Obrazovanje: - University of Belgrade

IVANA PANTELIĆ (born Jakšić)
Employment Information:
2009: Teaching assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and
Cosmetology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
2007: Research assistant at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and
Cosmetology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
2007: Internship at Pharmacy “Beograd” (pharmacies „1. maj” and „Radomir
Nikolić”). License obtained in July 2008.
2013: Positive report submitted by the Commission for evaluation and defense of
doctoral dissertation entitled „Dermal bioavailability of anti-inflammatory drugs
from sugar emulsifier stabilized bases: comparative application of in vitro/in vivo
characterization methods”
2008: Enrolled Doctoral academic studies at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade,
module: Pharmaceutical Technology
2007: Graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade
2001: III Belgrade high school (certificate „Vuk Karadžić”)
1997: Experimental elementary school „Vladislav Ribnikar” in Belgrade
(certificate „Vuk Karadžić”)
2013: Seminar „Fundamental and Applications of Controlled Release and Drug
Delivery” (program coordinator prof. Nicholas A. Peppas)
2012: „Advanced Dissolution Seminar” organized by Tempus PQPharm project
2009, 2011 and 2012: Research stays at the Institut für Pharmazeutische
Technologie Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany
2006: French language certificate “Course de Langue et Civilisation Française de
la Sorbonne”, University Sorbonne, Paris
1998-2000: English language certificates: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in
English, Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English and Cambridge First
Certificate in English.
Academic awards and distinctions:
2010: Third award for best poster presentation within the Section for
Pharmaceutical Technology and Cosmetology at the 5th Congress of Pharmacists
in Serbia, Belgrade, 13-17 October 2010.
2009: Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) entitled
„Sonderprogramm Serbien – Forschungspraktika in Deutschland für Studierende
und Graduierte aus Serbien”, which has enabled a research stay at the Institute for
Pharmaceutical Technology of the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen,
Teaching activities:
Involved in courses Pharmaceutical Technology I, Pharmaceutical Technology II,
Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, and Cosmetology (integrated
academic studies)
Member of the Commissions for the defense of 29 graduate papers
Work with students during their experimental projects as a part of the Center for
students scientific research activities.
Activities within the Faculty:
2013: Member of the Working group responsible for conducting activities
needed for the registration of the Innovation Center of the Faculty of Pharmacy
in Belgrade.
Activities within wider Academic Community:
Reviewer for the journal Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.
2011 – 2014: project of technological development entitled „Development of
micro- and nanosystems as carriers for anti-inflammatory drugs and methods for
their characterization“ (TR-34031), Ministry of education, science and
technological development of the Republic of Serbia
2011 – 2014: project of fundamental research entitled „Development of
molecules with anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective action: structural
modification, modeling, physicochemical characterization and formulation
investigations“ (OI-172041), Ministry of education, science and technological
development of the Republic of Serbia
2010 – 2011: project of technological development entitled: „Development and
characterization of colloid carriers for anti-inflammatory drugs“ (TR-19058),
Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Serbia.
Selected Publications:
Pantelic I, Lukic M, Markovic B, Daniels R, Vesic S, Vuleta G, Savic S. Effect
of small changes in natural origin-based emulsion systems on hydrocortisone
skin absorption and performance: a comparison of two in vivo methods. Pharm
Dev Technol (in press) doi: 10.3109/10837450.2012.751407
Pantelic I, Lukic M, Markovic B, Lusiana, Hoffmann C, Müller-Goymann C,
Milic J, Daniels R, Savic S. Development of a prospective isopropyl alcoholloaded pharmaceutical base using simultaneous in vitro/in vivo characterization
methods of skin performance. Drug Dev Ind Pharm (in press) doi:
Lukic M, Pantelic I, Daniels R, Müller-Goyman CC, Savic M, Savic S.
Moisturizing emulsion systems based on the novel long-chain alkyl
polyglucoside emulsifier The contribution of thermoanalytical methods to the
formulation development. J Therm Anal Calorim (in press) doi: 10.1007/s10973012-2263-0
Lukic M, Jaksic I, Krstonosic V, Dokic Lj, Savic S. Effect of small change in oil
phase composition on rheological and textural properties of w/o emulsion. J
Texture Studies (in press) doi:10.1111/j.1745-4603.2012.00363.x
Jaksic I, Lukic M, Malenovic A, Reichl S, Hoffmann C, Müller-Goymann C,
Daniels R, Savic S. Compounding of a topical drug with prospective natural
surfactant-stabilized pharmaceutical bases: physicochemical and in vitro/in vivo
characterization. A ketoprofen case study. Eur J Pharm Biopharm 2012; 80: 164175.
Lukic M, Jaksic I, Krstonosic V, Cekic N, Savic S. A combined approach in
characterization of an effective w/o hand cream: the influence of emollient on
textural, sensorial and in vivo skin performance. Int J Cosmet Sci 2012; 34: 140149.
Tasic-Kostov M, Pavlovic D, Lukic M, Jaksic I, Arsic I, Savic S. Lactobionic
acid as antioxidant and moisturizing active in alkyl polyglucoside-based topical
emulsions: The colloidal structure, stability and efficacy evaluation. Int J Cosmet
Sci 2012; 34 (5): 424-434.
Savic S, Lukic M, Jaksic I, Reichl S, Tamburic S, Müller-Goymann C. An alkyl
polyglucoside-mixed emulsifier as stabilizer of emulsion systems: The influence
of colloidal structure on emulsions skin hydration potential. J Colloid Interf Sci
2011; 358: 182–191.
Tasic-Kostov M, Reichl S, Lukic M, Jaksic I, Savic S. Does lactobionic acid
affect the colloidal structure and skin moisturizing potential of the alkyl
polyglucoside-based emulsion systems? Pharmazie 2011; 66: 862-870.
Tasić-Kostov M, Reichl S, Lukic M, Jaksic I, Savic S; Two alkyl polyglucoside
natural surfactants varying in the chain length in stabilization of lactobionic acid
containing emulsions: physicochemical characterization and in vitro irritation
potential assessment; La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse 2011; 88 (4):