOK The Care and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries, (1981 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.)
BEHRMAN, Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (2 copies)
BENNETT, The Best of Medical Humor
BERNE, LEVY, Physiology
BILLER R, Cerebrovascular Disorders - Clinics in Ceriatric Rehabilitation, 1993 Saunders Pub
BIUNDO J, Joint Disease (PM&R Clinics of North America), WB Saunders, Nov 1995 (missing)
BLOUNT WP, Fractures in Children, Williams & Wilkins, 1955(?) Baltimore MD, [Library of Con # 555561]
BODEN, WIESEL. LAWS, ROTHMAN, The Aging Spine: Essentials of Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and
Treatment, Philadelphia PA WB Saunders Co., 1991
BONSALL A, Flash Anatomy (flash cards)
BRACH-y-RITA, Recovery of Function: Theoretical Considerations for Brain Injury Rehabilitation
(donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
BRASHEAR Handbook of Orthopaedic Surgery
BRAUNWALD, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine
BREUER A Handbook of Assistive Devices for the Handicapped Elderly
BROOKE, A Clinician’s View of Neuromuscular Diseases
BROOKE, A Clinician's View of Neuromuscular Diseases , 2nd Ed, Williams & Williams, 1986 (donated)
BRUCE TA, Improving Rural Health
BUCHANAN, Spinal Cord Injury Concepts & Management Approaches
BURNSIDE, Adams' Physical Diagnosis, (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
BURTON BL, ZIEVE BR, Principles of Ambulatory Medicine Williams & Wilkins, 1995 (donated by
Roche Pharmaceuticals)
BUSCHBACHER RM, PRAHLOW, ND, Manual of Nerve Conduction Studies; ISBN: 1888799943; Demos
Medical Publishing; 2006; 2nd Edition
CAFFEY J, Pediatric X-Ray Diagnosis, 2nd Ed (A Textbook for Students and Practitioners of Reds, Surg, &
Radiol), 1950 Year Book Publishers Inc (Chicago) (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
CAILLIET, Foot and Ankle Pain
CAILLIET, Hand Pain and Impairment
CAILLIET Low Back Pain Syndrome
CAILLIET, Neck and Arm Pain
CAILLIET Scoliosis: Diagnosis and Management
CALABRESI P, Basic Medical Principles and Clinical Management of Cancer McMillan Pub. 1985
CHAFFIN Occupational Biomechanics
CHARNESS A, Stroke / Head Injury, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
CHIAPPA, Evokes Potentials in Clinical Medicine
CHUSID Correlative Neuroanatomy and Functional Neurology
COMFORT, Sexuality and Neuromuscular Disease (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
CONNOLLY K, PRECHTI H, Maturation and Development, Bioligical and Psychological Perspectives, JB
Lippincott Co, Philadelphia 1981 [ISBN 0433 06415 3] (donated by Dr. Patrick Maloney Oct 1998)
COOPER, Head Injury
COOPER, Living with Chronic Neurologic Disease
CRENSHAW A.H., Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics - Volume 1, 7th Ed (Mosby pub.)
CRENSHAW A.H., Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics - Volume 2, 7th Ed (Mosby pub.)
CRENSHAW A.H., Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics - Volume 3, 7th Ed (Mosby pub.)
CRENSHAW A.H., Campbell’s Operative Orthopedics - Volume 4, 7th Ed (Mosby pub.)
CURTIS, JACOBSON, MARCUS, An Introduction to the Neurosciences (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer
Nov 1988)
CYBEX Isokinatic Systems for Testing and Exercise (Materials and Price List)
DANIELS, Muscle Testing, Techniques of Manual Exam (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
DAVIS R, KONDRASKE G TOURTELLOTE W,et al, Quantifying Neurologic Performance, Hanley &
Belfus, Philadelphia 1989 (2 copies)
DAWSON, Entrapment Neuropathies
DAWSON, HALLIET, MILLENDER, Entrapment Neuropathies 2nd Ed, Little & Brown, 1990
DELAGI, Anatomic Guide for the Electromyographer (The Limbs)
deLATEUR B, Exercise (PM&R Clinics of No. America) WB Saunders, 1994
DELISA, Manual of Nerve Conduction Velocity and Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
DELISA, Manual of Nerve Conduction Velocity and Clinical Neurophysiology; ISBN: 0781701384;Raven
Press; 1994; Edition: 03; ($54.95) (Not actually at UAMS PMR Library: Book only available at BHMC-LR
DELISA, Rehabilitation Medicine, Principles and Practice; 1988 Lippincott, ISBN 0-397-50764-X
ISBN: 0781710154; Lippincott; 1998; ( $159.00) (One at Gilbreath Library: Book available for checkout thru
BHMC-LR Library only)
DePALMA, ROTHMAN The Invertebral Disc (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
DEVITA VT, Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, J. B. Lippincott, Philadelphia, 1985
DIXON, Adapting Activities for Therapeutic Recreation Service: Concepts and Applications (donated by
Dr. Shirley Mccluer Nov 1988)
DOERNBACH DP, How to Survive ACLS!, 1998 Lippincott-Raven, ISBN 0-7817-1202-5 (Donated by Dr.
