School of Engineering, CSCI ASSESSMENT PLAN: B.S. in Industrial Engineering Updated Date: Spring, 2014, By David Bowen PROGRAM MISSION CSUEB Engineering Program Mission Statement The Department of Engineering provides a quality engineering education that produce graduates who: Successfully apply their learned skills throughout their professional pursuits Have enthusiasm and aptitude to continuously pursue learning and professional development Have the ability to communicate and work well as individuals or on teams that include engineers and colleagues from other disciplines Are recognized as qualified engineers with high ethical standards PROGRAM STUDENT LE ARNING OUTCOMES (SLOs) Students graduating with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering will be able to: SLO a ILO 1 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. SLO b ILO 1 Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. SLO c ILO 1,3,6 Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. SLO d ILO 2,4 Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. SLO e ILO 1 Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. SLO f ILO 3,5 Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. SLO g ILO 2 Ability to communicate effectively. SLO h ILO 3,5 Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. SLO i Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning SLO j ILO 3,5 Knowledge of contemporary issues. SLO k ILO 1,6 Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. ASSESSMENT 5 YEAR PLAN 1 of 3 6/15/2016 NOTE THAT ENGINEERING IS ACCREDITED ON A 7 YEAR CYCLE BY AN EXTERNAL ACCREDITATION BODY (ABET) Year 1: 2013-2014 2. Assessment indicators SLO a - Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. SLO f - Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. a-Queuing midterm exam question; f-Ethics final exam question 3. Sample (courses/# of students) a-INDE 4200; f-ENG1011 4. Time (which quarter(s)) a-Fall 2013 f-Winter 2014 5. Responsible person(s) a-Prof. Zong; f-Prof. Bowen The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) 7. Ways of closing the loop Year 2: 2014-2015 2. Assessment indicators SLO b - Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. SLO g - Ability to communicate effectively. b –Final exam performance; g-Oral presentation rubric 3. Sample (courses/# of students) b-INDE 4300; g-INDE 4620 4. Time (which quarter(s)) b-Spring 2015 g-Spring 2015 5. Responsible person(s) b-Prof. Zong; g-Prof.Bowen The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) 7. Ways of closing the loop Year 3: 2015-2016 2. Assessment indicators SLO c - Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. SLO h - Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. c-Capstone project rubric; h-Team presentation evaluations 3. Sample (courses/# of students) c-INDE 4260; h-INDE 4400 4. Time (which quarter(s)) c-Spring 2016; h-Spring 2016 5. Responsible person(s) c-Prof. Bowen h-Prof Ganjeizadeh The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) 7. Ways of closing the loop ASSESSMENT 5 YEAR PLAN 2 of 3 6/15/2016 Year 4: 2016-2017 2. Assessment indicators SLO e - Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. SLO j - Knowledge of contemporary issues. e-Team project; j-Final exam 3. Sample (courses/# of students) e-INDE 4350; j-INDE 1011 4. Time (which quarter(s)) e-Winter 2016; j-Winter 2016 5. Responsible person(s) e-Prof Ganjeizadeh; j-Prof. Bowen The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) 7. Ways of closing the loop Year 5: 2017-2018 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 2. Assessment indicators SLO d - Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams. c-Capstone project rubric 3. Sample (courses/# of students) c-INDE 4260 4. Time (which quarter(s)) c-Spring 2018 5. Responsible person(s) c-Prof. Bowen The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) 7. Ways of closing the loop Year 6: 2018-2019 2. Assessment indicators SLO i - Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, lifelong learning. c-Capstone project rubric 3. Sample (courses/# of students) c-INDE 4260 4. Time (which quarter(s)) c-Spring 2019 5. Responsible person(s) c-Prof. Bowen 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. 7. Ways of closing the loop Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess Year 7: 2019-2020 2. Assessment indicators SLO k - Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. k-Auto assembly simulation lab reports 3. Sample (courses/# of students) k-INDE 4430 4. Time (which quarter(s)) k-Winter 2020 5. Responsible person(s) k-Prof. Zong 6. Ways of reporting (how, to who) The results will be reported by faculty to the department chair via completion of the course Faculty Self-Assessment form. Interaction between chair, faculty and industrial advisory board 1. Which SLO(s) to assess 7. Ways of closing the loop ASSESSMENT 5 YEAR PLAN 3 of 3 6/15/2016