Violence and Abuse in Personal Relationships:

Violence and Abuse in Personal Relationships:
Conflict, Terror, and Resistance in Intimate Partnerships
Michael P. Johnson1
Prepared for Anita Vangelisti and Daniel Perlman (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of
Personal Relationships. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Sociology and Women’s Studies, Penn State, Thank you to Maureen Mulderig for her
thoughtful reactions to previous versions of this chapter.
Violence and Abuse in Personal Relationships:
Conflict, Terror, and Resistance in Intimate Partnerships
Michael P. Johnson
Violence occurs in all sorts of personal relationships. Parents hit their children, siblings have
fights, girls slap their boyfriends, friends get into it, husbands terrorize their wives, and abused
wives murder their husbands. Most of this violence receives very little attention from scholars of
personal relationships. For example, a 1997 handbook on personal relationships covers violence
in only one section of one chapter (Klein & Johnson, 1997). However, in other disciplines such
as family studies, social work, criminology, and sociology there are research literatures (some
small, some rather large) on most of these forms of violence. In the wake of the 20th century
women’s movement and the related cultural emphasis on gender equality, one of the largest of
these literatures is focused on violence between intimate partners, including people who are
dating, living together, married, or separated (Jasinski & Williams, 1998; Johnson & Ferraro,
2000). As a feminist sociologist, I work within and know best this literature, which is why this
chapter focuses on intimate partner violence (IPV).
However, it may well be the case that the major lessons of the IPV literature are relevant for
understanding violence in other kinds of personal relationships. I believe the two core lessons to
be learned from work on IPV are simple, profound, and broadly applicable to violence in all
types of personal relationships. First, one cannot understand violence in personal relationships
without understanding its role in the relationship itself. Unlike most other kinds of violence (such
as a mugging), which are essentially situational and do not involve a continuing relationship
between the parties involved, personal relationship violence arises out of and shapes the
dynamics of an ongoing relationship, the violence in some cases—but not always—being a
central feature of the relationship.
Second, and more substantively, there are three quite different types of intimate partner
violence, identified by their role in the control context of the relationship in which they are
embedded. One type involves a violent attempt to take complete control or at least to generally
dominate the relationship (intimate terrorism), another involves violent resistance to such a
control attempt (violent resistance), and the third is violence that is a product of particular
conflicts or tensions within the relationship (situational couple violence). As you will see, the
nature of the control context is a major theme in the IPV literature, and although it has as yet
received little attention in research on other types of personal relationships, there are hints of it in
the parent-child literature.
These two core propositions are central to any theory of personal relationship violence. The
three types of violence—intimate terrorism, violent resistance, and situational couple violence—
have different origins, different dynamics, and different consequences. They therefore require
different theoretical frameworks to explain them and different strategies for prevention and
intervention. The failure to acknowledge these differences has led to major errors in the
empirical literature on IPV, and perhaps in literatures on violence in other types of relationships.
Unfortunately, until we carry out a broad program of research to investigate differences among
the causes and consequences of the various types of IPV, we cannot know how widespread the
errors are. Two examples, however, will illustrate the basic processes by which these errors are
First, inadvertently aggregating different types of violence under one label produces data
that are an “average” of the characteristics or correlates of the types that are aggregated. For
example, a recent meta-analysis of the literature on the relationship between growing up in a
violent home and subsequently becoming part of a violent marital relationship indicates quite
small effects (Stith et al., 2000), calling into question what is often claimed to be one of the best
established relationships in the IPV literature, the so-called “intergenerational transmission of
violence.” The overall conclusion is that childhood experiences of family violence are not
strongly related to adult IPV. However, that literature (and therefore the meta-analysis) does not
distinguish among types of violence, thus inadvertently aggregating whatever mix of types is
found in the studies reviewed. Of course, this would not be a problem if the relationships of
different types of violence to childhood experiences were the same. However, a recent study
differentiating among the types finds that while situational couple violence is not strongly related
to childhood experiences of violence, intimate terrorism is (Johnson & Cares, 2004). The
“average” relationship thus does not represent the effect that is of most interest to most audiences:
the effect on the likelihood of becoming an intimate terrorist—a wife-beater.
The second type of error arises because different sampling strategies have different biases in
terms of the types of violence they include. This is the error that produced the decades-long, and
continuing, debate over the gender symmetry of domestic violence. Researchers using agency
samples find domestic violence to be almost entirely male-perpetrated, while those using general
survey samples find domestic violence to be gender-symmetric. As it turns out, general survey
samples are dominated by situational couple violence, which is roughly gender-symmetric, while
agency samples are dominated by intimate terrorism, which in heterosexual relationships is
almost entirely male-perpetrated (Johnson, 1995, 2001). It is important to remember that to most
audiences intimate terrorism is what the term “domestic violence” is all about. Thus, when we
present conclusions about situational couple violence under the general rubric of domestic
violence, we mislead the public in important ways, such as giving them the false impression that
there are as many battered husbands as there are battered wives.
The typology of IPV presented below has its roots in this debate about gender symmetry.
For decades, feminist theorists have argued that domestic violence is largely male-perpetrated
and rooted in the patriarchal traditions of the Western family (Dobash & Dobash, 1979). Family
violence theorists, although acknowledging some role of gender in family violence, have argued
that domestic violence is rooted in the everyday tensions and conflicts of family life and that
women are as violent as men in intimate relationships (Straus, 1999). We now know that they
were both right, but were not studying the same phenomenon. Two of the major types of IPV
(intimate terrorism and violent resistance) are rooted in the dynamics of control and resistance
that have been the focus of feminist theorists. Intimate terrorism and violent resistance comprise
the bulk of the violence in the agency samples with which feminist theorists work. The third
major type, situational couple violence, is rooted in the dynamics of family conflict that have
been the focus of family violence theorists. Situational couple violence comprises the bulk of the
violence in the general survey samples with which family violence theorists work. The three
types constitute a typology of individual violence that is rooted in information about the couple
and their relationship, and defined by the control context within which the violence is embedded.
