St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Curriculum Policy Document Reviewed June 2014 St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Contents Introduction 4 The ethos of the school 5 The school as a learning community 6 Curriculum organisation and planning 7 Assessment 11 Equality of opportunity 12 St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Introduction The Curriculum Policy document sets out the beliefs of the school, informed by the school’s Mission Statement, about the needs of children and adults as learners and is an attempt to provide a framework within which individual areas of the school’s curriculum will fit. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is a Roman Catholic Church Academy, and part of a partnership with the Diocese of Clifton. Within this Christian ethos, the Governing Body, the Headteacher and the staff accept their responsibility for the part they play in promoting the spiritual, social, cultural, intellectual and physical development of all the children in the school community. This Curriculum Policy sets out the Governing Body’s “written statement of what, in their opinion, should be the aims of the secular curriculum for the school.” (Education Act 1996) In this school where the class teacher is responsible for so much of the delivery of the curriculum, a sound basis is provided for developing an appreciation of the wholeness of learning within children. The school uses a variety of approaches to children’s learning using class, group and individual teaching as appropriate. All are encouraged to respect their own and each others’ efforts in all activities. Sometimes areas of learning are taught as separate subjects, but the school does not see learning as always falling into neatly separate compartments and often uses topics, centres of interest and even answering a whole school big question as vehicles for learning. Work and play are not seen as opposites, but as complementary. Learning throughout the school is seen as a purposeful activity. Opportunities for co-operation, collaboration and working together are encouraged since they enhance the values that are a reflection of the Gospel. As children grow, develop their gifts and begin to realize their God given potential, all learners, including the teachers, are empowered. This experience affirms the worth of each individual and deepens relationships within the school. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE The ethos of the school St Mary’s puts great store by the ethos or “spirit” of the school seeing this as the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the school community. Indeed our Mission Statement states right at the beginning, “Where two or thee are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” The quality of relationships within the school reflects the openness of the school to the presence of the Holy Spirit. The school endeavours, through its range of teaching styles and learning experiences, to give confidence to both children and adults alike. The spirit and ethos of the school does not come about by accident. It results from: A conscious pursuit of specific values; A determination of clear priorities of what is taught and how; The way in which the school is governed, managed and organised; The relationship the school has with the parish of St Mary’s, its sister school StCatherine’s, the local community and with the global community. These things come about not just from written policies but from a living faith. We will ensure that those areas of the curriculum which enhance the spiritual will be adequately experienced, particularly music, art, literature and dance. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE The school as a Learning Community The school should have an atmosphere of orderliness, involvement and courtesy, with children moving around purposefully in the course of their learning. Voices should be calm, and there should be constant sharing and mutual help. Children should be enthusiastic about what they are learning and should be able to convey this when speaking to others about it. The surroundings and artefacts, inside and outside the school, should be in keeping with education and there should be many things which add interest and stimulus to the learning environment. Thought, reason and careful observation will be pursued in a desire which is to be shared by all, children and adults alike. Standards of excellence will be pursued by all. The whole school and its surroundings are seen as a learning environment, where learning experiences should be planned, purposeful and organised, yet still allow for spontaneity. The work of all within the school is to be valued. Materials, equipment and resources should be of the highest quality, suited to their purpose and selected to enrich the learning environment. The school is seen as an extension of home. The school environment is planned to influence, to provide opportunities for choice within an appropriate and carefully devised range and to produce a climate where children experience a mature pattern of social relationships and catch a sense of standard and judgement in this pattern, as well as in their work. What is taught is to be matched to all children according to their individual and group needs, and aimed to develop the whole child. Children must be engaged in their own learning, and have understanding of the purpose of particular activites and its relevance to the learning outcome. St Mary’s school sets out to provide an environment in which children are encouraged to develop in a way appropriate to them. As far as possible, there should be opportunities for first hand experience using educational visits, field trips and the school environment as well as individual discovery. Creativity in the classroom and within the curriculum is to be encouraged and the development of reading skills and a love of reading are given special emphasis. