CONFIDENTIAL PATIENT INFORMATION Name: _________________________________________________________ Age: ______ Sex: M F Address: __________________________________ / ________________ / _____________/ ________ Street #/PO Box City State Zip code Telephone: (H) _____________________ (W) ______________________ (M) ____________________ Email: _________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Who may I contact in an emergency? Name: ________________________ Phone: ________________ How did you hear about Red Leaf Clinic? __________________________________________________ May I send you an occasional (monthly at most) educational e-mail (I’ll never share your address!)? Y N HEALTH CONCERNS (Please list, in order of importance, your health concerns followed by how long you have had each concern or condition: For example: High blood pressure 5 years 3. ____________________________ _______ 1. ____________________________ _______ 4. ____________________________ _______ 2. ____________________________ _______ 5. ____________________________ _______ What do you believe is the cause of condition #1? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you have been treated for this condition (by yourself or a doctor), what method or medicine was used? And what were the results? _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check (√) the box for condition #1 above: □ □ □ □ □ Is getting worse Is constant Is worse in the morning Is worse in the afternoon Is worse in the evening □ □ □ □ □ Interferes with school/work Interferes with sleep Interferes with movement and / or exercise Have had this or similar conditions in the past Notice it more during _______________________ When was your last visit to a doctor’s office, medical clinic or hospital? What was the reason? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last physical exam: ____________ Any abnormal findings? Y N If yes, please explain: ______ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently under the care of a health care practitioner? If yes, please explain: _________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last dental exam: ___________ Dentist: ______________________________________________ RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 1 HEALTH GOALS Please tell me a bit about your short- and long-term health goals? _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What is your present level of commitment to address any underlying causes of your signs and symptoms that relate to your lifestyle? (Rate from 1 to 10, with 10 being 100% committed.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Do you feel like you have a good support network for when challenges arise as part of the journey? _____ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What behaviors or lifestyle habits do you currently engage in regularly that you believe support your health? (please list) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What behaviors or lifestyle habits do you currently engage in regularly that you believe are self-destructive lifestyle habits? (please list) _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please tell me a little about what you expect from me as your practitioner so I can try my best to meet your needs: _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATIONS (Please list all pharmaceutical medication(s) and dosage(s) that you are currently taking. You can use a separate sheet of paper if it’s easier for you.) For Example: Lipitor 5 years 4. ____________________________ ________ 1. ____________________________ 10mg/day ________ 5. ____________________________ ________ 2. ____________________________ ________ 6. ____________________________ ________ 3. ____________________________ ________ 7. ____________________________ ________ RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 2 Are you allergic to any medications? Y N If yes, please list: ______________________________________________________________________ What is your reaction to these medications? _________________________________________________ Do you have any other allergies to foods or allergens in your environment (e.g. cats, pollen, etc.)? Y N If yes, please list: _______________________________________________________________________ Please check (√) any of the following that you take: □ □ □ □ Antacids (Rolaids, Tums) Antihistamines (Claritin, Benadryl) Cortisone (cream or pills) Cough or cold medications □ □ □ Diet pills or appetite suppressants Laxatives Oral contraceptives or HRT □ □ □ Pain relievers (aspirin, Tylenol, Aleve, Motrin) Sleeping pills Thyroid medication What hospitalizations and/or surgeries have you had? Please indicate their dates: For example: Gall bladder removal 2002 4. _____________________________ _______ 1. _____________________________ ______ 5. _____________________________ _______ 2. _____________________________ ______ 6. _____________________________ _______ 3. _____________________________ ______ 7. _____________________________ _______ Have you ever had a blood transfusion? Y N If yes, was it ☐ your blood or a ☐ donor’s blood? What diagnostic imaging studies have you had? □ Bone Density Scan (DEXA) □ Electroencephalogram (EEG) □ Colonoscopy □ Echocardiogram (Echo) □ CT Scan □ Laparoscopy □ Endoscopy □ Mammogram □ Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) □ MRI □ □ □ □ Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan) Ultrasound X- ray Other_________________ What immunizations have you had? Please include international travel