2016 Geoscience Research Projects

School of Earth and Environment
Potential research projects offered for Level 4 (Honours) and Level 5
(Masters) students commencing in 2016.
Mineral Geoscience
Petroleum Geoscience
Computational Geoscience
The Projects outlined in this Handbook are NOT necessarily all of
those available. Please feel free to talk to supervisors about
designing projects around your interests.
Geoscience Projects
This document describes projects suitable for students undertaking a 24 pt
research project as part of an Honours or Masters degree.
Two key points to note:
We encourage you to consider what geoscience research problems interest you and to choose a
project topic that will motivate you to do your best work throughout the year. The aim of the 24 pt
project is to provide an opportunity to learn how research works and to begin developing your
research skills. The 24-pt project is a pathway to higher degree by research (MSc, MPhil, PhD).
This document does not summarise all available projects and you are welcome to speak with any staff
in the School who supervise projects in the areas of interest to you. We recommend that you have a
supervisor and a general idea of your project by the end of this year. Do not leave organising a project
until the first teaching week of 2016! Remember that many of the staff take leave through January.
Geoscience is a broad discipline that includes Geology, Geophysics1, Geochemistry, Geobiology and
Computation/Numerical Modeling. The breadth of research activity in the School of Earth &
Environment means that students have opportunities to undertake diverse research projects.
Research may be focused on resolving questions related to fundamental Earth processes and
knowledge or have various levels of application to specific resources including mineral deposits,
petroleum and groundwater.
You are welcome to contact staff directly (contact details are provided in the booklet) to discuss
projects where they are listed as the main contact. If you are interested in an MSc (by thesis &
coursework) degree, some of the projects outlined in this booklet can be extended into or set up as
larger projects (e.g. 36 pt projects). You are welcome to contact supervisors to discuss as required.
1. Geophysics is the study of Earth and its physical processes using the quantitative methods of physics, math
and computer science. Studies include the solid earth, oceans, atmosphere, ionosphere and space. Geophysical
data sets such as seismic waves, EM waves including radar, gravity, magnetics etc. are used to image Earth
(inside and out). Solid earth applications range from plate tectonics, volcanism and earthquake seismology, to
exploration and monitoring of energy resources such as hydrocarbons and geothermal, to mineral exploration,
to groundwater, CO2 storage and environmental processes.
Emplacement dynamics of the La Balma-Monte Capio intrusion, Ivrea Zone, Italy ................................. 5
Enhanced predictive capability for targeting high quality magmatic hydrothermal copper, gold and
molybdenum deposits ............................................................................................................................... 5
Thermodynamic modelling of subducting CO2 rich plateaus .................................................................... 6
3D/4D Geophysical imaging of hydrocarbon and CO2 reservoirs ............................................................. 6
Analysis of seismic azimuthal anisotropy and tectonic stress................................................................... 7
3D/4D environmental geophysics ............................................................................................................. 7
Computational simulation of geologic sedimentation processes ............................................................. 7
High Resolution seismic imaging of seafloor properties for slope stability and geo-hazard assessment 8
Geophysical analysis of paleo tsunami deposits in WA ............................................................................ 8
Modelling Seismic Wavefields for Imaging Earth Structure ...................................................................... 8
Time-lapse Geophysical Monitoring of Fresh-Saltwater Interfaces .......................................................... 9
Imaging the earth with ambient noise fields ............................................................................................ 9
Gravity monitoring of Kings Park hydrology (Mid-year start only) ........................................................... 9
Australo-Antarctic Geology and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (Mid-year start only)............................... 10
Tracing fluid pathways in komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE deposits ................................................................. 10
Basin Structure and mineralization in the Capricorn Orogen ................................................................. 11
A methodology of very large-scale gravity inversion (Mid-year start only) ............................................ 11
How the West was One…The Rodona-Totten Shear Zone (Mid-year start only) ................................... 12
Geological mapping of Venus – Atalanta Planitia Quadrangle ............................................................... 12
Instantaneous melts on Venus – Earth analogues .................................................................................. 13
Neotectonics and strike-slip reactivation in offshore petroleum basins of northern WA ...................... 13
Seafloor bathymetry in the western Timor Sea as evidence of modern tectonic processes.................. 14
External controls on the architecture and evolution of Paleocene - Eocene carbonate platforms, NW
Bonaparte and Browse basins: a seismic stratigraphic approach ........................................................... 14
3D seismic stratigraphy – Plio-Quaternary analogues for carbonate reservoirs .................................... 15
Unravelling tectonic and eustatic controls on shelf-margin and slope sedimentation in the northern
Bonaparte Basin ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Controls on the stratigraphic architecture and evolution of carbonate slope systems of the North West
Shelf: analogue study for oil & gas reservoirs ......................................................................................... 16
Shallow-marine seismic stratigraphy and reservoir architecture in the offshore Taranaki Basin (NewZealand) ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Depositional history and petroleum reservoir characterisation, North West Shelf basins .................... 17
Characterisation of siliciclastic- or carbonate-dominated reservoirs associated with conventional and
unconventional resources in onshore WA Basins (e.g. Canning Basin, Perth Basin) .............................. 17
Geochemical signatures in stratigraphic successions ............................................................................. 18
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology ...................................................................................................... 18
Rare Earth Element mineralisation in granites........................................................................................ 19
Modelling hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation in the Abra base metal deposit ....................... 19
Geochemical evolution of dredge spoils ................................................................................................. 20
Structural Evolution of the AUS-PAC Plate Boundary in Southern New Zealand.................................... 20
What are the forms of trace elements in sulfidic estuarine sediments? Can we use trace elements as
geochemical tracers in these systems? ................................................................................................... 21
What can we learn from geochemical soil surveys? ............................................................................... 21
The quantification of hydrothermal mineralising systems ..................................................................... 22
Empirical Analysis of False Positives in Geophysics and Geochemical Exploration – A ‘Live’ Case Study
of Nickel-Copper Exploration in the Fraser Range Region, WA .............................................................. 22
The Depth Extent of Australia’s Exploration Search Space - Constraints from Existing Mine
Developments ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Mineral System analysis to predict the copper metal endowment of Northern Chile ........................... 23
Can rare earth element (REE) concentrations in vegetation explain enrichment of rare earth elements
in some surface soils?.............................................................................................................................. 24
Magnetic Interpretation of Basement Structure of the Irwin Terrace, northern Perth Basin ................ 24
Radiometric Responses of Mineral Deposits: Are Alteration-Zone Responses Actually Due to Changes
in Geochemistry?..................................................................................................................................... 25
Interpreting Magnetic Data from Sedimentary Basins: Recognising Responses from Evaporites ......... 25
Petrology and geochemistry of majorite-bearing peridotite as a source of Barberton-type komatiite
volcanism ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Microbialte Ecohydrology and Sedimentology ....................................................................................... 27
PT constraints on Gold mineralisation in the Archean Agnew Greenstone belt .................................... 27
Metamorphic P-T evolution of the Archean Agnew Greenstone belt .................................................... 28
Hydrothermal alteration mineralogy, texture and zoning at the Petowal deposit, Eastern Senegal,
Western Africa......................................................................................................................................... 28
U-Pb age distribution of Detrital Zircon populations across the Birimian Terrane / Man Shield
boundary, West Africa............................................................................................................................. 29
Martian impact craters and their potential for melt and ore deposit genesis ....................................... 30
High-Precision Uranium-Lead Geochronology applied to Igneous Processes and Tectonics ................. 31
Fingerprinting fluid and sulfur sources at the Prairie Downs Pb-Zn deposit: unlocking sphalerite ........ 31
3D modelling of the West African Craton ............................................................................................... 32
Topological uncertainty in 3D geology .................................................................................................... 32
Web mapping solutions for pre-competitive geoscientific data distribution ......................................... 33
Cooling rate, emplacement mechanism and crystallisation of a dolerite sill. ........................................ 33
Palaeobiology - Precambrian fossils ........................................................................................................ 34
Controlling factors for the spatial distribution of emeralds.................................................................... 34
Emplacement dynamics of the La Balma-Monte Capio intrusion, Ivrea Zone,
Geology, economic geology, geochemistry - Honours or Masters project
Marco Fiorentini (marco.fiorentini@uwa.edu.au), 6488 3465, Steve Denyszyn
The study will build new understanding on the emplacement dynamics of mantle
derived Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide systems through investigation of key natural examples in
the Ivrea Zone of northwest Italy. This domain of deeply exhumed lower crust and
mantle rocks hosts the most comprehensive and coherent suite known of deep-level
Ni-Cu-PGE sulphide bearing mafic/ultramafic intrusions, providing a unique
opportunity to resolve the dynamic emplacement and evolution of such magmatic
ore bodies. This research would have three principle aims:
1. Documenting the relationship between size and geometry of the intrusions and
structural architecture of the host rocks into which they were emplaced
2. Establishing the role that volatiles (e.g. H2O, CO2, etc.) played in the
emplacement of the intrusions and the attainment of sulphide saturation
3. Constraining the physical mechanisms and controls on emplacement and
localisation of the intrusion-hosted ore systems.