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Curriculum Organisation and planning. During the school year 2010-2011 a detailed review took place of the structure of the school which in turn altered not only of the long term planning structure but also the medium term planning. The school has moved away from a curriculum that was subject based, relying heavily on the QCA subject schemes of work, to a thematic topic approach making cross curricular links whenever possible; the areas of learning being taken from the Rose Report of 2010. This provides an integrated approach towards learning and allows for cross curricular writing to take place at every opportunity. Foundation Stage The children who are in the Reception class will follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum as set out by the Standards and Testing Agency and leads to the compilation of the Foundation Stage Profile throughout the year. The three prime areas are: Communication and Language; Physical Development; Personal, Social and Emotional Development. These prime areas are then strengthened through four specific areas of: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding of the World; Expressive arts and design Any topics will be developed through these learning goals. Lower Learning Phase Children in Year One will follow the Primary Framework for Literacy and Mathematics as well as using topics to cover History, Geography and Science (the learning area Knowledge and Understanding of the World.) These topic titles can be decided by the class teacher but the topic title must be sufficiently broad enough to be able to link different subject areas. History should be taught through a skills approach using chronology, empathy, cause and effect and fact and opinion. The children should learn about famous people and events as well as how children lived long ago, how homes were different, how materials have changed, how transport has changed etc. Geography should be taught through an investigative skills approach. Field work should be used to learn about location, place and direction, finding ways around the school, using the school environment as well as simple maps and routes. This should then be extended beyond the school gate so that a comparison can be made of a location beyond the school. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Science should be incorporated into these topics through looking at the content of the scheme of work introduced to the school by Dr Tom Robson, Head of Teaching and Learning for Wiltshire LA, in November 2009. Planning as far as possible should be done collaboratively with colleagues. A topic could be, for instance: based around a story book; based around a fairy tale; anything to do with change; anything to do with movement; anything to do with creation and living things; about the environment; about the local area; all about me. This list is not exhaustive. Middle Learning Phase The learning area, Knowledge and Understanding of the World will be covered using the main subjects of History, Geography and Science throughout the year. Again a skills approach to History using chronology, empathy, cause and effect, fact and opinion should be used using both primary and secondary sources rather than historical facts. A book topic is also included in the long term planning so that more cross-curricular leaning can take place. The phase operates a three year rolling programme so that children do not repeat the same topic within their three years in the Middle Learning Phase. History Ancient Egypt, Invaders and Settlers, Aztecs Geography India/Kenya, Weather, Improving the Environment, Settlement Science The topics for science will be taken from Dr Tom Robson’s scheme of work appropriate for the year and year group. BookTopic Each year a book will be chosen by the team to study in depth. These will change from year to year and may include the following authors; Dick King Smith, C S Lewis, Roald Dahl (this list is not exhaustive) St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Upper Learning Phase The learning area, Knowledge and Understanding of the World will be covered using the main subjects of History, Geography and Science throughout the year. Again a skills approach to History using chronology, empathy, cause and effect, fact and opinion should be used using both primary and secondary sources rather than historical facts. A book topic is also included in the long term planning so that more cross-curricular leaning can take place. History Tudors, Tudor Exploration, Victorians, Britain since 1930s Geography Contrasting local area with an area of similar population, a residential visit, (field study work to be used as far as possible and an investigative approach is to be taken), rivers and mountains Science The topics for science will be taken from Dr Tom Robson’s scheme of work appropriate for the year and year group. Book Topic Each year a book will be chosen by the team to study in depth. These will change from year to year and may include the following Skellig, Kensuke’s Kingdom, Holes, Journey to Jo’burg (this list is not exhaustive) Core subjects will be taught discretely when necessary, excluding ICT which will take a cross curricular approach. Physical Education will also be taught discretely with Dance being incorporated into Topic or R.E. Design Technology, MFL, Music and Art and Design will be integrated into topics. P.S.H.E. will be taught in three ways either through Topic (if appropriate) R.E. or discretely. Literacy and Mathematics All classes will use the Primary Framework for Literacy and Maths. This will ensure coverage for mixed year classes. Layered targets of MUST, SHOULD and COULD are to be used in classes and these can be taken from the Primary Framework. Weekly planning books are to be handed in each Monday. These books will use a prescribed format setting out the learning objectives to be covered each weekly for each of the core subjects with R.E. being the lead subject. Topic webs and aims of each topic are to be displayed in the staff room to inform others of what is being covered in different areas of learning. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Medium Term Planning Medium term planning takes place according to an agreed whole school format. This format gives: An outline of the topic to be covered; A topic web with cross curricular links; The learning objectives to be covered in each of the areas suggested by the Rose Report; A cross curricular checks. Copy enclosed Appendix A All teachers plan within their Learning Phase and each Team Leader within the Learning Phase will meet with the Headteacher in terms 1, 3 and 5 to discuss planning. Short Term Planning Teachers’ weekly plans are written in a spiral bound book to an agreed format. The learning objectives of the core subjects, Religious Education, English, Mathematics and Information Communications Technology are written on the left hand side of the page. Before the learning objectives are written, there is a heading, “Implications from last week’s learning” in which the class teacher records anything of significance. There is also a section for direction and deployment of Teaching Assistants under how support is given in class, this may also include opportunities for differentiation. Weekly short term plans are submitted to the Lead Teacher of each Learning Phase to be monitored and signed. Teachers are free to write their daily plans in their own way. Opportunities for Differentiation All teachers should be aware of children with particular needs and make appropriate provision for them in their planning and through the deployment of their Teaching Assistant. They should also keep in mind the barriers to learning that affect children with dyslexia. For example, all photocopying should be done on light blue paper, font used should be Comic Sans MS and a visual timetable should be displayed in each classroom. