Business School Board Wednesday 27 May 2009 Queen Anne 080

Business School Board Wednesday 27 May 2009 Queen Anne 080, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Part A
Apologies see attached list
Minutes of the last meeting 25 February 2009
Matters arising
Items from the chair
Welcome to new staff:
Accounting & Finance Department
Dr Peter Wheale - Senior Lecturer Management Accounting
Human Resources & Organisational Behaviour Department
Prof Barry Curnow - Head of Department
Systems Management & Strategy Department
Dr Anne-Marie Coles - Senior Lecturer Strategic Management
Administrative Support
Meenakshil Mudgil - Programme Coordinator for Marketing
Izevbuma Amadsun - Front Counter Receptionist
A one minutes silence was held for Mr John Smullen, Accounting & Finance
Department, who sadly passed away on 28 March 2009.
Developing Business for Business School?
The Business Development Manager's (BDM) role involves facilitating and
developing research and enterprise activities; help with ideas and projects;
give support in funding tendering applications. The role is shared with the
Schools of Architecture and Construction and Humanities & Social Sciences,
and is funded centrally.
Canmei Tao
The BDM is open to meeting staff to find out about expertise and research &
enterprise interests in order to facilitate matters further. Facilitation of interschool interactions in research and enterprise.
The most common mistakes highlighted by the Research Council:
Applications not understood; Funding scheme aims not being met; over
ambitious proposals; no impact/contribution.
Seven assessment procedures were outlined by the BDM. Staff need to be
realistic about what they can achieve with projects.
Developing Research & Enterprise Activities
Research Opportunities
Enterprise Opportunities
3 month Research Fellowship
opp with BERR
Arts Council finance
Consultancy Services
Lewisham Council
Management Consultancy framework
The BDM is based in the Queen Anne Building 044 and can be contacted on
Current e-Learning Projects in ILS
Antony Coombs
The role supports the University's e-Learning in managing the diverse range of
technology. He also bridges the gap between the centre and the school, he
will keep people in contact in other schools with specialist expertise. He would
like a link person in each school to let them know what he can provide.
The centre are updating the technology in all teaching rooms across all
campuses (100 rooms). This is to provide a good standard and consistency of
equipment across the University. In the initial stages with tenders being
considered and interviews took place 26.05.09. The work will span two
summers with completion in 2010. A steering group is being set up to look at
design and functionality. Staff interested in taking part should contact or 9275.
Echo 360 Recording System - audio and visual podcast for students to access
lectures. Three lecture theatres will be equipped with this facility, KW315 in its
pilot stage. The 4th unit will be in Queen Mary training room. The timeframe
is September for the pilot and then role out completely. Staff select if they
want to use it. It can be published into WebCT.
Podcasting - there is no centrally run service at present. It is not intended to
replace what is already being done but in addition to. A blog server based on
wordpress can be converted to podcast stream.
Recruitment and Timetabling
Slides attached for information.
Academic Standards (Academic English)
Referring for consideration at Departmental level.
Principal Lecturers and Management of Departments
We have been exercised by HERA. All appeals are now complete.
We have aspired to obtain a Principal Lecturer in each department and have
now received authorisation from Personnel. The justification comes from the
growth increase in international student numbers, but the role does not have
to manage overseas activities. An advert will go out very soon for
expressions of interest.
By 2012 we will have 15% less students. We have been looking at
managemen of risk. The AC4 role can be moved to another role:
obtain the grade through the role
that role is given AC4
now an AC4 can be moved around within the grade
It is our job to move you on, after 6 years, for staff development progress.
No role is owned.
"Mini roles" - each Principal Lecturer will do one or more of these elements.
One of these mini roles should keep you at the AC4 grade.
The implications for this is that the departments are slightly changing. It is
the obligation of the Head of Department to consult with the Principal
Lecturer on matters relating to the department. It is intended to reduced the
departmental meetings to one per term and introduce more senior
management meetings within the department.
At Easter the budget was projected for 2009/10 with an extra 18 positions
included. We are waiting for the budget to be confirmed by the University.
On the basis of additional income we can start the recruitment process and
then see what staff we can secure for starting in September.
Research and Enterprise:
International Activities:
Part B
Documents Received
(b) Minutes received from Teaching and Learning held on 29.04.09
(c) Minutes received from Research & Enterprise Committee on 29.04.09 to
be confirmed
4.00 pm