Rubric for College-Wide Student Learning Outcome Information Literacy & Technology November 2012 Locate/identify information needed for a task (assignment/ project) Evaluate the usefulness, relevance, or validity of information Apply gathered information effectively to accomplish a purpose. Organize and communicate information in a meaningful way using a communication medium and media that addresses a task/ assignment (e.g., web or PowerPoint). Uses information effectively, ethically, and legally. Unsatisfactory Emerging Proficient Advanced Student is not able to use technologies to access/identify information. Student is able to access some information using technology (e.g., online search engines). Student is able to access/identify appropriate and multiple types of information from multiple sources (e.g., library catalogs/databases, online search engines). Student is able to access/ identify appropriate and multiple types and sources of information that reflect different perspectives relevant to the task (e.g., online library catalogs/databases, online search engines, social media sites, data sources). Student is unable to determine if the information satisfies a specific task/assignment need. Student accepts information without question (e.g., quotes sources without evaluation). Student articulates and/or applies basic evaluation criteria to information and sources. Determines if original information need has been satisfied or if additional information is needed. Student clearly articulates and evaluates information and sources (e.g., differentiates between and uses primary and secondary sources). Recognizes applicability of information to other areas/ topics. Student is unable to apply information gathered for a specific purpose. Student is able to apply basic pieces of information to a task and apply them in the manner they were originally presented. Student is able to link prior and new information from multiple sources together and apply it in ways relevant to specified tasks. Student is unable to organize and communicate information in a basic way. Student shows basic understanding of how to record and manage information and sources. Considers at least one communication technology. Student demonstrates organizational skills in managing information from multiple sources and is able to use the appropriate technology for communicating this information. Student uses information in a way that aligns with institutional policies, and legal regulations. Sources are acknowledged Student uses information in compliance with institutional policies, and/or legal regulations related to the use of that information. Demonstrates some understanding of how context is important when using sources and references these sources. Student does not recognize the social and ethical implications of the technological application, does not apply institutional politics (or abide by legal regulation), and/or does not reference the source of information Able to fully integrate information from a numerous sources in unique, contextual, and defensible ways while performing a variety of specified tasks. This includes using new and prior information to support a purposes Student accurately and efficiently manages information and sources. The student chooses a communication medium using a range of information technology applications and formats that best support a project’s or task’s purpose. Student demonstrates a thorough understanding of the established institutional policies and/or legal regulations (such as understanding intellectual property, copyrights) related to the use of specific information. Respects the context and integrity of sources of information by including citations.