Enhanced predictive capability for targeting high quality magmatic
hydrothermal copper, gold and molybdenum deposits
Geology, economic geology, geochemistry (Honours or Masters)
Marco Fiorentini (marco.fiorentini@uwa.edu.au), 6488 3465; Cam McCuaig; Tony
Kemp; Bob Loucks
Most fertility indicators for magmatic hydrothermal systems available to explorers
are currently limited to whole-rock analyses of exposed plutons of mainly calc-alkalic
suites. However, a recent pilot project carried out at the Centre for Exploration
Targeting (CET), University of Western Australia (UWA), has shown proof of concept
that zircon morphology, chemistry and isotopic composition could be successfully
used as a detrital indicator. This has the potential to detect new mineral districts in
covered or poorly exposed terrains by quickly and cheaply analyzing detritus in
covered sequences and/or stream sediments. The proposed study will be integrated
within a larger scale project, which aims to seize the opportunity to develop reliable
heavy mineral indicators in the exploration for high-quality magmatic-hydrothermal
copper-gold mineral systems. The work will mainly focus on unravelling the key link
between the morphological features and isotopic signatures of zircon crystals with 1)
the evolving nature of the source magma and 2) the relative timing of magma
ponding at various stages through the lithosphere during arc related magmatism.
Thermodynamic modelling of subducting CO2 rich plateaus
Geology, economic geology, geochemistry; Honours or Masters project
Marco Fiorentini (marco.fiorentini@uwa.edu.au), 6488 3465; Chris Gonzalez,
Weronika Gorczyk
Decarbonation during subduction is a topic of much recent interest, with a lot of
geological and geochemical data available, very little has been done in terms of
numerical modelling. Recent advancement in implementing CO2 degassing into state
of the art numerical code (I2VIS) allows studying this phenomenon in depth and is
truly innovative with a lot of potential for great discoveries.
Slab derived volatiles, primarily H2O ± CO2 fluids, are a critical component to
subduction processes and evolution. Volcanic gas monitoring, melt inclusions and
microdiamonds attest to the presence and transfer of carbon during subduction into
the overlying mantle wedge and continental crust. CO2 is the second most abundant
volcanic gas and contributes to shaping Earth’s climate, therefore it is critical to get a
better understanding of processes that may lead to intensive slab decarbonation, like
subduction of CO2 rich plateaus.
These projects are best suited towards students with an academic focus as the results
are highly publishable and likely to be of high impact if well executed. Some
familiarity with linux and computer simulations is well seen, but not required.
Enthusiasm and willingness to work hard are essential.
3D/4D Geophysical imaging of hydrocarbon and CO2 reservoirs
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au 6488 7331,
Jeff Shragge, Rie Kamei, Nader Issa
Geophysical data sets, especially seismic waves, can be used to image (3D), and
monitor in time-lapse mode (4D), subsurface reservoirs for oil and gas resources, or
injection and storage of anthropogenic CO2, using techniques such as seismic, gravity
and EM (electromagnetics) including radar. These projects may require working with
a combination of rock and fluid physics, earth model building software,
computational geophysics data simulation, imaging and inversion, field data
acquisition and quantitative data analysis. Computer experience and some maths are
required. Projects have the potential to follow on to vacation work internships, and
MSc or PhD studies.
Analysis of seismic azimuthal anisotropy and tectonic stress
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7331, Jeff Shragge, Nader Issa
There is evidence from various types of geophysical data of strong azimuthal
anisotropy (subsurface physical properties at a point vary as a function of the
compass direction in which they are measured) possibly indicating anomalous
horizontal tectonic stress gradients in WA and other parts of the world. These data
sets can be analysed to determine information about the stress regime in these
rocks, their physical properties, and perhaps make predictions about the nature of
fluid flow, fault sealing, rock fractures, and earthquake risk. This project may require
working with various geophysical data sets (active/passive seismic, well logs,
borehole breakouts, ultrasonic core measurements…) and geophysical
modelling/analysis software. Computer experience and some maths are required.
Projects have the potential to follow on to vacation work internships, and MSc or
PhD studies.
3D/4D environmental geophysics
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7331, Jeff Shragge, Nader Issa
Geophysical data sets can be used to image (3D) and monitor (4D) near surface soil
and rocks using techniques such as seismic, gravity, GPR (ground penetrating radar)
and EM (electromagnetics), with application to groundwater, contaminant flow, and
baseline studies for CO2 sequestration projects. These projects may involve
geophysical field data surveying, working with rock and fluid physics, earth model
building software, computational geophysics data simulation, and quantitative data
analysis. Computer experience and some maths are required. Projects have the
potential to follow on to vacation work internships, and MSc or PhD studies.
Computational simulation of geologic sedimentation processes
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7331, Jeffrey Shragge, Julien
Reservoir rocks that contain important fluids (hydrocarbons, water, CO2,
geothermal) are created by complex geologic depositional systems. This project
involves the development of innovative models and running supercomputing
algorithms that will simulate the sedimentation processes of marine coastal
environments important for understanding WA reservoir rocks. Computer
programming experience and some maths are required. Projects have the potential
to follow on to vacation work internships, and MSc or PhD studies.
High Resolution seismic imaging of seafloor properties for slope stability and
geo-hazard assessment
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7331, Julien Bourget, Beau Whitney
Engineering studies of the seafloor are important to understand the physical
properties, slope stability and geo-hazards associated with offshore pipeline and
facilities construction. Currently this is done using a collection of sparse geotechnical
data samples and sonar scans, and geologic interpretation. This project involves
developing new seismic techniques to obtain high-resolution images and material
property estimates for the seafloor and shallow mud layers to complement the geoengineering analysis. Computer experience and some maths are required. Projects
have the potential to follow on to vacation work internships, and MSc or PhD
Geophysical analysis of paleo tsunami deposits in WA
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
David Lumley, david.lumley@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7331, Beau Whitney, Jeff Shragge
It has recently become evident that there may have been large historical tsunamis
generated offshore WA. The main evidence includes so-called “tsunami boulders”
and sediment deposits on barrier islands along the NW coast. The source location
and timing (every ~5,000 yrs?) of the tsunamis is not well understood, but could
have a huge impact on modern day geo-hazard assessments. This project involves
gathering data evidence for tsunamis and modelling potential source locations and
forces necessary to recreate the observed tsunami data. Computer experience and
some maths are required. Projects have the potential to follow on to vacation work
internships, and MSc or PhD studies.
Modelling Seismic Wavefields for Imaging Earth Structure
For majors
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
Jeffrey Shragge jeffrey.shragge@uwa.edu.au, 6488 3474
The increasing interest in subsurface gas reservoirs and CO2 geologic storage has led
to a rapid increase in 3D and time-lapse (4D) computational seismic modelling of
fluid/gas production and injection processes. A central component is modelling 3D
acoustic- and elastic-wave propagation through to generate high-resolution maps of
the changing subsurface elastic / fluid properties. The computationally demanding
3D elastic-wave modelling is repeated thousands of times during each investigation,
and is an ideal candidate for parallelisation using GPU processors. A vacation
scholarship is possible, and the project can lead to MSc or PhD studies.
Time-lapse Geophysical Monitoring of Fresh-Saltwater Interfaces
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
Jeffrey Shragge jeffrey.shragge@uwa.edu.au, 6488 3474 and Matthias Leopold
Salinisation of superficial freshwater water resources is a problem of increasing
importance throughout Western Australia. One approach to characterising this
problem is to examine temporal variations of a fresh-saltwater interface through
repeat geophysical monitoring surveying (i.e. ground penetrating radar or GPR, and
electrical resistivity). These techniques are sensitive to changes in subsurface salinity
and can provide a measure diurnal-to-monthly fluctuation. The goal of the study is
to use the resulting geophysical images to calibrate hydrogeological models, with
particular emphasis on horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity.
