SECTION #2 – LETTER ( R ) Page 1 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO COMMISSION ON MINISTRY PARISH ASSOCIATE RELATIONSHIP A parish associate is a teaching elder who serves in some validated ministry other than a congregation, is a member-at-large, or is retired, but who wishes to maintain a relationship with a particular congregation in keeping with ordination to the office of teaching elder. Such persons, already qualified as continuing members of Chicago Presbytery, may serve as parish associates. The relation shall be established, upon nomination by the pastor, between the parish associate, the session, and the presbytery. The parish associate shall be responsible to the pastor, as head of staff, on an “as needed, as available” basis and with or without remuneration. The agreement between the session, the parish associate, and the Presbytery shall terminate when the call to the installed pastor is dissolved. The Presbytery may dissolve the relationship with the parish associate upon the recommendation of the Commission on Ministry. The parish associate may not be called to serve as the next installed pastor or associate pastor of a congregation served as parish associate. Created 2/5/09 Revised 7/26/11 SECTION #2 – LETTER ( R ) Page 2 PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO COMMISSION ON MINISTRY Parish Associate Covenant This Covenant shall exist between the Session of _________________________ ______________________________________ (Name of Church, Town), the Presbytery of Chicago, and _______________________ _____to serve as Parish Associate for the purpose of providing leadership to ______________________ or to assist in the specific area of: __________________________________________________________________. The relationship shall be established, upon nomination by the installed pastor, between the parish associate, the session and the Presbytery of Chicago. The relationship shall begin effective the date approved by the Presbytery of Chicago, indicated below. The parish associate shall be responsible to the pastor, as head of staff, and shall serve on an “as needed, as available” basis. The Session of _____________________________Presbyterian Church in partnership with the Commission on Ministry shall review the designation annually to insure (1) that the time and energy required as a parish associate will not interfere unduly with the work of the person in his/her principal role; and (2) that installed leadership of the church is protected in its effective functioning. Any change in relationship must be approved by the Presbytery through the Commission on Ministry. This agreement between the session, the parish associate, and the Presbytery shall terminate automatically when the call to the installed pastor is dissolved. The Parish Associate may not be called to be the next installed pastor or associate pastor of ________________________ Presbyterian Church. Responsibilities assigned to the parish associate are as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________ The parish associate will serve: □ With out remuneration □ With remuneration, as indicated below: ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ __________ _____________________ (Name of Parish Associate) (Date) (Pastor) ______________________ (Signature of PA) _________________ _________ (Clerk of Session) (Date) ____________ (Date) ______________________ (Signature of Pastor) _____________________ __________ (COM Representative) (Date) Created 2/5/09 Revised 7/26/11