Application of Bifurcation Theory to Current Mode Controlled Parallel-Connected Boost DC-DC Converters Abstract: Switching voltage regulators are in general highly nonlinear circuits, and as such are often capable of displaying the irregular behavior associated with such systems. Current-mode control DC-DC converters are increasingly gaining importance. Parallel-input / parallel-output are the most common configuration that can be used. A non-linear mapping from one point to the next has been derived in closed form without approximations, that is, using discrete time modeling. This circuit behaves chaotically for certain values of the reference current, and produces subharmonics of the clock frequency at others. Numerical iteration of the mapping indicates chaotic operation and the presence of subharmonics. To compare different regulator systems with different compensation networks, the control (design) parameter should be independent from the compensator design. A good choice would be either the input voltage VI or the load resistance R . 1. Introduction: Recently, DC-DC switching regulators were observed to behave in a chaotic manner. More interesting nonlinear behaviors, such as subharmonics and a period-doubling route to chaos were also encountered. To explore these interesting phenomena, one needs discrete models. Chaos and subharmonic instability in DC-DC converters were observed by Deane and Hamill [1], Deane [2], Krein and Bass [3], Chan and Tse [4], Marrero et. al. [5], and Banergee [6]. Their works illustrate how chaos can occur in current-programmed boost DC-DC converters operating in the continuous conduction mode. Chaos was also studied for a voltage-mode PWM buck DC-DC switching converter operating in the continuous conduction mode by Brockett and Wood [7], Deane and Hamill [8], Hamill et. al. [9], Banerjee et. al. [10], Banerjee [11], Banerjee et. al. [12], and Al-Fayyoumi [13]. In the aforementioned studies, the analyses were limited to a single boost converter. Al-Mothafar [14] investigated the small signal and transient behavior of two-module parallel-input / series-output DC-DC converters with mutually coupled inductors but bifurcation analysis were not addressed. In this paper a fourth-dimensional mapping is derived which describes the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a parallel-input / parallel-output two-module current-mode controlled boost converter. The boost converter is unusual in that the mapping can be derived in closed form without approximations. The mapping in closed form without approximations is derived, and programs are encoded in MATLAB. The analysis is verified using PSpice. The mapping is iterated numerically to give a rapid quantitative summary of the behavior of the circuit, and the bifurcations are analyzed. 2. Mathematical Modeling for the Parallel-Input / Parallel-Output Two-Module Current-Programmed Boost Converter. Modular DC-DC converters are used in many applications where the output current or voltage is shared by two or more modules. This reduces the current and voltage stress on the semiconductors. These systems can be one of two types, parallelinput / parallel-output, or parallel-input / series-output. This classification is based on the way by which the input voltages and the load of the two modules are connected. In this paper, we will deal with a parallel-input / parallel-output two-module synchronized current-programmed boost DC-DC converter. The current passing through the load is the sum of the currents passing through the two inductors as shown in Fig. 1. As said, this kind of connection produces a high load current. The output voltage is the same as the voltage on each of the output capacitors. 2.1 Basic Operation Parallel-input / parallel-output two-module current-programmed boost DC-DC converter circuit (Fig. 1) consists of two controlled switches S1 and S 2 , two uncontrolled switches D1 and D2 , two inductors L1 and L2 , two capacitors C1 and C2 , and a load resistor R . The switching of each converter is controlled by a feedback path consisting of a comparator and a flip-flop. Each comparator compares the respective current through the inductor with a reference current. It is assumed that the converter is operating in continuous conduction mode, so that the inductor currents never fall to zero. Figure 1 Circuit diagram of parallel-input / parallel-output two-module current-programmed boost converter. There are two states of the circuit depending on whether the controlled switches S1 and S 2 are open or closed. When switches S1 and S 2 are closed, the currents through the inductors rise and any clock pulses arriving during that period are ignored. The switches S1 and S 2 become open when i1 and i 2 reach the reference current. When switches S1 and S 2 are open, the currents i1 and i 2 fall. The switches S1 and S 2 close again upon the arrival of the next clock pulses. 