School of Nursing and Midwifery Queen’s University Belfast Doctorate in Nursing Practice/ Doctorate in Midwifery Practice Systematic Reviewing DNP 9002 Semester 2 2012 1 Module Coordinator: Contact details: Dr Bronagh Blackwood Tel: +44 (0) 28 9097 2492 Email: Skype: bronagh.blackwood Introduction: This module is one of three core research modules on the doctorate programme. It provides an introduction to the theory and practice of systematic reviewing: a key transferable skill for professionals studying at this level. Students will explore the range of existing approaches and methods for research synthesis for study designs that include qualitative and quantitative data. Students will also consider the role played by systematic reviews within evidence-informed decision-making. This module will contribute to the overall programme objectives by enabling students to develop a protocol for a systematic review of the literature for their thesis. Course Contents Theoretical and practical process of systematic reviewing Question formulation in systematic reviews Developing a search strategy Finding and retrieving evidence Managing evidence references Critical appraisal of models and frameworks (CASP; Joanna Briggs; Cochrane risk of bias; GRADE evidence) Criteria to determine the selection of studies Design of eligibility and data extraction forms Qualitative reviews Analysis if trials; assessing heterogeneity Summarizing evidence (meta-analysis; meta-synthesis) Discussing the applicability of findings Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the module the student should be able to: Demonstrate ability to formulate advanced search questions. Critically interpret the potential for publication and related biases. Retrieve relevant literature using a rigorous search strategy. Appraisal the quality and robustness of research studies. Manage references using RefWorks. Develop a data extraction form. Demonstrate ability to write an advanced systematic review protocol. 2 Teaching and learning This module is delivered entirely by distance learning, with no requirement for students to attend the University. Teaching will focus on the core knowledge and skills necessary for the preparation of a research proposal for an evaluation of an innovative intervention in an area of advanced practice. The wider learning outcomes of the module will be met through self-directed learning (180 hours) and on-line discussion. Students will need reliable access to the internet as all relevant materials will be made available to students online, using a range of print and audio-visual media. Contact with lecturers and supervisors will be by email, online discussion forum, and other means of telecommunication (e.g. Skype). Compulsory Elements Successful completion of a 5000 word assignment that presents a systematic review protocol. What is expected of you In this module you are expected to: 1. Actively engage in the online discussion forum. Your contribution will be monitored by me as it is a useful forum for gaining information, determining your understanding and enabling you to pose queries and stay in touch with the other course participants 2. Keep up to date with your study schedule because the course is time driven. 3. Submit your discussion topic responses and assignment tasks by the deadlines provided. Core Text Glasziou P, Irwig L, Bain C and Colditz (2001). Systematic Reviews in Healthcare. Cambridge University Press. [This core introductory text is a readable guide to all aspects of question formulation] Cooper H, Hedges LV, and Valentine JC (editors) (2009). The Handbook of Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis, Second Edition. New York, Russell Sage Foundation. [This is available as a Google Book at: 3wWQVm3&sig=v3Vf5aThsHSQDyczwyWYgCFGnw&hl=en&ei=v8NJTOubJZTNjAenvYWxDg&sa=X&oi=book_r esult&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CBUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false ] 3 Higgins JPT, Green S (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions Version 5.0.2 [updated September 2009]. The Cochrane Collaboration, 2009. Available from [These guidelines are used by the reviewers in the Cochrane Collaboration and contain detailed information about the review process] Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewers’ Manual (2008). Available at Webb C, Roe B (2007) Reviewing Research Evidence for Nursing Practice: Systematic Reviews. Oxford, Blackwell Wiley. Torgerson, Carole (2003) Systematic Reviews. London, New York, Continuum. The focus of this book is on systematic reviews & meta-analyses of RCTs in educational research. Contents of Resource Folders - January 2012 Name Contents Folder (1) Introduction 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Folders 1 to 4 to be completed between 30 Jan to 12 Feb IMPORTANT INFORMATION – READ FIRST (doc) Introduction from Dr Bronagh Blackwood (video) Introduction to Dr Peter O’Halloran (video) How to use the resources (video) How to use the discussion forum (video) How to use wikis (doc) Online discussion topic 1 – tell me about yourself (doc) Making effective contributions to online discussions (PDF) 9. Netiquette (doc) 10. QOL Virtual Learning Environment (PDF) 11. Nursing PG Handbook (PDF) Folder (2) Overview 1. An overview of the module by Dr Bronagh Blackwood (video) 2. Overview of the module (ppt) 3. Module Booklet 4. Online discussion topic 2 – tell me about your project Folder (3) Assessment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Assessment guidelines Referencing style instructions (doc) Student guidance avoiding plagiarism (PDF) Turnitin quick guide (PDF) Turnitin student manual (PDF) JAN 2009 Blackwood protocol JAN 2010 McColgan & Blackwood protocol Folder (4) What is a SR 1. 2. 3. 4. Presentation - What is a SR? (video) Slides – Formulating a good review question (ppt) What is a SR Workbook (doc) Wiki assignment Reading - What is series…what is a systematic review? 4 Folder (5) How to write a SR question To be completed between 13 and 19 Feb Folder (6) Searching the literature To be completed between 20 Feb and 4 Mar Folder (7) Study eligibility To be completed between 5and 11 Mar Folder (8) Extracting data To be completed between 12 and 25 Mar Folder (9) Quality assessment To be completed between 26 Mar and 30 Mar Folder (10) Introduction to analysis of trials To be completed between 23 and 29 Apr Folder (11) Summarizing the evidence To be completed between 30 Apr and 11 May Folder (12) Module evaluation 1. Presentation on writing a SR question (video) 2. Writing a SR question (ppt) 3. Writing a SR question Workbook (doc) Background & review question assignment 4. Reading - Cochrane Module 5 – Writing the protocol & defining the question (PDF) 1. 2. 3. 4. The search strategy workbook (doc) Searching the Cochrane Library (video) Cochrane Module 6 – Searching for studies (PDF) Reading - Searching for evidence & critical appraisal (PDF) 5. Reading - RefWorks Practical (PDF) 1. Study eligibility Workbook (doc) Design eligibility form assignment 2. Presentation - Identifying eligible studies (audio) 3. Slides – Selecting the right study (ppt) 4. Reading - Cochrane Module 8 – Selecting studies (PDF) 1. Presentation on extracting data (audio) 2. Slides - extracting data (ppt) 3. Extracting data Workbook (doc) Design a data extraction form assignment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Presentation - quality assessment (audio) Slides - quality assessment (ppt) Risk of Bias Workbook Wiki assignment Workshop article - Krishnan 2004 (PDF) Reading - CRD Quality Assessment (PDF) Reading - Juni 2001 (PDF) 1. Introduction to analysis of trials (audio) 2. Introduction to analysis of trials (ppt) 3. Introduction to analysis of trials workbook 1. Summarizing the evidence (audio) 2. Summarizing the evidence (ppt) 3. Summarizing the evidence workbook 1. Student evaluation form Submit after assignment submission 5