Pamela Brown 9/11/01)
DOWNEY, The Child With Disabling Illness, Principles of Rehabilitation
DOWNEY & DARLING’s Physiological Basis of Rehabilitation Medicine, 3rd Ed, by Gonzales E Myer, et al,
Butterworth Heineman Pub, ISBN 0-7506-7179-3
DOWNEY J, MYERS S, et al, Physiological Basis of Rehabilitation Medicine, 2nd Ed
DOWNEY, LOW, The Child with Disabling Illness: Principles of Rehabilitation, WB Saunders,
Philadelphia 1974 [ISBN 07216 3183 5 - Lib of Cong # 73-77937]
DRILLEN C, Development Screening and the Child with Special Needs
DUBOWITZ, The Floppy Infant
DUBOWITZ V, The Floppy Infant, 2nd Ed, 1980 JB Lippincott, ISBN 0433-07902-9 (Donated by Dr. F.
Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
DUBOWITZ, Muscle Biopsy, A Practical Approach
DUMITRU D, Clinical Electrophysiology, Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia PA, November 1989
DUMITRU D, Electrodiagnostic Medicine, Hanley & Belfus, 1995
DUNCAN, Stroke Rehabilitation, The Recovery of Motor Control
DUNN, Sequelae of Low Birth Rate: The Vancouver Study
DYCK, Peripheral Neuropathy (2 Volume Set)
EHRLICH, Rehabilitation Management of Rheumatic Conditions
EISENBERG, Critical Emergencies, State of the Art Reviews
EPSTEIN, The Spine, A Radiological Text and Atlas (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
FAERBER, Cranial Computed Tomography in Infants and Children
FERGUSON AB Jr., Orthopaedic Surgery in Infancy & Childhood, 4th Ed, 1975 Williams & Wilkins, ISBN
0-683-03166-X (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
FINNIE, Handling of the Young Cerebral Palsied Child at Home
FISHER, Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Burns
FOSTER, Therapeutic Activities with the Impaired Elderly
FRANKEL, NORDIN, Basic Biomechanics of teh Skeletal System (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov
FRIEDMAN LW, Prosthetics, PM&R Clinics of No. America, WB Saunders Co, May 1991
GANONG, Review of Medical Physiology (4th Ed.) (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
GERHARDT, REINER, SCHWAIGER, et al, Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation in Trauma
GILMAN/NEWMAN, Manter and Gatz's Essentials of Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology (2)
GLENN MB, WHYTE J, The Practical Management of Spasticity in Children and Adults, Lea and Febiger,
Philadelphia PA, 1990
GOLDBERG G, Stroke Rehabilitation, PM&R Clinics of No. America, August 1991
GOODGOLD Anatomical Correlates of Clinical Electromyography
GOODGOLD,EBERSTEIN, Electrodiagnosis of Neuromuscular Diseases
GOODMAN/ GILMAN The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 7th Ed
GORDON N, Paediatric Neurology for the Clinician, 1976, Spastics International Medical Publications, HB
Lippincott ISBN 0-433-12410-5 (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
GRAY H, Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body
GUENTER, Pulmonary Medicine
GUTTMANN, Spinal Cord Injuries, Comprehensive Management and Research
HALSTEAD, WIECHERS, Research & Clinical Aspects of Late Effects of Poliomyelitis
HALSTED, CLAUS-WALKER, Neuroactive Drugs of Choice in Spinal Cord Injury (donated by Dr. Shirley
McCluer Nov 1988)
Books in HEALTH SCIENCES 1989 Catalog, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia PA
HERBERT L, Sex and Back Pain, Educational Opportunities, Bloomington MN 1987
HOFFMER AND BOHNER, From Residency to Reality
HOLLINSHEAD, JENKINS Functional Anatomy of the Limbs and Back
HOPP, Spinal Stenosis - State of the Art Reviews
HOPPENFELD, Physical Examination of the Spine and Extremities
HOPPENFIELD, Physical Exam of the Spine and Upper Extremities, Appleton/Lange, 1976
HOPPENFIELD, Orthopedic Neurology - A Guide to Neurologic Levels, Hoppenfield, Lippincot Williams &
Wilkins, 1977 (only one Ed), ISBN 0397503687, ($54) (Not actually at UAMS PMR Library: Book only
available at BHMC-LR Library)
HORN L, ZASLER N, Medical Rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury , Hanley & Belfus 1996
HSIA, D; Human Development and Genetics
HUNTER, FUNK; Rehabilitation of the Injured Knee, C.V. Mosby Company 1984, ISBN 0-8016-2318-9
ILLINGSWORTH, The Development of the Infant and Young Child, Normal and Abnormal
INMAN, Human Walking
JABBOR JT, DUENAS DA, GILMARTIN RC et al, Pediatric Neurology Handbook 2nd Ed, Medical
Examination Publishing NY 1976 [ISBN o 87488 636 8 - LC#75-18355]
JAFFE KM, Pediatric Rehabilitation, PM&R Clinics of No. America, Nov 1991
JENKINS D Hollingshead's Functional Anatomy of Limbs and Back, 6th Ed, WB Saunders, 1991 [ISBN 07216-5128-3]
JONSEN AR, SEIGLER M, WINSLADE WJ, Clinical Ethics, 2nd Ed, Macmillan Pub Co, NY,NY 1986
KANDEL Principles of Neuroscience
KAPLAN, Stroke Rehabilitation
KAPLAN, SZUMSKI, 1986 Yearbook of Rehabilitation
KAPLAN, SZUMSKI, 1987 Yearbook of Rehabilitation
KAPLAN, SZUMSKI, 1988 Yearbook of Rehabilitation
KENDALL, MCCREARY, Muscle Testing and Function (2 copies)
KENDALL F, MCCREARY E, PROVANCE P, Muscles - Testing and Function ,4th Ed, Williams &
Wilkins, 1993
KESSLER RM, HERTLING D, Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders: Physical Therapy