The Nature of Intimate Terrorism (IT)
In IT, the perpetrator uses violence in the service of general control over his or her partner.
The partner does not. The “control” that forms the basis of this typology of IPV, and that is the
defining feature of IT, is more than the specific, short-term control that is often the goal of
violence in other contexts. The mugger wants to control you only briefly in order to take your
valuables and move on, hopefully never to see you again. In contrast, the control sought in IT is
general and long-term. Although each particular act of intimate violence may appear to have any
number of short-term, specific goals, it is embedded in a larger pattern of power and control that
permeates the relationship. This is the kind of violence that comes to mind when most people
hear the term “domestic violence.” Figure 1 is a widely used graphical representation of partner
violence deployed in the service of general control.
This diagram and the understanding of domestic violence that lies behind it were developed
over a period of years from the testimony of battered women in the Duluth, Minnesota area,
testimony that convinced the staff of the Duluth Domestic Abuse Intervention Project that the
most important characteristic of the violence they encountered was that it was embedded in a
general pattern of power and control (Pence & Paymar, 1993). A pattern of power and control
cannot, of course, be identified by looking at violence in isolation. It can only be recognized
from information about multiple control tactics, allowing one to find out whether a perpetrator
uses more than one of these tactics to control his or her partner, thus indicating an attempt to
exercise general control.
A brief tour of the wheel, starting with economic abuse and moving through the other forms
of control, might help to capture what Catherine Kirkwood calls a “web” of abuse (Kirkwood,
1993). It is not unusual for an intimate terrorist to deprive his2 partner of control over economic
I am going to use gendered pronouns here because the vast majority of intimate terrorists are men terrorizing
female partners. That does not mean that women are never intimate terrorists. There are a small number of women
who do terrorize their male partners (Steinmetz, 1977-78), and there are also women in same-sex relationships who
terrorize their female partners (Renzetti & Miley, 1996).
resources. He controls all the money. She is allowed no bank account and no credit cards. If she
works for wages, she has to turn over her paychecks to him. He keeps all the cash and she has to
ask him for money when she needs to buy groceries or clothes for herself or their children. He
may require a precise accounting of every penny, demanding to see the grocery bill and making
sure she returns every bit of the change.
This economic abuse may be justified through the next form of control, male privilege: “I
am the man of the house, the head of the household, the king in my castle.” Of course, this use of
male privilege can cover everything. As the man of the house, his word is law. He doesn’t have
to explain. She doesn’t disagree with him. She is to do his bidding without question. And don’t
talk back. All of this holds even more rigidly in public, where he is not to be humiliated by backtalk from “his woman.”
How does he use the children to support his control? First of all, they too know he is the
boss. He makes it clear that he controls not only them, but their mother as well. He may use them
to back him up, to make her humiliation more complete by forcing them into the room to assist
him as he confronts her, asking them if he isn’t right, and making them support his control of her.
He may even have convinced them that he should be in charge, that he does know what is best
(father knows best), and that she is incompetent or lazy or immoral. In addition, he may use her
attachment to the children as a means of control, by threatening to take them away from her or
hurt them if she isn’t a “good wife and mother.” Of course, being a good wife and mother means
doing as he says.
Then there’s isolation. He keeps her away from everyone else. He makes himself her only
source of information, of support, of money, of everything. In a rural setting he might be able to
literally isolate her, moving to a house trailer in the woods, with one car that he controls, no
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phone, keeping her there alone. In an urban setting, or if he needs her to go out to work, he can
isolate her less literally, by driving away her friends and relatives and intimidating the people at
work, so that she has no one to talk to about what’s happening to her.
When she’s completely isolated, and what he tells her about herself is all she ever hears
about herself, he can tell her over and over again that she’s worthless—humiliating her,
demeaning her, emotionally abusing her. She’s ugly, stupid, a slut, a lousy wife, an incompetent
mother. She only manages to survive because he takes care of her. She’d be helpless without him.
And who else is there to tell her otherwise? Maybe he can even convince her that she can’t live
without him.
If she resists, he can intimidate her. Show her what might happen if she doesn’t behave.
Scream at her. Swear at her. Let her see his rage. Smash things. Or maybe a little cold
viciousness will make his point. Kick her cat. Hang her dog. That ought to make her think twice
before she decides not to do as he says. Or threaten her. Threaten to hit her, or beat her, or pull
her hair out, or burn her. Or tell her he’ll kill her, and maybe the kids too.
Pull all these means of control together, or even a few of them, and the abuser entraps and
enslaves his partner in a web of control. If she manages to thwart one means of control, there are
others at his disposal. Wherever she turns, there is another way he can control her. Sometimes
she is ensnared by multiple strands. She can’t seem to escape—she is trapped. But with the
addition of violence there is more to power and control than entrapment. There is terror.