Imaging the earth with ambient noise fields
Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics
Nader Issa, nader.issa@uwa.edu.au, 6488 6872, David Lumley
Usually we design data acquisition systems to enhance signal and reduce noise....
but sometimes the noise in real data is very useful and we wish there was more! A
passive seismic measurement is done without intentionally using a man-made
source of seismic energy. It records a variety of noise sources, including the ambient
seismic noise of such things as: nearby traffic, waves at the beach or even stormy
weather. This project involves finding ambient seismic noise in real data and using it
(alone) to create images of the subsurface. Such innovative techniques are a
promising new way to image the earth, including to monitor subsurface reservoirs
or the injection and storage of CO2. Computer experience and some maths are
required. Projects have the potential to follow on to vacation work internships, and
MSc or PhD studies.
Gravity monitoring of Kings Park hydrology (Mid-year start only)
Any geoscience related degree
Alan Aitken, alan.aitken@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7147, Gavan McGrath
Gravity data can be used to monitor subsurface storage of water, and can help to
understand impacts on ecological change. This project seeks to better understand
the hydrology of King’s Park through gravity monitoring (including field data
collection) and modelling. This project suits those with an interest in environmental
applications of geophysics. Some computing experience and reasonable maths
ability are required. The scope of the project lends itself to either BSc or MSc level
Australo-Antarctic Geology and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (Mid-year start
Any geoscience related degree
Alan Aitken, alan.aitken@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7147
The vulnerability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) to climate change is a topic of
much recent interest, with several studies showing that it may be more vulnerable
to change than is commonly supposed. The EAIS is the biggest uncertainty in
projections of future sea-level rise. Geology provides crucial controls on the
conditions of the ice sheet bed (e.g. crystalline rock versus sedimentary rock) and its
macro-scale structure, dictated by major tectonic elements.
Antarctica’s hot new geophysical datasets from the US-UK-AUS ICECAP program
have revealed for the first time the geology of Wilkes Land – the conjugate margin
to the western 2/3rds of Australia. Several projects are available that will utilise
these brand new data to reconstruct and understand subglacial geology, including
key controls on EAIS flow organisation.
These projects are best suited towards students with an academic focus as the
results are highly publishable and likely to be of high impact if well executed. Some
familiarity with geophysical data interpretation, including gravity, magnetic and
radar data, and a willingness to understand cross-disciplinary concepts are essential.
Tracing fluid pathways in komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE deposits
Geology, economic geology, geochemistry, Honours or Masters
Crystal LaFlamme, crystal.laflamme@uwa.edu.au, 6488 5805 Stefano Caruso, Marco
The advent of multiple sulfur isotope analysis has the potential to radically improve
our understanding of Archean komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE deposits. This project will
employ a multi-scale approach, from identifying mineralization phases in drill core
and thin section to detailed “within-grain” sulfur isotope analysis by Secondary Ion
Mass Spectrometry. UWA is host to world-leading analytical techniques to analyse
the isotopic composition of a wide-range of ore-forming minerals on state-of-the-art
equipment. At the regional-scale the main focus will be to investigate emplacement
mechanisms of ultramafic magmas by studying their geochemical and isotopic
signatures. At the deposit-scale, the focus will be to understand the geochemical
and isotopic evolution of the sulfidic liquid during magmatic and post-magmatic
processes. This project has the potential to greatly enhance our understanding the
role of sulfur and how it can be used as a tracer for fluid pathways in the camp-scale
mineralization process. World-class Ni-PGE deposits occurring in Western Australia
will be used as case studies. This project will complement on-going investigations
into the craton-wide mineral prospectivity.
Basin Structure and mineralization in the Capricorn Orogen
Any geoscience related degree
Sandra Occhipinti, sandra.occhipinti@uwa.edu.au, Alan Aitken,
alan.aitken@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7147; , Mark Lindsay
The Proterozoic sedimentary basins of the Capricorn Orogen preserve lareg
potential for ore-deposit genesis, and yet relatively few significant ore-bodies are
Several projects are available to apply interpretative mapping of magnetic, gravity
and remote sensing data to understand basin architecture and its relationship with
mineralization. These broad-scale interpretations will, where possible, be ground
truthed with drillcore and/or field mapping.
This project suits those with an interest in mineral exploration, geology, remote
sensing or geophysics.
A methodology of very large-scale gravity inversion (Mid-year start only)
Any geoscience related degree, geophysics, physics, computer science
Alan Aitken, alan.aitken@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7147
The density of the Earth's crust and mantle layers has a profound impact on the
planet's tectonic cycles with many follow on implications, e.g. for resource
exploration and geological hazards. Gravity modelling has, to date struggled to cope
with very large-scale modelling due to model size and resolution limitations,
capturing model complexity, and working in spherical co-ordinate systems.
Several projects are available to apply new technologies to regional to large-scale
gravity inversion problems. Work will be completed making full use of Pawsey
Centre supercomputer infrastructure and will involve testing new codes against
existing approaches, assessing performance and helping to further develop the
This project suits those with an interest in geophysics. Software is designed to be
used by non-specialists, however, some computing experience and reasonable
maths ability are required. The scope of the projects lends themselves to MSc level
How the West was One…The Rodona-Totten Shear Zone (Mid-year start only)
Any geoscience related degree
Alan Aitken, mailto:alan.aitken@uwa.edu.au; 6488 7147
The reconfiguration of Mesoproterozoic Australia occurred between ca. 1400 Ma
and ca. 1300 Ma, through a complex series of plate margin processes. The
culmination of this was the collision of the South and West Australian continents.
Past and recent studies indicate that this collision may have occurred along the
Rodona Shear Zone, which lies offshore east of Israelite Bay in WA.
This project involves the use of high-resolution aeromagnetic and gravity data from
Australia and Antarctica to understand shear-zone structure and kinematics. This
new map of the shear zone will be tied in with new geochronological and isotopic
data emerging from beneath the Eucla Basin, from moraine sediments and from the
Albany Fraser Orogen.
Geological mapping of Venus – Atalanta Planitia Quadrangle
Myra Keep, myra.keep@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7198
Our record of the early evolution of Earth is limited by erosion, burial, tectonic
dismemberment and periods of impact cratering. The Venusian surface preserves a
rare and pristine record of terrestrial planet evolution. We aim to map in detail parts
of the Atalanta Planitia Quadrangle (V4) of the northern hemisphere. Our proposed
area contains vast areas of Venusian “tesserae” that is thought to represent the
oldest surviving Venusian landscapes, and which provides a rich and detailed history
of the evolution of the Venusian planetary surface. This project will involve
interpreting SAR data and using first-order geological relationships to understand
the kinematic evolution of the ancient tessera terrains in this block. Students must
have a good understanding of structural geology and tectonics to 3rd year level. The
scope of the project is compatible with extension to Masters level.
Instantaneous melts on Venus – Earth analogues
Myra Keep, myra.keep@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7198,
The Venusian surface, especially in the tesserae regions (the oldest Venusian crust),
is covered with areas of instantaneous melt which flood the local geology. These
flood areas are local, are not associated with volcanic edifices, and seem to be
melting in place. Whilst they may be of roughly the same age, there is no evidence
that they all formed at the same time as the result of a single event. Rather, they
appear to be spontaneous localized melts, similar to those which occur in high-grade
metamorphic rocks on Earth. Granulite facies terrains include numerous areas of
various sizes comprising pegmatite from instantaneous, localized melt during
deformation. This project seeks to map in detail the number and extent of
pegmatite melts in a small area of a granulite terrain, with a view to comparing melt
processes from deformation at deep crustal levels on Earth with processes of
instantaneous melt formation on Venus. Fieldwork will be conducted in the Bremer
Bay area in February 2013.
Neotectonics and strike-slip reactivation in offshore petroleum basins of
northern WA
Myra Keep, myra.keep@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7198 Julien Bourget
The northwest of WA hosts Australia’s largest recorded earthquakes (ML 7.3,
Meeberrie, 1941). Identification of modern surface offsets (fault scarps) and
drainage capture, together with recently acquired earthquake focal mechanism data
for 28 recent events, suggests that modern geomorphology may yield evidence as to
recent earthquake activity throughout north-western WA. This project seeks to map
modern structural orientations and fault reactivation in offshore areas in the
Carnarvon and Browse Basins with a view to understanding the pre-reactivation
geometries and timing, and relating them to the modern tectonic setting. Two
projects are available, and the scope is compatible for continuation to Masters level.
