Aquatic Biology Syllabus

Zoology Syllabus
Mr. Sell
Phone (voicemail): (785) 717-4200
My class schedule:
Blue Day
White Day
7:40 - 9:05
9:10 – 10:30
10:35 – 11:55
12:35 – 1:55
2:00 – 2:40
Plan I
Biology I
Biology I
Biology I
Biology I
Class supplies:
Notebook – bound composition book (preferred) or Spiral notebook.
Colored pencils
Pens and pencils
Lab notebooks are essential to your success in this class. These notebooks will contain all of the
assignments, labs, and notes that you will need for the entire semester.
One Semester
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1/2
Prerequisite: Biology
Summary of Course Objectives:
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Zoology is a human attempt to describe and explain the biological diversity of animals.
Zoology involves studying all aspects of organisms belonging to the animal kingdom. This course includes selected
topics in animal biology such as taxonomy, animal physiology, comparative anatomy, and ecology. Our study of
Zoology will be focused on the different phyla of animals. We will work our way from the most “primitive”
organisms to the most “advanced.” Several different instructional approaches will be used including reading,
lecture, videos, dissection, and use of Internet resources.
GOALS: All students will…
understand the basic concepts and principles of Biology as they relate to animal life.
understand the characteristics and evolutionary relationship of each major taxonomic group of animals.
develop the reading skills, vocabulary, critical thinking skills, and study habits essential for independent
progress in science.
utilize various scientific techniques and technological skills in the study of animals.
understand the nature and limitations of scientific knowledge.
Behavioral Expectations:
1. Do what is right.
2. Do your best.
3. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
4. Be responsible.
I have zero tolerance for harassment of any form. No student has the right to disrupt the
learning of others. Treat others with respect, this includes students, teachers,
administrators, substitutes, and visitors.
Summary of Course TOPICS TO BE COVERED:
Introduction to the Science of Zoology
Taxonomy and Evolution
Animal Development
Phylum Porifera
Phylum Cnidaria
Phylum Platyhelminthes
Phylum Nematoda
Phylum Arthropoda
Animal Behavior
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Chordata
Format and Evaluation: Work done in class, tests, quizzes, and other assignments all figure
into the final grade. Points are given for completed assignments based the criteria described in
class. Some work is graded primarily upon completion and effort based criteria (daily work,
notebook, etc.) While others are graded upon accuracy (tests, quizzes, labs)
The JCHS Biology Grading policy will be used for this class: semester grades will be calculated
based upon the following formula:
50% tests / quizzes
25 % homework / daily work
25 % labs / dissections
Letter grades will be earned according to the following scale (based on mastery of objectives):
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59% or less = F
Assignments will include study questions that accompany readings, worksheets, group work,
written work, etc. I will not always check answers for accuracy. I reserve the right to check
assignments for completion only as I see appropriate. However, assignments are helpful
tools/practice for understanding class material and tested material. It is in your best interest to
give your very best effort on each assignment.
More specific information about assignments will be given in class.
Late Policy:
Work is due on the day identified in class, but if prior arrangements are made with me explaining
the reasons, at my discretion, late work will be accepted. When work will be late, you must let
me know in advance and make a specific plan of when something will be turned in.
Attendance Policy:
Attendance is required. If you miss anything, it is your responsibility to make up anything
missed. See me before or after class to inquire, but NOT DURING CLASS!
Tardy Policy:
Each class period must begin and end on time. You must be responsible for getting to class on
time. Please show respect for your classmates, teacher, and yourself by getting to class on time.
First Tardy – student and teacher conference and review of tardy policy
Second Tardy – 15 minute detention with teacher and notification to home (…failure
to show for detention results in an office referral)
Third Tardy – student and teacher conference, referral to office
Fourth and every following tardy – student and teacher conference. Referral to
academy administrator
Take good notes in class. Study topics that are discussed in class.
Always ask questions; there is no need to sit and wonder.
Write down all due dates and directions given to you.
Always identify key concepts, and vocabulary terms from each topic we discuss.
Then use these concepts and terms to answer test questions.
I am always available to help you. We build on the previous concepts, so don’t let us
move on without you. If you need extra help make arrangements to meet with me.
Cheating is wrong! Do not cheat! If you are caught cheating, you will receive a zero
and your parents will be contacted.
Late Work:
Assignments are given to help you practice and learn concepts that we are CURRENTLY
studying. If you complete an assignment late, the assignment will be less meaningful.
Late is better than never but there is a penalty. You can turn in work late for a reduced grade.
When absent, you are expected to hand in assignments upon your return. You are also expected
to make up work that is given to you while you are gone by an agreed upon time. Make-up work
is your responsibility, not mine! I will not track you down or constantly remind you.
In the case of late or make-up work the best thing I can suggest to you is to communicate with
me about the work. If I know you have a plan for getting the work complete and are being
responsible we will both be better off. Any late work must be completed before the test over that
unit. Once the unit test has been taken any assignments not completed are considered zeros.
Lab Safety
Many labs will be conducted in groups since there are not enough supplies for everybody to use
their own. You must act mature during lab and cooperate with group members. You are sharing
materials ONLY! You may NOT share answers. Conducting yourself in an inappropriate
manner during lab activities will result in loss of credit for the work completed and/or an office
No food will be allowed in the classroom with the exception of that necessary for documented
medical reasons. Water in plastic bottles with screw tops will be allowed, as long as trash is not
left around. There will be no drinking during lab activities. I will ask you to throw away food
that is brought to class, or drinks that do not fit these criteria. This is for your own safety!
DISSECTIONS: A major part of your learning in this class will occur through the
dissection of animal specimens. Safety procedures must be strictly followed whenever
the dissecting utensils are used. Respect for life and learning more about how the
organisms lived are important objectives for any dissection. It is therefore critical that
you appreciate the fact that the animal you are dissecting died so that you might learn
more about how it lived. Horseplay or other disrespectful treatment of the animal
specimens will not be tolerated.
Individual student progress can be monitored best using the Parent Portal access to Infinite
Campus through the JCHS website. In the event that I need to communicate with your family
more directly, email will be the most frequently used method. If your family does not have
access to email, please let me know and I will make other arrangements for contacting them if
necessary. However, I do not have a phone in my room or my office area.
One Semester
Grades: 10, 11, 12
Credit: 1/2
Prerequisite: Biology
I _____________________________ have read and understand the information listed
(Print Student Name)
on this course syllabus. I agree to abide by the expectations and procedures listed on this
Student Signature
Student email address:
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian email address(es):
If you have any questions before signing and returning, please contact me by email
( Thank you! I am looking forward to a great year!