vaccinations if applicable. □ Diphtheria □ Hepatitis A □ Measles, Mumps, Rubells □ Diphtheria, Tetanus (DT) □ Hepatitis B (MMR) □ Diphtheria, Tetanus, □ Hepatitis C □ Polio - □ inactive (IPV) Pertussis (DTP) □ Influenza (flu shot) □ oral (OPV) □ Tetanus, single □ Measles, single □ Rubella, single □ Gardasil (HPV) □ Mumps, single □ Varicella (Chicken Pox) □ Haemophilus Influenza, type b □ Other _______________ If you are a child, are your immunizations current? Y N If not, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________ Have you had the following childhood illnesses? (√) if you’ve had the illness, or leave blank if you’re unsure: □ Chicken pox □ Measles □ Scarlet fever □ Diphtheria □ Mumps □ Strep throat □ German measles □ Rheumatic fever □ Other ______________ RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 3 SUPPLEMENTS List all homeopathic remedies, herbs, vitamins and minerals, with dosage, that you are currently taking (You may use a separate sheet of paper if needed.): For example: Vitamin D3 2,000 IU/day 4. ______________________ ______________ 1. ______________________ ______________ 5. ______________________ ______________ 2. ______________________ ______________ 6. ______________________ ______________ 3. ______________________ ______________ 7. ______________________ ______________ SOCIAL HISTORY Occupation: _________________________(circle) Full-Time / Part-Time / Student / Retired / Disability Employer / School _____________________________________________________________________ Are you currently: (circle) Single / Married / Long – term relationship / Widowed / Divorced / Other ______ Name of partner: _________________________ Number of children and ages? ____________________ Have you traveled outside the US? Y N If yes, where? ______________________When? ___________ Please describe your social/emotional support network: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been abused or assaulted verbally, sexually, or physically? Y N ____________________________________________________________________________________ Health Habits Yes No If yes, please explain or give frequency? Do you exercise? Do you smoke or chew tobacco? Past or present use? Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Do you use recreational drugs? Have you ever been treated for drug or alcohol dependence? Do you drink coffee, soda, or black tea? Do you drink “diet” sodas or eat “diet” foods? Are you familiar with “safe sex practices”? Do you follow any dietary modifications? Do you follow a spiritual practice? Do you have any hobbies or interests? What do you love to do? RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 4 General Review Do you… Yes No General Review – cont. Sleep well? Current weight? Wake feeling rested? Weight one year ago? Eat three meals daily? Max. adult weight/Date? Enjoy your work? Min. adult weight/Date? Spend time outside? Max adult height? Take vacations? Best energy level? (What time of day)… Watch television? Hours/week… Lowest energy level? (What time of day)… Read? Hours/week… Subjectively, do you feel your temperature runs warm or cool? Use a computer? Hours/day?... Are you a morning, afternoon, or night person? FOOD & DIET Please describe your typical daily food intake: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Beverages Water _____/day Filtered? Y N Other beverages: What are your favorite foods? _____________________________________________________________ Do you consider yourself a picky or an adventurous eater? ______________________________________ What flavors do you like? (Circle) sweet / salty / bitter / sour / aromatic / spicy / bland Do you follow a certain type of diet? Y N Please explain: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Do you or have you ever had an eating disorder? Y N If yes, please explain: _____________________ RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 5 PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Please mark P (past) or C (current) for any of the following conditions that you or your family members have had: Condition Self Father Mother Sibling(s) Aunt/ Uncle Grandparent Child ADD/ADHD Alcoholism Allergies Anemia/ Blood Disorder Anxiety/Depression Arthritis Asthma Autoimmune Disease Blood Vessel Disorder Cancer Chemical Sensitivities Diabetes Drug/Other Addiction Eating Disorder Epilepsy/Seizures Gallbladder Disease Gastrointestinal Disorder Glaucoma/Cataracts Gum Disease Headaches/Migraines Heart Disease Heart Murmur High Blood Pressure Hypoglycemia Infertility Kidney Disease Liver Disease Lung Disease Menstrual Disorder Mental Illness Muscular Disorder Neurological Disorder Pain, Chronic Skeletal Disorder Skin Disorder Stroke Thyroid Disorder Tuberculosis Ulcer (Gastrointestinal) Urinary Disorder Vision Problems Yeast Infections RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 6 OPTIONAL SECTION: much of this will be discussed in office. You can fill it out before your office visit, or wait until the visit to discuss the questions below. Please check (√) the box for any conditions that apply to you specifically - □ for Current, or O for Past: Blood/ Peripheral Vascular C P □ O Anemia □ O Cold hands/feet □ O Deep leg pain □ O Easy bleeding/ bruising □ O Thrombophlebitis □ O Varicose veins Neurologic C P □ O Loss of memory □ O Numbness or tingling □ O Paralysis □ O Seizures □ O Tremor Cardiovascular □ O Chest pain/pressure □ O Fainting/Light-headedness □ O Low blood pressure □ O High blood pressure □ O High cholesterol □ O Heart