ND312: Vocation - Fund for Theological Education

ND312: Vocation: Discernment, Decision-making
and the Call of God
Elijah Project, Fall 2005
Gordon College
Dr. Greg Carmer
This four credit, integrative seminar builds upon the Foundation of Work and
Vocation seminar by moving from the exploration of work and vocation in
categorical terms to a consideration of the sociological and psychological
contexts within which we as individuals respond to the responsibilities and
opportunities of work in the contemporary world. Where Foundations of Work
and Vocation considered biblical and theological teaching on work, this seminar
will focus on individual giftedness and work as a function of church and life in
the context of God’s new Kingdom. Likewise, where the former seminar
explored invariant frameworks of human morality, this seminar will trace the
contours of the current socio-historical situation within which work is chosen
and psychological considerations appropriate to the student as an individual.
Questions driving this seminar are: What are your strengths, gifts and concerns?
What current socio-historical realities may impact our choice of work? How do
those realities interact with individual sense of calling? How do your strengths
and interests mesh with opportunities and needs in today’s world? How do we
understand and discern God’s will? How does one make decisions with
confidence? How might we understand calling in terms of spiritual giftedness,
psychological strengths and individual concerns?
1) To facilitate exploration and reflection on student’s individual
strengths, gifts and concerns and how they inform the discernment of
God’s call on their life and their choice of life work. The previous
summer’s internship will provide material for such reflection.
2) To provide student with theoretical concepts and reflective practice in
making personal decisions concerning the cultivation of concerns and
competencies and the choice of work.
3) To consider historic trends shaping the contemporary context and how
they might inform choice of work, including the impact of
4) To explore different Christian understandings of the role of the Church
in society and alternative understandings of the Kingdom of God.
Course Requirements:
A) Attendance /Participation: The seminar structure of this course requires that
all members come to class prepared to participate in critical conversation with
the texts and each other and to engage in constructive thinking about the topics
at hand. A participation grade (25% of final grade) will be awarded on the basis
of attendance as well as informed and thoughtful contribution to class
Class members will occasionally be responsible for leading
B) Internship Report: A paper on the summer internship experience which
should include interaction with ideas and categories of thought from the Spring
semester as well as reflection on personal insights gained through the summer
C) Reflective Essays: Regular writing assignments of 500-700 words responding
to the readings and reflecting on summer internship will be required.
Approximately one third of each essay should summarize a major idea from the
reading for that week, one third should engage the material through questions,
comments, critique, criticism, elaboration, illustration or application, and one
third should reflect on life experience (including the summer’s internship) in
light of the reading and course discussion. Occasionally particular questions will
be assigned for reflections.
D) Book Reviews: Four book reviews will be required; three brief and one indepth. See hand out for details.
E) Dexter House Activities: All students are expected to attend weekly house
meetings and occasional special events.
F) Final Integrative Paper: One quarter of overall grade will be based on a
fifteen page integrative paper exploring the relation of topics from the reading,
class discussion or your summer internship experience to your current
vocational leanings. This essay should include a synthetic and creative
investigation of the interface between your strengths, interests and concerns and
a specified problem or opportunity.
Course Structure:
Class time will be divided between lecture and class discussion. Students will
occasionally be asked to lead discussion on texts and contribute outside material
to class discussions. In addition to lecture and discussion, we may make use of
film and a field trip.
Course Outline
Where We’ve Been and What we’ve Learned:
Review of Spring Term and Summer Internships
Who Am I? Personal Strengths and Style Profile
Making up your Mind: Discernment, Decision Making and the
Will of God
What’s Going On?:
Exploring Current Challenges and Opportunities
Putting it all Together:
Retracing Your Steps and Planning your Next Move
Required Texts:
Each student will be supplied with a copy of the following three titles.
Note: These books were purchased from Hearts and Minds Books at a 10% discount.
[Thanks Byron! http://www.heartsandmindsbooks.com/]
• StrengthsQuest: Discover and Develop Your Strengths in Academics, Career,
and Beyond; Donald O. Clifton & Edward Anderson, Gallup Press
• The Will of God as a Way of Life: How to Make every Decision with Peace and
Confidence; Jerry Sittser, Zondervan.
• Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire; Brian Walsh & Silvia Keesmaat, IVP.
The final grade will be based upon four elements: 1) evidence of comprehension
of material and ability to connect it with other educational experiences, 2)
internship report 3) book reviews and reflective essays, 4) final integrative essay.
Attendance / Participation
Internship Report
Book Reviews
Integrative Essays
250 pts
250 pts 2
250 pts
250 pts
1000 pts
Schedule of Readings & Topics
Where We’ve Been Aug. 25, 30,
Sept 1, 6, 8
Who Am I? Sept 13, 15
Recapturing lessons from last term
Stories from summer internships
StrengthsQuest Ch. 1-3; 4-9
Sept 20, 22
StrengthsQuest Ch. 10-13
Sept 27, 29
Personal Syle, DiSC
Oct 4, 6
Identifying passions
Decision Making Oct 11, 13
Discovering The Will of God
Oct 18, 20
Clear Thinking, Confident Decisions
Oct 25, 27
Overcoming Obstacles
What’s Going On? Nov 1, 3
Colossians Remixed
Nov 8, 10
Reading reports
Nov 15, 17
Reading reports
Putting it Together Nov 22, 29
Final Papers: reports on current questions
and next steps
Dec 1, 6, 8
Final Papers: reports on current questions
and next steps