2.2 Derivation of the Iterative Map In this section, we derive a difference equation for the system which takes the form: x n 1 f ( x n , I ref ) where: i1 v x c1 i2 vc 2 Figure 2 Sketch of current and voltage waveforms appearing in the circuit of Fig. 1 where: i1 , i2 are the currents through inductors L1 and L2 , respectively. v c1 , v c 2 are voltages across capacitors C1 and C2 , respectively. There are two circuit configurations, according to whether S1 and S 2 are closed or open. It is assumed that they are closed initially. The currents i1 and i 2 through inductors L1 and L2 then rise linearly until i1 = I ref and i 2 = I ref . Any clock pulses arriving during this time are ignored. When i1 = I ref and i 2 = I ref , S1 and S 2 open, and remain open until the arrival of the next clock pulse, whereupon they close again. The waveforms appearing in the circuit are sketched in Fig. 2. The two circuit states are treated separately: By definition i1( n 1) i1 (t n ) , and i2( n 1) i2 (t n ) , So the nonlinear mapping of currents: i1( n1) i2( n1) e kt n [ VI vn e 2 ktn kLI ref VI 2R vc 2 (t n ) , So the nonlinear mapping of cos t n ] sin t n I ref L And by definition vc1( n 1) vc1 (t n ) , and vc 2( n 1) voltages: /C kvn e 2 kt n kVI I ref kt n vc1( n1) vc 2( n1) VI e [ sin t n (VI v n e 2 kt n ) cos t n ] 3. Periodic Solutions and Bifurcation Analysis 3.1 Introduction to Bifurcation In this section, we use the modern nonlinear theory, such as, bifurcation theory and chaos theory, to analyze the two-module parallel-input / parallel-output boost DC-DC converter using peak current-control shown in Fig 1. Bifurcation theory is introduced into nonlinear dynamics by a French man named Poincare. It is used to indicate a qualitative change in features of the system, such as the number and the type of solutions, under the variation of one or more parameters on which the considered system depends, Nayfeh and Balachandran [17]. In bifurcation problems, in addition to the state variables, there are control parameters. The relation between any of these control parameters and any state variable is called the state-control space. In this space, locations at which bifurcations occur are called bifurcation points. Bifurcations of equilibrium or fixed-point solutions can be one of the following: (a) static bifurcations, such as, (i ) saddle-node bifurcation, (ii ) pitchfork bifurcation, (iii ) transcritical bifurcation, (b) dynamic bifurcations, such as, Hopf bifurcation. For the fixed-point solutions, the local stability of the system is determined from the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of linearized system. On the other hand, for the periodic-solutions, the stability of the system depends on the Floquet theory and the eigenvalues of the Monodromy matrix that are called Floquet or characteristic multipliers. The types of bifurcation are determined from the manner in which the Floquet multipliers leave the unit circle. There are three possible ways, Nayfeh and Balachandran [15]: a) If the Floquet multiplier leaves the unit circle through +1, we have one of the following three bifurcations, 1) transcritical bifurcations, 2) symmetry-breaking bifurcations, or 3) cyclic-fold bifurcations. b) If the Floquet multiplier leaves through -1, we have period-doubling (Flip bifurcations). c) If the Floquet multipliers are complex conjugate and leave the unit circle from the real axis, we have a secondary Hopf bifurcation. All studies that have been done before used either a single converter or modular converters. Hamill et. al. [9] shows the chaotic behavior of the single buck converter. Iu and Tse [16] studied the bifurcation behavior in parallel-connected buck converters. Deane [2] and Banerjee [6] show that chaotic behavior of the single boost DC-DC converter exists if the control parameters are changed accordingly. They investigated the occurrence of subharmonics and chaos under the variation of the control parameters used in their study. In all these studies, the authors show that, the power electronic circuits undergo Period-doubling (Flip bifurcations). For obtaining the bifurcation diagrams, one focuses on the variation of control parameters that can be changed at will. For bifurcation analysis we wrote our programs that are