Kernel and Image of Linear Mappings

IV Image and Kernel of Linear Transformations
In the last class, we looked at the linearity of this function:
F : R3  R2
How does a 3 dimensional space get ‘mapped into’ a 2 dimensional space? At least one
dimension ‘collapses’, or disappears.
Let F : Rn  Rm be a linear mapping.
The image of the linear transformation F (Im F) is the set of image points in Rm. That is,
Im F = u  R m | there exists v  R n such that F v   u
non-linear example:
f(x) = sin(x)
the image is the interval (-1,1)
Consider F: R2  R2 given by F(x,y)=(-y,x). (rotation by 90 degrees)
Im F = entire plane, every point in R2.
Choose an arbitrary point (a,b), then the point (b,-a) will map there.
Consider F: R2  R2 given by F(x,y)=(x,x).
This is the projection onto the line x=y.
Im F = single line in R2 (the line x=y).
Choose an arbitrary point (a,a) on the line, then any point (a,*) will map there.
Consider F: R2  R2 given by F(x,y)=(0,0).
This is a map to the zero vector.
Im F = single point in R2 (the point (0,0)).
Consider F: R2  R3 given by F(x,y)=(2x,2y,x-2y).
Note that a two-dimensional space has been mapped into a 3 dimensional space.
The image of a linear transformation T: Rn  Rm is the span of the images of a set of
basis vectors in Rn. In particular, if T(x)=Ax the image is the span of the column vectors
of A. (Note the dimension of the span is equal to the rank of A).
Proof: We need to prove that the span of the images of a set of basis vectors in Rn span
the entire image of T. In other words that any uIm F is in their span.
Suppose e1,e1,…,en form a standard basis for Rn and T(e1), T(e2) … ,T(en) denotes their
images. Note that A is constructed as A= T (e1 ) T (e2 ) ... T (en ) , so the columns of A
are the images of each basis vector. We choose a random vector uIm T. By definition of
being in the image, there exists a vector u Rn such that T(v)=u. Since e1,e1,…,en form a
standard basis, u=k1e1+k2e2+…+knen for some scalars ki.
By linearity, T(v)= T(k1e1+k2e2+…+knen)= k1T(e1)+k2 T(e2)+…+kn T(en) and thus
u=T(v) is in the span of T(e1), T(e2) … ,T(en).
Interpretation: We need only look at the images of a set of basis vectors to determine the
span of the image of a transformation. Each basis vector in Rn may generate a linearly
independent image vector, so that the dimension of the image is always  dimension of
the preimage.
F: R2  R3 given by F(x,y)=(2x,2y,x-2y).
These two vectors form a span for the image. The image is 2 dimensional, as expected.
image is spanned by { (2,0,1),(0,2,-2)}
after row reduction, image is spanned by { (1,0,.5),(0,1,-1)} and the image is 2D.
Example (#10)
F : R3  R2
Let’s look at the map of the basis vectors:
The image = span { (1,2),(1,-3),(1,4)}
After row reduction,
the image = span ( (1,0),(0.1))
A basis of the image = (1,0),(0,1) and it has
dimension 2.
The first two basis vectors map to linearly independent image vectors! By considering all
linear combinations, we can reach every point in R2. But the third basis vector maps to a
linearly dependent image vector, and thus overlays points on the same set.
(For example F(2,2,0)=(4,-2) but also F(9,0,-5)=(4,-2).)
Let F : Rn  Rm be a linear mapping. The kernel of F, written Ker F, is the set of
elements in Rn that map into the zero vector in Rm.
In particular, if F(x)=Ax the kernel of F is the set of solutions to Ax=0.
F : R3  R2
The kernel will be the set of solutions to F(x,y,z)=0.
(#10) F(x,y,z)=(x+y+z,2x-3y+4z) = (0,0,0)
1 1 1 0 1 0 7 5 0
2  3 4 0 0 1  2 5 0
 x  0  7 
 y   0  s  2
     
  7 
The kernel is the set S= s    and has dimension 1.
  2 
Note: The dimension of the image was 2, and the dimension of the kernel was 1, which
adds up to 3.
The image and the kernel of a linear transformation are subspaces and their dimensions
sum to n.
This is just another statement of the rank nullity theorem.
In detail:
A transformation can be described as Ax=T.
Rank = num of linearly independent column vectors of A = dimension of the image
(since the span of the columns of A is the image of T)
nullity = num of columns that don’t have pivots = dimension of the kernel
(since each column without a pivot generates a free variable
in the solution to Ax=0)