Principles and Methods, Harper & Row Philadelphia 1983 [ISBN 0 06 141429 8 - LC# 82-6072]
KESSLER R, Hertling D,- Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders - 1983 Harper, Row (2nd
copy - paperback)
KIMURA Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and Muscle-Principles and Practice
KLUGER Feffver, It's biology,, Evolution and Function (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
KOCH, The Sourcebook of Patient Education Materials for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (donated
by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
KOHLER AND KOBSSON, Children’s Health and Well-being in the Nordic Countries
KOSTUIK, Amputation Surgery and Rehabilitation, The Toronto Experience
KOTTKE, STILWELL, LEHMANN, Krusen’s Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
KOTTKE FJ STILLWELL GK LEHMANN JF, Krusen’s Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
3rd Ed, 1982 WB Saunders, ISBN 0-7216-5501-7 (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
LA DOU, The Microelectronics Industry, (PM&R State of the Art Reviews) Occupational Medicine
LAURIE, Housing and Home Services for the Disabled (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
LEHMANN, Therapeutic Heat and Cold
LENNARD T, Physiatric Procedures, Hanley & Belfus 1995
LENNARD T, Pain Procedures in Clinical Practice 2nd Ed, Hanley and Belfus, 2000, ISBN 1560533676,
(Book not at PMR Library @ BHRI Medical Dir. Office: Only available at BHMC-LR Gilbreath
LEVENE, WILLIAMS, FAWER, Ultrasound of the Infant Brain
LEVIN, Neurobehavioral Consequences of Closed Head Injury
LEWIS, JOHN, The Matter of Mendelian Heredity
LEYSON JFJ, Sexual Rehabilitation of the Spinal Cord Injured Patient
LLOYD-ROBERTS CG, APLEY J, Orthopaedics in Infancy and Childhood, Butterworth & Co, 1971 [ISBN
0 407 34690 2]
LOGEMANN, Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Disorders
LOVELL, Pediatric Orthopaedics
LUSARDI, MICHELLE, NIELSEN C, Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, Butterworth - Heinemann
Pub Co, ISBN 0-7506-9807-1 (Donated by Snell Orthotics 12/03 )
MA, LIVESON, Nerve Conduction Handbook
MAGER, R F, Preparing Instructional Objectives, 3rd Ed, ISBN 1-879-618-03-6
MALONEY, A Priner on Management for Rehabilitation Medicine
MALONEY FP, MEANS KM, Rehabilitation and the Aging Population (PM&R State of the Art Reviews),
Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia PA, Feb 1990
MALONEY, BURKS, RINGEL, Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromuscular
MARTYN, PILEGGI, BAIRD, Optic Fundus Signs of Developmental and Neurological Disorders in
MARTZ, JOINER, SHEPHERD, Management of the Patient-Ventilator System, A Team Approach (donated
by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
MATHEWS, FOX, The Physiological Basis of Physical Education and Athletics (donated by Dr. Shirley
McCluer Nov 1988)
MCCLEAN IC, Electromyography, A Guide for the Referring Physician, WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia PA,
Vol 1, No 1, November 1990
MCKUSICK VA, CLAIBORNE R, Medical Genetics, 1973 HP Publishing Co, ISBN 0-013800-03-1
(Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
MCGRAW-HILL BOOK CO, Compendum of Drug Therapy, 1987/1988
MCGRAW HILL BOOK CO, Compendum of Drug Therapy, 1988/1989
MCKENZIE R, Treat Your Own Back, Vol 4
MEISEL, Atlas of Osteoarthritis
MEYERS, The Multiply Injured Patient with Complex Fractures
MEYERS, JAWETZ, GOLDFEIN, Review of Medical Pharmacology (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov
MOONEY RL, The Handbook for New Upper Extremity Amputees & Families Mutual Amputee
Foundation 1995
MORTON DA, PETERSON KD, ALBERTINE KH; Dissection Guide for Human Anatomy; 2004 Elsevier Inc;
ISBN 0-443-06627-2
MOSSMAN, A Problem Oriented Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov
NADEL, Problems with Temperature Regulation During Exercise (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov
NANNINGA, WU, Innovative Preventive and Treatment Techniques in Spinal Cord Injury Urologic
Complications, Dec 1981 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
NAUGHTON, Exercise Testing and Exercise Training in Coronary Heart Disease
NELIGAN, Born Too Soon - Born Too Small
NELSON, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (50 Year Cumulative Index)
NESATHURA S, BLAUSTEIN D, Essentials of Inpatient Rehabilitation, 2001 Boston Medical Center
ISBN 0-632204-604X (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
NETTER F, Volume 8 - Musculoskeletal System - Part I, Anatomy, Phyusiology & Disorders Ciba Geigy,
NETTER F, Volume 8 - Musculoskeletal System - Part II, Anatomy Physiology & Disorders, Ciba Geigy
NETTER F, Volume 8 - Musculoskeletal System - Part III, Trauma, Evaluation and Management, Ciba
Geigy, 1990
NEWMAN, PRICE, MAGNEY, Care of the Disabled Urinary Tract, Prevention of Renal Deterioration
(donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
OLTON, NOONBERG, Biofeedback: Clinical Applications in Behavioral Medicine (donated by Dr. Shirley
McCluer Nov 1988)
OSLER, The Cerebral Palsies of Children
[The REMAINING books and library materials have not been verified as to actual availability]
