September - Waterford City and County Council

MONTHLY COUNCIL MEETING 12th September, 2011
An Comhairleoir Daithí Breathnach
An Comhairleoir Risteard de Roiste
An Comhairleoir Daithí Mac Domnhaill
An Comhairleoir Sean Breathnach
An Comhairleoir Seamus Ó Dorchaidh
An Comhairleoir Tomás O Cuinneagáin
An Comhairleoir Máire De Roiste
An Comhairleoir Gearóid de Uidheas
An Comhairleoir Séamus Ó Riain
An Comhairleoir Seán Ó Cuimín
An Comhairleoir Seán Reinhardt
An Comhairleoir Seán ÓhEachthair
Mr. M. Walsh, City Manager
Ms. C. Byrne, Director of Environmental Services & Planning
Mr. F. Galvin, Director of Corporate Affairs & Transportation
Mr. L. Power, Director of Housing Community Services & Enterprise
Mr. J. Murphy, Head of Finance
Mr. J. Sullivan, Senior Executive Officer
Ms. K. Kennedy, A/Senior Staff Officer
Apologies were received from An Comhairleoir Padraig Ó hAodha , Meara,An Comhairleoir
Labhras Ó Néill, An Comhairleoir Hilary Ó Caoinnealain
In the absence of the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, it was proposed by Cllr. J. Walsh seconded
by Cllr. M. Roche and unanimously agreed that Cllr. T. Cunningham assume the chair.
It was unanimously resolved that this Council extend its sympathy to the families of the late
Miriam O Kane mother of Bryan and Linda, Tom Kiely, Edgar Evans, Richard Hearne and
Kathleen Foley.
The City Manager joined in the sentiments of the resolution on his own behalf and on behalf of the
City Council staff.
It was agreed to suspend Standing Orders to discuss the emergency motion submitted by Cllr. Pat
Hayes, Cllr. J. Walsh and Cllr. S. Ryan in respect of the closure of the Talk Talk Call Centre.
Proposing the motion to suspend Standing Orders, Cllr. S. Ryan outlined his shock at the
announcement of the closure of the Talk Talk centre, his concerns at the manner in which the
announcement had been made and the effect on the workers and their families. He also called on
Talk Talk to extend the 30 day period before the closure came into effect.
Seconding the motion, Cllr. J. Walsh reiterated the concerns and stated that the IDA now had to
deliver for Waterford.
In the discussion that ensued, Members expressed their grave concern at the size of the job
losses, the continuing loss of jobs in the City over the past four years, the scale of unemployment
in the South East which was now the highest in the country, the manner in which the workers had
been treated, the proposed redundancy terms, the lack of new investment and inaction by the IDA.
The Members also highlighted the urgent need to attain University status for WIT and equality with
the other cities, called on the IDA to focus on the South East and proposed that a separate South
East Region Development Authority should be created to concentrate on attracting inward
investment to the region.
It was noted that both the Tanaiste and the Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation had visited
Talk Talk and the City in recent days and that the Minister has instructed the IDA to carry out an
analysis of performance in Waterford.
The Members extended their congratulations to all involved in organising the very successful
Harvest Festival.
The Members also extended congratulations to Waterford Junior Camogie Team on winning the
All Ireland.
It was proposed by Cllr. D. Daniels, seconded by Cllr. S. Reinhardt and unanimously agreed that
the minutes of the monthly Council Meeting held on 11th July, 2011 be confirmed and signed.
It was proposed by Cllr. S. Ryan, seconded by Cllr. M. Roche and unanimously agreed that the
minutes of the Special Council Meeting held on 1st September, 2011 be confirmed and signed.
Monthly Council Meeting held 11th July, 2011
Questions: Cllr. S. Ryan
1. What is the update on Motion No. 564 in respect of junk mail?
2. When will work on the Kilbarry Road commence?
1. Options to deal with the issue are being considered and a report will be presented to Council.
2. The contract has been approved and work should commence before the end of the month.
Question: Cllr. J. Cummins
What is the update on the vacant commercial premises & shop front rejuvenation scheme and
derelict sites?
On Derelict Sites, a significant number of the more serious sites have now been resolved and a
further series of inspections and enforcement actions will commence shortly. On the shop fronts,
following the Council’s adoption of the Commercial Premises and Shop Front Rejuvenation
Scheme in July, dialogue has commenced with a number of landlords and it is intended to
progress the implementation of the Scheme in a number of premises.
Questions: Cllr. G. Wyse
1. What is the update on proposals relating to the cost of Section 254 Licences?
2. When will work commence on re-laying the cycle lanes on the Dunmore Road?
1. The City Manager stated that he was considering proposals in respect the licencing of outdoor
seating for cafes and that he would revert to Council on the matter.
2. The work is due to be undertaken this Autumn.
Question: Cllr. M. Roche
What is the update on the formation Viking Triangle Trust?
Answer: The City Manager agreed to revert with details for the October meeting.
Question: Cllr. J. Walsh
When will work commence on the Quaker Memorial?
Work will commence within the 4-6 weeks.
