HSS 08 Required Readings: Burke Please use the “Links” page on the Concepta site: http://www.concepta-net.org/links Wednesday 5 August 10:00 a.m.-Noon “History of Concepts and Intellectual History” Melvin Richter, “Begriffsgeschichte and the History of Ideas” Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (1987) [restricted access via JSTOR] Keith Tribe, “The GG Project: from History of Ideas to Conceptual History Comparative Studies in Society and History 31 (1989) [restricted access via JSTOR] Gerhard Masur, “Crisis in History” in Dictionary of the History of Ideas (1973) [under “Online Collections and Journals”; click on “Alphabetical” tab on left; next click on “C to D” tab; then choose “Crisis in History” in right side column] Javier Fernández-Sebastián, “Intellectual History, Liberty and Republicanism: an Interview with Quentin Skinner” Contributions 3.1 (2007) [restricted access via Brill] Thursday 6 August 3:30-5:00 p.m. “History of Concepts: the Cambridge School” Quentin Skinner, “Introduction” to Visions of Politics, Vol. 1 Quentin Skinner, “Three Concepts of Liberty” video of lecture, Columbia University, (2003) J.G.A. Pocock, “Quentin Skinner: The History of Politics and the Politics of History” Common Knowledge 10 (2004) [restricted access via Project Muse] Friday 7 August 1:00-3:00 p.m. “The History of Concepts and the History of Ideologies” Michael Freeden, “Ideologies and Conceptual History” Journal of Political Ideologies 2 (1997): 3-11 [restricted access via Routledge] Michael Freeden, “Introduction” to Liberal Languages: Ideological Imaginations and Twentieth-Century Progressive Thought (2004) Friday 8 August 3:30-5:00 p.m. “Databases and Conceptual History” Martin J. Burke “Conceptual History in the United States: a Missing “National Project” Contributions 1.2 (2005) Monday 10 August 10:00 a.m.-Noon “Bielefeld or Cambridge? Jyväskylä and New York” J.G.A. Pocock, “Concepts and Discourses: A Difference in Culture? Comment on a Paper by Melvin Richter” in Richter and Lehmann, eds. The Meaning of Historical Terms and Concepts (1996), pp. 47-58. Kari Palonen, “…Theses on Quentin Skinner and Reinhart Koselleck” Finnish Yearbook (1999) Rudolf Valkhoff, “Some Similarities between Begriffsgeschichte and the History of Discourse” Contributions 1.2 (2006) Reinhart Koselleck, “Conceptual History, Memory and Identity” Contributions 2.1 (2006) Pasi Ihalainen, “Between Historical Semantics and Pragmatics: Reconstructing Past Political Thought Through Conceptual History” Journal of Historical Pragmatics 7 (2006) [restricted access via Ingenta Connect] *** Reinhart Koselleck 'Begriffsgeschichte and Social History' R. Koselleck Futures Past: On the semantics of Historical Time, Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. pp. 73-92. Reinhart Koselleck 'Crisis' Journal of the History of Ideas 67.2 (2006) 357-400 . Melvin Richter (1995) The History of Political and Social Concepts, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Jan Ifversen 'Jacques Guilhaomou and the French School' Redescriptions: Yearbook of Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, vol.12, 2009, 244-263 Jan Ifversen 'How to Study Key Concepts' (attached) From the Concepta e-texts R. Koselleck, "Conceptual History, Memory and Identity" From CONTRIBUTIONS 2.1 (2006) A 2005 interview by Javier Fernandez-Sebastian in Madrid. Reinhart Koselleck, "A response to Comments on the Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe" in M. Richter and H. Lehmann, The Meaning of Historical Terms and Concepts Papers from 1996 GHI conference marking the completion of the GG. Included are M. Richter, J. Melton, D. Kelley, G. Motzkin, J.G.A. Pocock and R. Koselleck. Quentin Skinner, "Rhetoric and Conceptual Change" From FINNISH YEARBOOK 2 (1998) Jan Ifversen, "Text, Discourse, Concept" *** Feres Júnior, João. 2002. Political philosophy, ethnology, and time: a study of the notion of historical handicap. Kriterion (105):19-42. ---. 2003. The history of counterconcepts: 'Latin America' as an example. History of Concepts Newsletter (6):14-19. ---. 2005. For a Critical Conceptual History of Brazil: Receiving Begriffsgeschichte. Contributions to the History of Concepts 1 (2):185-199. ---. 2005. The semantics of asymmetric counterconcepts: the case of 'Latin America' in the US. Anales of the Iberoamerikanska Institutet (7/8):83-106. ---. 2006. Building a typology of forms of misrecognition: beyond the republicanHegelian paradigm. Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):259-277. Feres Júnior, João. 2009 (upcoming). Representing Latin America through preColumbian art: political correctness and the semantics of othering. Theory, Culture and Society. *** Pim den Boer Monday, 17 August "Collective Practices...Dutch Project" Karen Tilmans, Wyger Velema, "Applying Begriffsgeschichte to Dutch History" Contributions 2 (2006) [via Brill Journals online] (please check with Joao about free access to this article) Karen Tilmans, "The Dutch Concept of the Citizen" http://www.karintilmans.nl/pdf/citizenship.pdf (Sami, the old link for this pdf is broken. Please replace it with this hyperlink) Amsterdam University Press, volumes from the Dutch project. Monday, 17 August "Transnational Concepts and the Comparative Approach" Pim den Boer, "Towards a Comparative History of Concepts: Civilization and Beschaving" Contributions 3.2 (2007) [restricted access] Javier Fernández Sebastiátian "The Concept of Civilization in Spain, 1754-2005: from Progress to Identity" Contributions 4.1 (2008) [restricted access] Raymonde Monnier, "The Concept of Civilisation from Enlightenment to Revolution: an Ambiguous Transfer" Contributions 4.1 (2008) [restricted access]