PACT, The Muscle Testing Handbook
PARK TS, PHILLIPS L, PEACOCK WJ, Management of Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy and Spinal Cord
Injury (PM&R State of the Art Reviews), Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia PA, Nov 1989
PARRY Rehabilitation of the Hand
PEARSON, Physical Therapy Services in the Developmental Disabilities
PEROTTO, A, - Anatomical Guide for the Electromyographer - Limbs & Trunk (3rd ed) 1994 C. Thomas
PETERSON, Sports Injuries, Their Prevention and Treatment
POLLOCK, Heart Disease and Rehabilitation
PRESS J, Sports Medicine, PM&R Clinics of No. America, WB Saunders, Feb 1994
RADIOLOGIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, Orthopedic Procedures, Apr 1975 Vol XIII Number1,
Staple T Guest Editor, WB Saunders, Apr 1975 [Donated by Dr. Patrick Maloney 11/98]
RAJ, Practice Management of Pain
REDFORD, Orthotics Etcetera PM&R State of the Art Reviews
REDFORD, Orthotics PM&R State of the Art Reviews
ROBBINS, Pathologic Basis of Disease
ROBINSON L, New Development in Electrodiagnostic Medicine, PM&R Clinics of No. America, WB
Saunders, May 1994
RODNAN,SCHUMACHER, ZVAFLER Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases
ROSENTHAL Rehabilitation of the Head Injured Adult
RYAN S, McNICHOLAS M, EUSTACE S; Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging, 2nd Ed; 2004 Elsevier Limited /
Saunders; ISBN 0-7020-2620-4
SALTER Textbook of Disorders and Injuries of the Musculoskeletal System
SANDEL ME, ELLIS DW, The Coma Emerging Patient , Hanley & Belfus, Philadelphia PA, Vol 4 No 3
SCHEINBERT LC , Multiple Sclerosis, A Guide for Patients and Their Families, Raven Press, NY 1984
[ISBN 0 89004 960 2]
SCHOCK, COLBERT, Ventilators and Muscular Dystrophy
SCHWENK TL, WHITMAN NA, Residents as Teachers: A Guide to Educational Practice, University of
Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City UT, 1984
SHAD'KED, Human Sexuality & Rehabilitaiton Medicine (Sexual Functioning Following Spinal Cord
Injury) (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov 1988)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, vol. 1., No. 1, Spring 1978 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer; 1988)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 1. No. 3, Fall 1978 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer; 1988)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 1., No. 4, Winter 1978 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer; 1988)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disaiblity, Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1979 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer; 1988)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 2, No. 2, Summer 1979 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 2, No. 3, Fall 1979 (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer Nov)
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1980 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vo. 3, No. 2, Summer 1980 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 3, No. 3, Fall 1980 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 1980 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1981 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vo. 3, No. 2, Summer 1981 ( “ ” “ )
SHAKED, Sexuality and Disability, Vol. 3, No. 3, Fall 1981 ( “ ” “ )
SHAPIRO, Pediatric Head Trauma
SHARPLESS- MOSSMAN’S, A Problem Oriented Approach to Stroke Rehabilitation
SIM FH, Diagnosis and Management of Metastatic Bone Disease, A Mulidisciplinary Approach, New York,
SIMONTON, The Healing Family, The Simonton Approach for Families Facing Illness
SKINNER H, Current Diagnosis & Treatient in Orthopaedics, Appleton/Lange, 1995
SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE Neuroscience Training Programs in North America, Washington DC
SPEROFF, GLASS, KASE, Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility ( 2nd Ed) (donated by Dr.
Shirley McCluer)
SPIVAK JL, BARNES HV, Manual of Clinical Problems in Internal Medicine (3rd Ed), [ISBN 0 316
STALBERG, Neurology 1, Clinical Neurophysiology
STANBURY JB Wyngaarden JB et al, The Metabolic Basis of Inherited Disease, 3rd Ed, 1972 McGraw-Hill,
Library of Cong. Catalog # 07-060724-9 (Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
STERNBACH, Pain Patients, Traits and Treatment (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer)
STEDMAN’S, Stedman’s Medical Dictionary
STEINBERG, Care of the Geriatric Patient in the Tradition of E.V. Cowdry
STEWART, JAMES, Blind Eye , Simon & Schuster, ISBN 0-684-85484-8 (related to physician credentialing tracking and verification)
STILLWELL, Therapeutic Electricity and Ultraviolet Radiation
STRUB, BLACK The Mental Status Examination of Neurology
SUNDERLAND, Nerves and Nerve Injuries
SWANSON CO MERZ T YOUNG WJ, Cytogenetics Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1967 [LC# 67-15184]
TAYLOR, The Overactive Child
THOMPSON, BOWERS Clinical Manual of Health Assessment
TIERNY L, MCPHEE S, PAPADAKIS M, Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Appleton/Lange, 1995
