ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Information Security Guideline no. 117– Cryptography Scope 1 The definition of “personal data” is complex, but for day-to-day purposes it is advisable to treat all information about living, identifiable individuals as “personal data”. It is also important to be aware that some personal data is also classified as ‘Sensitive Personal Data’ in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This is personal data relating to racial or ethnic origin, religion, political opinions, physical or mental health, trade union membership, sexual life or criminal offences. Sensitive Personal Data should be treated with even greater care than other personal data. 2 For the purposes of this guideline, personal data and business information might be in a variety of formats, including but not limited to email, word processed documents, spreadsheets and databases. 3 Failure to comply with this guideline could expose Anglia Ruskin University, its staff or students to risks including fraud, identity theft and distress, or damage our reputation and its relationship with its stakeholders, including research funders. The Information Commissioner (ICO) can also levy fines on public bodies including us, of up to £500,000. For example, in November 2010 the ICO imposed a fine of £100,000 on a local authority for sending a fax containing highly sensitive information to the wrong recipient on two separate occasions. 4 The seventh principle of the Data Protection Act 1998 relates to the security of personal data and sets out how organisations should use personal data. It states, “Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.” 5 This guideline provides guidance for staff on how to make a judgement as to what measures are appropriate in particular circumstances when using, transporting or storing personal data or highly sensitive information outside our computing environment. The basic principle is that Anglia Ruskin University data should not be taken off-site unless for university business e.g. on a laptop. In this case, personal data or sensitive personal data must be encrypted using our standard encryption software which is available from our IT Services support desk. This guideline is mandated by the Office of the Secretary and Clerk and implemented by IT Services. 6 Medium and high risk personal data or business information must be encrypted if it leaves the university environment. 7 IT Services have licensed a file encryption software that will protect files held on laptops and USB sticks. This is available on request. Key principles 8. The following key principles underpin our guidelines on the storage, transmission and use of personal data and sensitive business information ARU - Version 05 -May 2012 1 ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Information Security Guideline no. 117– Cryptography out with our computing environment. All staff must comply with these principles when using mobile devices and portable storage media or otherwise removing information out with our computing environment. a. Avoid using personal data wherever possible. b. If the use of personal data is unavoidable, consider partially or fully anonymising the information to obscure the identity of the individuals concerned. c. Use our secure shared drives to store and access personal data and sensitive business information, ensuring that only those who need to use this information have access to it. d. Use remote access facilities to access personal data and sensitive business information on the central server instead of transporting it on mobile devices and portable media or using third party hosting services. e. If there is no option but to use mobile devices, portable media or email for high and medium risk personal data or business information, encryption software should be utilised. This is available, on request, from IT Services. f. Personal equipment (such as home PCs or personal USB sticks) or third party hosting services (such as Google Mail) should not be used for high or medium risk personal data or business information. g. If email is used to send personal data or business information outside the university environment, it should be encrypted. If you are sending unencrypted personal data or business information to another university email account, indicate in the email title that the email contains sensitive information so that the recipient can exercise caution about where they open it. h. Do not use high or medium risk personal data or business information in public places. When accessing email remotely, exercise caution to ensure that you do not download unencrypted high or medium risk personal data or business information to an insecure device. i. Consider the physical security of personal data or business information, for example use locked filing cabinets/cupboards for storage. j. The fifth principle of the Data Protection Act 1998 states that personal data processed for any purpose or purposes should not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose or purposes. It is therefore important to implement our retention and disposal policies so that personal data and sensitive business information is not kept for longer than necessary. For information relating to the current Retention of Records schedule please refer to Appendix G of the Financial Regulations (on the Finance website). If there is no suitable retention and disposal policy in place for a particular document, contact the ARU - Version 05 -May 2012 2 ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY Information Security Guideline no. 117– Cryptography University Records Manager, Jackie Barlow to arrange for one to be put in place. ARU - Version 05 -May 2012 3