Police Report of Death for the Coroner (Coroners Act 1995, Coroners Rules 2006, Rule 4) SECTION 1 – DECEASED’S DETAILS Deceased’s Demographics Coroner’s case number Gender Male Surname Female Unknown Given names Aliases (if known) Date of death (between) Marital status Never Married Date of birth Married (including defacto) Widowed Age Divorced Usual address Unknown Suburb/Town State Residency Permanent Separated Country Itinerant Homeless Interstate Visitor Postcode Overseas Visitor Unknown Country of birth Town/City Usual occupation (during working life) Employment status Was deceased from non-English speaking background Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify) Was deceased of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin (if both, tick ‘yes’ to both) (Note: This question is worded to be consistent with Australian Bureau of Statistics requirements) No Yes, Aboriginal origin Yes, Torres Strait Islander Origin Were there other deaths associated with this incident Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify how many) Medical Information Did an ambulance attend the scene Unknown No Yes Was deceased treated by ambulance officers Unknown No Yes Were drugs administered by medic/paramedic prior to death Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify) Usual treating doctor’s name (and relevant specialist practitioners) Doctor’s address Date last visited doctor Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Doctor’s contact number Will doctor certify cause of death No Yes Not Known Page 1 of 13 Date doctor spoken to Time doctor spoken to Discussion details (If not spoken to, detail what attempts were made to identify and speak with doctor) Known medical history Unknown No known history Yes (If Yes, specify) Was deceased known to be currently on prescribed medication Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify) Was deceased currently on contraceptive medication Unknown No Yes (specify below) Not applicable Contraceptive medication used by deceased Duration contraceptive medication used Has the deceased any surgical implants Unknown No Yes If yes, specify surgical implants Cardiac Pacemaker Cardiac Defibrillator Surgical Implants (e.g. joint replacements) Other (specify) Was deceased a smoker Unknown No Yes (If yes, specify daily quantity and duration) Was deceased suspected of having an infectious disease at time of death Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify) History Did the deceased have a known history of any of the following (Source of information may include medical record, police record, other official record, family/friends) Criminal Record Intellectual Disability Time in Custody Time in Mental Health Institution Depression (detail source) Psychiatric Illness (detail source) Release from an institution within the last week (detail type) SECTION 2 – LOCATION OF DEATH (TICK ONE BOX ONLY) Home Recreation area Sport or Athletics Area Street or Highway Trade or Service Area Mine or Quarry Unknown School / Other Institution / Public Administration Area Correctional Facility (e.g. prison, youth training centre) Residential Facility (e.g. retirement village) Farm (not including farm house) Hospital or other Health Service Industrial or Construction Area Other (specify) SECTION 3 – ACTIVITY AT TIME OF INCIDENT (TICK ONE BOX ONLY) Leisure Activity Domestic Duties Nursed / Cared For Other (specify) Sports and Active Recreation Engaged in Formal Education (student) Resting / Sleeping / Eating / Personal Activity Working for Income Volunteer Work Unknown SECTION 4 – CAUSE OF DEATH DETAILS Apparent Case Type Suspected Suicide Homicide Accident Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Natural Unknown Page 2 of 13 Is this death directly related to family violence? No Yes (If yes, provide FVMS number) Apparent Cause of Death Incident Circumstances (tick one or more boxes and ensure you complete the addition section as specified) Natural Drowning / Water Related Death (section 15) Work Related Death (section 8) Unexpected Infant / Child Death (section 16) Hospital Death Consumer Product Related Death (section 9) Death Involving an Anaesthetic Death Involving a Weapon / Firearm (section 10) Hanging Death Fire / Burn Related Death (section 11) Homicide Transport Related Death (section 12) Missing Person Drug / Alcohol / Poison Related Death (section 14) Suspected Suicide (section 13) Unknown Other (specify, e.g. electrocution, fall, sporting) SECTION 5 – INCIDENT DETAILS Coroner’s case number CACS number Incident date Approximate incident time Offence Report number Location address Suburb/Town State Postcode Found Dead / Dying Date Approximate time Location address Suburb/Town State Postcode Found By (name) Phone (home) Phone (mobile) Address Postcode Last Seen Alive Date Approximate time Location address Suburb/Town State Last Seen By (name) Phone (home) Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Postcode Relationship Phone (mobile) Page 3 of 13 Address Postcode Next of Kin details Senior Next of Kin Title Mr Relationship to deceased Phone (work) Mrs Miss Phone (home) Ms Phone (mobile) Address Postcode Does the senior next of kin object to post mortem No Yes (if yes, a written objection is required) Does the senior next of kin authorise disposal of clothing worn by the deceased No Yes Identification details Has deceased been identified No Yes If ‘Yes’ (deceased has been identified) by whom Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Relationship Phone Address Postcode If ‘No’ (deceased has not been identified) have arrangements been made for identification No Yes If ‘Yes’ (arrangements have been made for identification of deceased) by whom No Yes Relationship Phone Address Postcode SECTION 6 – SUMMARY OF INCIDENT Have or will charges be laid in relation to the death Unknown No Yes (If Yes, detail charges) Summary of circumstances (full and comprehensive details of events leading to the death and of the scene) Items taken possession of (include Property Receipt(s) and location details) Was a Daily Incident Sheet submitted? No Yes (If Yes, attach a copy of the incident sheet) Did CIB/DIS attend? No Yes (If Yes, specify who attended) Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 4 of 13 SECTION 7 – REPORTING INFORMATION Name of person reporting death to police Date Time Phone Address Postcode Reporting Police Member Details Surname Given name Rank Badge number Station Phone Fax Signature Investigating Police Officer Surname Given name Rank Badge number Station Phone Fax Signature SECTION 8 – WORK-RELATED DEATH (at work, travelling to/from work or travelling as part of work) Did death occur while Working (includes travelling for work) Not known if working or commuting Travelling to/from work (commuting) Occupation at time of death (if different from usual occupation) Industry Were Workplace Standards notified? No Yes Are Workplace Standards investigating death? No Yes SECTION 9 – CONSUMER PRODUCT-RELATED DEATH Did the death involve any of the following in relation to a product or safety device? Defect Malfunction Misuse Design Fault Inherent Safety Problem Other Problem (specify) Type and description of product Make and model of product Approximate age of product Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Place of purchase Page 5 of 13 SECTION 10 – DEATH INVOLVING A WEAPON/FIREARM Type of weapon Firearm (complete 10.1) Other weapon (specify) Who inflicted fatal wound Deceased Other person Unknown 10.1 Firearm Type of firearm (e.g. make, model, type, action, calibre, category) Was the firearm registered Unknown No Yes If Yes, to whom Deceased User (if not deceased) Other Unknown Was the user licensed to use that category of firearm? Unknown No Yes SECTION 11 – FIRE/BURN RELATED DEATH Setting of incident Private Building Public Building Outdoor Area Other (specify) If Building, were smoke alarms present? Unknown No Yes If Yes, were they activated? Unknown No Yes Was a sprinkler system present? Unknown No Yes If Yes, was it activated? Unknown No Yes Were there barriers to escape? Unknown No Yes If Yes, specify Locked exits Barred windows Other (specify) SECTION 12 – TRANSPORT-RELATED DEATH (does not include water-vessel. Describe road/trail and weather conditions in summary of incident) Types of vehicles involved in incident Motor Vehicle Motor Cycle Other (specify) Number of vehicles involved Role of the deceased at time of incident? Driver / Rider or Pilot Passenger Tram/light rail Train Aircraft Bicycle Area speed limit Pedestrian Cyclist Other (specify) Is drug/alcohol involvement suspected? Unknown No Yes Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 6 of 13 Vehicle/Aircraft Descriptions Type (e.g. car, plane, motorcycle) Make/Model/ Description Year Deceased’s Vehicle Speed Category within limit possibly over likely over definitely over N/A Vehicle 2 within limit possibly over likely over definitely over N/A Vehicle 3 within limit possibly