TORG, Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries, An Atlas of Therapeutic Exercise
TOUWEN B, Examination of the Child with Minor Neurological Dysfunction (2nd Ed) JB Lippincott Co,
Philadelphia 1979 [ISBN 0 433-32622 0]
TRAVELL, Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual
TUREK, Orthopaedics: Principles and Their Application (2 Volume Set)
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Interagency Head Injury Task Force Report,
February 1989 Washington DC
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Taking Time (Support for People with
Cancer and the People Who Care About Them) Public Health Service National Institutes of Health, National
Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD, July 1985
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Testimony Submitted to the Interagency
Head Injury Task Force for the Public Hearing September 8-9, 1988 Washington DC
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Preventing Secondary Disabilities Among
People with Spinal Cord Injuries Author: Graitcer PL, Atlanta GA February 1990
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, The Breast Cancer Digest, National Cancer
Institute, Bethesda, MD
US DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERV., Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: Assessment, Referral, and
Patient Management, Quick Reference Guide for Clinicians Number 16, 1995 May AHCPR Pub. No 95-0663
(Donated by Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
US DEPT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERV., Post-Stroke Rehabilitation: Assessment, Referral, and
Patient Management, Clinical Practice Guide Number 16, 1995 May AHCPR Pub. No 95-0662 (Donated by
Dr. F. Patrick Maloney 9/10/01)
UNIV. OF WA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, EMG West: 1990 - A Special Course in Electrodiagnostic
Medicine, March 1990
REHABIILTATION (Entire written course Syllabus as presented at the 1996 Conference, and 31 correlating
VHS Videos approx. 2 hrs each)
Tape 1 SPINAL CORD INJURY: Levels of Function and Classification; Radiology of the Vertebral
Column and Spinal Canal (cont on Tape 2)
Tape 2 SPINAL CORD INJURY: (cont from Tape 1) Radiology of the Vertebral Column and Spinal
Canal, Acute Surgical management and Late Spine Complications; Management of the
Bladder after SCI (cont on Tape 3)
Tape 3 SPINAL CORD INJURY: Management of the Bladder after SCI (cont from Tape 2); Sexual
Function and Reporoduction; Evaluation and Management of Spasticity; Medical
Complications: Bowel, DVT, Heterotopic Ossification, etc., (cont on Tape 4)
Tape 4
Spinal Cord Injury: Medical Complications (cont from Tape 3); PHYSIATRIC
THERAPEUTICS: Therapeutic Heat (cont on Tape 5)
Tape 5
PHYSIATRIC THERAPEUTICS: Therapeutic Heat (cont from Tape 4); Therapeutic Cold,
Therapeutic Exercise (cont on Tape 6)
Tape 6
(PHYSIATRIC THERAPEUTICS; BRAIN INJURY) Therapeutic Exercise (cont from Tape 5);
BRAIN INJURY: Acute Mangement of the Patient with TBI and Prevention of Secondary
Injuries; Neuropsychological and Psychosocial Outcomes in TBI - Natural History; PostConcussive Syndrome: Medical Issues and Management (cont. on Tape 7)
Tape 7
(BRAIN INJURY): Post-Concussive Syndrome Medical Issues and Management (cont. from
Tape 6); Medical Complication of TBI - Seizure, Neuroendocrine Disorders, Automonic
Dysfunction, Hydrocephalus, Heterotopic Ossification, Pharmacologic Management of TBI,
and Management of Motor Disorders and Contracture (cont on Tape 8)
Tape 8 (BRAIN INJURY; LIMB DEFICIENCY): Management of Motor Disorders and Contracture
(cont from Tape 7);, LIMB DEFICIENCY: Diabetes as a Risk Factor for Amputation;
Common Lower Extremity Amputation - Surgical Aspects That Influence Function Outcome;
Post Amputation Pain Syndromes and Their Management (cont on Tape 9)
Tape 9 (LIMB DEFICIENCY) Post Amputation Pain Syndromes and Their Management (cont from
Tape 8); Psychological Aspects of Lower Extremity; Normal Gait
Tape 10 (LIMB DEFICIENCY) The Metabolic Costs of Ambulation After Ambulation; Prescription
Criteria and Selection - Lower & Upper Limb Prosthetics; The Biomechanics of AK Socket
Design and Prosthetic Knee Units and How They Influence Prescription Choice (cont on
Tape 11)
Tape 11 (LIMB DEFICIENCY; CARDIOPULMONARY) Biomechanics of AK Socket Design and
Prosthetic Knee Units and How They Influence Prescription Choice (cont from Tape 10);
Conventional and Body-Powered Upper Extremity Components and When to Use Them;
CARDIOPULMONARY: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
Tape 12 (CARDIOPULMONARY): Risk Factors and Secondary Prevention; Exercise Training Effects on Cardiovascular Functioning; Pulmonary Rehabilitation (cont on Tape 13)
Tape 13 (CARDIOPULMONARY; PEDIATRICS): Pulmonary Rehabilitation (cont from Tape 12);
PEDIATRICS: Rehabilitation of Children with Spinal Dysraphism; Primitive Reflexes - From
the Neurological Primordial Soup
Tape 14 Cerebral Palsy; Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Tape 15
Instrumentation; EMG Waveform Analysis
Tape 16 NEUROMUSCULAR EMG: Focal Neuropathies; Somatosensory Evoked Potentials;
Peripheral Polyneuropathies