1. Taking in Charge of Estates – Completion of the Process.
A report from the Director of Environmental Services and Planning had been circulated with the
It was proposed by Cllr. D. Daniels seconded by Cllr. J. D’Arcy and unanimously agreed that an
order declaring that the roads in the following estates, be public roads, be made in accordance
with Section 11 of the Roads Act, 1993 and in compliance with Section 180 of the Planning &
Development Act, 2000:
1. Kings Channel
2. Kings Court
A question was dealt with in concerning the inspection of respect of the depth of stock cocks and
water pipes.
2. Planning Items for referral to Area Committee Meetings
Applicant Name: Seamus & Michael Dunphy
Development Description: change of use at No. 7 St. John's Avenue from an existing derelict
dwelling to a Traditional Irish Bar (Public House) with associated storage & ancillary office. The
proposal will include for works to the existing building to allow for provisions of a public house
including changes to the existing elevations on Saint John's Avenue along with dual usage of the
existing WC's located at 57 & 57A John Street, between No. 7 Saint John's Avenue & The
Kazbar, No. 57 & 57A John Street. The proposed application includes for amendments to the
existing protected kerb-stones, RPS No. 927, allowing for level access to the proposed
development at No. 7 St. John's Avenue and , The Kazbar No. 57 & 57A John Street, Waterford
The Property Management items forming a schedule hereto were unanimously agreed
on the proposition of Cllr. D. Daniels, seconded by Cllr. M. Roche.
A report from the Director for Environmental Services & Planning had been circulated with the
Introducing the report, the Director stated that the purpose of the proposed Section 85 agreement
was to allow the lead authority, Tipperary South County Council, commence an evaluation and
review of the 2006 Regional Waste Management Plan.
It was proposed by Cllr. M. Roche, seconded by Cllr. S. Ryan and unanimously agreed that
Waterford City Council enter an agreement with Tipperary South County Council pursuant to
Section 85 of the Local Government Act 2001.
The Director of Environmental Services & Planning introduced this item and gave details of the
recent announcements from both the IBAL Survey and the Tidy Towns Competition in which
Waterford City had improved its rankings again.
The Director outlined the criteria on which the City was being judged and the principle elements
of a three year plan to further improve the presentation of the City.
The Members complemented the work that was being done and also praised the work of the
recently formed Tidy Towns Committee which was chaired by Nicola Beresford.
Questions were dealt with concerning dog fouling, footpath markings and the need to ensure
continuing and greater involvement by the wider community.
The Members also requested the presentation be circulated.
Cllr. M. Roche advised the Council that as Mr. Sean Gallagher had received the requisite number
of nominations to be included in the Presidential Election and with the consent of the meeting
withdrew her proposal.
Cllr. Sean Reinhardt advised the Council that as Ms. Mary Davies had received the requisite
number of nominations to be included in the Presidential Election and with the consent of the
meeting withdrew his proposal.
The Director of Corporate Affairs informed the Members that a vacancy had arisen due to the
resignation of Cllr. J. D’Arcy from the Board.
It was proposed by Cllr. J. Walsh seconded by Cllr. M. Roche and unanimously agreed that Cllr.
G. Wyse be nominated to fill the vacancy on the City Enterprise Board.
Attendance at the following conferences was proposed by Cllr. D. Daniels seconded by Cllr. T.
Cunningham and unanimously agreed.
l. Local Government Health & Safety Risk Assessment & Insurance – Kingsvalley Hotel, Galway
– 29th July-1st August, 2011.
Cllr. J. D’Arcy.
2. Reform of Local Government – Westport Plaza Hotel, Mayo. 12th-15th August.
Cllr. J. D’Arcy.
3. Local Government promoting Renewal Energy – Manor West Hotel, Tralee – 19th-21st August
Cllr. L. O’Neill
4. Parnell Summer School – Wicklow – 14th August-19th August, 2011.
Cllr. D. Roche.
5. AMAI, Trim, Co. Meath – 9th-11th Septemher.
Cllr. T. Cunningham
Invitation to the Mayor (and spouse) to travel to St. Herblain to participate in the 30 th
anniversary event to mark the twinning of Waterford and St. Herblain from October 14th to
Invitation to the D/Mayor to speak at the Conference on Marine Tourism Development on
September 16th in St. John’s, Newfoundland
Cllr. J. Hearne agreed to defer Motion Reg. No. 565 to the Council Meeting in October.
It was agreed to suspend Standing Orders at 6.45p.m. and resolve into Committee,
proposition of Cllr. S. Ryan, seconded by Cllr. M. Roche
on the
The meeting then resolved into Committee to discuss the Enterprise Centre.
The Director of Housing Community Services and Enterprise informed the meeting of the financial
difficulties being experienced by the Waterford City Enterprise Centre due to the economic
downturn, falling occupancy rate and maintaining the mortgage payments on the premises. The
Board of the Centre had submitted a proposition to the Council whereby in return for the Council
repaying the €30,000 per annum over the remaining 6.5 years of the mortgage, ownership of the
premises would then pass to the Council. It was intended that the Centre would continue to
operate as an enterprise centre for the duration.
The Director recommended the proposition to Council stating that it represented excellent value
for money and that the Council would acquire ownership of a valuable property for a very low
Questions were dealt with concerning the viability of the centre, the source of funding and options
to borrow the money.
It was proposed by Cllr. D. Daniels, seconded by Cllr. M. Roche and unanimously agreed that
Waterford City Council pay the remaining loan and that the Enterprise Centre would become the
property of Waterford City Council on completion of repayment of the loan.
That concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed _________________