MANAGEMENT POLICY Health and Wellbeing Policy Responsible Officer: Version: Draft Authorising Officer: 1. PURPOSE [Organisation name] is committed to being a workforce and community leader in the promotion of health and wellbeing and the prevention of chronic disease before it occurs in the first instance. The purpose of this Policy is to: Promote and support health and wellbeing amongst our people. Guide our approach to employee health and wellbeing. 2. SCOPE This Policy applies to all employees of the [organisation name]. 3. REFERENCES List any relevant existing policies or documents 4. DEFINITIONS Terms used in this Policy are defined below. Health Promoting Workplace: The World Health Organization (1948) defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. This holistic approach provides the foundation for health promoting workplaces which involve workers and managers collaborating to use a continual improvement process to protect and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of all workers and the sustainability of the workplacei. Chronic Disease: A chronic disease is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise longlasting in its effects. Chronic diseases – such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis – are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems in Australia. Four modifiable health risk behaviors—lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption—are responsible for much of the illness, suffering, and early death related to chronic diseases. 5. MANAGEMENT POLICY The [organisation name] is committed to ensuring the continued health and safety of all employees. Health will be given equal priority with all other business objectives and implemented to the highest standard as far as is reasonably practicable. [Organisation name]’s Executive Management Team will ensure that appropriate systems, training, supervision and support are in place to provide a safe and healthy workplace. The objectives of this Policy are: Continue to promote a positive workplace culture that supports health and wellbeing. Increase and encourage participation in workplace health and wellbeing initiatives within and outside the workplace. Provide a work environment which supports employee health and wellbeing and makes healthy lifestyle choices easier for employees, families and communities Promote and engage with wider communities to improve the health and wellbeing of employees and their families To promote a positive and inclusive workplace environment where diversity is supported including issues relating to people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT), people from Indigenous and cultural and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds and people with a disability or any other area of diversity within our workforce 6. PRINICPLES The [organisation name] will be guided by the following principles when implementing this policy: Integration Promote employee health as a long term approach embedded within the organisations objectives, values and processes. Participation Encourage participation from across the organisation in all parts of the policy process including, planning implementation and reviews Commitment Demonstrate leadership from across the organisation to drive employee wellbeing Tailored approach Consider the needs, priorities and available resources when implementing actions under this policy Continuous Improvement Effective and sustainable approach through ongoing process and review systems as outlined in management and review section of this policy. 7. IMPLEMENTATION To achieve the policy objectives [organisation name] will implement the Victorian Prevention and Health Promotion Achievement Program: Healthy workplaces and healthy workforces (Attachment 1). The Victorian Prevention and Health Promotion Achievement Program: Healthy workplaces and healthy workforces, is intended to build on existing Occupational Health and Safety requirements and legislative obligations and does not replace them. Council will ensure that all actions related to staff health and wellbeing are delivered and promoted under the following framework themes: Healthy Culture [Organisation name] will continue to promote and develop positive and supportive leadership policies and culture for employee health and wellbeing including: Page 2 of 3 Implementation and review of this policy and supporting additional policy development specific to health priority areas Supporting work life balance Promoting employee participation and collective decision making. Healthy Physical Environment [Organisation name] will continue to provide and promote safe and healthy physical working environments for employees including: Promoting suitable opportunities to be physically active throughout the day. Providing and promoting appropriate space and amenities to support healthy behaviours. Providing and promoting Inclusive and safe environments for all employees. Health and Wellbeing Opportunities [Organisation name] will continue to deliver and promote health information and education opportunities for employees including: Provision of the Employee Assistance Program Provision of [organisation name] employee wellbeing program, which aims to provide health information, health education opportunities for employees. Activities currently include: o Regular newsletters and communications to staff, o Activities, developed on quarterly basis. o Coordination and promotion of yearly flu vaccinations Healthy Community Connections [Organisation name] will continue to promote opportunities and develop partnerships with communities that improve employee and community health including: Promotion of initiatives that raise awareness and contribute to the health of the broader community. 8. POLICY MANAGEMENT AND REVIEW [Organisation name] will review this Policy annually with its effectiveness being assessed through: Staff participation in programs/activities. A yearly survey of staff. Specific surveys following programs/activities. Participation of the Executive Management Team, Managers, Coordinators and Team Leaders. Considering rates of absenteeism, presenteeism and improved productivity. 9. QUALITY RECORDS Quality Records shall be retained for at least the period shown below. 10. ATTACHMENTS Victorian Prevention and Health Promotion Achievement Program: Health workforces and workplaces. i World Health Organization (2010). Healthy workplaces: a model for action. Page 3 of 3