John Finlayson Environment Department Development Services London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Town Hall King Street London W6 9JU Your Ref: 2011/2001/OUT Our Ref: New LAG13/188 Direct Dial: 0207-973-3732 Direct Fax: 0207-973-3792 16 February 2016 Dear Mr Finlayson, NPPF Chapter 12 Re: Earls Court Redevelopment, H&F Application 2 (2011/2001/OUT) & K&C Application 1 (PP/11/01937) _Court_planning_application.asp Recommendation of Archaeological Condition to secure programme of archaeological work Thank-you for your consultation on the above redevelopment which includes two outline applications (H&F Ref: 2011/02001/OUT & K&C Ref: PP/11/01937. I have already submitted a response with regards to archaeology on the Seagrave Road car-park site under H&F Ref: 2011/02000/FUL dated 05.09.11 & 16.01.12. I note the application includes an Environmental Statement Volume 1 Chapter 11 (URS, June 2011) relating to buried heritage assets and a copy of a desk-based Historic Environment Assessment report located in ES Volume III: Appendix E (MoLA, May 2011). I have assessed both documents in light of the proposals & against the Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER). The report confirms that survival of archaeological remains on the two application sites is likely to be highly variable (see Fig 11-1). Potential is highlighted for late-medieval, post-medieval and industrial archaeological remains including those of former railway structures. There is also potential for palaeo-environmental remains & possible peat layers within surviving alluvial deposits. As the proposals will impact upon these & other heritage assets, I advise further information is required in the form of a field evaluation including geo-archaeological assessment. This will test the presence/absence, level of survival and significance of those remains present. The evaluation is to be undertaken by a suitably qualified Registered Archaeological Organisation, in accordance with an approved Written Scheme of Investigation. The results will be used to form an appropriate mitigation strategy. Any geotechnical investigations should also be archaeologically monitored to inform the evaluation process. In addition to the below-ground requirements, I recommend a programme of historic building recording is undertaken prior to demolition/alteration works of those buildings highlighted of interest in the site appraisal & building assessment documents. This should be undertaken in accordance with English Heritage guidelines 2006 to at least Level 2-3, as appropriate. Again this is to be undertaken by a suitably qualified historic buildings analyst in accordance with an approved Written Scheme of Investigation. I therefore recommend the following condition be attached to any permission granted on both applications: Reason Heritage assets of archaeological interest may survive on the site. The planning authority wishes to secure the provision of archaeological investigation and the subsequent recording of the remains prior to development, in accordance with recommendations given by the borough and in NPPF, Chapter 12. Condition A) No development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the local planning authority. The fieldwork is to comprise of 1) Archaeological Evaluation; 2) Geo-archaeological assessment 3) Appropriate Mitigation based on the results of 1&2 above; 4) Historic Building Recording based on results of completed Buildings Appraisal/Assessment B) No development or demolition shall take place other that in accordance with the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under Part (A). C) The development shall not be occupied until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under Part (A), and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of the results and archive deposition has been secured. Informative The development of this site is likely to damage heritage assets of archaeological interest. The applicant should therefore submit detailed proposals in the form of an archaeological project design. The design should be in accordance with the appropriate English Heritage guidelines. The archaeological works shall be carried out by a suitably qualified investigating body acceptable to the Local Planning Authority. Details can be found on Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries. This advice relates solely to archaeological matters. Yours Sincerely, Diane Abrams MA PgDip MIFA Archaeology Advisor Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service Westminster & West London Team National Planning: London office cc: Allison Flight cc: Paul Goodacre cc: Helena Benes cc: Sheila Stones Strategic Developments Team Leader, K&C Conservation Team Lb Hammersmith & Fulham Conservation Team, K&C HBAA, English Heritage