For this reason the diagram does not include the violence as just another means of control,
another spoke in the wheel. The violence is depicted, rather, as the rim of the wheel, holding all
the spokes together. When violence is added to such a pattern of power and control, the abuse
becomes much more than the sum of its parts. The ostensibly nonviolent tactics that accompany
that violence take on a new, powerful, and frightening meaning—controlling the victim not only
through their own specific constraints, but also through their association with the general
knowledge that her partner will do anything to maintain control of the relationship, even attack
her physically. Most obviously, the threats and intimidation are clearly more than idle threats if
he has beaten her before. But even his “request” to see the grocery receipts becomes a “warning”
if he has put her into the hospital this year. His calling her a stupid slut may feel like the
beginning of a vicious physical attack. As battered women often report, “All he had to do was
look at me that way, and I’d jump.” What is for most of us the safest place in our world—
home—is for her a place of constant fear.
The Nature of Violent Resistance (VR)
What is a woman to do when she finds herself terrorized in her own home? At some point,
most women in such relationships do fight back physically. For some, this is an instinctive
reaction to being attacked, and it happens at the first blow—almost without thought. For others,
it doesn’t happen until it seems he is going to continue to assault her if she doesn’t do something
to stop him. For most women, the size difference between them and their male partner ensures
that violent resistance won’t help, and may make things worse, so they turn to other means of
coping. For a few, eventually it seems that the only way out is to kill their partner.
The critical defining pattern of violent resistance is that the resistor is violent but not
controlling, and is faced with a partner who is both violent and controlling, i.e., he is an intimate
terrorist. Violence in the face of IT may arise from any of a variety of motives. She may (at least
at first) believe that she can defend herself, that her violent resistance will keep him from
attacking her further. That may mean that she thinks she can stop him right now, in the midst of
an attack, or it may mean that she thinks that if she fights back often enough he will eventually
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decide to stop attacking her physically. Even if she doesn’t think she can stop him, she may feel
that he shouldn’t be allowed to attack her without getting hurt some himself. This desire to hurt
him in return even if it won’t stop him can be a form of communication (“What you’re doing
isn’t right and I’m going to fight back as hard as I can”) or it may be a form of retaliation or
payback, along the lines of “He’s not going to do that without paying some price for it.” In a few
cases, she may be after serious retaliation, attacking him when he is least expecting it and doing
her best to do serious damage, even killing him. But there is another, more frequent motive for
such premeditated attacks—escape. Sometimes, after years of abuse and entrapment, a victim of
IT may feel that the only way she can escape from this horror is to kill her tormenter.
The Nature of Situational Couple Violence (SCV)
Probably the most common type of partner violence does not involve any attempt on the part
of either partner to gain general control over the relationship. The violence is situationallyprovoked, as the tensions or emotions of a particular encounter lead someone to react with
violence. Intimate relationships inevitably involve conflicts, and in some relationships one or
more of those conflicts may escalate to violence. The violence may be minor and singular, with
one argument at some point in the relationship escalating to the level that someone pushes or
slaps the other, is immediately remorseful, apologizes and never does it again. Or it could be a
chronic problem, with one or both partners frequently resorting to violence, minor or severe.
The motives for such violence vary. A physical reaction might feel like the only way one’s
extreme anger or frustration can be expressed. It may well be intended to do serious injury as an
expression of anger. It may primarily be an attempt to get the attention of a partner who doesn’t
seem to be listening. Or there could be a control motive involved, albeit not one that is part of a
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general pattern of coercive control. One partner may simply find that the argument is not going
well for him or her, and decide that one way to win this is to get physical.
The critical distinctions among types of violence have to do with general patterns of power
and control, not with the ostensible motives for specific incidents of violence. Thus, many of the
separate violent incidents of SCV may look exactly like those involved in IT or VR. The
difference is in the general power and control dynamic of the relationship, not in the nature of
any one assault. If it appears that neither partner is generally trying to control the other, i.e., it is
not the case that the relationship involves the use of a range of control tactics by one or both of
the partners, then we are dealing with SCV. It is simply that one or more disagreements have
resulted in violence. The violence may even be frequent, if the situation that provokes the
violence is recurring, as when one partner frequently feels that the other is flirting, and the
confrontations over that issue regularly lead one or the other of them to lash out. And the
violence may be quite severe, including even homicide. What makes it SCV is that it is rooted in
the events of a particular situation rather than in a relationship-wide attempt to control.
How Do We Know About These Types?
The descriptions of the three types of partner violence that you have just read are derived
from 30 years of social science research on violence between intimate partners, most of which
did not make the distinctions that I describe. How, then, can we manage to come to conclusions
about these different types of partner violence from a research literature that doesn’t distinguish
among them? There are two answers to that question. First, some of the more recent research
does operationalize the distinctions. Second, there are some “tricks” that can be used to tease
information regarding the types out of the “old style” research that didn’t make distinctions. One
involves the sampling biases noted above. The violence in general survey research is almost
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entirely men’s and women’s SCV. Thus, any survey research that compares violent with
nonviolent men or women—or victims with non-victims—can be reliably assumed to tell us
mostly about SCV. In contrast, the violence in agency samples is almost all men’s IT and
women’s VR. Thus, agency-based studies can be used to inform us regarding those two types of
violence. The second trick we can use with the old literature is to look for patterns that are
associated with violence that shows the characteristics of each of the types. Here is an example.
Violence that is frequent and severe is most likely to be IT (see below). Violence that is
infrequent and mild is more likely to be SCV. Thus, if studies show that anger management
therapy is only effective in the treatment of men whose violence is infrequent and mild, we have
indirect support for the conclusion that it is effective for SCV but not effective for IT.
Here we face something of a dilemma. There is no shortage of comprehensive causal
models, inventories, reviews, or meta-analyses of correlates of intimate partner violence (K. L.
