ANNEX MEETING ON ARGOS JOINT TARIFF AGREEMENT Country: United States of America Year: CY 2005 The projection for JTA use in CY 2004 (with 9 months of actual use) is 1720 Ptt/yr, an increase of 14% over CY 2003. The service category breakdown for this estimate is as follows: CY 2004 Total Projected Use 1720Ptt/yr Standard Location 1315 Ptt/yr (76% of total) Standard Collection 67 Ptt/yr (4%) Limited Use 304 Ptt/yr (18%) Inactive Status 0 Ptt/yr (0%) Backup Location 24 Ptt/yr (1%) Backup Collection 10 Ptt/yr (1%) CY 2005 Total Projected Use 1900 Ptt/yr The projection for CY 2005 represents an increase of 10% over CY 2004. The United States plans to deploy over 5,500 platforms carrying Argos transmitters in nearly every ocean and other remote area of the world for over 500 meteorological, oceanographic, biological, and other scientific programs. The platforms include about 2,860 drifting buoys, 900 profiling floats, 300 moored buoys, 720 marine animals, 520 birds, 200 terrestrial animals, 20 land stations, and 10 balloons. The following is a list of agencies/organizations using the Argos System with a description of the purpose and the estimated Ptt/years, number of platforms, and type of platforms for CY 2005: A. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 1. Oceanic and Atmospheric Research -- Meteorological and oceanographic observations for monitoring and prediction of climate change. Study biological and physical oceanographic processes. 1077 Ptt/yr -- 2050 Platforms: 900 profiling float, 1000 drifting buoys, 120 moored buoys, 30 marine biology 2. National Weather Service -- Operational meteorological and oceanographic data. 43 Ptt/yr -- 108 Platforms: 92 moored buoys, 16 drifting buoys 3. National Marine Fisheries Service -- Determine the distribution, migration, and behavior of marine animals and study marine ecological systems. 70 Ptt/yr -- 275 Platforms: 250 marine biology, 20 moored buoys, 5 drifting buoys 4. National Environmental Satellite and Data Information Service -- Meteorological and oceanographic observations for Arctic analysis and forecasting. 12 Ptt/yr -- 17 Platforms: 17 drifting buoys 5. National Ocean Service -- Study ecological systems and oil spill response. 40 Ptt/yr -- 45 Platforms: 35 drifting buoys, 10 moored buoys B. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -- Study ocean currents and birds. 6 Ptt/yr -- 20 Platforms: 10 balloons, 10 birds C. Department of Transportation - U.S. Coast Guard -- To collect current and sea surface temperature data for iceberg movement and deterioration and search & rescue operations. To detect oil pollution from shipping. 30 Ptt/yr -- 900 Platforms: 900 drifting buoys D. National Science Foundation – Biological Oceanography Program -- Study marine ecological systems. Physical Oceanography Program -- Provide meteorological and oceanographic observations for physical oceanographic and circulation studies. Polar Programs -- Circulation, physical oceanography, meteorology, ecology, and ice studies. 60 Ptt/yr -- 900 Platforms: 500 drifting buoys, 300 profiling floats, 50 marine biology, 40 birds, 10 land stations E. Department of Agriculture -- Study the daily activity and movements of American wildlife, e.g., reindeer, lynx, pelicans, goshawks, vultures, cormorants, etc. 15 Ptt/yr -- 55 Platforms: 40 birds, 15 terrestrial biology F. Department of Energy - EML, Sandia/NMSU/SWTDI, LANL -- Air filter samples and monitoring airborne radon, cosmic rays, nuclear radiation, and meteorological conditions. 2 Ptt/yr -- 10 Platforms: 10 moored buoys G. Department of Interior 1. USGS - Biological Resources Division - Monitor the movement and activities of various species of birds, terrestrial animals, and marine animals and the associated environmental variables that influence these patterns. 60 Ptt/yr -- 270 Platforms: 200 birds, 50 terrestrial biology, 20 marine biology 2. Fish and Wildlife Service -- Determine raptor and crane movements and habitat and marine and terrestrial animal tracking. 20 Ptt/yr -- 60 Platforms: 25 terrestrial biology, 20 birds, 15 marine biology 3. National Park Service -- Study the migration of marine and terrestrial biology 10 Ptt/yr -- 30 Platforms: 10 birds, 10 marine biology, 10 terrestrial biology H. Department of Defense 1. Naval Oceanographic Office -- Collection of real-time meteorological and oceanographic data for operational analysis and forecasting. 145 Ptt/yr -- 250 Platforms: 250 drifting buoys 2. Office of Naval Research -- Measurements and studies of surface and subsurface oceanographic parameters and marine animal migrations. 40 Ptt/yr -- 100 Platforms: 45 drifting buoys, 5 moored buoys, 50 marine biology. 3. Other -- Measurements and studies of surface and subsurface oceanographic parameters and animal tracking. 5 Ptt/yr -- 10 Platforms: 4 drifting buoys, 2 birds, 2 marine biology, 2 terrestrial biology I. Non - U.S. Government (state and local governments, universities, laboratories, institutions, and non-profit organizations) -- Monitor the movement and activities of various species of birds, terrestrial animals, and marine animals and the associated environmental variables that influence these patterns, oceanographic studies, and weather and climate observations. 260 Ptt/yr -- 750 Platforms: 90 drifting buoys, 50 moored buoys, 10 land stations, 300 marine biology, 200 birds, 100 terrestrial biology