Claude and Ada Low Foundation Scholarship Application The Claude and Ada Low Foundation Scholarship is awarded each year to a graduating senior at Skyline High School who is planning to attend a fully accredited two or four year college or University. The total value of the Scholarship to a student who enters and graduates from a four year school is $8,000.00, payable over a period of up to six years. Beginning with the 2015 award year, however, The Foundation Board has agreed to increase that amount by as much as $2,000.00 for an A+ student who chooses to attend a Missouri Community College. As has been past practice for A+ students attending in-State Community Colleges, Scholarship funds will continue to be held in reserve for students who make such a choice, but beginning this year A+ students who make that choice will receive a Community College Incentive Grant of $500.00 per semester for the four semesters that they might be expected to attend the two-year school. This brings the total value of their award to $10,000.00. The $8,000.00 held in reserve for them will then be paid out in either semester or quarterly payments, depending upon the time remaining until their graduation and in a manner consistent with the academic calendar of the school in which they are enrolled. Students who are not A+ eligible, or who choose to attend community college in another state, may receive payments while attending the community college, but would not be eligible for the incentive grants. All graduating seniors in good standing at Skyline High School are eligible to apply for the Claude and Ada Low Scholarship. The Scholarships are competitive and will be awarded based upon a number of factors, including test scores, high school program quality and GPA, work history, community service, need, quality and content of an individual essay and participation in extracurricular activities. Both high school program quality and high school GPA, as well as test scores, need as expressed by the EFC score and the quality and content of the individual essay, will be weighted in the application scoring process. A personal interview will be required of all top-ranking candidates. Scholarship recipients who enroll in a four-year school will receive a grant of $2,000.00 per academic year, paid in either two or three equal installments, determined by the academic calendar of the school in which they enroll. A+ students enrolled in Missouri community colleges will receive the additional payments noted above. Scholarships will be renewable for up to a maximum of $8,000.00 and for up to six years, with any monies not used within a six year period from the date of first enrollment forfeited to the Foundation. Students attending quarter system schools will receive three annual payments and those attending schools on a semester calendar will receive two. To receive payments, students must carry a full course load as defined by the institution in which they are enrolled and maintain satisfactory progress. For purposes of this program, satisfactory progress is defined as a cumulative grade point average equal to or greater than 2.0, and continuing full-time enrollment. Summer enrollment is not required to maintain status as a continuing student. A student in good standing may “stop-out” and return to full-time student status, but will remain subject to the six year limitation on funding. Any institution in which the student enrolls must be fully accredited by a nationally recognized regional accrediting agency. Payment will be made only with evidence of such enrollment. All Skyline High School seniors in good standing who satisfy scholarship eligibility criteria and who are willing to comply with Scholarship guidelines are encouraged to apply. Applications are available online and in the Counseling office, and questions about the scholarship may either be directed to that office or to a Foundation representative. All applications must be returned to the High School Counseling office by the deadline date established by that office. School officials will provide you with both application availability and application deadline dates. CLAUDE AND ADA LOW FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION (To be completed by the student) PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: __________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________ Address: ___________________________________ Phone: _____________ Mother’s Name: _______________________ Occupation: _______________ Father’s Name: ___________________ Occupation: ___________________ Number of Siblings: _______ Younger: __________ Older: ______________ EDUCATIONAL AND CAREER PLANS College or University You Plan to Attend: _____________________________ Entering Term: ____________________ Estimated Annual Cost: __________ How do you plan to meet the cost of attending college? __________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ WORK HISTORY Provide a brief summary of both paid and unpaid work experience here, or on a separate page, noting whether the work was for family or others, and when it began and ended. ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ page 2 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND COMMUNITY SERVICE List here, or separately, church and community activities in which you have participated, leadership roles that may have been entrusted to you and any special recognition you may have received for this involvement. ____________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ SCHOOL RELATED EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES List here, or separately, participation in individual and/or team activities, whether in sports, FFA, debate, drama, marching band, clubs, as a teacher’s aid or in any other such activities or programs, and note any leadership roles you have assumed and/or any special recognition you received. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ page 3 HONORS AND AWARDS Although you may have listed leadership activities and awards elsewhere in this application, please list here those for which you have been singled out by school and community officials, or by other recognized agencies or agency officials. Examples might be such things as nomination to Boys or Girls State, regional and/or State music awards, regional and/or State athletic honors, State and/or National judging team or individual awards, debate team awards, any local or State administered academic awards and any other recognitions or awards that did not fit in elsewhere. While they will appear on your transcript, would you nevertheless please list here as well, any honors courses or college level courses that you have taken. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ESSAY Please attach an essay to this application in which you describe experiences that have had particular significance for you and any unusual or special circumstances that may have impacted your life. What are you passionate about? What drives you and energizes you? What do you want to be or do, and why do you want to be and/or do those things? You may write as much or as little as you wish, but keep in mind that the selection committee will use your essay to gain insight into personal qualities and characteristics that you possess, as well as factors that motivate you, that inspire your ambitions and that might provide evidence of promise that would not be apparent from the application alone. It is expected that the essay will be word processed, properly constructed, grammatically correct and without misspellings. Page 4 CLAUDE AND ADA LOW FOUNDATION Counselor Verification and Student Release Form Please review this page, sign it where your signature is called for, and return it to the Counseling Office with your completed application. Ask that Office, if you will, to attach a copy of your latest transcript to the application and provide the other information called for below. Your signature will give school officials permission to provide members of the Claude and Ada Low Foundation Scholarship Committee with a copy of your official transcript, ACT, SAT and/or other test scores, information regarding class rank, both State and Federal financial aid calculation information, and any other information that might otherwise be considered confidential in nature, but in this case might also be helpful to the Committee as it attempts to most fairly evaluate your application. A High School Counselor will be expected to sign this form also, to verify that the information provided was taken from official records, is factually correct, and that he or she was the last school official to have custody of the application before it was passed on to a Committee member. Class Size: ___________________ Class Rank: _______________________ Cumulative GPA:________________ Highest ACT Test Score: ____________ Does this student qualify for Missouri’s A+ program: Yes:______ No: _______ Because need weighs heavily in the selection process for the Low Foundation scholarship, students applying for it must also complete the Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (the FAFSA) and provide the Committee with the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) determined by the Federal agency that scores it. The EFC will be reported to the student as a dollar amount, in a Student Aid Report (SAR) that will arrive some weeks after submission of the application (see your counselor for timing issues). Please report the amount of the EFC below. Student’s EFC Score: ________________________ School Official Signature: __________________________________ Student’s Name (printed): __________________________________ Student’s Signature: ______________________________________