Anderson, 1997; Archer, 2000; Hotaling & Sugarman, 1986, 1990; Jasinski & Williams, 1998;
O'Leary & Slep, 2003; Stith et al., 2000; Sugarman, Aldarondo, & Boney-McCoy, 1996;
Sugarman & Frankel, 1996; Sugarman & Hotaling, 1989, 1997), but none of these papers or
books makes the distinctions among types of intimate partner violence discussed above. Thus,
we cannot be certain about which generalizations apply to which types of violence. For example,
although there are perhaps hundreds of studies that purport to show that women are as violent as
men in intimate relationships (Archer, 2000; Straus, 1999), a breakdown of IPV into types
(Johnson, 2001) indicates that in heterosexual relationships IT is almost entirely maleperpetrated, violent resistors are almost all women, and SCV is not heavily gendered (at least not
in terms of incidence; see below).
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Gender. Let me begin with a reminder that the discussion above indicates that perhaps the
most important antecedent of IPV is gender, with IT being almost entirely male, VR female, and
SCV more gender symmetric. Within each of these types, men’s violence is more frequent and
more severe than women’s. It would not be wise, however, to think of gender only as a
characteristic of perpetrators and victims if IPV. For over two decades, now, feminist
sociologists have admonished us to treat gender as an institution, not an individual characteristic.
It has manifestations at all levels of social organization from the most macro of organizational
contexts through the “meso” level of social interaction on down to the individual level of
identities and attitudes (Ferree, Lorber, & Hess, 2000; Risman, 2004).
Thus, the role of gender in IPV is almost impossibly complex. First, sex/gender is important
in heterosexual relationships simply because of average sex differences in size and strength.
Second, the gendering of individual attitudes, values, knowledge, and skills affect partners’ goals
in their relationships and the means they use to attain them. Third, individual partners’ attitudes
regarding differences between men and women and the role of gender in relationships each play
a part in the development of any particular relationship. Fourth, intimate partnership norms are
heavily gendered, certainly in the midst of considerable historical change but rooted in a
patriarchal heterosexual model that validates men’s power (Dobash & Dobash, 1979, 1992; Yllö
& Bograd, 1988; Yllö & Straus, 1990). These norms affect the internal functioning of all
relationships, regardless of the individual attitudes of the partners. For example, when a couple
sets out to plan a wedding, they find their individual interests embedded in a larger social context
that cannot be ignored. Finally, the gendering of the social context within which the relationship
is embedded affects the resources the partners can draw upon to shape the relationship and to
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cope with or escape from the violence. As an example, consider the major changes in the way
the criminal justice system has reacted to domestic violence over the last 30 years (Dobash &
Dobash, 1992).
There certainly is not enough space here to explicate the complex interaction of these
gender-related factors in the shaping of different types of heterosexual IPV, but I would like to at
least provide a few examples. First, in intimate terrorism, the use of violence as one tactic in an
attempt to exercise general control over one’s partner requires more than violence. It requires a
credible threat of a damaging violent response to noncompliance. Such a threat would be more
credible coming from a man than a woman because of both the size difference and the cultures of
masculinity and femininity. Second, with regard to SCV, the damage will be greater when
perpetrated by a larger against a smaller partner (Felson, 1996), and the cultures of masculinity
and femininity ensure that whatever the level of violence, its meaning will differ greatly
depending upon the gender of the perpetrator (Straus, 1999). And third, in cases of either IT or
SCV, the reactions of criminal justice personnel are likely to differ as a function of the gender
structure of the organization to which the officers belong, as well as the gender of the perpetrator
(Buzawa & Buzawa, 1996).
Finally, it is important to note that much of this discussion of gender is relevant only to
heterosexual relationships. In same-sex relationships, some aspects of gender will still be
important (e.g., gender differences in individual attitudes and skills), others will be largely
irrelevant (e.g., heterosexual relationship norms), and some will play themselves out in quite
different ways (e.g., sex differences in size and strength will not be as likely to create differences
within couples). Although we know considerably less about same-sex relationships than we do
about heterosexual relationships, there is a growing literature that is important not only in its own
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right, but also because it sheds light on some of the inadequacies of theories rooted in research
on heterosexual relationships (Renzetti, 1992, 2002; Renzetti & Miley, 1996).
Personality and attitudes. The work of Amy Holtzworth-Munroe and others on male
perpetrators of IPV (Gondolf, 1988; Hamberger, Lohr, Bonge, & Tolin, 1996; HoltzworthMunroe, 2002; Holtzworth-Munroe, Meehan, Herron, Rehman, & Stuart, 2000, 2003; Jacobson
& Gottman, 1998; Ornduff, Kelsey, & O'Leary, 1995; Saunders, 1992, 1996; Waltz, Babcock,
Jacobson, & Gottman, 2000) converges on the identification of two types of intimate terrorists.
Holtzworth-Munroe refers to them as “borderline/dysphoric” and “generally violent/antisocial,”
while Jacobson and Gottman use the more colorful terms, “pit bulls” and “cobras.” (I am going
to call them “dependent intimate terrorists” and “antisocial intimate terrorists.”) The dependent
intimate terrorists score high on measures of borderline personality organization, dependency,
and jealousy, and seem to need general control in order to assuage their fear of losing their
partner. The antisocial intimate terrorists are more generally violent and involved with
delinquent peers, substance abuse, and criminal behavior; they are broadly willing to employ
violence to have their way in many contexts. Both of these types score high on impulsivity,
acceptance of violence, and hostile attitudes toward women, and low on measures of social skills
(Holtzworth-Munroe et al., 2000). The finding that intimate terrorists score high on hostility
toward women is consistent with the meta-analysis of Sugarman and Frankel (1996), and of
course harkens back to my discussion of gender as an institution. Sugarman and Frankel found
that intimate terrorists score higher on traditional gender attitudes than nonviolent men (effect
size = .80 for studies that are probably dominated by IT, .54 when all studies are considered).
