David Emblidge, Publications, through March 2014

Associate Professor
Writing, Literature and Publishing Dept.
Emerson College
120 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02116-4624 USA
Office: 617-824-3951; Home: 617-491-2869; Mobile: 617-750-0579
Email: david_emblidge@emerson.edu; Web site: davidemblidge.com
Publications, Conference Presentations, and Editing
As of March 2014
The International Journal of the Book – article: “Bibliomany Has Possessed
Me: Thomas Jefferson, The Booksellers’ Customer Extraordinaire,” forthcoming
Publishing Research Quarterly – article: “Brentano’s: Books Afloat on a
Sinking Ship,” forthcoming 2014.
LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community – article: “Borders’
‘Concept Store’: Ave Maria Digital Chocolate Sauce,” Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013.
11th international Conference on Books and Publishing, Regensburg,
Germany, Sept. 2013, conference presentation, “Bibliomany Has Possessed Me:
Thomas Jefferson, The Booksellers’ Customer Extraordinaire”
The International Journal of the Book – article: “The Gotham Book Mart:
Location, Location, Location,” Fall 2012.
Publishing Research Quarterly – book review: Richard Guthrie, Publishing:
Principles & Practice, Sage, 2011; Vol. 28, No. 2, May 2012.
Publishing Research Quarterly – article: “Isaiah Thomas Invents the Bookstore
Chain,” Vol. 28, No. 1, 2012.
LOGOS: Journal of the World Publishing Community – article: “Parson
Weems, Book Peddler: ‘chockful of Zeal burning with the Book fever’,” Vol. 22,
No. 4, 2011.
Publishing and Digital Enterprise Forum, City University of London –
Presentation, “Who’s Minding the Store?: The Transformation of Authority in
Publishing’s Digital New Era,” Dec. 15, 2010.
Emblidge: Books and Articles
Media Ethics – article: “The Tattered Cover: A Lion in Sheep’s Clothing” Fall
Publishing Research Quarterly – book review: Keri Walsh, editor. The Letters
of Sylvia Beach, Columbia University Press, 2010; Fall 2010
Oxford Companion to the Book – contributor, three articles on bookstores
(Abebooks, eBay, Grolier Poetry Book Shop), 2010
Jefferson – Adams Libraries Conference – Boston Public Library and
Monticello – Presentation, “Thomas Jefferson, Book Buyer Extraordinaire,” June
2009. See: http://www.monticello.org/library/pdfs/David_Emblidge_Essay.pdf
The International Journal of the Book – article: “The Old Corner Bookstore:
‘Rialto of Current Good Things, Hub of the Hub’,” Vol. 6, Fall 2008; also in The
Concord Saunterer: A Journal of Thoreau Studies, Summer 2009.
Conference presentation, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and
Publishing, Halifax, July 2005.
Media Ethics – article: “Frey vs. Thoreau: Which Liar Tells More Truth?” Fall
Publishing Research Quarterly – article: “Rallying Point: Lewis Michaux’s
National Memorial African Bookstore,” Fall 2008
Publishing Research Quarterly – book review: “Eliot and Rose: A Companion
to The History of the Book,” Fall 2008
Monticello / International Center for Jefferson Studies – research report:
“Bibliomany Has Possessed Me: Thomas Jefferson, The Booksellers’ Customer
 Seminar presentation, as Fellow at Monticello / International Center for
Jefferson Studies, April 2007.
 e-published, on Thomas Jefferson Portal, Fall 2008:
 e-published in proceedings of The Adams-Jefferson Libraries Conference,
Boston and Charlottesville, 2009:
Publishing Research Quarterly – book review: “Howsam: Old Books & New
Histories: An Orientation to Studies in Book and Print Culture,” Fall 2007
Emblidge: Books and Articles
Southwest Review – essay: “The Palmer Method: Penmanship and the Tenor
of Our Time,” Fall 2007, winner McGinnis Prize for best nonfiction, 2007, in SWR
International Journal of the Humanities – article: “The Viswanathan Plagiarism
Case at Little, Brown, Publishers,” Vol. 5, 2007
International Journal of the Arts in Society – article: “Literary Tears,” Vol. 2,
No. 2, 2007. Conference presentation, “The Arts in Society,” Common Ground
Conferences, New York University, Feb. 2007
Trekking Atlas of the World – book chapter: “The Grand Canyon,” New Holland
Publishers, 2006
Trekking Atlas of the World – book chapter: “The Appalachian Trail”; New
Holland Publishers, 2006
The International Journal of the Book – article: “City Lights Bookstore: A
Finger in the Dike,” Vol. 3, 2006. Conference presentation, Common Ground
Conferences, Oxford, UK, Sept. 2005) (see also Publishing Research Quarterly)
World Book Encyclopedia – signed major article on book publishing, 2005
Publishing Research Quarterly – article: “City Lights Bookstore: A Finger in
the Dike,” Vol. 21. No. 4, Winter 2005
The International Journal of the Book – article: “The Future of the (Good)
Book is in the Past,” Vol. 2, 2004. Conference presentation, Common Ground
Conferences, Beijing, China, Aug. 2004
[Twenty-two years working as acquisitions editor, executive editor, publisher,
book packager, and editor in chief – at university presses and in trade books
houses – from 1980 – 2002, intervened.]