Tape 17 (NEUROMUSCULAR EMG): Motor Neuron Disease; Radiculopathies / Stenosis; NMJ
Tape 18 (NEUROMUSCULAR EMG; STROKE): Late Responses; Myopathies / Applications of
Botulinum Toxin; Panel Discussion; STROKE: Stroke: Acute Treatment and Prevention (cont
on Tape 19)
Tape 19 (STROKE): Acute Treatment and Prevention (cont from Tape 18); Stroke Rehabiitation;
Communication Problems in Patients with Stroke; Swallowing Dysfunction and Stroke (cont
on Tape 20)
Tape 20 (STROKE; PAIN) Swallowing Dysfunction and Stroke (cont from Tape 19); PAIN: Pain Anatomy, Physiology, and the Common Theories of Pain Perception; Psychological Aspects
of Chronic Pain (cont on Tape 21)
Tape 21 (PAIN) Psychological Aspects of Chronic Pain (cont from Tape 20); Myofascial Pain
Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and the PM&R Approach to Treatment; Pharmacologic Treatment
of Chronic Pain (cont on Tape 22)
Tape 22 (PAIN; JOINT/TISSUE DISORDERS) Pharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Pain (cont from
tape 21); JOINT/TISSUE DISORDERS: Sorting Out Synovitis; Radiologic Aspects (cont on
Tape 23)
Tape 23 (JOINT/TISSUE; MUSCULOSKELETAL & SPORTS) Radiologic Aspects (cont from Tape
22); Rehabilitation Aspects/ Anatomy and Physiology; MUSCULOSKELETAL & SPORTS:
Introduction and General Principles (cont Tape 24)
Tape 24 (MUSCULOSKELETAL & SPORTS) Introduction and General Principles (cont from Tape
23); Common Musculoskeletal Problems of the Lower Extremity; Common Musculoskeletal
Problems and Upper Extremity (cont on Tape 25)
Tape 25 (MUSCULOSKELETAL; INDUSTRIAL MED) Common Musculoskeletal Problems and
Upper Extremity (cont from Tape 24); Cervical Spine; The Physiatrist in Sports Medicine;
INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE: The Scope of Problems in Industrial Medicine (cont on Tape 26)
Tape 26 (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) The Scope of Problems in Industrial Medicine (cont from Tape
25); The Early Management of an Industrial Claim; Ending Claims-Medical Stability,
Impairment Ratings, Independent Medical Examinations; Low Back Pain in the Work Place
(cont on Tape 27)
Tape 27 (INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE) Low Back Pain in the Work Place (cont from Tape 26); Panel
Discussion [1:12 minute tape]
Tape 28 Laboratory Introduction; The Plexuses, Segmental Innervation and Peripheral Nerves;
Diagnosis and Treatment of Brachial Plexopathies and Upper Extremity Nerve Disorders;
Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Upper Extremity (cont on Tape 29)
Tape 29
Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Upper Extremity (cont from Tape 28); Sectional Anatomy of
the Upper Extremity; Shoulder Imaging; Leg, Ankle and Foot (cont on Tape 30)
Tape 30 Leg, Ankle and Foot (cont from Tape 29); Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Lower Extremity;
Sectional Anatomy of the Lower Extremity; Radiology of the Knee; Radiology of the Ankle
and Foot (cont on Tape 31)
Tape 31 Radiology of the Ankle and Foot (cont fromTape 30); Lumbar Spine and Pelvis [30 minute
VOLPE, Neurology of the Newborn
WALDMAN, Infectious Diseases
WALDMAN S, Atlas of Interventional Pain Management, W B Saunders, 1998, ISBN 0721675778, ($171)
(Not actually at UAMS PMR Library: Book only available at BHMC-LR Library)
WALMAN S, Interventional Pain Management 2nd Ed, (publ. Oct '00), ISBN 0721687482, (NOTE: Only
available at BHMC-LR Gilbreath Library)
WALSHE TM, Manual of Clinical Problems in Geriatric Medicine Little Brown & Co, 1985 [ISBN 0 316
80716 8]
WALTER, An Introduction to the Principles of Disease (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer)
WALTON, Brain’s Disease of the Nervous System
WALTON, Disorders of Voluntary Muscles
WASHBURN, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
WEIL, The Iron Lung, A User’s Guide
WEINSIER, BUTTERWORTH, Handbook of Clinical Nutrition (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer)
WEIR J, ABRAHAMS PH, et al; Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy,; 2003 Elsevier Limited/ Mosby; ISBN 07234-3211-2
WENGER, Exercise and the Heart (donated by Dr. Shirley McCluer)
WENGER, Rehabilitation of the Coronary Patient
WEST, Physiological Basis of Medical Practice
WHITMAN NA, SCHWENK TL, A Handrook for Group Discussion Leaders: Alternatives to Lecturing
Medical Students To Death, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City UT 1982
WHITMAN NA, There Is No Gene For Good Teaching: A Handbook on Lecturing for Medical Faculty
University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City UT 1989
WHITMAN NA, WEISS E, BISHOP FM, Executive Skills for Medical Faculty, University of Utah School
of Medicine, Salth Lake City UT 1989
WILLIAMS, Rehabilitation in the Aging
YASHON, Spinal Injury
YLVISAKER, Head Injury Rehabilitation, Children and Adolescents
ZITELLI, Atlas of Pediatric Physical Diagnosis
ABRAMS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (1981) (Video)
AMER. ACAD. OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS, Essentials of Musculoskeletal Imaging (2003), [CDROM]
AMER. ASSN OF ELECTRODIAG. MED - 1998 Self Assessment (EMG) Exam (Booklet +Video)