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Links with Special Educational Needs All class teachers should make themselves familiar with the school’s policy for Special Educational Needs and keep it in mind when planning for particular children’s needs. Planning the curriculum should always take into account its accessibility to children who are placed on the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs. This is also the case when considering any barriers to learning caused by disability of any kind. In class support by Teaching Assistants should always be planned for and written up in the weekly planning book. Any withdrawal from class should be done not just for isolated literacy skills, but always for a purpose and not at the expense of foundations subjects Assessment Assessment is the process by which teachers and children gain insight into learning. The school’s assessment policy details two main types of assessment, formative and summative. Good assessment practice uses a variety of techniques, is used to inform planning and has a clear purpose. In addition to statutory assessments at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2, the following opportunities for assessment are common practice in the school: Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 participate in assessments in December, February and June; Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 participate in end of year optional SATs; All pupil performance, according to optional SATs is tracked in December, February and June. A Teacher Development Day is held at the end of June to look at each child’s progress. It is at this T.D. day that certain children’s performance will be targeted during the next school year; At least one piece of work per term for English is assessed against the APP guidelines for children in Middle and Upper Learning Phases. Mathematical assessments are undertaken throughout the year and again are assessed against APP guidelines Individual pupil reports are provided annually to parents; Moderation meetings within each Learning Phase are held regularly to agree standards. All staff are involved in the marking of Key Stage 1 SATs. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Equality of Opportunity Equality of opportunity underpins our school community and its curriculum. Teachers aim to give every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible. Equality of opportunity extends to gender, ethnicity, learning disability of any kind, including dyslexia and dyscalculia as well as physical disability. Equality of opportunity extends to all members of our school community. Children bring different experiences, interests and strengths to school, which influence the way they learn. Teachers should aim to create learning environments in which: The contribution of all children is valued; All children feel secure and are able to contribute appropriately; Stereotypical views are challenged and children learn to appreciate and view positively the differences in others, whether arising from race, gender, disability or ability. Different learning styles are catered for whether kinesthetic, visual or auditory. St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Homework It should be noted that homework can be set in many different forms with many different expectations and outcomes. It is important to remember that when expecting and setting homework there are a number of points to consider:1. The nature and type of homework changes throughout a pupil’s school career 2. Amount and frequency of homework could increase as the pupil gets older. 3. It will not necessarily come in the form of a written task. Recommended Time Allocation Homework should never be too onorous nor should it create stress within a family. If parents have any concerns they should not hesitate to contact the school. Normally, more than one day will be allowed for the completion of a homework task, except where daily practice is to be encouraged e.g. reading, spelling and times tables. The following are government recommendations as appropriate time allocations for homework activities. Years 1 and 2 Years 3 and 4 Years 4 and 5 1 hour per week 1.5 hours per week 30 minutes per day Homework Tasks Listed below, for each Learning Phase, are a number of example tasks and activities that might be given as homework. This is by no means an exhaustive list and is open to constatnt change, although many of these tasks and activities will be used on a regular basis. Homework activities will change to meet the needs of the pupils involved and activities that might be occurring in class. All homework tasks and activities will have a clear purpose and assist pupils in the process of their academic development. Foundation Stage These may include: Reading books Counting up and down stairs Reciting nursery rhymes Identification of shapes in the environment Letter and rhyme of the week Fastening and unfastening buttons and zips and tying shoelaces Lower Learning Phase These may include: Reading Spellings Literacy activities St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE Numeracy activities Real life numeracy related problems e.g. shopping, car, bus and house numbers etc. Middle Learning Phase These may include: Reading Spelling Researching a topic Literacy activities – either preliminary pieces of work or follow-up work Numeracy activities – learning tables, practicing calculations strategies Upper Learning Phase These may include: Reading Learning spellings ‘Talk Homework’ that involves discussin the focus for a future piece of writing Handwriting practice Reading comprehension activities Planned pieces of writing Planning presentations Researching topic Learning times tables Learning number facts and number bonds Practising calculation strategies learned in class St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the trading name of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School (Academy Trust), Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 07697658, registered office Bessemer Road East, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1PE