here - The Honourable Company of Gloucestershire

Note of Meeting of the Arts & Heritage Group on 28 September 2015
Present: Sir Michael McWilliam - chairman
Margaret Austen - vice chairman
Mark Hurrell
Richard Hoyle
Martin Lee-Browne
Jonathan Taylor
Apologies: Jennifer Bryant-Pearson, P J Crook, Simon Chorley, Sir Nicholas Mander
Matters Arising
MM reported that, with an accumulation of undistributed funds, he had proposed to
the Trust a package of grant applications a. To complete the original programme for three-year support to the County History
Trust (£1,000) and Cathedral Stonemasons (£2,000). Approved.
b. To renew support to the Three Choirs Festival when it comes to Gloucester next
year, identified with the Youth Choir concert (£2,000). Approved for next year.
c. The new bid, jointly with the Armed Forces Group, to contribute £2,000 towards
the conservation of the banner of the Frampton Volunteers, at the Soldiers
Museum.(£2000) Approved.
d. To contribute £4,000 over two years to the consortium (involving Winstone Trust
and GCF) that A&H had organised to support a gallery exhibition fund at New
Brewery Arts. This had been rejected. However after a full discussion at Court, when
it became clear that the proposal had not been fully understood, it had been agreed
that NBA could submit a fresh bid to the December meeting of the Trust.
Gloucestershire Libraries
MM reported that he had had a most encouraging meeting with Jane Everiss of
County Libraries and cabinet member Andrew Gravell, who hoped that a project
might be put in place for the first awards to be made in late 2016. JT reported on his
meeting with the Director of the National Literacy Trust. Arising from the ensuing
discussion it appeared that an award scheme covering both the 31 council run libraries
and the 8 community run libraries, in which more than 350 volunteers were involved,
might have the following principal features a. The award should be in recognition of a successful initiative by a library and its
volunteers, and would not be about selecting the county's 'best' library.
b. The initiative should have a literary component to it, and would not therefore be
about eg improved coffee facilities. It could include reading groups, talks, book
borrowing metrics, children's events, internet research.
c. The award should be for an initial period of three years, with hopes of renewal, and
comprise a monetary grant of not less than £5,000 to the winning library.
d. The award should be made at an event to which the library volunteers could be
invited as well as library staff.
e. An approach should be made to Cheltenham Festivals to hold the award during the
2016 Literature Festival, and to link it to the Festival's programme.
f. It was felt that the panel of judges should be county based (drawn from HCG
members?) and with a Gloucestershire associated literary figure as chair. In view of
her association with adult literacy work, an approach would be made to the Duchess
of Cornwall to award the prize.
g. The Booker Prize Foundation would be approached to contribute to the prize fund,
as there was an interest in the project being a pilot with wider national applications
(JT). The Ernest Cooke Foundation would also be approached as a potential sponsor
(MLB) [Post meeting note: the chairman has been spoken to and there is interest in
considering a proposal]. There could be other county support (JT)
In conclusion, the Court and Trust are aware of the project in general terms. If the
Company is to lead its realisation, it would be important to secure the backing of the
Court and Trust before the end of the year. Action: MM
Future Projects
The Warden had requested an indication of possible future projects and A&H were
the only group with a list. However MM thought that Community Support Group
would soon become active under Helen Lovatt. In addition to the County Libraries,
projects mentioned were Corinium Museum - a possible joint project with GCF towards the end of 2016 in
conjunction with their HLF bid.
Cirencester Open Air Swimming Pool - the Group had been invited to help with
advice over their funding plans, which were substantially underpinned by the
Winstone Trust.
Cheltenham Festivals - it is anomalous that the HCG is not formally associated with
this leading cultural organisation in the county, where a patron role would be
appropriate. The issue has been flagged to the Court for discussion at a later meeting
Gloucester History Festival - several members noted the quality of the talks that had
been arranged this year and the support it was generating. The Group should explore
whether there was an opportunity for the Company to signal its backing.
Next Meeting
It was agreed that it would be desirable to hold another meeting before the year end.
MM will consult about a suitable date, possibly 14 December.