Dear Sir/Madam

Minutes of a meeting of the Langport Town Council
which took place on Tuesday 6th February 2007 at 7.30pm in the
Council Chamber of Langport Town Hall.
Before the meeting started, Cllr. Osborne welcomed everyone and, as this was the first meeting since
December, wished all a Happy New Year. He also passed on his thanks, on behalf of the people of
Langport, to everyone who had helped with the Christmas lights and to LADT and NatWest for the
excellent reindeer display that was located on the roof of the bank.
Public Question Time
(limited to 15 minutes)
This provides an opportunity for members of the public (who are not usually permitted to speak during the
meeting except by special invitation of the Chairman) to participate before the meeting by asking
questions, raising concerns and/or making comments. No decision can be taken on issues raised unless
the matter is already an item on the agenda. All other matters requiring decisions will be placed on the
agenda of the next Town Council meeting.
There were no members of the general public present.
Julia Bayley, Early Years Coordinator for Somerset County Council was present and was invited to
update the meeting on the current position regarding the Langport Children’s Centre. She explained that
the plans involved the creation of a new building at the rear of Huish Episcopi Primary School. This would
provide a 30 place nursery with early years placement, a family support programme, a child and family
health programme and an outreach programme. There was around £340,000 of capital funding available
plus ongoing revenue funding. The nursery will be self funding with parents who use more that the ‘free’
12.5 hours per week having to meet the additional cost, although there will be a budget to support
vulnerable children. All other services will be provided free of charge. Various construction methods are
under consideration with the aim of providing a comfortable, functional building that fits in with the
existing buildings. When asked whether it was felt that the new centre would impact on current preschool
provision in the area, Julia acknowledged that it probably would but felt that this was something that
would have to be lived with to ensure adequate parental choice. However the new facility is not intended
to make a profit but is there to provide a service.
The next meeting of the Steering Group takes place at 6pm on 19th April 2007 and consultation events
are to be arranged.
Cllr. Osborne (Chairman); Cllr. Gadd; Cllr. Madelin; Cllr. Mounter; Cllr. Pyle;
Cllr. Webb.
District Councillor Mills
County Councillor Yeomans
Miranda Shearer, Western Gazette
Robin Williams, Langport Town Clerk
1. To receive Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Northcott and Cllr. Reece-Smith
2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Webb declared an interest in Item 9c – Tree Preservation Order
3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on Tuesday 5th December
The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read.
Motion: That the minutes be taken as an accurate record of the meeting.
Proposed: Cllr. Gadd; Seconded: Cllr. Mounter – Agreed unanimously
4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of the above meetings which are not covered by this
There were no matters arising
5. To receive District Councillor’s Report
Cllr. Mills reported on a number of grants that had recently been awarded in the Langport area.
These included £12,500 to the Langport Play Area, £9,500 to the Skate Park and £4500 to LADT
to cover running costs.
He also stated that Charlotte Jones had informed the Area North meeting that there was a delay
in the Langport Development Plan and asked if there was a reason for this. He was informed that
this was news to those present as it was understood that this had been finalised.
6. To receive County Councillor’s Report
Cllr. Yeomans informed the meeting that the County Council was working on plans to transfer its
administration operation to an outside agency. They are currently in discussions with three
potential service providers, Capita, IBM and BT.
The Waste Board proposals are going forward although there are significant budgetary problems.
The first budget meeting of the newly merged Fire Service takes place next week.
7. To receive reports of meetings attended on behalf of the Council
a. Market Towns Investment Group Meeting
The Clerk reported on the recent MTIG Workshop which was looking to finalise details of
the proposed information boards. The plan is to have the boards installed by the end of
March and it had therefore been necessary for decisions on the board content to be taken.
He showed the meeting a mock up of the board design and gave details of the content
intended for the Langport Boards. No discussions had taken place on the ‘Gateway’
boards as it would appear that only Langport and Martock are interested in these and they
might be considered as a separate project.
b. Somerset Waterlinks Meeting
Cllr. Osborne reported on this meeting. It had been well attended and a lot of information
was forthcoming. However there was concern that there was no representative from the
Environment Agency and it was not clear how committed they were to the project.