encoded in MATLAB rather than using bifurcation packages like, AUTO, INSITE, GNUPLOT, and BIF. The bifurcation diagram of single boost converter is also produced for the purpose of comparison. The parameters used throughout this simulation are shown in Table 1. These parameters are chosen such that the circuit works in the continuous current conduction mode. Table 1 3.2 Numerical Analysis For the proposed system shown in Fig. 1, the switching is controlled by a feedback path consisting of a comparator and a flip-flop. Each comparator compares the corresponding current through the inductor with a reference current I ref . The mapping is a function that relates the voltage and current vector (vn1 , in1 ) sampled at one instant, to the vector (vn , in ) at a previous instant; the instants in question are the arrival of a triggering clock pulse. For obtaining the bifurcation diagrams, we start by specifying an initial condition (i1( 0) , vc1( 0) , i2( 0) , vc 2( 0) ) and a given I ref . The iterations are continued for 750 times. The first 500 iterations are discarded and the last 250 are plotted taking I ref as the bifurcation parameter ( I ref was swept from 0.5 to 5.5 A ) with the set of circuit parameters listed in Table 1. Figs. 5 and 6 show the bifurcation diagrams for the proposed system (Parallel-input / parallel-output two-module current-programmed boost DC-DC converter), where the y-axis represents the module inductor current. In these figures, one can see that, the period -1 is stable until I refo 1.05 A . Further increase in I ref , one of the Floquet multipliers leaves the unit circle through -1 resulting in a period-doubling bifurcation. Further increase in I ref beyond I refo , the system will undergo stable period-2, stable period-3, and rout to chaos. Again and for I ref I refo , the period-1 solution will continue to be unstable period-1 solution, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. For the proposed converter, we found that I refo 1.05 as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. For comparing the critical bifurcation diagram of our system with that of single boost converter, we regenerated the bifurcation diagram, as shown in Fig. 7, for the single boost converter using the same parameters values given in Table 1. It was found that the critical bifurcation point for our system is less than that of single boost converter. To check the validity of the theoretical modeling, PSpice circuit analysis program has been employed. In the long-time history, inductor current waveforms for different values of control parameter I ref = 0.7, 1.3, 1.5, and 5.5 A are shown in Figs. (8-11)-(a) respectively. These figures demonstrate clearly the period-1, period-2, period-3, and chaotic subharmonic waveforms. The phase portraits corresponding to these four cases are shown in Figs. (8-11)-(b), which illustrate clearly the fundamental, period-2 subharmonic, period-3 subharmonic, and chaotic orbits. The power spectral density corresponding to these four cases are given in Figs. (8-11)-(c). As seen from these figures, the power spectrum of the response in the chaotic region is wide band, unlike that of the period-one solution, which is characterized by a fundamental at the switching frequency and its higher harmonics. Comparing Figs. 6 and (8-11), one can see that results obtained from bifurcation analysis agree well with those produced by PSpice. To compare different regulator systems with different compensation networks, the control (design) parameter should be independent from the compensator design. A good choice would be either the input voltage VI or the load resistance R . Hence we repeated the calculations for the same feedback system with the input voltage as the control parameter. Figs. 12 and 13 show bifurcation diagrams for a fixed reference current I ref , where i500 to i750 are plotted with the input voltage VI as the bifurcation parameter. We note that in these bifurcation diagrams the period-doubling route to chaos is from right to left, as opposed to the one obtained earlier when I ref was the control parameter. For the proposed converter with VI as the control parameter, we found that VIO 52.5V as shown in Figs. 12 and 13. For comparing the critical bifurcation diagram of our system with that of single boost converter, we generated the bifurcation diagram, as shown in Fig. 14, for the single boost converter using the same parameters values given in Table 1. It was found that the critical bifurcation point for our system is greater than that of a single boost converter. Figures (15-18)-(a) show the