AMER. ASSN OF ELECTRODIAG. MED - 2000 Self Assessment (EMG) Exam (Booklet+ Video)
AMER. ASSN OF ELECTRODIAG. MED - 2001 Self Assessment (EMG) Exam (Booklet+ Video)
AMER. ASSN OF ELECTRODIAG. MED - 2002 Self Assessment (EMG) Exam (Booklet+ Video)
AMER. ASSN OF ELECTRODIAG. MED - 2003 Self Assessment (EMG) Exam (Booklet+ Video)
ARI PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT, Arkansas Rehabilitation Institute Video
DIAGNOSTIC ULTRASOUND CORP., Bladder Scan ( Tape 1, Tape 2)
CONOCHIE, Examination of the Musculoskeletal System (Preview Tape)
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System-Program 1 - Introduction
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System-Program 2 -Foot and Ankle
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 3 - The Knee
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 4 - The Hip
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 5 -Lumbar Spine and
Neurological Examination of the Lower Extremities
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 6-Cervical Spine and
Neurological Examination of the Upper Extremities
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 7 - Shoulder and Elbow
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 8 - Hand and Wrist, Part I
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 8 - Hand and Wrist, Part II
CONOCHIE, Physical Examination of the Musculoskeletal System, Program 9 - Gait (MISSING)
DAUBE, Cranial Muscle EMG (1984)
DAUBE, Identification of Muscles for Needle Electromyography: Upper Extremity (1985)
DAUBE, Needle Examination. American Assn. of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis
DAUBE, EMG Recordings. American Assn. of Electromyography and Electrodiagnosis
DORMAN, THOMAS, Orthopaedic Medicine - Introduction and The Mechanics of Walking [DVD #1]
DORMAN, THOMAS, Orthopaedic Medicine - Back Pain, Evaluation of the Back [DVD#2]
DORMAN, THOMAS, Orthopaedic Medicine - Syndromes of the Pelvis, Tensegrity and the Gluteus Medius
DORMAN, THOMAS, Orthopaedic Medicine -Shoulder, Wrist, and Elbow - Exams and Injections [DVD#7]
ERHARDT, Normal Hand Development
Normal Visual Development
GRANGER C, National Uniform Data Base, BRI Presentation - Mar 1990
KUNTZ, Pediatric Electromyography
LAREI, Chemical Neurolysis for the Management of Spasticity, Rancho Los Amigos Med Center,
Lippincott, Neurological: Cranial Nerves and Sensory System
LIPPINCOTT, Neurological: Motor System and Reflexes
LIPPINCOTT, Musculoskeletal System
LITCHY, Techniques of Repetitive Stimulation (1987)
LLOYD KL, Current Urologic Management of the Patient With Spinal Cord Injury. Birmingham AL Spain
Rehab Center
MIND & BODY: Stress and Related Health Issues
MIND & BODY: Treating Cocaine Addition
MCCLUER S, The Effect of Spinal Cord Injury on Female Sexuality. Jan. 1985
OH, Near Nerve Needle Sensory Conduction in the Interdigital Nerve of the Foot (1984)
SIGMEDICS, INC. The ParaStep System (Video News Release- News Pkg only.) Northfield IL, Scripps
Memorial Hospital Rehab Center, San Diego CA Jul 1991
SIROTKIN Techniques of Muscle Testing
TEACHING FILMS INC. Shoulder/Arm Anatomy
TRAVELL TRIGGER POINT TAPES: Janet Travell MD, Ben Daitz, M.D., Baltimore MD, Williams &
Williams Electronic Media:
Introduction Tape: Dudley J. Morton's Foot Configuration
Tape #1- Introduction to Myofascial Pain Therapy (Missing 5/2001)
Tape #2- Myofascial Pain Syndromes of the Head, Face, Neck and Shoulder Girdle (Missing 5/2001)
Tape #3- Myofascial Pain Syndromes of the Upper Torso and Shoulder (Missing 5/2001)
Tape #4- Myofascial Pain Syndromes of the Shoulder and Arm
Tape #5- Myofascial Pain Syndromes of the Low Back and Hip
Tape #6- Myofascial Pain Syndromes of the Hip, Thigh and Calf
UNIV OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE , EMG WEST 1990 Electrodiagnostic Medicine Mar
1990, Medication Video, Bellevue WA
UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, Sexuality Issues after TBI: A Physiatric Perspective,
(materials not confirmed on shelves as of 10/2005)
AMINOFF #22: The Clinical Role of Somatosensory Evoked Potential Studies: Critical Praise
BOLTON, #17: Factors Affecting the Amplitude of Human Sensory Compound Action Potentials
BUCHTHAL, # 15: An Introduction to Electromyography
DAUBE, #11: Needle Examination in Electromyography
DENYS, #14: The Role of Temperature in Electromyography
DORFMAN, #21: The Distribution of Conduction Velocities in Peripheral Nerves: A Review
EISEN, #24: Noninvasive Measurement of Spinal Cord Conduction: Review of Presently Available Methods
EISEN, #19 The Somatosensory Evoked Potential
JABLECKI, #6: Single Fiber Electromyography
KIMURA, YAMADA, #7: Cerebral and Spinal Evoked Potentials in Evaluation of Somatosensory Pathways
MILLER, #9: Advance in Single Motor Unit Physiology
PICKETT, #5: Late Componenets of Motor Unit Potentials
SANDERS, HOWARD #25: Single Fiber Eleectromyography in Myasthenia Gravis
STALBERG, #20: Macro EMG
STOLOV, #16: Instrumentation and Measurement in Electrodiagnosis
Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Study Guide & Pretest, WB Saunders & Co, Mar 1988