Contemporary French Civilization – article/memoir: “Report on a Fulbright
Year in France: Toulouse-Le Mirail,” Vol. III, No. 2, 1979
Ethnomusicology – book review: Greil Marcus, Mystery Train: Images of
America in Rock ‘n Roll, Vol. XXII, No. 3, Sept. 1978.
Southwest Review – article: “Marching Backward into the Future: Progress as
Illusion in Doctorow’s Novels,” Autumn 1977 (reprinted in Contemporary Literary
Criticism, Vol. 11)
Emblidge: Books and Articles
Revue Française des Etudes Americaines – article: “The Sick / Healthy Humor
of Lenny Bruce,” No. 4, Oct. 1977. Conference presentation, Association
Française des Etudes Americaines, 1976.
Popular Music and Society – article: “Dallying with Decadence: The Rolling
Stones,” 1977 (article accepted but not published, due to editor’s death)
Menckeniana – article: “H. L. Mencken’s In Defense of Women,” No. 61, Spring
Southwest Review – article: “I Feel, Therefore I Am: The Blues-Rock of Janis
Joplin, Autumn 1976
Ethnomusicology – article: “Down Home with The Band: Country Western
Music and Rock,” Vol. XX, No. 3, Sept. 1976; re-published Jan. 2010 at
The New Scholar – article: “On the Road: Huck Finn and Five Easy Pieces” Vol.
4, No. 2, 1974
CommonDreams.org – essay / memoir: “My Bobby Kennedy and Yours,” June
6, 2008. Television interview by Amy Goodman, “Democracy Now,” June 6,
National Public Radio – audio essay: “French Turkey” (celebrating an American
Thanksgiving in France), WAMC-FM, Northeast Public Radio, Nov. 2004
GORP.com – on-line articles: “Wild Weekends: Boston” [Mt. Greylock; Mt.
Everett and the Taconic Range; Robert Frost Trail; Cape Cod National
Seashore; Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge; Mt. Monadnock; Sandwich Mt.;
Classic Connecticut: Falls Village to Salisbury on the Appalachian Trail; Classic
Connecticut: Up Mount Prospect]; 5/7/01
Amazon.com – interview: “Amazon.com Talks to David Emblidge,” July 2001
iUniverse.com – interview: “Building a Guide Book from Scratch: Packager
David Emblidge Talks about the Rigors of Keeping a Packaging Deal on Track,”
by Ann Abel, iuniverse.com, 7/17/00
GORP.com – on-line articles: “Wild Weekends: Buffalo” [Allegheny State Park;
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge; Allegheny National Forest; Bruce Trail
(Ontario)]; spring 2000
Emblidge: Books and Articles
Away.com – on-line articles: “Appalachian Trail Hikes“; “Camping Primer”; “City
Escapes: Boston” [Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, Penobscot Bay Sailing,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Exhibit Center]; “City Escapes: New York”
[Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge; Sterling Forest / Appalachian Trail;
Berkshire Authors’ Homes]; summer 2000
Boston Globe – feature articles in supplement “Tall Ships Festival 2000” [“The
Race,” “Ship Out Aboard a Floating Classroom”], July 2000
Focus on France – articles: “Tahiti,” Sept. 2000; “Once is Not Enough,” Dec.
American Style – article: “Heavenly Dining” (arts and crafts in restaurant
design), Fall 1999
Buffalo Evening News – essay: “Undercover Baseball,” 7/24/94. Featured writer
presentation, New Marlborough, MA, Fall 1995.
