Race Equality Scheme and Action Plan

University of Portsmouth
Full Equality Impact Assessment
Final Report
Department or Faculty:
Equality & Diversity Unit
Item facing assessment:
Race Equality Policy and Action Plan
Lead assessor:
Date of publication:
Alexandra Muir-Mackenzie
Who was involved in
the assessment?
Alexandra Muir-Mackenzie, Equality & Diversity
Adviser, undertook the assessment with support
from Tom Lewis,
Hiten Shah, Equality & Diversity Consultant held
focus groups with action owners from the REP
Action Plan, and several staff forums.
All staff forums/networks, the trade unions, Students’
Union, Chaplaincy and a range of other staff from
key departments were involved via the Single
Equality Scheme Steering Group and Equality &
Diversity Committee
In addition to the involvement stated above the assessment has also involved two EIA panels
(made up of staff and student volunteers of a variety of ages, races, religions, sexual
orientations, disability statuses and genders) and at least one member of the University's
Equality & Diversity Unit. For More Information on EIA Panels please see the document:
Information on EIA Assessment Panels
What are the potential effects of the item on equality target groups?
The REP should be having a significant positive impact on staff and students
from minority ethnic groups. The Race Equality Policy (REP) and Action Plan
has raised awareness across the University of issues for staff and students on
the grounds of ethnicity and religion. It has led to an improvement in policy
and practise in those areas where consultation or equal opportunities
monitoring had indicated there were issues of inequality.
Which of the following evidences were used to assess the effects of the item?
Brief description
Three years equal opportunities monitoring data
Three years equality and diversity annual
Staff satisfaction survey and National students
What conclusions were drawn from the evidence?
The REP Action Plan contains 82 actions of which, 75 have been completed
or been substantially progressed. Actions on reporting hate racial incidents
have fared poorly as no work has been undertaken to improve the existing
University of Portsmouth
Full Equality Impact Assessment
Final Report
poorly used process.
Monitoring shows there are 3 areas where BME students have, year on year,
done less well than white students: withdrawals; attainment; and employment.
What adjustments to the policy and/or initiatives will be undertaken based on
the conclusions drawn above?
Initiative 1
The Single Equality Scheme replacing the DES will
include a glossary explaining acronyms.
Initiative 2
A “Key facts about the University” leaflet is being
considered by the Equality and Diversity Unit.
Initiative 3
September 2010
February 2011
Initiative 4
Initiative 5
The above form is an easily digestible summary of the EIA's findings and the
action taken to either promote equality or to eliminate discrimination.
However, much more information was used in coming to the conclusions seen
and - subject to confidentiality - this is available upon request from the
University's Equality & Diversity Unit.