Unfortunately, this important meta-analysis’s support for feminist theory is often missed because
Sugarman and Frankel’s conclusions and abstract dismiss the finding.
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SCV is included in Holtzworth-Munroe’s work in what she calls the “family-only” cluster of
perpetrators, a group of violent men whose violence is less severe than that of the intimate
terrorists, and who do not differ in personality or attitudes from nonviolent men. This pattern is
supported by Sugarman and Frankel’s finding that there are no differences in gender attitudes
between violent and nonviolent men in studies that are probably dominated by SCV. Thus, it is
clear that some elements of gender are not implicated in SCV.
As far as I know, there is no research on personality or attitudinal correlates of women’s
SCV, but Murray Straus has written a useful discussion of factors that might increase women’s
likelihood of being violent towards their partners. These factors include many features of gender
as an institution, such as cultural norms regarding femininity, gender norms for conflict, sources
of identity, and reactions of the criminal justice system (Straus, 1999, p. 31), some of which
influence the personality and attitudes of women.
So-called intergenerational “transmission.” Although childhood experiences of family
violence are often touted as “the most widely accepted risk marker for the occurrence of partner
violence” (Kantor & Jasinski, 1998, p. 16), in fact most studies find effect sizes on the order
of .17 (Stith et al., 2000). It appears that “transmission” is hardly an appropriate metaphor (see
also Johnson & Ferraro, 2000). However, a careful look at the Stith et al. meta-analysis and
some recent research suggests that perhaps this is another case of mis-specification through
aggregation. A case can be made for a moderate effect of childhood experiences on IT, and a
minimal effect on SCV, as follows. Because the literature is dominated by general surveys, the
overall average effect size, which is quite small, reflects the impact of childhood experiences on
SCV. However, Stith et al. find an interaction with sample type, in which the effect is much
stronger (.35) for agency samples, i.e., samples dominated by IT. More direct evidence comes
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from Johnson and Cares’ (2004) finding of odds ratios of 2.40 (ns) and 7.51 (p<.01) for the
effects of men’s childhood experiences on SCV and IT, respectively.
Social class and other antecedents. Other widely accepted risk markers include occupation,
education, race/ethnicity, marital status, age, and alcohol abuse, among others. However, the
research that establishes these variables’ relationships to IPV does not distinguish among IT, VR,
and SCV. In some of my own unpublished analyses, I have found that once again, there are
important differences among types of violence. For example, income is negatively related to
SCV, but not IT. Education is negatively related to both IT and SCV. Race is related to SCV
(with African-Americans at greater risk than whites), but not IT. Age is negatively related to IT,
but not SCV. It is clear that we need research that differentiates among types of IPV before we
can make useful statements about antecedents.
The Nature of the Relationship
Characteristics of the violent acts. This is yet another area in which we clearly need further
research. Johnson’s (1995) review of the literature on men’s violence indicated that IT
(compared to SCV) involves a much higher average per-couple frequency of incidents, a much
higher likelihood of escalation and therefore more severe violence, and a lower likelihood of
mutual violence within an incident—all supported by data in Britain and the U.S. that
operationalize the distinctions (Graham-Kevan & Archer, 2003; Johnson, 2001).
What about women’s violence? Women’s violence in intimate relationships is almost
entirely SCV. From reviews of the many studies done with general survey samples, which we
can assume involve violence that is mostly SCV, a number of scholars have come to the oftheard conclusion that women are as violent as men (Archer, 2000; Straus, 1999). This
conclusion, however, is based upon the virtually meaningless criterion of whether the respondent
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has been violent at least once within the time frame covered by the survey. These same scholars
all agree that men’s violence in these general survey samples (thus, SCV) involves more
incidents, and produces more injuries and more fear than does women’s violence. Thus, even
with respect to SCV, men are, in fact, more violent than women.
Most of the remaining women’s IPV is violent resistance, and what we know about that
comes primarily from research using agency samples. That research indicates that, although
many women dealing with an intimate terrorist partner do at some point respond with violence,
most of them ultimately desist as they find that violence only puts them at further risk (Dasgupta,
2002; Gondolf & Fisher, 1988; Swan, 2000; Swan & Snow, 2002). However, there is a small but
highly visible number of women entrapped in such relationships who finally resort to lethal
violence to escape from their tormentor (Browne, 1987; O'Keefe, 1997; Roberts, 1996; Walker,
Other characteristics of the relationship. The general dynamic of IT and violent resistance
is captured in the many qualitative accounts of such relationships to be found in the literature,
most of them involving interviews with either women contacted through agencies, or volunteers
who have left their abusive partners (Chang, 1996; Dobash & Dobash, 1979; Ferraro, 1996, 1997;
Giles-Sims, 1983; Kirkwood, 1993; Pagelow, 1981; Pence & Paymar, 1993; Renzetti, 1992;
Sev'er, 2002). Because of the broadly controlling behavior of intimate terrorists, the general
characteristics of these relationships are shaped in large part by the intimate terrorist rather than
There is so little IT among heterosexual women that we know very little about it, although
I do have some unpublished data that suggest that the frequency and level of violence in
women’s IT is less than it is for men.