over likely over definitely over N/A Vehicle 4 within limit possibly over likely over definitely over N/A Was the deceased wearing a seat belt? N/A Unknown No Yes Were airbags installed and activated? N/A Unknown No Yes (specify below) Airbags installed Driver Front Passenger Right Side Left Side Right Side Left Side Other (specify) Airbags activated Driver Front Passenger Other (specify) If cycle rider, was helmet being worn? Unknown No Yes SECTION 13 – SUSPECTED SUICIDE What evidence is there to indicate that the deceased intended suicide) Statement to Family/Friends Statement to Health Professional Note/Letter Other (specify) Had the deceased previously attempted suicide? Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify approximate number of times) Has the deceased previously sought medical treatment for self harm? Unknown No Yes (If Yes, specify approximate number of times) Is there any possible motive/trigger for the suicide? Relationship Breakdown Sexual Abuse Loss of a Loved One Illness Alcohol/Drug Dependency Unknown Other (specify) Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Financial Problems Prospect of Criminal Sanction Page 7 of 13 Was deceased being treated/seen by any of the following professionals? General Practitioner Psychiatrist Psychologist Case Manager Was the death accompanied by the murder/suicide of other persons(s)? No Yes If Yes, who? If Yes, what was the relationship between the deceased and the person(s)? Were Standby Response Pamphlets provided to the family? No Yes SECTION 14 – SUSPECTED DRUG/ALCOHOL/POISON RELATED DEATH Was there evidence of drug/alcohol/substance use? No Yes Is Yes, specify details Alcohol or empty containers (describe below) Prescription or over-the-counter drugs (describe below) Illicit/prohibited drugs (describe below) Poisons or gases (including carbon monoxide) (describe below) Injecting or other drug paraphernalia (e.g. needles, syringe, bong, straw) (describe below) Statement by deceased prior to death or by witness (describe below) Items related to volatile substance abuse (e.g. petrol, paint, glue) (describe below) Other (specify below) Did DIS attend? No Yes (If yes, specify who attended) Suspected Drug/Substance Abuse (Excluding Alcohol) Apparent substance(s) used (if known) Date of last use Administered by Unknown Self Time of last use Other Location of last use Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 8 of 13 Symptoms of drug use When symptoms first appeared Was there evidence of drug/substance administration on the body of the deceased Unknown No Yes If Yes, what? (e.g. injection marks, powder on nose) Route of administration Unknown Oral Injection Inhalation Other (specify) History Did the deceased have a history of any of the following? (Source of information may include medical record, police record, other official record, family/friends) Abuse of alcohol (specify source) Abuse of prescription of over-the-counter drugs (specify source) Abuse of volatile substances (e.g. petrol, glue, paint) (specify source) Exposure to poisons or gases (specify type and source) Drug treatment program(s) (specify type and source) Abuse of other drugs (specify source) heroin or other opiates amphetamines cocaine marijuana type unknown other (specify) Prescription Medication Was the deceased recently prescribed any medication? Unknown No Yes If Yes, specify date Prescribing doctor name Address Postcode Phone List the drug(s) and quantities prescribed and amount remaining SECTION 15 – DROWNING/WATER-RELATED DEATH Type of aquatic environment Public place Private place Location Bathtub Dam Ocean River Other (specify) Beach (non-surf) Beach (surf) Lake Bucket/Container Spa (external) Spa (internal) Harbour/Bay Irrigation Channel Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Swimming Pool (in ground) Swimming Pool (above ground) Pond/Ornamental Lake Page 9 of 13 Activity at Time of Incident Activity Fishing (including spear fishing) Attempting a Rescue Swimming, Paddling or Wading Incident Involving a Water Vessel Water-skiing Unknown, no witness Skin Diving / Snorkelling Diving (e.g. Scuba/SSBA/Platform) Walking/Playing Near Water Board Riding (e.g. Surfing, Body Boarding) Bathing Other (specify) Does the activity involve any of the following Injury/Accident Fell/Wandered/Jumped into water Hypothermia Swept away by water (e.g. off ricks, by rip) Deceased’s Swimming Ability Strong Competent Weak Non-swimmer Unknown Death Involving a Water Vessel Did