Study Guide & Pretest, WB Saunders & Co, Mar 1990
Study Guide & Pretest, WB Saunders & Co, Mar 1991
Study Guide, Pretest & Posttest, Literature Review, Pretest & Posttest, WB Saunders & Co. May 1992
1996 Study Guide, WB Saunders & Co March 1996
The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
The Persistent Vegetative State, Vol 1, No. 1, Mar 1986
Minor Head Injury, Vol 1, No 2, June 1986 (Jeffrey Barth PHD- Issue Editor)
Attention and Memory, Vol 1, No 3, Sept 1986 (John Whyte, MD - Issue Editor)
Orthopedic Management, Vol 2 No 2, June 1987, (Douglas Garlend MD - Issue Editor)
Psychoparmacology, Vol 2, No 4, December 1987 (D. Nathan Cope, MD - Issue Editor)
Neuropsychological Assessment, Vol 2, No 4, Mar 1988 (Robert L. Mapou PhD - Issue Editor)
Treatment of Communicative Dysfunction, Vol 3, No 2, Jun 1988 (Chris Hagen PhD - Issue Editor)
Management of Behavior Disorders, Vol 3 No, 3, Sep 1988 (Peter Eames MRCP - Issue Editor)
Families of the Brain Injured, Vol 3, No 4, Dec 1988 (Michael R Bond MD, PhD - Issue Editor)
Ethical and Legal Issues, Vol 4, No 1, Mar 1989 (John D. Banja PhD - Issue Editor)
Visual System Dysfunction, Vol 4, No 2, Jun 1989 (Barbara Zoltan MA OTR - Issue Editor)
Cognitive Rehabilitation Vol 4, No 3, Sept 1989 (Jeffrey S. Kreutzer PhD- Issue Editor)
Study Guides on CD Rom/ Disc
Amer. Acad of PM&R - 1995 Study Guide on Disk (MacIntosh)- Neuromuscular Rehab: Electrodiag. in Joint
& Conn. Tissue (2 disks)
Amer. Acad of PM&R - 1994 Study Guide on Disk (MacIntosh)- Pain and Stroke Rehabilitation (2 disks)
Primal Pictures Ltd; Complete Human Anatomy; Primal 3D Interactive Series (9 single use CDs); 2004 ISBN 1904369-30-8
Primal Pictures Ltd; Sports Injuries Series - Knee, Foot, Ankle & Lower Leg, Shoulder; 2nd Ed; Primal 3D
Interactive Series (3 single use CDs);[No ISBN#]
Society fo Neuroscience 17th Annual Meeting, Vol. 13, Part 2, Society for Neuroscience, 1987
Society for Neuroscience 17th Annual Meeting Vol 13, Part 3, Society for Neuroscience, 1987
Society for Neuroscience 19th Annual Meeting, Vol 15, Part 1, Society for Neuroscience, 1989
Society for Neuroscience 19th Annual Meeting, Vol 15, Part 2, Society for Neuroscience, 1989
Society for Neuroscience 21st Annual Meeting, Vol 17, Part I, Society for Neuroscience, 1991
Society for Neuroscience 23rd Annual Meeting, Vol 19, Part 1, Society for Neuroscience, 1993
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, American Academy for Cerebral Palsy, 1986
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, American Academy for Cerebral Palsy, 1987
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, American Academy for Cerebral Palsy, 1979
Clinical Symposia Series Books
AGRIS, SPIRA, Pressure Ulcers: Prevention and Treatment
ALTOSE, The Physiological Basis of Pulmonary Function Testing.
BRODY, Running Injuries: Prevention and Management
BRYANT, Wound Healing
CALABRO, Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis and Management
CLOWARD Acute Cervical Spine Injuries
CONWELL, Injuries to the Elbow
CONWELL, Injuries to the Wrist
CRELIN Development of the Musculoskeletal System
CRELIN, Development of the Nervous System
DONOVAN, BEDBROOK Comprehensive Management of Spinal Cord Injury
DUVOISIN, Parkinsonism
FRIEDBERG, Tumors of the Brain
FRIEDBERG, Head Injuries
HAMILTON, Surgical Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle
HEISINGER, Congenital Dislocation of the Hip
JONES, Diseases of the Peripheral Motor Sensory Unit
KAPLAN, Osteoporosis Pathophysiology and Prevention
KEIM, Scoliosis
KEIM HA, HENSINGER RN, Spinal Deformities (Scoliosis and Kyphosis), Vol 41, No 4, 1989
KLEINERT he, KLEINERT JM, MCCABE SJ, Replantation, Vol 43, No 2, 1991
KODNER Colostomy and Ileostomy
KOFFLER Immunology of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Related Rheumatic Diseases
KRULL, FELLMAN, FABIAN White Lesions of the Mouth
LAMPE, Surgical Anatomy of the Hand
LORD, ROSATI Thoracic Outlet Syndromes
MCNEESE, HEBELER, The Abused Child: A Clinical Approach to Identification and Management
MOAKE, LEVINE Thrombotic Disorders
MOSELEY, Traumatic Disorders of the Ankle and Foot
RHOTON, JACKSON, GLEAVE, RUMBAUGH, Congenital and Traumatic Intracranial Aneurysms.
SHELDON, Blood Vessels of the Scalp and Brain
SWANSON, Congenital Limb Defects : Classification and Treatment
SWANSON, Reconstructive Surgery in the Arthritic Hand and Foot
THOMPSON, SLATER, Legg-Calve' Perthes Disease
Occupational Medicine Series
CONE JE, HODGSON MJ, Problem Buildings: Building- Associated Illness and the Sick Building
Syndrome Vol 4, No. 4, Oct - Dec 1989
CORDES DH, REA DF, Health Hazards of Farming Vol 6., No. 3, Jul Sep 1991
DEYO RA, Back Pain in Workers Vol 3, No. 1, Jan Mar 1988
EMMETT EA, Health Problems of Health Care Workers Vol 2, No 3 Jul - Sept 1987
Mar 1989
The Management Perspective Vol 4., No 1, Jan -
HIMMELSTEIN JS, PRANSKY GS, Worker Fitness an Risk Evaluations Vol 3, No 2, Apr - Jun 1988
KASDAN ML, Occupational Hand Injuries , Vol 4, No 3, Jul - Swpt 1989
REMPEL D, Medical Surveillance in the Workplace Vol 5, No 3, Jul Sept 1990
SCOFIELD MD, Worksite Health Promotion , Vol 5, No 4, Oct - Dec 1990