long-time history of inductor current waveforms with VI = 65, 45, 36, and 30 V , respectively. These figures demonstrate clearly the period-1, period-2, period-3, and chaotic subharmonic waveforms. The phase portraits corresponding to these four cases are shown in Figures (15-18)-(b), which illustrate clearly the fundamental, period-2 subharmonic, period-3 subharmonic and chaotic orbits. The power spectral density corresponding to these four cases are shown in Figures (15-18)-(c). As seen from these figures, the power spectrum of the response in the chaotic region is wide band, unlike that of the period-one solution, which is characterized by a fundamental at the switching frequency and its higher harmonics. Comparing Figs. 13 and (15-18), one can see that results obtained from the bifurcation analysis agree well with those produced by PSpice. 4. Conclusion Although very few formal reports have been written about chaos in DC-DC converters, the power-supply engineers have lived with chaos ever since the introduction of DC-DC converters and their overwhelming use in power-supply design. Despite its importance and frequent occurrence, chaos in DC-DC converters is still rarely studied, presumably because the kind of approach required for the study of chaotic dynamics is rather unfamiliar to the power electronics engineers. Up to now, only a few papers have been published on the subject of chaos in DC-DC converters. This paper has focused in particular on the application of bifurcation theory to parallel-input / parallel-output two-module current-programmed DC-DC converters. The nonlinear mapping that describes the boost converter under current-mode control in continuous conduction mode has been derived. It is unusual to find a switching regulator circuit for which the (four-dimensional) mapping is available in closed form without approximations. Bifurcation diagrams are generated to study the total behavior of the system as one of its parameters varies. When taking I ref as the bifurcation parameter, it has been found that the system goes to period doubling bifurcations, that is, from a stable periodic solution with single value for the system at steady state to chaos through period-2 and period-3. Bifurcation diagram of a single boost converter is generated and compared with that of the proposed converter. The bifurcation point for this converter is found to be less than that of a single boost converter that uses the same component values. When taking VI as the bifurcation parameter for the proposed system, the perioddoubling route to chaos is from right to left, as opposed to the one obtained when I ref as the control parameter. The bifurcation diagram of a single boost converter in this case is generated and compared with that of the proposed converter. The bifurcation point for this converter is found to be greater than that of a single boost converter that uses the same components values. Fundamental, period-2, period-3, and chaotic waveforms have been plotted using PSpice. The results obtained from bifurcation analysis agree well with those produced by PSpice. The phase portrait and the power spectral density of fundamental, period2, period-3, and chaotic orbits are plotted using PSpice and found to be in good agreement with bifurcation analysis. References [1] Deane, J. H. 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(a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (c) Power spectral density. (a) (b) (c) Figure 10 3T subharmonic operations at ( I ref 1.5 A) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (c) Power spectral density. (a) (b) (c) Figure 11 Chaotic operations at ( I ref 5.5 A) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (c) Power spectral density. Figure 12 Bifurcation diagram of i for the regulator system with (a) VI as the control parameter. (b) Figure 13 Bifurcation diagrams of parameter. i1 and i 2 for the regulator system with VI as the control Figure 14 Bifurcation diagram for single boost converter with V I as the control parameter. (a) (b) (c) Figure 15 Fundamental periodic operations at (VI and (c) Power spectral density. 65V ) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, (a) (b) (c) Figure 16 2T subharmonic operations at (VI (c) Power spectral density. 45V ) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (a) (b) (c) Figure 17 3T subharmonic operations at (VI (c) Power spectral density. 36V ) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (a) (b) (c) Figure 18 Chaotic operations at (VI 30V ) . (a) Long-time history, (b) Phase portrait, and (c) Power spectral density.