Seafloor bathymetry in the western Timor Sea as evidence of modern
tectonic processes
Myra Keep, myra.keep@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7198, Julien Bourget
High resolution Seabeam seafloor bathymetric data acquired by an international
petroleum company yields details of seafloor topography related to modern
collisional deformation. Detailed mapping of an area in the western Timor Sea will
yield evidence as to surface processes, sedimentation rates, fluid flux and structural
controls on seafloor deformation. Based on Seabeam image interpretations, likely
with some high-resolution seismic data across key transects, these interpretations
can be compiled with deformation known from seismic data and onshore data from
exposures on Timor Island, to further decipher the processes and timing of the
Australia/Eurasia collision in the Timor Sea area. Up to 2 projects are available, and
are both compatible with extension to Masters level.
External controls on the architecture and evolution of Paleocene - Eocene
carbonate platforms, NW Bonaparte and Browse basins: a seismic
stratigraphic approach
Julien Bourget, julien.bourget@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2679
This research project aims to unravel the distribution, architecture, and growth
history of isolated carbonate platforms that developed at the boundary between the
Browse and Bonaparte basins during the Paleocene and Eocene. Carbonate
sedimentation repeatedly alternated with periods of platform exposure and
siliciclastic shelf-margin sedimentation, and the external controls at the origin of
these sequences will be investigated. The project will be based on 2D and 3D seismic
data complemented by well wireline data. Seismic stratigraphy and 3D attribute
analysis will be conducted and will allow identifying stratal geometries, stratigraphic
surfaces, and high-resolution imaging of depositional geometries. Structural
mapping and analysis will be conducted in order to evaluate the potential impact of
basement faults on carbonate platforms emplacement/geometries.
This Level 4 project can be complemented by additional datasets and extended as a
Level 5 research project.
3D seismic stratigraphy – Plio-Quaternary analogues for carbonate reservoirs
Julien Bourget, julien.bourget@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2679
This research project will use a newly acquired (2012) 3D seismic survey to
investigate the seismic stratigraphic evolution of a Plio-Quaternary analogue for
carbonate reservoirs forming in intra-shelf basinal settings (i.e., numerous oil and
gas fields from the Middle East of Mesozoic age).
You will learn state-of-the-art interpretation techniques of 3D seismic data (volume
interpretation, horizon cube generation, attribute analysis) to build a concept model
of stratigraphic evolution of the basin during the last 4 million years. The project will
also focus on the identification and mapping of potential reservoir geobodies
(carbonate build-ups, platforms, and tidal channels) to populate a reservoir
database. The identification of changes in carbonate growth patterns will also
provide new insights on the sea-level and climate changes that occurred in northern
Australia in the Pliocene and Quaternary. This valuable information on the
sensitivity of reef systems to environmental modifications will help understanding
the future evolution of present-day barrier reefs in Australia and worldwide.
Unravelling tectonic and eustatic controls on shelf-margin and slope
sedimentation in the northern Bonaparte Basin
Geology, Petroleum Geoscience, Earth Science
Julien Bourget, julien.bourget@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2679, Myra Keep
The Bonaparte Basin (NW Shelf of Australia, Timor Sea) constitutes a long-lived
sedimentary basin supporting important oil and gas exploration and production. The
basin forms a very wide continental shelf where sedimentation consisted of
silliciclastic supply mixed with outer shelf carbonates. The aim of this project is to
integrate very-high resolution two-dimensional and three-dimensional seimic
datasets, wireline and shallow cores, in order to investigate the depositional history
and architetcure of Pleistocene shelf-margin deltaic sediments on the northern edge
of the basin (Sunrise Field). The main aims are (1) to determine the relative
importance of local tectonics and global sea-level fluctuations on shelf-margin
depocentres and geometries; (2) to establish a correlation between shelf-margin
and basin sedimentation during this time span and evaluate the nature of turbidite
system architecture and its recent evolution.
This project will be part of a wider research proposal involving academic and
industry partners, and could be continued in the form a longer (Msc) project.
Students should have completed EART3344 Basin Analysis.
Controls on the stratigraphic architecture and evolution of carbonate slope
systems of the North West Shelf: analogue study for oil & gas reservoirs
Julien Bourget, julien.bourget@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2679
This research project aims to unravel the distribution, architecture, and growth
history of the widespread carbonate slope deposits (turbidites and mass-transport
deposits) that developed along the margins of the North West Shelf during the
Cenozoic. Carbonate margins and slopes represent an important component of the
stratigraphic fill of sedimentary basins and an important target for oil and gas
exploration. The emphasis on terrigeneous slope and basin deposits during the last
two decades was not accompanied by a similar interest for their carbonate
counterparts, which have comparatively received little attention. The recent focus
of hydrocarbon exploration activities in carbonate slope and basin sequences
worldwide has highlighted their economic potential and a need for increasing data
collection in analogue settings in order to revise conceptual models that predict
slope architecture, reservoir quality, and seal development.
The extensive amount of open-file 2D/3D seismic and well data available along the
North West Shelf makes it a unique setting for investigating carbonate margin and
slope architecture, geomorphology and prospectivity. This project will use a regional
compilation of seismic and well data to investigate the stratigraphic evolution of the
Cenozoic sequences of the North West Shelf. The focus of the project can be
adjusted to your skills / motivation and more focused on either 2D/3D seismic
stratigraphy or side wall core data analysis. However integration of various types of
datasets (well biostratigraphy, well log and seismic data) will be a key component to
the project.
Shallow-marine seismic stratigraphy and reservoir architecture in the
offshore Taranaki Basin (New-Zealand)
Julien Bourget, julien.bourget@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2679
The Taranaki Basin is a hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary basin containing
Cretaceous to Pliocene reservoir intervals in continental, shallow-marine and deepmarine depositional settings. This project will focus on an Eocene shallow-marine
deposit located off the northern Taranaik coast. Three-dimensional seismic data and
well data will be used to create a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework
of the field area. Attribute analysis techniques will help characterizing depositional
architecture, identify potential reservoir target(s) and trap(s).
Depositional history and petroleum reservoir characterisation, North West
Shelf basins
Geology, Petroleum Geoscience
Annette George, annette.george@uwa.edu.au, 6488 1923
A wide variety of petroleum reservoirs are encountered in the offshore basins of the
North West Shelf of Australia. Petroleum-focused projects can be undertaken in
shallow or deep marine depositional systems to reconstruct depositional and
tectonic history of specific basins or through specific stratigraphic units (notably
reservoirs). These projects typically involve integration of core work (sedimentology,
facies analysis ± petrography ± biostratigraphy) with seismic and/or wire line log
data in a sequence-stratigraphic framework. There are specific projects focusing on
seismic sequence-stratigraphic interpretation of basin-margin history and
characterisation of reservoir intervals. These projects are also suitable for 36-42 pt
Masters projects.
Characterisation of siliciclastic- or carbonate-dominated reservoirs associated
with conventional and unconventional resources in onshore WA Basins (e.g.
Canning Basin, Perth Basin)
Geology, Petroleum Geoscience, Geochemistry
Annette George, annette.george@uwa.edu.au, 6488 1923
Understanding reservoir quality is a fundamental aspect of petroleum system
analysis. The onshore basins of WA have been the sites of earliest petroleum
exploration in WA, and despite the dominance of the NWS as the major petroleum
producer, the onshore basins have had some exciting oil discoveries in the last few
years (e.g. Cliff Head, Perth Basin, and Ungani in the Canning Basin). Projects will
focus on conventional and unconventional reservoir development using core to
petrographic-scale description and interpretation to establish depositional
setting/environments and major controls on reservoir quality (i.e. principally
distribution of porosity and permeability). Some of these projects include Hylogger®
analysis and portable XRF analysis of core to obtain geochemical data for
characterising facies and diagenetic effects. Some projects could involve application
of higher level microscopic techniques (scanning electron, cathode luminescence).
Geochemical signatures in stratigraphic successions
Annette George, annette.george@uwa.edu.au, 6488 1923
Interpretation of changes in geochemical composition through stratigraphic
successions is increasingly used to understand significant environmental changes in
the Earth System in deep time including times of major biotic crisis. In addition,
using inorganic geochemical data to correlate stratigraphic successions
(‘chemostratigraphy’) is also valuable and increasingly used in the industry alongside
other methods to construct better subsurface models. Projects are available that
would typically integrate petrography (conventional ± cathode luminescence
microscopy) and relevant geochemical analyses (e.g. elemental composition, stable
isotopes) to address specific problems of past environmental change and/or basin
history. Sample suites may be linked to core logging depending on area for
additional sedimentological skill development.