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the resistor. In the beginning, such relationships seem to follow a cycle identified early on by
Lenore Walker (1979), a cycle in which the tension in the relationship builds until the terrorist
erupts into violence, and the violence is followed by explanations, justifications, apologies, and
romantic and attentive behavior (the so-called “honeymoon” stage). Eventually, the tension
begins to build again, and the cycle repeats itself. More recent research suggests that in many
cases the honeymoon stage becomes shorter and shorter over time, until there is no longer any
honeymoon. The relationship becomes one of constant tension and attempts by the victim to
attempt to figure out how to prevent or minimize the impending and inevitable violence.
Although this pattern gives the intimate terrorist considerable power in the relationship, it
would be unwise to see him as entirely in control and his partner as merely a victim. Victims do
often change their behavior in line with the intimate terrorists’ interests in order to attempt to
avoid or minimize violence, and sometimes they even seem to accept their partner’s blaming of
the violence on their own inadequacies as wives and/or mothers. However, over time the women
involved in such relationships come to see the situation for what it is and turn to other means of
coping with violence, including gathering the resources that will allow them to take themselves
and their children out of the relationship safely (Campbell & Soeken, 1999; Campbell & Weber,
2000; Ferraro, 1997). These reactions of victims (some of whom become violent resistors) will
be discussed further below, in the section on consequences of violence for the relationship.
Returning to our discussion of intimate terrorists, there is an important complication when it
comes to the relationships in which they are involved. As noted above, the work of HoltzworthMunroe and others indicates that there are two major types of intimate terrorists, and we actually
know very little about the differences between dependent intimate terrorists and antisocial
intimate terrorists. It is likely that, beyond the general strategies of control that they share, their
Johnson 20
relationships with their partners are quite different. Dependent intimate terrorists are extremely
emotionally dependent on the partners whom they abuse, become emotional basket-cases during
arguments, and are highly tenacious, willing to do anything to keep their partner (Jacobson &
Gottman, 1998). Antisocial intimate terrorists are cold-hearted men and not necessarily strongly
emotionally tied to their partner. Although there is evidence that the dynamics and development
of their relationships with their partners look quite different, we need considerably more research
before we’ll know exactly what the differences are.
The situation is even more unknown and probably more complicated with regard to SCV.
The problem with this literature (as with many others) is that we have become so focused on
averages and on “explaining” variance that we have paid no attention at all to the likely
possibility that our general survey samples capture a number of types of SCV that involve quite
different relationships. We will have to settle for a brief analysis of some of the major issues that
need to be pursued. The major question is “What is the situational dynamic that produces the
My thoughts turn first to the large category of “violent relationships” in which there has
been one and only one incident. Someone needs to ask those people what happened, and to look
at characteristics of their relationships. I imagine that what we will find is that they range widely
on any relationship variable we care to look at. There simply was one aberrant incident that
could have happened in almost any relationship. That doesn’t mean that there are no interesting
questions to be pursued with regard to this group. We would like to know how they handled the
incident, whether it had any short-term or long-term effects on their relationship, whether they
took any steps to make sure it would never happen again, and so on.
Johnson 21
Moving on to relationships in which there are multiple incidents of SCV, we might pursue
what have been found to be some of the major correlates of IPV. A brief list would include
alcohol and other substance abuse (Heyman, O'Leary, & Jouriles, 1995; Hutchison, 1999; Kantor,
1996; Moore, Greenfield, Wilson, & Kok, 1997; O'Leary & Schumacher, 2003; Stuart et al.,
2002), jealousy and infidelity (Barnett, Martinez, & Bluestein, 1995; Dutton, Van Ginkel, &
Landolt, 1996; Wilson & Daly, 1993), poverty (Benson, Fox, DeMaris, & Wyk, 2000; Gelles,
1993), and various communication patterns/skills (Cahn & Lloyd, 1996; Feldman & Ridley,
2000; Holtzworth-Munroe, Smutzler, & Stuart, 1998; Infante, 1989; Lloyd & Emery, 2000;
Ridley & Feldman, 2003; Rogge & Bradbury, 1999). It is likely, however, that each of these,
while a central factor in some relationships, plays no role at all in others. This is not a small
matter, as success of various interventions would vary greatly depending upon whether the
chronic violence was a function of one partner’s anger management problems, or the daily
stresses of living in poverty, or the aggressiveness associated with alcohol abuse, and so on.
Consequences of the Violence
Most of the research on consequences is found in the feminist literature using agency
samples, and therefore provides information regarding IT or VR. There are, however, some
studies that might give us some insight into the impact of SCV, including a few that do make
distinctions, and a number that use general survey data that are probably dominated by SCV.
Health consequences. Over 1000 women are killed by their male partners in the United
States each year—mostly IT, and a little under 300 men are killed by their female partners—
mostly VR (United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2003). These numbers are down
considerably from the early 1990s, with the murders of husbands/boyfriends declining first and
most steeply as the battered women’s movement provided alternatives to women who had
Johnson 22
formerly been trapped in intimate terrorist relationships. More recently there have been
somewhat smaller but consistent decreases for femicide, perhaps because preventive education is
making a difference, but also because the movement is helping women to escape from intimate
terrorists before they are murdered.