the death involve a water vessel? Yes No (go to ‘Supervision’) If Yes, was the vessel Motorised Water Vessel Non-Motorised Water Vessel Type of vessel Commercial Motorised Personal Watervessel (PWV) e.g. Jet Ski Recreational Unknown Number of people on board the vessel Were life jackets / personal floatation devices available on the vessel? Unknown No Yes If Yes, was a life jacket/personal floatation device worn by the deceased? Unknown No Yes Note: All water craft, including motors, diving equipment, etc. and all safety and/or protective clothing (e.g. waders, wetsuits, etc.) worn by the deceased at the time are to be retained for examination. Supervision Was the deceased under supervision Unknown No Yes If Yes, by whom Describe the extent and level of the supervision Was the area being patrolled by life guards at the time Unknown No Yes N/A Conditions at Time of the Incident What were the prevailing environmental conditions where the death occurred Weather Unknown Clear Hazy Cloudy Rain Flood Wind Unknown None Light Moderate Strong Gale Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Fog Page 10 of 13 Tide Unknown In Waves Unknown < 1 metre Out 1-2 metres > 2 metres Rescue and Resuscitation Was any attempt made to rescue the deceased? Unknown No Yes (specify by whom) What equipment was used to assist in the rescue? Was any attempt made to resuscitation the deceased? Unknown No Yes (specify by whom) Was the person trained in resuscitation? Unknown No Yes Signage Were there warning signs in the area where the death occurred? N/A No Yes (specify) Marine Animals Was the death caused by a water animal (e.g. shark, crocodile, box jelly fish)? N/A Unknown No Yes (specify) Swimming Pools / Spas / Dam / Pond Was the pool/spa/dam/pond fenced? No Yes If No, (the pool/spa/dam/pond was not fenced) were there any barriers between the pool/spa/dam/pond and other structures (e.g. door, window locks)? Unknown No Yes (specify) If Yes, (the pool/spa/dam/pond was fenced) which diagram best presents fence installation (S = structure e.g. house) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other If Other, describe fence or other barrier separating pool/spa/dam/pond from structure Describe type of fence (e.g. height, material, horizontal bars) Use the diagram, indicate the position of gate in reference to pool/spa/dam/pond Top Bottom Left Right Was the gate defective Unknown No Yes (describe defect) Was gate self-latching Unknown No Yes (describe defect) Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 11 of 13 Was gate open or closed at the time of the incident Unknown Open Closed SECTION 16 – UNEXPECTED INFANT/CHILD DEATH Ensure ‘sudden unexpected death in infancy’ checklist is completed and attached Has a SUDI Checklist been completed No Yes Scene Where was the infant found Infant’s Bedroom Parent’s Bedroom Other (specify) Where was the infant sleeping alone? Unknown Yes No (explain) Position of infant when found On Back On Stomach Head to right side On Side Head to left side Head face down Unknown Were any items covering the infant’s head/face? Unknown No Yes (specify) Were there any signs of mechanical causes of strangulation or suffocation? Unknown No Yes (specify) Was there debris/object in the infant’s mouth? Unknown No Yes (specify) Medical Information Was the infant born prematurely Unknown No Yes (specify) Did the infant have any of the following in the two weeks prior to the death? Cold Fever Recent injury or other illness Sniffles Wheezing Diarrhoea Cough Vomiting Recent Inoculation Was the child known to have any of the following Abnormal Development Recent Exposure to Contagious Disease Medical Equipment in Use Known Allergies Recent Hospital Visit(s) Any known medical problems Has there been any other child die in the immediate family? Unknown No Yes If Yes, what was the cause of death? Other Information (observations) Were there any signs of habitual smoking in the household? Unknown No Yes (describe) Was there any evidence of alcohol or drug use around the infant? Unknown No Yes (describe) Is there any history of family violence? Unknown No Yes (describe) Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 12 of 13 Please save this document prior to sending it as an ‘email’ by 7am to either: Hobart > coroners.hobart@police.tas.gov.au Launceston > coroners.launceston@police.tas.gov.au Life Extinct Report etc. to be forwarded as per normal. Police Report of Death for the Coroner > November 2011 (v.3) Page 13 of 13