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Geology, Geochemistry
Tony Kemp, tony.kemp@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7846
A range of projects are available in the general fields of igneous and metamorphic
petrology. Topics include, and are not limited to - (1) petrology and evolution of
Archean granulites, (2) petrology and geochemistry of Proterozoic dolerite dyke
swarms, (3) partial melting processes in migmatites from field and geochemical
studies, (4) petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic mafic-ultramafic intrusions, and (5) tin
and rare metal mineralization in pegmatites. All projects would involve petrography
(optical and secondary electron microscopy) and mineral chemistry (electron
microprobe, possibly laser ablation ICPMS), with scope for whole rock geochemistry
(major and trace elements) and, potentially, U-Pb isotope geochronology (zircon,
monazite). A small fieldwork component may be included. Projects can be tailored
to suit individual interests, and may be undertaken over one or two years.
Rare Earth Element mineralisation in granites
Geology, Economic Geology
Tony Kemp, tony.kemp@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7846
Certain types of granitic rocks are associated with large enrichments in the rare
earth elements (REE) - increasingly sought after and strategic commodities of value
for sophisticated electronics and renewable energy applications. The purpose of
this project is to investigate the controls on these enrichments with reference to
study of alkaline granites of the Yilgarn Craton, and peralkaline granites in eastern
Australia. These rocks contain unusual REE-rich minerals such as euxenite,
fergusonite, samarskite, chevkinite, and bastnaesite. The task is to identify and
understand the textural context of REE-rich minerals in the rock, and to relate their
distribution to the magmatic evolution of the host granite. There is scope to
investigate the effects of alteration and weathering on the mobility and
concentration of REE. Involves detailed petrology and electron microscopy.
Modelling hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation in the Abra base
metal deposit
Geology, geochemistry, structural geology, modelling
Crystal LaFlamme crystal.laflamme@uwa.edu.au, Mark Pearce (CSIRO), Sam Spinks
The Abra Pb-Ag-(Zn)-Cu-Au deposit is a world class metal accumulation in the
Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia. The host rocks for the deposit are a series of
shales and sandstones of the Proterozoic Edmund Group with mineralisation
located around sedimentary boundaries across which there is a qualitative change
in redox state. Mineralisation at Abra is geochemically-blind, obscured by ~300 m
of sediment and regolith, and therefore the exact nature of mineralisation is still
under debate. Whilst the geology at depth is also poorly constrained, recent studies
of fluid inclusions (Pirajno et al, 2015) and modelling of the faulting (Zhang &
Schaubs, 2012), combined with ongoing field and analytical investigations provide
valuable inputs for thermodynamic modelling of the fluid-rock interaction at Abra.
This project will use thermodynamic modelling software, HCh and Geochemists
Work Bench, to simulate fluid flow through the stratigraphic sequence and place
constraints on fluid chemistry, redox state and potential sources. Using the
constraints on the fluid and rock compositions from existing data, the unknown
parameters can be explored using forward thermodynamic modelling to match
geological constraints. There is also scope to place further constraints on fluid
composition by collecting fluid inclusion compositional data using the PIXE nuclear
microprobe at the University of Melbourne. The forward modelling approach has
previously been used to simulate mineralisation in IOCG deposits where host rock
stratigraphy exerts a significant control on location of mineralisation (Cleverley &
Oliver, 2005). Work will be completed in collaboration with the Capricorn Distal
Footprints team with potential for the intern to interact with industry sponsors of
the project.
Honours or Masters
Understanding metal contamination of sediments in the Swan-Canning estuary
Environmental Science, Geology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience, Soil
Science, Physical Geography
Andrew Rate, andrew.rate@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2500
Potentially toxic elements such as some trace metals may be naturally present in
estuarine sediments, or may originate from external sources such as stormwater
drains, marinas, or riparian wetlands drying and acidifying as a result of climate
variability. In this project we will sample wetland and estuarine sediments to
measure the concentrations and mode-of-occurrence of relevant trace elements
and associated sediment properties (sulfides, organic matter, clays, etc.). The data
will be used to deduce the fate and likely risk of metal contamination.
Geochemical evolution of dredge spoils
Environmental Science, Geology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience, Soil
Science, Physical Geography
Andrew Rate, andrew.rate@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2500
The disposal of estuarine or marine dredge material has become very topical with
the proposed development of the Abbot Point on the Great Barrier Reef. The PeelHarvey estuary in WA has examples of both land-based and submarine disposal of
dredged sediments. Some consequences are known, but incompletely understood,
such as the oxidation of sedimentary sulfides in land-disposed sediment, with
consequent acidification and release of metals. The evolution of dredge spoil
disposed within the estuary is very poorly understood. The project will involve
sampling in one of these scenarios and assessing the geochemical evolution and
potential for export of contaminants.
Structural Evolution of the AUS-PAC Plate Boundary in Southern New
Geology, Geochemistry
Geoff Batt, geoff.batt@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2686, Brent McInnes (Curtin) Noreen
Evans (CSIRO)
The relative tectonic simplicity of the obliquely convergent boundary between the
Australian and Pacific Plates through southern New Zealand has long seen the
region held up as a natural laboratory through which to develop understanding of
fundamental orogenic processes. Although deformation in this region is today
focused along the Alpine Fault zone to the west of the orogen, the extent of
Pliocene-Recent convergence and exhumation has resulted in a low preservation
potential for material that directly experienced the early development of the
system, leaving its structural evolution incompletely understood.
Pilot investigations have recently shown Thermochronological constraint to have
the potential to resolve elements of this ambiguous history.
This project will use (U-Th)/He thermochronometry of zircon and apatite to
characterize the development and abandonment of fault structures during
Miocene evolution of the plate boundary through southern New Zealand from a
broad domain of transpressional structures to a coherent, unified fault system –
the fore-runner of the modern Alpine Fault.
No fieldwork would be required, as samples have already been collected.
The project will involve petrographic and microprobe analysis to characterize
samples. Zircon, apatite, and potentially other accessory phases will be selected
and prepared for high precision geochemical and isotopic analysis, including
Full training would be provided in the instrumentation and analytical techniques to
be applied
What are the forms of trace elements in sulfidic estuarine sediments? Can
we use trace elements as geochemical tracers in these systems?
Geology (environmental), Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience, Land & Water
Andrew Rate, andrew.rate@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2500
Trace elements represent potential contaminants in aquatic sediments, but may
also be useful in determining the origin of sulfidic minerals in these systems. You
would collect samples of monosulfide-rich sediments from the Peel-Harvey Estuary
System or use archived samples. Using these sediments, you would measure the
concentrations of different forms of trace elements using a range of chemical and
spectroscopic analytical techniques. Normalised trace element concentrations
would be related to geographical spatial distribution of the sediments.
What can we learn from geochemical soil surveys?
Geology (environmental), Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience,
Environmental Science
Andrew Rate, andrew.rate@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2500
A number of continental-scale soil geochemical datasets are available (e.g., the
National Geochemical Survey of Australia, the FOREGS EuroGeoSurveys
Geochemical Baseline Database, and the North American ‘Geochemical
Landscapes’ project). While these survey have yielded several published studies,
the large amount of data collected has the potential to yield significant further
findings. This desktop-based project would use robust statistical and multivariate
analyses to evaluate interesting and relevant hypotheses about soil and regolith
geochemistry based on these large datasets.
The quantification of hydrothermal mineralising systems
All Geoscience topics
Alison Ord, alison.ord@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2642, Mark Munro, Steve Micklethwaite
This research program is designed as a training project for students and young
researchers, with special focus on the analysis of complex geological systems
through a combination of structure quantification and modelling.
The non-linearity of many geological systems has been increasingly recognized
during the past decades. Processes within such systems act far away from
equilibrium and lead to complex structures. A rigorous theoretical and
observational foundation for these processes is crucial for understanding the
short-term as well as long-term behaviour of our geological environment that
provides the basis for our social, cultural and economic life.
Specific projects will focus on mineralisation under hydrothermal conditions – a
process that combines fundamental physical and chemical procedures in
crystalline matter with fluid flow under various conditions, leading e.g. to
economically important mineral deposits and geothermal fields, as well as
affecting the long- and short-term response of the lithosphere to stresses, e.g.
expressed in the formation of mountain belts and in earthquakes.
The projects will be based on a combination of field-related recording of structures
with subsequent quantification and application of numerical modelling. This allows
(i) to investigate in detail the effects of various physical and chemical parameters
on hydrothermally driven mineralisation, (ii) to compare modelled structures with
natural ones and, consequently, (iii) to calibrate and refine the numerical models,
which again allows more detailed investigations.
Resources are available in 2014 for collaborative research in Germany through a
Go8/DAAD project. The project may lead to MSc or PhD studies.