Injuries. We have fairly good information regarding injuries incurred in IT and SCV. From
agency studies, we know that the likelihood of serious injury is high for women experiencing IT
(Campbell, 2002; Cantos, Neidig, & O'Leary, 1994). From the few studies operationalizing the
types, we also know that average seriousness of injuries is clearly greater for IT than it is for
SCV (Graham-Kevan & Archer, 2003; Johnson, 1999, 2000; Johnson, Conklin, & Menon, 2002;
Johnson & Leone, in press; Leone, Johnson, Cohan, & Lloyd, 2004). Data from many general
survey studies of IPV indicate that women sustain more severe injuries than do men in SCV
(Archer, 2000; Straus, 1990). It is clear from qualitative agency data that violent resistance
among women does sometimes inflict injury on their partners. However, if we can assume that
couples in mandated domestic violence programs are mostly involved in male IT and female VR,
then Cantos’ (1994) data indicate that violent resistors are inflicting a much lower level of injury
than are their intimate terrorist partners.
General health, including psychological health. Campbell’s general review (2002)
concludes that “Increased health problems such as… chronic pain, gastrointestinal, and
gynecological signs including sexually-transmitted diseases, depression, and post-traumatic
stress disorder are well documented by controlled research in abused women in various settings.”
Golding’s (1999) meta-analysis is more specific: “The weighted mean prevalence of mental
health problems among battered women was 47.6% in 18 studies of depression, 17.9% in 13
studies of suicidality, 63.8% in 11 studies of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)….” She also
Johnson 23
concludes, however, that these findings are quite variable across studies; I would suggest that
this may be because they involve different mixes of SCV and IT. Two studies that do distinguish
between IT and SCV indicate that effects on general health, depression, and post-traumatic stress
disorder are minimal for SCV (Johnson & Leone, in press; Leone et al., 2004).
Effects on the relationship. IPV of any sort is destructive to the relationship, as has been
shown in a number of studies using general samples (for two longitudinal studies see Rogge &
Bradbury, 1999; Testa & Leonard, 2001). The effects of IT, however, are much more dramatic
than those of SCV (Johnson et al., 2002). Although it is clear from decades of studies with
agency samples that most women experiencing IT do eventually manage to escape (e.g.,
Campbell, Miller, Cardwell, & Belknap, 1994; Herbert, Silver, & Ellard, 1991), we continue to
see articles with titles like “Why do they stay?” even in cases in which two-thirds of the women
had in fact already left their abusive partner (Herbert et al., 1991). Three explanations for this
contradiction come to mind. First, I suppose that some writers simply feel that asking why they
stay seems like a more interesting question than asking why or how they leave. Second, many of
the samples studied include a large number of cases of SCV, few of which are serious enough to
prompt anyone to consider ending the relationship. Third, and most important, IT almost always
involves not only abuse, but entrapment (Johnson, 1998; Landenburger, 1989; Richie, 1996;
Rosen & Stone, 1993). Leaving or threatening to leave one’s abusive partner places women and
their children at great risk of stalking, assault, and murder (Burgess, Harner, Baker, Hartman, &
Lole, 2001; Hardesty, 2002; Morton, Runyan, Moracco, & Butts, 1998; Wilson, Daly, & Wright,
1993). As a result, leaving an IT relationship involves a complex process of gathering the
information and resources required to allow a woman and her children to leave the relationship
safely (Campbell, Rose, Kub, & Nedd, 1998; Chang, 1996; Choice & Lamke, 1999; Kirkwood,
Johnson 24
1993; Sev'er, 2002). Women experiencing IT go through a process of learning that the violence
will be continuing, interpreting the causes of the violence, trying to cope with and stop the
violence within the relationship, deciding it is necessary to leave, and gathering the necessary
resources (M. A. Anderson et al., 2003; Arias & Pape, 1999; Barnett & LaViolette, 2000; Burke,
Gielen, McDonnell, O'Campo, & Maman, 2001; Carlson, 1997; Choice & Lamke, 1997; Choice
& Lamke, 1999; Merritt Gray & Wuest, 1995; Rose, Campbell, & Kub, 2000; Rosen & Stith,
1995; Sullivan & Davidson, 1991).
Much as I hate to end this section weakly, I have to say that we know almost nothing about
the nature of or correlates of VR or SCV. Although there is some research regarding the impact
of VR on the IT perpetrator’s violence, addressing the question of whether violent resistance
helps or makes things worse, there is very little on the conditions under which women do resist
physically or on the impact of that resistance on the individuals involved or on their relationship.
What little research there is focuses on the extreme cases in which women murder their abusive
partners (Browne, 1987; O'Keefe, 1997; Roberts, 1996; Walker, 1989). As for SCV, what we
think we know comes mostly from large-scale general surveys, which (a) involve an unknown
mix of IT, VR and SCV, and (b) include none of the qualitative data that would provide real
insight into the individual and relational dynamics of such relationships.
Of course, there is violence against intimates other than one’s partner. The 1985 National
Family Violence Survey in the United States indicated, for example, that within a one-year time
frame nearly 100% of American parents had hit their children (age 0-17) and 11% had used what
the authors call “severe” violence (Straus & Gelles, 1990, p. 97). Furthermore, 80% of
Johnson 25
American children had been violent toward their own brother or sister, 53% severely so, and
18% had been violent toward a parent. I am a bit surprised to find that there is essentially no
recent literature on child violence toward parents and little on sibling violence (Duncan, 1999;
Fair Brodeske, 2002; Wiehe, 1997), but reviews of the literature on parental violence toward
children can be found under the rubrics of child abuse (Flett & Hewitt, 2002; Halperin, 1995;
Hegar, Zuravin, & Orme, 1994; Larzelere & Johnson, 1999) and corporal punishment (Gershoff,
2002; Straus & Donnelly, 1994; Straus & Stewart, 1999).
The theoretical and empirical evidence for the importance of distinguishing among types of
violence between partners on the basis of the control context of the violence is quite compelling.
