This is a lesson plan for a project based lesson. This lesson has students make a travel brochure of a civilization/culture and then present it to the class. Lesson: Activity Based project on a civilization/culture. Students will learn how to become experts in the study of an ancient civilization and will develop an understanding of its strengths and lasting contributions. OBJECTIVE Students Will: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the contributions of the Ancient Roman civilization. 2. Study and provide evidence for: The significance of the citizens The spread of the civilization An understanding of cultures An appreciation of their art An appreciation of their architecture An appreciation of their engineering An appreciation of their philosophy 3. Demonstrate an ability to interpret, analyze, and synthesize historical information. 4. Demonstrate an ability to connect the past with the present through an oral presentation. MATERIALS Teacher: World History textbooks and other primary/secondary sources Computer and Internet access Software for word processing, PowerPoint, etc. Overhead projector, transparency, paper (as needed) Paper, poster-board, etc. if you usually supply these to your students Copies of student handouts (enough for all students) Itinerary: a list of topics/ideas for the travel brochure How to Create a Travel Brochure: a step-bystep guide for students o Samples of "real" travel brochures from various travel agencies Students: Notebook to record important information found during the research process of Activity handouts provided by the teacher Computer access, Internet access, library access Various materials, such as poster-board, paper, etc., depending on the travel brochure option selected SET UP AND PREPARE Make enough copies of all handouts before introducing the lesson. Be sure to have any additional materials available. Motivate students the day you introduce the activity. Create a sample travel brochure to model for the class. (Once this activity is done once keep some of the ones produced by previous classes as good and bad examples) DIRECTIONS Part 1: Introduction Step 1: Introduce the activity by entering the classroom as a tour guide. Explain to students that the class will be embarking on a tour of wherever, so get ready for a "blast to the past!" Step 2: Post the Itinerary on the overhead and hand out copies of the "Itinerary" to the class. Go over the various places and topic ideas. Part 2: Effective Travel Brochures Step 1: Provide students with samples of real travel guides. Have them share with the class. Ask the students to identify what makes each travel brochure effective. Step 2: List students' responses on the chalkboard/whiteboard and leave up for the remainder of the unit, so students will realize what type of information is absolutely necessary to make their brochures effective. Step 3: Hand out and go over the How to Create a Travel Brochure step-by-step guide. Allow students to ask questions about the various options on the handout. Step 4: Decide on a way to distribute topics/ideas from the Itinerary. Suggestions: Allow students to sign-up for topics, pull names out of a hat, or assign topics to students. Note: At this time, you may decide that you want students to work in pairs or groups; depending on the topics/ideas/concepts you decide to emphasize. Part 3: Research and Complete Brochure Step 1: Provide time for students to research their topics/ideas. Set time aside to go over their gathered information. Step 2: Allow time for students to begin creating their travel brochures and incorporate their gathered information. Be sure to emphasize creativity! Step 3: Students submit their travel brochures and post them on a bulletin board in class. Optional: Take digital pictures of students' brochures and upload them to your Class Homepage! Part 4: Give presentation Step 1: Acting as tour guides, students use their travel brochure to lead a class tour of their researched topic/idea/concept. Here are some ways I encourage students to share their travel brochures: 1. Pass the brochure around the classroom. 2. Make transparency copies of each page and present on the overhead projector. 3. Conduct a virtual tour through a PowerPoint presentation or Web site. 4. Create a "giant" brochure on a poster-board. 5. Dress up as a citizen of the era or place. LESSON EXTENSION Other Resources: Web sites about where you want them to visit. ASSESS STUDENTS Using a content standards-aligned rubric, assess students based on their ability to represent and synthesize the researched information into a travel brochure. Also assess students' effort, creativity and class participation throughout the unit. By requiring a class presentation, you integrate language arts standards and can assess students' oral language and speaking skills on a standards aligned rubric. EVALUATE THE LESSON Did students respond to the way I introduced the activity? Did modeling a sample of my own travel brochure or bringing in sample brochures, help the students' creative processes and abilities to get started right away? Did students develop an overall understanding of the contributions of the civilization/culture? Was their understanding evident in their travel brochures and/or presentations? Did students remain on task during the activity? Did they handle the independent/group activity well enough to incorporate more project-based assessments? Did students enjoy or take advantage of the various options available to them in the presentation activity? Should I change anything in the way I model or teach this lesson?