Empirical Analysis of False Positives in Geophysics and Geochemical
Exploration – A ‘Live’ Case Study of Nickel-Copper Exploration in the Fraser
Range Region, WA
Any Geoscience background (Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, GIS or Economic
Geology), or Geoscience/Commerce double degree
Allan Trench (CET) allan.trench@crugroup.com; 0437 092 466
John Sykes (CET) john.sykes@greenfieldsresearch.com,
Mike Dentith michael.dentith@uwa.edu.au
Studies that examine the probabilities of success in mineral exploration are still in
their infancy in terms of influencing exploration decision-making across the
broader minerals sector. Very few data-points are available as to the number and
nature of exploration targets that are drill-tested – the number of targets that then
progress to follow-up drilling – and conversely the number of targets that are
considered not worthy of further follow-up activity due to initially negative
exploration outcomes.
This study will look at the current exploration efforts of around 20 listed
exploration companies in the Fraser Range region of WA. Heightened exploration
activity has followed the 2012 world-scale discovery of the Nova-Bollinger nickel22
copper deposits in the area by Sirius Resources (SIR). The project will involve
examining the exploration strategies of these companies, estimating the number
of targets identified and tested in the period 2012-2014 and assessing the success
rates for targets to progress beyond initial exploration based upon the source of
anomalism (e.g. whether electromagnetics, magnetics, geochemistry,
geology/structural targeting etc.).
Empirical results will be placed into context using a False Positive/True Positive
exploration framework. The study is likely to be high-profile given the extreme
exploration interest in the region for new nickel-copper sulphide discoveries.
The Depth Extent of Australia’s Exploration Search Space - Constraints from
Existing Mine Developments
Any Geoscience background (Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, GIS or Economic
Geology), or Geoscience/Commerce double degree
Allan Trench (CET) allan.trench@crugroup.com; 0437 092 466 ; John Sykes (CET)
john.sykes@greenfieldsresearch.com, Cam McCuaig(CET)
campbell.mccuaig@uwa.edu.au; Robbie Rowe (Industry Consultant - UNCOVER
The exploration of Australia’s large areas of covered terrain is widely perceived as
the next frontier of exploration search space. A multidisciplinary initiative is being
co-ordinated across a number of Universities and research organisations to
commence preparation for the coming decades of exploration through cover rocks
to locate the next generation Olympic Dam-like discoveries. Surprisingly, data as to
the depth extent of current mining in Australia is not readily available in an easily
accessible form - in order to empirically determine the costs of mining for deeper
orebodies. This study will aim to achieve the following 3 aims:
Provide a compilation of the depths of Australian mines by key commodities,
focused on gold and base metals.
Collate public domain cost information as to the impact of greater depth upon
production costs
Provide a first-pass screening of broad areas of Australia’s covered terrain as to the
volume of area likely to be first targeted for next generation discoveries.
Mineral System analysis to predict the copper metal endowment of
Northern Chile
Any Geoscience background (Geology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, GIS or Economic
Geology), or Geoscience/Commerce double degree
Cam McCuaig(CET) campbell.mccuaig@uwa.edu.au; Jon Hronsky (CET Adjunct
Professor, Western Mining Services); John Sykes (CET)
Northern Chile is the world’s greatest copper province. Although explored, a large
percentage of the region (and therefore potential mineral wealth) is under postmineralisation cover sequences. This study will:
(1) combine existing databases from northern Chile on mineral deposit size,
location, timing, and intrusive/volcanic rock chemistry and timing;
(2) map these data spatially and temporally to determine:
(a) size-frequency distributions of deposits in space and time
(b) variations in established chemical ‘fertility indicators’ for copper-fertile
magmatism in space and time
(c) compare these maps to established geodynamic history of the western margin
of South America
The study will test whether the patterns reflect those self-organised critical
systems, and whether the size-frequency distribution of deposits can be used to
predict the residual endowment and potential value in this world-class district.
Can rare earth element (REE) concentrations in vegetation explain
enrichment of rare earth elements in some surface soils?
Geochemistry, Environmental Geoscience, Land & Water Management, Soil
Andrew Rate, andrew.rate@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2500
Trace elements represent potential contaminants in aquatic sediments. The
biogeochemical cycling of trace elements in terrestrial ecosystems is a surprisingly
poorly-researched topic. You would sample vegetation growing on regolith profiles
that are geochemically well-characterised. Plant tissues would be analysed for REE
concentrations, and mass balances calculated to assess the significance of plant
uptake on REE cycling in these systems. It will likely be necessary to measure other
REE pools (such as regolith pore water) to complete the mass balance.
See also: Du, X., Rate, A.W. and Gee, M. 2011. Mineralogical Magazine 75, 784.
Magnetic Interpretation of Basement Structure of the Irwin Terrace,
northern Perth Basin
Suitable for M.Sc (5th yr) research project
Mike Dentith, michael.dentith@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2676, Annette George
New government aeromagnetic data from the northern Perth Basin shows
basement structure in the tectonically significant, but poorly exposed, region where
the Urella Fault joints the basin-bounding Darling Fault. Existing tectonic models
involving a major accommodation zone in this area can be tested using the new
data. The Irwin Terrace is a major tectonic element of the northern Perth Basin and
exposes Permian stratigraphic units that form important conventional and
unconventional reservoirs in the basin.
Geoscience degree including EART3353 Geological Mapping and GEOS4412
Petroleum Systems
The research will be based primarily on aeromagnetic data, which will be
interpreted in association with magnetic property data (collected on a short field
trip) and the limited seismic reflection data from the area.
Radiometric Responses of Mineral Deposits: Are Alteration-Zone Responses
Actually Due to Changes in Geochemistry?
Suitable for Hons (4th yr) or M.Sc (5th yr) research project; Geoscience degree
including EART3353 Geological Mapping and GEOS4411 Mineralising Systems
Mike Dentith, michael.dentith@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2676
Several common types of mineral deposits are associated with alteration haloes
where the concentration of the three radioelements (K, U, Th) is known to vary.
Examples include VMS, epithermal precious metal and porphyry-style deposits.
Some important kinds of host rocks for diamonds and REE are also anomalous with
respect to radioelement content, notably carbonatites and kimberlites.
An initial assessment of the extensive database of geochemical data suggests that
measured changes in radioelement concentrations are often too small to be
detected by radiometric surveys. Further data needs to be compiled and modelling
of radiometric responses undertaken to investigate whether, for example,
responses are being significantly affected by supergene enrichment, density
variations or topography.
There is no significant database of the radiometric responses from alteration haloes
or mineralisation. A literature search is needed to address this problem, with the
dimensions of these anomalies compared with common survey configurations,
allowing for the effects of ‘system footprints’, to determine the probability of
detection of these responses during reconnaissance exploration.
This project is laboratory based and involves data compilation and geophysical data
modelling in a geological context.
Interpreting Magnetic Data from Sedimentary Basins: Recognising Responses
from Evaporites
Suitable for M.Sc (5th yr) research project; Geoscience degree including EART3353
Geological Mapping, EART 3344 Basin Analysis and GEOS4412 Petroleum Systems
Mike Dentith, michael.dentith@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2676, Annette George
Recently compiled aeromagnetic data from the Canning Basin show responses
which, based on their geometry, are possibly related to salt diapirs. Although rarely
reported, the ‘textbook’ magnetic response of salt is a negative anomaly, however
these responses are mostly positive anomalies.
Core from two drillholes from the study area is available on which to make magnetic
property measurements. Limited seismic data is also available. The research project
comprises an integrated interpretation of the available data, including qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the magnetic data.
Petrology and geochemistry of majorite-bearing peridotite as a source of
Barberton-type komatiite volcanism
Suitable for Hons (4th yr) or M.Sc (5th yr) research project (Geoscience)
Marco Fiorentini, marco.fiorentini@uwa.edu.au, 6488 3465, Laure Martin
Komatiites are ultrabasic magmas that formed through high degrees of partial
melting of the mantle and therefore provide the most reliable information on bulk
mantle compositions. Komatiites have been subdivided into two main groups:
Barberton-type komatiites are Al-depleted and have trace element patterns that are
undepleted in the most incompatible elements, whereas Munro-type komatiites are
Al-undepleted and show incompatible-element-depleted trace element patterns. It
is also notable that Barberton-type komatiites are generally depleted in platinumgroup element (PGE) contents in relation to Munro-type komatiites.
The compositional differences between Barberton- and Munro-type komatiites
reflect the conditions under which the melts separated from their plume sources.
Barberton-type komatiites formed by 30% batch melting of a mantle source enriched
or slightly depleted in Ca–Al at a depth exceeding 300km, and are depleted in Al
owing to majorite garnet retention in the source, whereas Munro-type komatiites
formed by 50% fractional melting of a Ca–Al-depleted mantle source at a shallower
depth. However, the genesis of komatiite magmatism is still highly debated as very
few reliable mantle sources have been identified.