What about other types of personal relationships? In 2001, one of my students wrote an
outstanding paper on violence in parent-child relationships, and I can do no better on this issue
than to quote her:
The literature on this issue suggests that there are two types of parent-to-child abuse. The
first is set in a context of general control, in which the parent seeks a wide scope of power over
the child’s life. This is comparable to Johnson’s intimate terrorism…. The second type of child
abuse is a result of a parent lashing out in anger or frustration, which is similar to Johnson’s
situational couple violence category (Sobolewski, 2001, p. 27).
Of course, the use of violence to control children is seen by many parents as a legitimate
tool of socialization, to be used in the child’s best interests. Sobolewski points out, however, that
a number of theoretical statements and empirical pieces in the parenting literature identify
parent-centered violence toward children in types that appear to correspond in many ways to IT
and SCV. For example, Gough and Reavey (1997) identified three types of parental rationales
Johnson 26
for violence, 4 two of which were parent-centered rationales, one which they call “individual
(power assertive),” the other “cathartic (need relief).” The similarity to intimate terrorism and
situational couple violence is striking (see also Dailey, 1979; Oldershaw, Walters, & Kordich,
1986). The third rationale is a “pedagogical” child-centered rationale that would hardly be
considered appropriate for partner violence, although we might note that the traditional rationale
for the “chastisement of wives” is rooted in the treatment of women as somewhat child-like and
in need of direction from their husbands (Dobash & Dobash, 1979).
One other example of parallels in the parent-child literature will have to suffice to make my
case here. Sobolewski points out that a number of studies seem to indicate that the type of
sample can be important in terms of the type of parental violence that is detected, with general
samples finding more cathartic violence (Bluestone & Tamis-LeMonda, 1999; Petersen,
Ewigman, & Vandiver, 1994; Rodriguez & Green, 1997) and agency samples finding more
power assertive violence (Oldershaw et al., 1986).
In thinking about directions for future research, I find myself drawn to a jigsaw puzzle
metaphor. Many small pieces of the puzzle have yet to be filled in, pieces that will eventually fit
together to give us the big picture. These small pieces involve all of the questions we have been
asking for decades—questions now reframed in terms of different types of intimate partner
violence. Is alcohol implicated in violent resistance in the same way it is implicated in intimate
terrorism or situational couple violence? Is the impact of parental situational couple violence on
They actually identified four, but one of them is less a rationale for violence than an
explanation—that the respondent learned to use corporal punishment from his or her parents.
Johnson 27
children anything like the impact of parental intimate terrorism? Might couples counseling
actually be a viable strategy for intervention in situational couple violence in ways that it is not
for intimate terrorism? Is socio-economic status an important factor in intimate terrorism, or
only in situational couple violence?
Although we could go on and on listing the little questions, let me suggest that they can be
effectively organized in terms of major areas of the big picture, i.e., the major types of IPV. We
do know a lot about intimate terrorism—from decades of quantitative and qualitative feminist
research and activism. This section of the picture is held together by a dominant theme of
gender—gender as an institution in the patriarchal norms of heterosexual relationships that have
historically given men the right to control their wives (Dobash & Dobash, 1979; Wood, 2001);
gender as it is embodied in individual differences such as male willingness to use violence to
assert their masculinity (Wood, 2004), and in sex differences in size and strength that make male
violence effective (Felson, 1996); and gender in organized societal reactions to intimate
terrorism, reactions that have changed dramatically as a result of the Second Wave of the
Western women’s movement (Dobash & Dobash, 1992).
We know very little, however, about violent resistance. Perhaps the silver lining in the
gender symmetry fiasco is the renewed attention to the nature of women’s intimate partner
violence, including violent resistance (Straus, 1999; Renzetti, 2002; Swan, 2000; Swan & Snow,
2002). In general, however, feminist research has been focused so heavily on the behavior of
male intimate terrorists that little attention has been paid to the dynamics of violent resistance.
Although there is a small literature on women who kill their abusive partners, it is clear that there
is a great need for research on the less dramatic violent resistance that characterizes most
women’s use of violence as a means of coping with an intimate terrorist.
Johnson 28
With respect to situational couple violence, I would argue that in spite of three decades of
research in the family violence tradition with large-scale survey samples that are probably
dominated by SCV, we actually know much less about SCV than we do about IT. Perhaps we
can simply take all of the family violence survey research, assume that the results apply to SCV,
and make our usual generalizations—but restricting them to situational couple violence. The
example of intergenerational “transmission” (with the weak effects typically found in survey
research appearing to be characteristic of SCV) suggests that such a strategy might work. I fear,
however, that there may be a problem of types-within-types that will plague us with respect to
SCV. We do not at this point have the body of qualitative research that we need in order to
identify the interpersonal dynamics involved in types of SCV as different as (a) frequent,
dangerous violence from one partner, (b) a single aberrant incident, and (c) a general pattern of
mutual combat.
The big picture, therefore, is both disheartening and exciting. On one hand, the clear need to
make major distinctions among types of IPV calls into question a massive literature that has
produced glib overgeneralizations. There is no simple way to evaluate the distortions of decades
of aggregating essentially different phenomena. On the other hand, we may be on the cusp of a
slew of major breakthroughs such as the one in the gender symmetry debate. We are fortunate to
be working at a time in which diligent attention to differences among the types of IPV is likely to
produce major increases in the explanatory power of our theories and the effectiveness of our
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Figure 1: Domestic Violence/Intimate Terrorism
Adapted from Pence & Paymar, 1993.