beat, irregular □ O Heart murmur □ O Palpitations, fluttering □ O Rheumatic fever □ O Swelling in ankles Mental/Emotional □ O Anxiety, nervousness □ O Poor memory □ O Depression □ O Concentration, difficult □ O Contemplated suicide □ O Critical of others □ O Critical of self □ O Experience loneliness □ O Mood swings □ O Tension, stress □ O Treatment for mental/ emotional concerns Endocrine □ O Fatigue □ O Heat or cold intolerance □ O Hypoglycemia □ O Hypo/hyperthyroid □ O Increasing hunger □ O Increasing thirst □ O Night sweats □ O Seasonal depression Neck □O □O □O □O Goiter (Enlarged thyroid) Lumps/Swollen glands Pain or stiffness Whiplash injury Head □O □O □O □O Headaches Head injury Jaw or TMJ problems Migraines Nose and Sinuses □ O Hay fever □ O Nose bleeds □ O Runny nose □ O Sinus problems □ O Stuffiness, congestion Eyes C P □O □O □O □O □O □ □ □ □ □ □ □ O O O O O O O Ears □O □O □O □O □O □O □O Itchy eyes Eye pain Glasses or contacts Glaucoma Retinal detachment Spots in eyes Tearing, excessive Dizziness/Vertigo Earache Ear infections Ears, itchy Hearing, impaired Ringing, tinnitus Wax, excessive Mouth and Throat □ O Bad breath □ O Dental cavities/fillings □ O Dentures □ O Frequent sore throat □ O Frequently clearing throat □ O Gum problems □ O Hoarseness □ O Metallic taste in mouth □ O Mouth sores □ O Saliva, excess □ O Sore tongue, lips □ O Teeth grinding Blurriness Cataracts Color blindness Diminished night vision Dryness, excessive RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 7 Respiratory C P □ O Asthma □ O Bronchitis □ O Cough, chronic □ O Difficulty breathing □ O Emphysema □ O Pain with breathing □ O Pneumonia □ O Pleurisy □ O Shortness of breath □ O At night □ O Lying down □ O With exercise/exertion □ O Spitting up blood □ O Sputum □ O Wheezing Urinary □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ O Bed wetting O BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) O Frequency at night O Frequent infections O Increased frequency O Inability to hold urine O Kidney stones O Kidney, low-back pain O Low force of urine O Pain with urination O Urine retention O Urgency with urination Gastrointestinal Musculoskeletal C P C P □ O Abdominal pain, cramps □ O Arch supports/heel lifts □ O Alternating diarrhea/constipation □ O Arthritis □ O Belching □ O Back pain □ O Blood in stool □ O Broken bones □ O Change in stool □ O Joint pain or stiffness □ O Bowel movements, how often? □ O Joint swelling (#)___ per day/2days/3 days/week □ O Muscle pain □ O Bulimia □ O Muscle spasms/cramps □ O Change in appetite □ O Muscle weakness, tiredness □ O Change in thirst □ O Osteoporosis/osteopenia □ O Constipation □ O Sciatica □ O Diarrhea Skin and Hair □ O Fatigue after eating □ O Flatulence/gas □ O Acne □ O Gallbladder disease □ O Boils □ O Heartburn □ O Cancer □ O Hemorrhoids □ O Color change □ O Hepatitis □ O Eczema □ O Jaundice □ O Flushing/hot flashes □ O Liver disease □ O Hair loss □ O Nausea □ O Hives □ O Pain in rectum □ O Itching □ O Painful stool □ O Lumps □ O Parasites, diagnosed □ O Moles □ O Reflux □ O Psoriasis □ O Stomach pain □ O Rashes □ O Trouble swallowing □ O Rosacea □ O Vomiting □ O Skin Tag(s) Male Reproductive (if applicable) Please check (√) the box for any that apply to you: □ □ □ □ Birth control, what type? ______________ BPH Ejaculation concerns Fertility concerns □ □ □ □ □ Impotence Penile discharge Penile sores Prostate disease Currently sexually active □ □ □ □ Sexual difficulties Sexually transmitted infection(s): ___________ Testicular masses Testicular pain Date of last prostate exam? _____________ Sexual orientation (Circle): Men / Women / Bisexual Transgender: Y N Men, please take a moment to tell me about your Health Goals at the bottom of the next page… RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 8 REPRODUCTIVE, FEMALE Age of first menses __________ Avg. duration of blood flow _____ (days) Number of days between menstrual cycles ______ (days) Are your cycles regular? Y N Are you pregnant? Y N Date of last menstrual period _____________ Age of last period (if menopausal) ________ Mother’s age at menopause ___________ Date of last annual exam/PAP _________ Do you do self-breast exams? Y N How often? __________ Please specify number of: Pregnancies _____ Live Births _____ Miscarriages _____ Abortions _____ Sexual orientation (Circle): Men / Women / Bisexual Transgender: Y N Please check (√) the box for any that apply to you: □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Abnormal PAP Birth control, what type? ________________ Breast lumps, fibrocystic changes Cervical dysplasia Clots in menstrual flow Cramping with menses DES exposure Difficulty getting pregnant Endometriosis Genital warts □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Heavy menstrual flow Hormone replacement therapy Hysterectomy, oophorectomy Hysterectomy, ovaries intact Increased / decreased libido Irregular cycles Menopausal symptoms Nipple discharge Other ___________________ Ovarian cysts/PCOS □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Painful intercourse Painful periods Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Scanty menstrual flow Spotting between periods Sexual difficulties Currently sexually active Sexually transmitted infection: ______________ Uterine fibroids Vaginal discharge Thank you very much for your time and thoughtfulness in completing this detailed health history. RED LEAF NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC 833 SW 11TH SUITE 1018 PORTLAND OREGON 97205 P(503) 224-2525 F: (503) 224-3397 9