The aim of this study is to determine the petrological and geochemical features of a
series of majorite-bearing peridotites from the Otroy Complex in western Norway.
These peridotites are thought to represent the mantle restite of Archean Barbertontype komatiite volcanism. Hence, through this study it will be possible to investigate
further the genesis of komatiite volcanism and address the question whether
majorite garnet plays a role in PGE fractionation and concentration during magmatic
Methods: This research will build on existing material that was collected during
previous studies combining:
Petrology using optic and electronic microscopic methods.
Microprobe analysis (depending on results)
Laser Ablation ICPMS (depending on results)
Ion probe (depending on results)
Requirements: This project does not include a fieldwork component and requires a
high quality student comfortable with detailed analytical work. A successful outcome
has the potential to result in a publication.
Microbialte Ecohydrology and Sedimentology
Hydrogeology, Geology, Geography, Environmental Science
Ryan Vogwill ryan.vogwill@uwa.edu.au, 6488 2680
South West Western Australia contains a large number of microbialte bearing
wetlands which are under threat from climate change, anthropogenic water use
and landuse change. Microbialites (stromatolites, thrombolites and tufas) are all
formed by the presence of microbial communities which form CaCO3 deposits.
Multiple project opportunities exist at multiple sites to assess microbialite
formation, microbialite sedimentology, microbialite evotuion, wetland surface and
groundwater interaction, links between microbial assemblage and water quality to
contribute towards developing environmental water requirements.
PT constraints on Gold mineralisation in the Archean Agnew Greenstone belt
Suitable for M.Sc (5th yr) research project; Geosciences, Economic Geology
Nicolas Thébaud, nicolas.thebaud@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7139, Kati Katy Evans and
Alistair White
In the Agnew Gold Camp recent investigation delineated the structural framework
and mineral paragenesis of four differing deposits: the Crusader, Songvang, New
Holland-Genesis, and Waroonga deposits. Results from these studies indicate that
mineralisation in the Agnew Gold Camp was structurally controlled by the
formation of the Lawlers Antiform during a regional E-W contraction.
Mineralisation expression in the Agnew Gold Camp shows vastly different
alteration styles. These include atypical magnetite-rich, quartz- and sulphide-poor
Au mineralisation at Crusader, a Au/Ag rich system with biotite-fluorite-amphibolechalcopyrite in Songvang, and typical quartz-arsenopyrite-pyrite-biotite-amphibole
orogenic gold-style alteration in the New Holland-Genesis and Waroonga deposits.
Structural and paragenetic relationships, combined with geochronological data,
indicate that mineralisation developed during a two-stage process involving
contrasting fluid sources. The initial event is related to the onset of folding and
presents the characteristics of magmatic intrusion related mineralisation. The
second mineralisation event is more akin to typical Archean orogenic-like gold
mineralisation, and has developed at a late stage of the Lawlers anticline formation.
Although the use of geochronology permitted the definition of at least two
mineralisation events, the genetic process leading to the range of mineralisation
styles present in the Agnew Camp remain poorly constrained. The key challenge
that still remains is to place these extremely different alteration and mineralisation
styles into the now well-defined regional spatial and temporal context. Further
understanding of the P-T condition of formation of each individual deposit may in
turn help guide resource delineation and exploration strategies.
Metamorphic P-T evolution of the Archean Agnew Greenstone belt
Suitable for M.Sc (5th yr) research project
Nicolas Thebaud, nicolas.thebaud@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7139, Michael Gazeley and
Alistair White
The understanding of the structural relationship between Archean greenstone belts
and adjacent granitoids is critical for understanding crustal evolution during the
Archean and is the subject of ongoing debate. Our ability to propose and test
geodynamic models, strongly depends on our capacity to gather accurate
information on the pressure, temperature, and timing of a given
tectonometamorphic event. In Archean cratons this exercise is complicated by the
fact that greenstone belts are largely metamorphosed in the greenschist facies or
less (T≤450ºC) for which existing mineral thermometer and barometers lack
accuracy. This project aims at using the complex mineral metamorphic mineral
assemblage in the mafic succession to evaluate the P-T evolution at the time of
deformation of the structuraly well constrained Agnew domain in the Yilgarn
craton, Western Australia.
Hydrothermal alteration mineralogy, texture and zoning at the Petowal
deposit, Eastern Senegal, Western Africa
Suitable for Hons (4th yr) research project
Nicolas Thebaud, nicolas.thebaud@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7139, Quentin Masurel
Hydrothermal alteration mineralogy and zonation of the orogenic gold Petawol in
Eastern Senegal (Western Africa) using detailed petrography, mineral chemistry and
whole rock, trace element and REE geochemistry. This new data will be used to
establish the hydrothermal footprint and P-T-X conditions of gold mineralization at
this deposit; in addition mineralogical and geochemical vectors towards gold
mineralization will be established.
Economic Geology
U-Pb age distribution of Detrital Zircon populations across the Birimian
Terrane / Man Shield boundary, West Africa
Suitable for Hons (5th yr) research project; Economic Geology
Nicolas Thébaud, nicolas.thebaud@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7139, Luis Parra Avilla and
Elena Belousova
The West African Craton consists of an Archean core, the so-called Man Shield, and
a Paleoproterozoic Birimian Terrane that is essentially composed of volcanic belts
and intervening sedimentary basins. The overall relation and the boundary
between the Man Shield and the Birimian Terrane further to the North remains
poorly constrained. In order to understand the regional tectonostratigraphic
evolution and associated mineralisation of the Birimian Terrane in Western Africa,
it is important to develop a good understanding of the timing of emplacement of
the various litho-stratigraphic pakages and intrustions forming the Craton. At
present, very little is known about the stratigraphic variation within the Birimian
Sedimentary Basins, which forms a large portion of the Birimian Sequence and even
less is known about the relation of this basin with the underlying Archean Man
Shield. In 2012 a field campaign was conducted in Guinea across the boundary
between the Proterozoic and Archean Terranes. During this field campaign,
sediments from streams and rivers were collected with the purpose of conducting a
TerraneChron® reconnaissance study over the area. TerranChron® is a unique
methodology integrating in situ analysis of zircons for U-Pb age, Hf-isotope
composition and trace-element composition using LAM-ICPMS, LAM-MultiCollector (MC) ICPMS and electron microprobe (EMP) providing a powerful tool for
the study of crustal evolution and evaluation of the metallogenic potential of
terranes. The methodology will be applied to detrital zircons recovered from
drainage samples. The use of drainage samples has many advantages: nature has
separated and concentrated a statistically more meaningful sample than is
achievable by conventional single rock sampling and methods, and this can provide
a more comprehensive coverage of rock types particularly in the areas where the
rock outcrops are scarce.
Martian impact craters and their potential for melt and ore deposit genesis
Suitable for Hons (4th yr) or M.Sc (5th yr) research project; Geoscience
Marco Fiorentini, marco.fiorentini@uwa.edu.au, 64883465, Steve Mickelthwaite,
Raphael Baumgartner, David Baratoux
Observations on the size, structure and morphology of impact craters on the
planetary bodies of the inner solar system provide invaluable information about
their crustal composition, structure and physical properties. The impact process
itself is usually characterised by the formation of impact melt due to the release of
thermal energy and instantaneous melting of the target rocks. Small impacts (crater
diameter <25 km) usually form low amounts of impact melt, most of which occurs
as small bodies of glass in (polymict) breccias within and outside the crater. Large
impact structures, on the other hand, usually host large amounts of impact melts
deposited as melt layers at the crater floors.
The Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC), Canada, which represents a thick
differentiated mafic- to ultramafic melt layer, represents the best example of an
impact related melt sheet on Earth. Intriguingly, the SIC also hosts the world’s
largest Ni reserves in the form of basal horizons of polymetallic (Ni-Cu-PGE)
sulphide mineralisation. Their genesis is recognised to be directly linked to cooling
and closed system magmatic differentiation of the melt body. The Martian crust is
largely dominated by impact craters, which range in diameter from <1 km to the
enormous dimension (~2200 km diameter) of the Hellas Planitia impact structure,
suggesting the potential presence of large amounts of impact melt in individual
impact structures. The primary aim of this project is to investigate whether
individual Martian impact crater host large amounts of differentiated and
potentially mineralised (i.e. Ni-Cu-PGE sulphides) impact melt layers.
