LHC (SSC) Byung Yunn CASA Parameters • • • • • • • Type: Synchrotron Circumference: 26.659 (82.944) km Proton energy: 7.7 (20) TeV Bunch length: 7.5 (6 to 7.5) cm Energy spread: 1.05e-4 (0.5e-4) Transverse emittance: 3.75 (1.0) µm Longitudinal emittance: 2.5 (0.233) eV-s continued • • • • • • • Protons per bunch: 1.0e11 (7.3e9) Average beam current: 850 (73) mA Number of bunches: 4725 (17100) RF frequency: 400.8 (374.74) MHz RF voltage: 16 (20) MV Synchrotron tune: 0.00157 (0.0019) Momentum compaction: 2.94e-4 (2.23e-4) continued • • • • • • • Nominal full crossing angle: 200 (75) µrad Bunch spacing: 15 (16) ns Beta star: 50 (50) cm Beam-beam tune shift: 0.0032 (0.00084) Luminosity (/cm^2-s ): 1.65e34 (1.0e33) Number of interaction points: 3 (4) Synchrotron radiation power (per beam): 9.1 (9.1) kw Injectors (LHC) • 50 MeV proton linac (180 mA for 7 µs), injected into 4 PS booster rings • PS booster: accelerated in one bunch up to 1.4 GeV, PS accepts eight 200 ns long bunches • 26 GeV PS (1/11 of SPS): debunched and rebunched at 26 GeV to 1.0e11 protons per bunch (emittance = 3 µm, bunch length = 9 ns) • 450 GeV SPS (7/27 of LHC): 36 SPS beam pulses to fill one LHC channel. Injectors (SSC) • 600 MeV H- linac: 125 m, RF Freq = 49.5 MHz (RFQ), 445 MHz (DTL), 1336 MHz (SCL) • 8 GeV LEB: 250 m, RF Freq = 49.5-62.0 MHz • 100 GeV MEB: 1.9 km, RF Freq = 62.5 MHz • 1 TeV HEB (Superconducting): 6 km, RF Freq = 62.5 MHz • Average current (mA): 3.9 (Linac), 99 (LEB), 92 (MEB), 87 (HEB) Collider ring (LHC) • Built on top (1.21 m) of LEP and has eightfold symmetry • Two beam channels in the same magnet • 10 Tesla dipole field (4 to 6 Tesla available) • Can be used to collide ions • Number of arcs: 8 • Number of interaction regions: 8 (3 collision and 2 utility) Collider ring (SSC) • • • • Two rings separated vertically (0.7 m) Dipole field: 6.6 T Quad in arcs: 212 T/m Interaction regions (IR) are arranged in 2 clusters (East and West) for cost effectiveness • 4 IRs in each cluster and each IR is 2.4 km long • Clusters are joined by arcs of 11.7 km radius Lattice (LHC) • Two beam channels in the same plane (18 cm separation in arcs) and cross at eight points. • Eight 25 FODO cells (98 m long and phase advance of 90 deg per cell) per ring • Four 9 m long dipoles and one 3 m quad in a half cell • Beta in arcs: max 166 m, min 29 m • Dispersion in arcs: max 1.86 m, min 0.9 m continued • Working point: (71.28, 70.31) • Insertion: 886 m long and phase advance in each plane by 2.5 units • Chromaticity correction: sextupoles next to the main quads, powered in 2 families • Linear aperture: 4 mm Lattice (SSC) • FODO cell: 192 m long and phase advance of 60 deg • Five 16.5 m long dipoles and one 3.3m arc quad in each half cell • Eight 42 cells per ring • Beta in arcs: max 332 m, min 111 m • Dispersion in arcs: max 3.92 m, min 2.36 m • Natural chromaticity: -204 continued • Working point: (78.27, 78.28) • Chromaticity correction: sextupoles next to the main quads, powered in 2 families • Linear aperture: 5 mm Collision IR (LHC) • • • • • 40 m free space between final quad triplets Beta star: can be tuned from 0.5 m to 15 m Beta max: 4 km Beam radius at IP: 15 µm Beam divergence at IP: 30 µrad Collision IR (SSC) • • • • 40 m free space between final quad triplets Beta star: 0.5 m Beta max: 8 km Beam crossing angle at IR: 75 µrad, but can vary from 0 to 150 µrad Collective Effects (LHC) • Beam lifetime: 26.5 h • Luminosity lifetime: 11 h • IBS emittance growth time: 100 h (horizontal), 60 h (longitudinal) • Longitudinal microwave and transverse mode coupling instability are potential dangers. Coupled bunch instabilities require active feedback systems to control. Collective Effects (SSC) • Beam lifetime: 39000 h • Luminosity lifetime: 24 h • IBS emittance growth time: 126 h (horizontal), 277 h (longitudinal) • Relatively safe from single bunch instabilities. Coupled bunch instabilities require active feedback systems to control.