Heartland Community College Student Course Syllabus Technology Division CSCI-101 04 Introduction to Computers and Information Science Credit Hours: 4 Days and times the class meets: Wednesday, 6:00pm – 8:40pm, starting January 15, 2003. Location of Class: 1226 Towanda Plaza RM 215 Catalog Description: This course introduces the student to basic computer concepts, as well as the functionality of the Microsoft Office Suite. Students of this course will develop the skills necessary to prepare them for the Microsoft Office User Specialist (MOUS) Certification. Instructor Information: Name: Rich Gordon Phone number: 309-888-4184 Email address: gordonrichard@yahoo.com (Preferred mode of communication. For this class you need to have your own email account. Please send instructor an Email during or after the first night of class.) Other Work Location: Bloomington H.S. Phone # 309-828-5201ext 1224 Textbooks and Supplies: The textbook for this class is suggested but not required. A decision for the textbook should be made after the first night of class. The textbook that will be used is “The Right Phit”, Prentice Hall Information Technology Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer: CSCI 101 fulfills 4 hours of credit for the A.A.S. degree. It should transfer to most colleges and universities as an elective course. Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes) At the completion of this course, the student should be able to: Assessment Tool 1. Describe and discuss basic computer literacy concepts including hardware, software, communications, and systems development Exams 2. Comfortably get around the Windows NT operating system. Exams and homework 3. Use MS Word to efficiently create documents. Exams and homework 4. Use MS Excel to efficiently create spreadsheets. Exams and homework 5. Use MS PowerPoint to efficiently create presentations. Exams and homework 1 6. Use MS Access to efficiently create databases. Exams and homework 7. Create web pages using HTML and MS FrontPage. Exams and homework COURSE/LAB OUTLINE: 1. Lectures on computer literacy including hardware, software, communications, and systems development 2. MS Word 3. MS Excel 4. MS PowerPoint 5. MS Access 6. World Wide Web 7. HTML 8. MS Front Page Method of Evaluation: Students will be evaluated by examinations on the basis of their participation and performance on the class bonus projects, book projects and exams. The traditional grading scale of 90% A, 80% B, 70% C, 60% D will be used. Students can elect to take tests at anytime during the semester. E Evaluation Area Points % Ttl Pts. Comprehensive Final Exam 100 pts 20% 100 MOUS Tests 100 points each 80% 400 100% 500 Total Participation and Attendance: Students are encouraged to attend every class. Incompletes: Students need to complete all 5 evaluation instruments in order to obtain credit in the class. Extra Credit: Projects from your textbook will be used to introduce each of the MOUS programs. Students completing Project Work for each test area will receive 2 2 bonus points for each project completed (up to 6% to the test score) in each MOUS area. Students will need to turn in printouts of their work in each project area in order to credit. Book work is optional, however as a prerequisite to taking the Core Test, students must complete Practice test for each test area. Students completing Practice tests may retake any core MOUS test. Any student not completing Practice Tests may take the Core Test but NO RETAKES will be allowed. All tests must be taken on the date assigned unless otherwise approved by instructor. In addition, “In Class Bonus” projects worth up to 6 pts will be offered during the semester for extra points. The “In Class Bonus” Projects can only be done during class time and cannot be made up or taken with. Make-up of Tests and Assignments: Make up of tests and assignments must be arranged with the instructor before the test otherwise all students are expected to complete the evaluation at the time it is assigned. Required Writing and Reading: As Assigned Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of collegial life at Heartland Community College and is essential to the credibility of the College’s educational programs. Moreover, because grading may be competitive, students who misrepresent their academic work violate the right of their fellow students. The College, therefore, views any act of academic dishonest as a serious offense requiring disciplinary measures, including course failure, suspension, and even expulsion from the College. In addition, an act of academic dishonesty may have unforeseen effects far beyond any officially imposed penalties. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to cheating, aiding or suborning cheating or other acts of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, misrepresentation of data, falsification of academic records or documents and unauthorized access to computerized academic or administrative records or systems. Definitions of these violations may be found in the college catalog. Academic Support Services: Heartland Community College offers learning assistance in various forms at no cost to Heartland students at the Academic Support Center (ASC) in Bloomington and at the Pontiac and Lincoln Centers. Tutors are available at convenient times throughout the week. Study groups, group tutoring facilitated by a specially-trained tutor, are also available by request. Help is also provided through instructional materials, study skills workshops, open computing, and the Library. For more information about services available at each location, please call the ASC in Bloomington at (309) 827-0500, ext. 429; the Pontiac Center (815) 842-6777; or the Lincoln Center (217) 735-1731. Course Topic Outline and Calendar: Topics Guide and Schedule: Week # Date Topic Student Assignment 3 1 1/15/03 Class Introduction / System Programs/Computer System Overview, MOUS 2 1/22/03 3 1/29/03 Computer Literacy, History, Email, Ms Word 2000 Intro Computer CPU, Advanced Word. 4 2/05/03 Core Test #1 Word Word Core & Expert Test (1st Test) 5 2/12/03 Excel Project 1, Word Test Retake, In Class Bonus. 6 2/19/03 Computer Literacy, Input, Output, and Storage Devices. Intro to Excel Internet Overview Excel Advanced 7 2/26/03 Core Test #2 Excel Excel Core & Expert Test (2nd Test) 8 3/05/03 Web Page Design, Front Page, HTML Introduce Access Access Practice Test, Excel Test Retake, In Class Bonus 9 No Class on the 3/12 HCC Spring Break 3/19/03 Access Practice Test, In Class Bonus 10 No Class on the 3/26 D87 Spring Break 4/02/03 Communications and Connectivity, Advanced Access Access Practice Test 11 4/9/03 Computer Literacy, Privacy Laws, Ergonomics, Security. Access Advanced. Core Test #3 Access 12 4/16/03 13 4/23/03 PowerPoint Practice Test and Access Retake, In Class Bonus Power Point Practice Test. In Class Bonus. 14 4/30/03 Programming, Introduction to PowerPoint Computer Literacy, Information Systems PowerPoint Advanced Core Test #4, PowerPoint 15 5/07/03 Review 16 5/14/03 Final Make Up Testing, Can Take Final Exam if you choose after Review. Plan for at Least One Hour. Computer Literacy & Mous Programs Final Exam 4 Operating Systems—Complete Project One In Class, Set up & Use personal Email Account. Send intro email to gordonrichard@yahoo.com Word Intro and Review, In Class Bonus Word Practice Test—In Class Bonus Excel Practice on your Own. Access Core & Expert Test (3rd Test) PowerPoint Core & Expert 4th Test 5