Accordingly, a letter expressing our concerns has been sent to Charlotte Jones, SSDC.
c. Eco Homes Trustees Meeting
Cllr. Gadd and Mounter had attended this meeting. They stated that it was clear from the
meeting that there is no intention to allow public access to the Common Moor through the
site. In fact the necessary areas of access land had been included in the deeds of the
newly developed eco homes.
8. Langport Children’s Centre – An update from Julia Bayley, Somerset County Council
This had been dealt with as a pre-meeting item.
9. To Consider Matters of Planning
a. Planning Applications
i. 06/04725/FUL – Alterations to form room in loft space to include new dormer and
velux windows – Miss N. Steers – 5 Four Seasons Mews, Bow Street, Langport
TA10 9PT.
ii. 06/04733/FUL – Alterations to form room in loft space to include new dormer and
velux windows – Miss D. O’Niely – 4 Four Seasons Mews, Bow Street, Langport
TA10 9PT.
iii. 07/00063/LBC – Demolish outbuildings and rebuild, replace roof and five windows,
retain satellite dish – M. Bell - Old Market House, Bow Street, Langport TA10 9PQ
iv. 07/00108/TPO – Application to carry out tree surgery works to one Sycamore tree
shown as T2 in the SSDC (Langport No. 1) Tree Preservation Order 1992 – Mr. P.
Durman – Car Park, St. Gildas Court, The Hill, Langport.
There were no adverse comments concerning the above applications.
b. Planning Determinations
i. 06/03208/FUL – Little House, Castle House Yard, Bow Street, Langport TA10 9PR
ii. 06/03927/LBC – Great Bow Yard, Bow Street, Langport, TA10 9PS
iii. 06/04142/FUL – 105 Cheapside, Langport TA10 9PW
iv. 06/04145/LBC – 105 Cheapside, Langport TA10 9PW
v. 06/04163/FUL – Green Oaks, The Hill, Langport, TA10 9QN
vi. 06/04454/FUL – Cpcklemoor Car Park, Whatley, Langport TA10 9RA
The determinations were noted
c. Notification of Tree Preservation Order – United Reform Church, Bow Street, Langport.
A letter has been sent to the Planning Department of SSDC requesting that the view of an
arborist is sought concerning remedial works to these trees before the Provisional order is
10. Correspondence
a. Festive Lighting Company – Christmas Light Refurbishment
b. Paul Heim, LADT – Charles Sisson, Companion of Honour
Motion: That a grant of £50 be made towards the proposed commemoration plaque.
Proposed: Cllr. Webb; Seconded: Cllr. Gadd – agreed unanimously
c. David Heath CBE MP – Rural Post Office Closures
It was agreed that the Clerk complete the petition on behalf of the Council
d. Alan Jones, SCC Chief Executive – Somerset Case for a Unitary Authority
e. Paul Robathan, South Somerset Together – Local Strategic Partnership for South
f. Paul Atwell, SSDC – Countryside Access Team Contact
g. Mark Stone, SCC – Area Working Panels
h. SSDC – The Gaming Act 1968 (Section 6)
i. South Somerset Links – Free Afternoon Tea
j. Somerset Access – Annual Newsletter
k. South Somerset Council for Voluntary Services – Winter 2006 Newsletter
l. Langport Cricket Club – Perimeter Fencing
An order for fencing from the main road to the pedestrian gate has been raised with the
cost being shared between Langport Town Council (33.34%) and Huish Episcopi Parish
Council (66.6%).
m. SSDC – Local Government Review – Special Meeting
n. SSDC – Local Government Review – Workshops
o. SSDC – Local Government Reorganisation & South Somerset.
p. SALC – Items of Interest
q. SSDC – Local Elections 2007
r. SCC – Community Chest Relaunch
s. Jo Stradling - Complaints re Footpaths + Phil Stone Response
This matter will be brought to the attention of the Environment Agency at our 6 monthly
meeting on Thursday 8th February 2007.
All other items were noted
11. To Consider Matters of Finance
a. Approve Payment Schedule. (available at meeting)
Motion: That the schedule as presented, with the addition of the grant to LADT agreed in
Item10(b) above be approved.
Proposed: Cllr. Gadd; Seconded: Cllr. Pyle – agreed unanimously.
12. Items for next month’s agenda
There were no items forthcoming
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 21:00hrs.