ME 462 - Lab 4 - AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS Goals Design, build and debug operational amplifier and push-pull power driver circuits Analytically model and experimentally verify frequency response characteristics 741/411 Operational Amplifier Operational amplifiers (op-amps) are extremely useful analog circuit components. They can amplify DC or AC voltages, can be used to build analog filters, can provide impedance buffering and can source/sink increased current output compared to signal generators or TTL chips. Performance characteristics of one of the most common op-amps used in industry and in this lab provided below. Maximum supply voltage: 18 V Power dissipation: 500 mW Output voltage swing: within 1.5 V of supply Slew rate (typical): 0.5 V/s fMAX (typical): 1 MHz 8 NC OFFSET NULL 1 INVERTING INPUT 2 - 7 +V NONINVERTING INPUT 3 + 6 OUTPUT -V 5 OFFSET NULL 4 Procedure 1) Build the non-inverting op-amp circuit shown in Figure 1. Refer to Figures 4.6 and 4.7 in Horowitz and Hill and MATLAB code on the class web page to help analyze performance of this circuit. Design the circuit to achieve the following criteria. Wherever possible, use resistors of 1K or larger. a) R1 and R2 provide passband gain K = 100 = 1 + R2/R1 b) R3 and C2 provide standard first-order high-pass filtering with fc = 16 Hz = 1 / (2 R3 C2) c) R1 and C1 provide unity gain at DC and passband gain above fc = 160 Hz = 1 / (2 R1 C1) R1 = __________ R2 = __________ R3 = __________ C1 = __________ C2 = __________ +15V +15 V VIN 3 C2 R3 + 2 - 7 4 -15 V 6 NPN TIP 29 or TIP 31 SIGNAL OUT Q1 SIGNAL IN R4 = 1K R2 R1 Q2 PNP TIP 30 or TIP 32 C1 -15V Figure 1. Input amplifier circuit Figure 2. Speaker drive circuit 2) Build the speaker drive circuit shown in Figure 2. What is the purpose of the 1K resistor in the circuit? Why is it so large here? Power transistors are necessary in this application, since the op-amp cannot produce enough current to drive the speaker. Note that higher power amplifier chips are commercially available such as the LM384 which can handle up to 5 watts. 3) Connect the two circuits and test their operation by using a signal generator to provide a sine or triangular wave as the input. Adjust the output level of the frequency generator to achieve an output of ±4.5 V peak-to-peak (p-p) at the output of the op-amp (to stay within the ±5 V range of your DAS-08 A/D). Check levels with your handheld DVM. Note that the DVM measures RMS voltage, not p-p. What is the difference between p-p and RMS voltage measurements? 4) Leave the speaker drive attached and connect the op-amp output to the PMD 1208-FS A/D channels. Use the digital scope software to display the signal on the screen. 5) Analytically determine frequency response of the op-amp circuit in Figure 1 including filter and slew rate effects, and plot on the axes provided below. 40 dB Voltage Gain 20 dB 0 dB 1 10 100 1K 10K 100K Frequency (Hz) 1M 10M Based on this amplifier's published maximum slew rate, determine the maximum operating frequency for distortion-free operation at ±4.5 V output. ___________ Hz 6) Experimentally determine and plot gains for a sine wave input at several frequencies, and plot these results on the graph above to compare to your analytical predictions. Discuss similarities and differences between analytical and experimental filter performance. 7) Determine the input voltage amplitude from the signal generator at which the output voltage of the op-amp begins to clip. Use an input frequency of approximately 200 Hz. How does this compare to the value you would predict from the nominal closed loop frequency response? Plot the clipped waveform. 8) Use a second A/D input channel and the digital scope software to look at the voltage across the speaker while at the same time, viewing the op-amp output. Use a sine wave input to the op-amp circuit. Compare the output of the op-amp to the speaker input. Do you see any evidence of cross-over distortion? Plot the waveforms. 9) Demonstrate your circuits to the TA. 10) Submit these completed lab sheets including answers to all questions along with plots in lieu of a report. 11) EXTRA CREDIT – Play a tune on your speaker using your Atom28 as input to your op-amp circuit. Tone C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B Freq (Hz) 261.6 277.2 293.7 311.1 329.6 349.2 370.0 392.0 415.3 440.0 466.2 493.9 TO-220 package for TIP 29, 30, 31, 32 B CE