rubric in Word file.

Observation and Analysis of the Literacy Environment
[WP Portion of the Rubric]
This rubric was developed using the campus-wide expectations for writing proficiency. It is also designed to address the Teach
Education Program standards for Elementary Education’s portfolio assessment system.
Rhetorical Knowledge:
Understands and addresses
the needs of the rhetorical
situation and purpose
TEP Standard 6
Communication and
[WWU WP Expectation]
Critical Reasoning:
Arranges a logically
connected composition
according to purpose, reader,
and genre expectations
TEP Standard 6
Communication and
[WWU Expectation for WP]
Composing Process:
Implements a range of
writing strategies throughout
the writing process
TEP Standard 6
Communication and
[WWU Expectation for WP]
Knows and applies
conventions of standard
edited English
TEP Standard 6
Communication and
[WWU Expectation for WP]
Demonstrates limited
knowledge of audience
Does not maintain use of
appropriate voice, tone,
and level of formality
Struggles to articulate a
significant individual
perspective, based on
evidence from multiple
Presents a confused line of
reasoning to explain and
illustrate own perspective
Inappropriately evaluates,
chooses, and integrates
ideas from others into
one’s own perspective
Demonstrates limited
ability to re-think/develop
ideas over time/drafts
Does not engage or
consider other readers’
responses in revising/
editing own work
Inaccurately assesses
effectiveness of one’s own
process and product
Demonstrates limited
ability to eliminate errors
of grammar, spelling, and
Does not use a readerfriendly or genre
appropriate format for text
and visuals
Misses or inaccurately
documents ideas and cites
sources according to APA
Demonstrates some
knowledge of audience
Mostly maintains use of
appropriate voice, tone,
and level of formality
Demonstrates clear knowledge of audi
Consistently maintains use of appropri
voice, tone, and level of formality thro
Mostly develops and
articulates a significant
individual perspective,
based on evidence from
multiple sources
Articulates a somewhat
clear line of reasoning to
explain and illustrate own
Mostly appropriately
evaluates, chooses, and
integrates ideas from
others into one’s own
Develops and articulates a significant
individual perspective, based on evide
from multiple sources
Articulates a clear line of reasoning to
explain and illustrate own perspective
Appropriately evaluates, chooses, and
integrates ideas from others into one’s
Demonstrates some ability
to re-think/develop ideas
over time/drafts
Appropriately engages and
considers other readers’
responses in revising/
editing own work
Mostly accurately assesses
effectiveness of one’s own
process and product
Demonstrates ability to
eliminate most errors of
grammar, spelling, and
Attempts to use a readerfriendly, genre appropriate
format for text and visuals
Accurately documents
ideas and cites sources
according to APA
Demonstrates an ability to re-think/dev
ideas over time/drafts
Thoughtfully engages and considers ot
readers’ responses in revising/ editing
Accurately assesses effectiveness of on
own process and product
Demonstrates ability to thoroughly elim
errors of grammar, spelling, and punct
Uses a reader-friendly, genre appropri
format for text and visuals
Accurately and completely documents
and cites sources according to APA
Coskie 9/06