Compass – article: “Allons au Montreal,” 1994
The Nature Conservancy, National Office – consulting report: “Book
Publishing Opportunities at The Nature Conservancy,” April 1994
Boston Globe – article: “Crewing on an Ocean-Going Sailboat: A Hard-won
Adventure,” 4/12/87
Berkshire Magazine – photo essay: “The Other Stockbridge” (Stockbridge
Massachusetts vs. Stockbridge, U.K.), Sept. / Oct. 1985
Saturday Review – book review: Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in
Victorian America, by Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, Sept. / Oct. 1985
Berkshire Eagle – op-ed page: “Rock and Roll by the Back Door” (on the 20 th
anniversary of the Beatles’ coming to America), 2/10/84
Boston Globe – article: “For Maine’s Best View It’s Top of Katahdin,” 9/23/84
MD Magazine – article: “At Last!: Punk Rock Explained,” January 1984
MD Magazine – article: “Seeing the French Countryside on the World’s Fastest
Train,” July 1984
The New York Times Book Review – Norrie Huddle, Surviving: The Best Game
on Earth, 9/9/84
Emblidge: Books and Articles
MD Magazine – article: “A World Without America” (history of ancient globes),
June 1983
Berkshire Magazine – article: “To Preserve a Theatre” (Berkshire Theatre
Festival), Autumn 1982
State University of New York, Office of University-Wide Programs in the
Arts – consulting report: “Performing Arts Programming and Cultural Affairs,”
Berkshire Eagle – op-ed page: “Gould Meadows: Not Just for the Locals,”
Hudson Valley Magazine – article: “Berkshire Scribblers” (literary history), Feb.
TeleCine Associates – film script consulting, 1981
The Artists Foundation, Boston – newsletter editing and production, 1981
Intermountain Express – article: “The Quality of Sound: Building Musical
Instruments,” 2/2/79
Saturday Review – book review: Descent of Man, by T. Correghesan Boyle,
The New Republic – essay: “Shakespeare & Co.,” Vol. 178, No. 10, 3/11/78
Buffalo Evening News – essay: “The Crusty Heart of French Life: Inside a
Boulangerie,” Emblidge and Anne Lesser, 10/22/77
Orientations – book review: Paul Theroux, The Great Railway Bazaar, Oct.
Radio France – programs on American writers (“The Crucible and Arthur Miller,”
“The American Renaissance”); 1976
Berkshire Eagle – film / book reviews: Ragtime (Dir., Milos Forman, novel by EL
Doctorow, 8/30/75); One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Dir., Milos Forman, novel
by Ken Kesey, 2/5/76)); Nashville (Dir., Robert Altman, 9/25/75)
Associated Press, State Bureau, Albany, NY – staff reporter, culminating in 2part syndicated feature on country doctors, 1967
Laurentian – “Music in the Foreground” (The Beach Boys as a social
phenomenon), Emblidge and Timothy Evans, Vol. 74, 1965
Emblidge: Books and Articles
Note: As acquisitions editor at various houses (Cambridge Univ. Press,
Continuum, The Mountaineers Books); and as publisher at Berkshire House, and
as director of David Emblidge -- Book Producer…, I acquired, edited or otherwise
produced scores of other books. Complete list available on request. A small
sample follows.
Beneath the Metropolis: The Secret Lives of Cities, Editor and project
originator; copyright holder; written by Alex Marshall; Avalon Publishing Group,
2006; now published by Running Press, imprint of Perseus Books; paperback fall
2007; option on TV documentary rights sold to filmmaker Lawrence Cumbo, May
“My Day” The Best of Eleanor Roosevelt’s Acclaimed Newspaper Columns,
1936-1962, Editor; Introduction by Blanche Wiessen Cook (ER’s biographer), Da
Capo Press, 2000
In the series Getting Your Act Together: Resource Guides to Training in the
Arts, 7 vols., Watson-Guptill Publications, Writer’s Resource: The WatsonGuptill Guide to Workshops, Conferences, Artist’s Colonies and Academic
Programs, David Emblidge and Barbara Zheutlin, 1999 (Project originator,
Series Editor, Co-author of one volume)
In the series Exploring the Appalachian Trail, 5 vols., Stackpole Books; Project
originator, Series Editor, Author of one volume, Hikes in Southern New
England, David Emblidge, 1998. Series revised and re-published 2013.
The Appalachian Trail Reader, Editor and project originator; Oxford Univ.
Press, 1996