Methodology: Martian impact crater will be investigated for impact melt sheets
based on two individual approaches:
Various high-resolution imagery (e.g. CTX, HIRISE, HRSC, MOC; up to 0.25 m/pixel)
and global topography (e.g. MOLA, HRSC; up to 50 m/pixel) datasets will be used to
map individual Martian impact craters for the presence of large layers of impact
melt sheets.
Numerous studies have shown that impact crater diameter scale with impact melt
volume. State of the art calculation/modelling techniques about impact melt
generation will be used to calculate potential melt volumes present in individual
crater on Mars.
High-Precision Uranium-Lead Geochronology applied to Igneous Processes
and Tectonics
Geology, Geochemistry
Steve Denyszyn, steven.denyszyn@uwa.edu.au, 6488 7329
The use of thermal-ionisation mass spectrometry to determine the isotopic
composition of uranium and lead in minerals such as zircon and baddeleyite can
provide high-precision ages for igneous events. This enables the determination of
the timing, rate, and correlation of all sorts of geological processes, such as magma
chamber development, ore-forming events, tectonic activity from the local to
continental scales, or global biotic events such as mass extinctions.
A variety of projects are available that will use this methodology, which involves
careful laboratory practice, in combination with petrography and geochemistry to
answer important questions in these fields using rocks already collected (so work
can begin right away).
Most projects involve the study of mafic intrusive rocks and the timing of their
emplacement, with implications for ore-deposit genesis, and the reconstruction of
past climate and plate motion. If other rock types interest you, there are also
projects available to study granites and their mode of emplacement, and
metamorphic rocks to determine the timing of formation and metamorphism.
Fingerprinting fluid and sulfur sources at the Prairie Downs Pb-Zn deposit:
unlocking sphalerite
Geology, economic geology, geochemistry, structural geology
Crystal LaFlamme, crystal.laflamme@uwa.edu.ca, 6488 5805; Johannes Hammerli,
Marco Fiorentini
This project will seek to understand the nature and source of metal-transporting
fluids and sulfur in the poorly understood Prairie Downs Pb-Zn deposit within the
Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia. Mineralization at Prairie Downs is multiphase and hosted within temporally-distinct units. Preliminary petrographic work
has identified at least two generations of sphalerite mineralization in the deposit.
This project will utilize a number of state-of-the-art analytical techniques pertaining
to the analysis of sphalerite, used here as a critical tracer for metal and sulfur
source. In situ multiple sulfur isotope analysis to place constraints on the source of
sulfur will be developed and determined using world-leading techniques by
Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry at UWA. Coupled to constraining the source of
sulfur, fluid inclusion analysis will provide valuable information on the temperature
and potentially the source(s) of the fluid-transporting metals. This work has the
potential to provide valuable information on the controls and localisation of
mineralization. As a Master’s project, the student could potentially perform some
field work component at the deposit itself.
Honours or Masters project
3D modelling of the West African Craton
Geology Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
Mark Jessell, mark.jessell@uwa.edu.au, 6488 5803, Mark Lindsay
A number of global and regional geophysical datasets exist for the West African
Craton (WAC), however the signatures of major lithospheric-scale features
(Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary, Moho, Major Structural boundaries…)
remain under-constrained. This project will critically examine the available datasets
in order to build a full 3D model of the WAC that characterises and then visualises
the uncertainty associated with each interpreted feature.
This project is supported by the CET-led West African Exploration Initiative, an
industry-funded consortium with 10 industry partners, and the scope is compatible
for continuation to Masters or PhD level. Computer experience and some maths
are required.
Topological uncertainty in 3D geology
Geology Geophysics, Physics, Engineering, Computer Science
Mark Jessell, mark.jessell@uwa.edu.au, 6488 5803, Mark Lindsay
The geometry of geological models has long been recognised to be an important
constraint on the validity of forward process modelling and geophysical inversions,
however in many instances the topology of the model is as important if not more
so, especially in situations where the continuity of lithologies, or the connectivity of
structures controls the outcome, such as in fluid flow or some types of electrical
measurements. This project will examine methods to characterise the 3D topology
of geological models as a pathway to classifying end-member models that can be
used in geophysical inversion schemes.
This project is supported by the WA government-funded WA_In3D project, and the
scope is compatible for continuation to Masters or PhD level. Computer experience
and some maths are required.
Web mapping solutions for pre-competitive geoscientific data distribution
Computer Science, Environmental Science: Geographic Information Science and
Environmental Management
Vaclav Metelka, vaclav.metelka@uwa.edu.au, 6488 1871; David Glance; Mark
Web mapping applications are now a standard tool for delivering, sharing,
analysing, or distributing spatial data worldwide. During the WAXI (West African
Exploration Initiative) project a web-mapping tool called “waxiexplorer” was
developed. This tool was also used for an open-access system called the IM4DC
Open Data accessible at http://opendata.im4dc.org. Both of these web applications
enable users to visualize and download any spatially enabled data that were
gathered through the life of the particular project. These applications build on
open-source web mapping solutions such as Geoserver and PostgreSQL with the
PostGIS extension as well a number of JavaScript libraries like ExtJS, OpenLayers,
GeoExt, and GXP.
The proposed project will aim at upgrading the current platform with new
functionalities and improving the platform efficiency and architecture mainly using
newly developed tools available in the open source community. The potential
students will gain knowledge of open source web mapping solutions and their
application to the distribution of geoscientific data.
This project would be suitable for Master students with an interest in web
mapping, database applications and open-source software. Programming
experience in JavaScript, HTML, is required (experience with Python would be a
Cooling rate, emplacement mechanism and crystallisation of a dolerite sill.
Geology, Geochemistry
Mary Gee, Mary.Gee@uwa.edu.au 6488 1243
Projects will be developed after discussion with the student. Key outcomes can be
achieved within a year, and then either written up or developed for a second year;
a ‘cool’ example is given below.
Proxy cooling rates of dolerite sills as recorded by mineral shapes and relationships
is a very current topic in the literature (search Marion B. Holness 2012 - 2015) and,
coupled with studies of the country rock, they can provide a wide range of
information about magmatic emplacement and differentiation, as well as the local
and regional crustal/tectonic environment. We have an excellent local (South
Coast of WA) example awaiting a student who wants to develop their field and
microscopy (optical and SEM/EMP) skills. Depending on the student’s interests and
the project’s life, other techniques can be applied. Alternatively, a project could
focus on the cause of gabbro and pegmatite sized mafic segregations within the
dolerite. Note that these projects could also be carried out by two students
working independently.
Palaeobiology - Precambrian fossils
Suitable for Hons (4th yr) or M.Sc (5th yr) research project
David Wacey, david.wacey@uwa.edu.au 6488 8074 and colleagues in CMCA
A range of projects are available in the general fields of early life on Earth and
evolution of Precambrian life. Topics include, and are not limited to - (1) Advanced
microscopic analysis of Precambrian organic material, (2) Differentiating life from
mineral artefacts in Precambrian rocks, (3) 3D analysis and reconstruction of early
microbial communities, (4) Detailed studies of renowned Precambrian fossil
deposits including the 1.9 billion year old Gunflint Formation, 1 billion year old
Torridon Group, and others. Projects would expose the student to state of the art
analytical techniques and would include one or more of: transmission electron
microscopy, secondary electron microscopy, 3D serial sectioning using a focused
ion beam, X-ray CT, laser Raman, infrared spectroscopy, secondary ion mass
spectrometry. Projects can be tailored to suit individual interests, and may be
undertaken over one or two years.
Controlling factors for the spatial distribution of emeralds
Geology, Geochemistry, Gemology
Johannes Hammerli johannes.hammerli@uwa.edu.au, Tony Kemp
Emerald, the green variety of beryl (Be3Al2[Si6O18]), is one of the most sought after
gemstones, after ruby and diamond. However, we only have a general idea about
what governs its formation and which geochemical factors control its spatial
distribution. The proposed study site will be the Poona pegmatite field in the Cue
District of Western Australia – Australia’s most productive emerald district. The
pegmatite-rich Poona area sits on greenstone and is part of the Archean Yilgarn
Craton. This project aims to better understand emerald formation during the
interaction of igneous fluid/melt with ultrabasic host rocks, now biotite-phlogopite
schist, and during subsequent metamorphism. The mass balance of emerald
forming elements in hydrothermal systems will be monitored using the chemical
signatures of emerald and associated mineral phases. Additionally, the study of
fluid inclusions in quartz and emerald in pegmatite as well as in biotite-phlogopite
schist will help to unravel the properties of the mineralizing fluids. This project will
involve a few days fieldwork and an array of analytical methods (LA-ICP-MS, EPMA,