Tables Table 1: Process evaluation objectives, indicators and data collection OBJECTIVE INDICATORS DATA COLLECTION METHODS AND ANALYSIS Objective 1: to describe the intervention in theory and in practice Research question: What is the intervention? What is the context? Issues encountered during the intervention piloting phase Document review and observation notes Facilitators’ characteristics 18 group discussions with community members with a structured topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Facilitator's recruitment and training Review of training and recruitment documents – analysed for chronology and key themes arising Facilitators’ perceptions of the intervention 9 group discussions with facilitators with a structured topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Group formation Analysis of data collected by facilitators Group discontinuation Women's group members’ and attendees characteristics Group discussions with facilitators and WG coordinators using a structured topic guide, analysed using a thematic approach Analysis of surveillance data & DATA SOURCE Registers Group discussion notes Interview notes and training documents Group discussion notes Form recording the place and date of group formation as well as the number of original members Group discussion notes, process evaluation manager visit notes Surveillance questionnaire, Regularity and cancellations of meetings Identification and prioritization of problems Members responses on identification and prioritization of problems and strategies Identification of strategies, barriers and prioritization of strategies Community meetings Attendees’ perceptions on community meeting Implementing strategies and measuring progress Members perception of the implementation of strategies Methods and process for cluster-level community meetings data collected by facilitators Quantification of attendance through registers and cancellation forms Document review – reporting and quantification of problems identified and prioritized Thematic analysis of evaluation forms completed by facilitators Document review - reporting and quantification of strategies identified and prioritized Document review to quantify the numbers of meetings held Observations to document key events and issues arising Review of observation notes to document key events and issues arising Analysis of forms to quantify the type of strategies implemented, the number of groups in which implemented and length of implementation Analysis of evaluation forms to list members’ perceptions of barriers and facilitators to implementation of strategies Document review to quantify the numbers of meetings held Observations to document key events and issues arising meeting attendance sheets Facilitators register, cancellation forms Facilitators’ register, meeting reporting forms Evaluation form Facilitators register, meeting reporting forms Facilitators’ register and PE manager’s notes Structured observation notes by coordinators, district managers and intervention managers Registers, reporting forms and group-wise record book to measure monthly progress Evaluation form Facilitators’ register and PE manager’s notes Attendees perceptions on cluster level community meeting Observations to document key events and issues arising Evaluation of group activities Analysis of group support forms Evaluation of the phases of intervention Analysis of phase wise evaluation forms Group members' perception of the intervention and the 3 group discussions with group implementing organization members using a topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Objective 2: to describe the social context in which the intervention was delivered Research question: In what context is the intervention delivered? Information on terrain, health service provision, other Health services mapping, group NGO activities. information forms and Group discussions with facilitators People, cultural practices and livelihoods Analysis of surveillance data, group discussions and notes from meetings in the women’s group cycle Profile of clusters Analysis of forms and FGD Objective 3: to describe the impact of the intervention on women's group members Research question: How and why does the intervention affect group members? Perception of facilitators regarding behaviour change 3 FGDs with facilitators using a among group members topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Perception of group members regarding behaviour 244 group discussions with change among themselves members using a topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Structured observation notes by coordinators, DMs and Intervention managers Group support form Phase-wise evaluation forms Group discussion notes Health services mapping forms, group discussion notes Surveillance tool, discussion notes and meeting notes group Population census of India 2001, districts record and FGD notes Group discussion notes, case studies Group discussion notes, case studies Objective 4: to describe the impact of the intervention on non-group members Research question: How and why does the intervention affect group members? Perception of facilitators regarding behaviour change 3 Group discussions with among the non-group members facilitators using a topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Perception of group members regarding behaviour 244 group discussions with group change among non-group members members (1 per group) using a topic guide and analysed using a thematic approach Perception of community members regarding behaviour 3 group discussions with the change within the community community members (Key stake holders, opinion leaders, male members) using a topic guide and studies analysed using a thematic approach. Group discussion notes, case studies Group discussion notes, case studies Group discussion notes, quotes from community meeting attendees. Table 2 - Access to health services in the intervention and control areas Community health workers and health facilities Intervention areas Control areas Villages (n) 193 185 Anganwadi (Integrated Child Development Services) 159 Centres 160 Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs) 63 59 Primary Health Centres 15 16 Community Health Centres 5 6 Sub--district Hospitals 1 1 District Hospitals 3 3 Villages with Sub-centres within 3 KM 130 149 Villages with Primary Health Centres within 10 KM 34 97 Villages with District Hospital within 30 KM 121 133 Table 3 - Meetings in the Ekjut participatory learning and action cycle Aim PHASE 1 IDENTIFY AND PRIORITISE PROBLEMS MEETING 1 Introduce the project and the women’s group cycle MEETING 2 Explore local practices and beliefs linked to pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood MEETING 3 Identify maternal problems in the community MEETING 4 Identify newborn health problems MEETING 5 Prioritise the maternal and newborn problems the group wants to focus on PHASE 2 PLAN STRATEGIES MEETING 6 Discuss causes and solutions to local maternal and newborn health problems MEETING 7 Identify strategies arising out of the solutions and understand opportunities and barriers before prioritizing them MEETING 8 Discuss the process of sharing information on problems and strategies with the community MEETING 9 Prepare a community meeting PHASE 3 COMMUNITY MEETING IMPLEMENT STRATEGIES MEETING 10 Discuss the implementation of strategies MEETING 11 Review the progress of strategy implementation MEETING 12 Discuss how maternal problems can be prevented MEETING 13 Discuss how newborn problems can be prevented MEETING 14 Discuss what home care solutions for selected problems MEETING 15 MEETING 17 Discuss facility-based care for selected problems Identify which problems are emergencies, prepare the group for emergencies and discuss ways of addressing delays in care-seeking Identify emergency and non-emergency problems, appropriate responses and referrals MEETING 18 Learn about the activities of other groups and prepare for a cluster-level community meeting MEETING 16 PHASE 4 MEETING 19 MEETING 20 CLUSTER-LEVEL COMMUNITY MEETING ASSESS IMPACT Review the cluster community meeting, discuss the activities and achievements of the group and evaluate each phase of the cycle Discuss possible behavioural changes linked to the intervention that occurred in the wider community