136 Chapter 4. Accelerator chosen to balance the total luminosity against the fraction of luminosity close to ECM and the detector backgrounds due to beamstrahlung. Item Symbol Center-of-mass energy Linac repetition rate Number of particles / bunch Number of bunches / pulse Bunch separation Bunch train length Bunch length Beam power / beam Unloaded gradient Loaded gradient1) Effective gradient2) Average RF phase Linac length / beam3) Beam delivery length / beam Total site AC power Normalized emittance at DR exit Normalized emittance at IP Beta function at IP Beam size at IP Full crossing angle Disruption parameters Pinch enhancement factor Average beamstrahlung parameter Average energy loss by beamstrahlung Number of photons / electron Nominal luminosity4) Peak luminosity4) 1) 2) 3) 4) ECM frep N nb tb n b tb σz PB EN L EL Eef f φ γx /γy γ∗x /γ∗y βx∗ /βy∗ σx∗ /σy∗ θc Dx /Dy HD Υ δB nγ L0 L Value Stage II 1000 100 0.75 192 1.4 268.9 110 8.65 11.53 64.8 49.8 44.1 11 7.25 14.11 1.9 233 300 3.0 / 0.02 3.6 / 0.04 3.6 / 0.04 8 / 0.11 13 / 0.11 243 / 3.0 219 / 2.1 7 0.16 / 13.1 0.10 / 10.3 1.49 1.42 0.13 0.28 4.6 7.5 1.26 1.30 17.7 18.5 25.0 25.0 Stage I 500 150 Unit GeV Hz ×1010 ns ns µm MW MV/m MV/m MV/m deg km km MW ×10−6 m·rad ×10−6 m·rad mm nm mrad % ×1033 cm−2 s−1 ×1033 cm−2 s−1 Includes single- and multi-bunch loading. Includes cos φ and 8% overhead for BNS, failure and feedback. Includes diagnostics sections. L0 = frep nb N 2 /4πσx∗ σy∗ . Table 4.1: Overall parameters for JLC, based on the X-band main linacs. In the initial stage (Stage I), ECM is assumed to be 500 GeV with a luminosity of 2.5 × 1034 cm−2 s−1 JLC Project Report, Revised, March 12, 2003, 3:21 P.M.