Compressed Video over IP Independent Study – Spring 2002 August Visco May 14th 2002 Instructor: Longin Jan Latecki Office: 510 Wachman Hall E-mail: Phone: (215) 204 5781 Office Hours: Thursday 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Related Documents: Application Overview: The purpose of this application is to provide video over a network using the user datagram protocol. The application runs on linux kernal 7.2 with Ezonics webcam. It can service two way communication, both sending and receiving video, or it can act only to send video or only to receive video. When using this application for simultaneous sending and receiving of video with jpeg compression on, you might find that the application crashes. This could be the result of using the linux jpeg library calls in multiple threads. One possible solution would be to treat every jpeg library call as a single atomic action, although this would obviously slow down the application further. Application Parameters: #the IP address of the local machine, required if you want to receive video data from remote -LOCAL_IP #the port of the local machine, required if you want to receive video data from remote -LOCAL_PORT 11111 # remote machine has no webcam -NO_REMOTE_VIDEO #the IP address of the remote machine, required if you want to send video data to remote -REMOTE_IP #the port of the remote machine, required if you want to send video data to remote -REMOTE_PORT 22222 #local machine has no webcam -NO_LOCAL_VIDEO #sets the maximum transmittion unit, if not specified, data sent as raw... -MAXIMUM_MTU 333 # send data raw, by default, jpeg compression is used... -NO_COMPRESSION Running the Application: The best way to run this application for now is to write a simple shell script for each machine you want to run it on. Here is an example, the first line is run on the machine . It both displays its local webcam video and also sends the compressed images to its remote. The second line runs on the machine and has no webcam of its own, hence no local video, it only displays the video from its remote. ./gqcam -LOCAL_IP -LOCAL_PORT 55555 -REMOTE_IP -REMOTE_PORT 66666 -MAXIMUM_MTU 1400 ./gqcam -LOCAL_IP -LOCAL_PORT 66666 -NO_LOCAL_VIDEO -MAXIMUM_MTU 1400 Application Logs: When the application is exited it generates a log name “$HOSTNAME”_stats.log, were $HOSTNAME is the full hostname of the local machine. It logs the packets sent, bytes sent, and bytes received. Packet Formats: The following is a section of the header file udp_packets.h describing the packet structures used in this implementation. #define VIDEO_STREAM_HEADER #define FRAME_HEADER #define FRAME_DATA #define END_OF_FRAME #define END_OF_VIDEO_STREAM 0 1 2 3 4 typedef unsigned int u_4byte_int; typedef struct generic_video_stream_packet { u_4byte_int packet_number; u_4byte_int packet_type; } generic_packet; typedef struct video_stream_start_packet { generic_packet info; u_4byte_int version; u_4byte_int encoding_type; u_4byte_int height; u_4byte_int width; } VS_start; typedef struct frame_header_packet { generic_packet info; u_4byte_int frame_number; u_4byte_int time_stamp; u_4byte_int fractional_time_stamp; u_4byte_int frame_size; } FRM_header; typedef struct frame_data_packet { generic_packet info; u_4byte_int frame_number; u_4byte_int start_byte; u_4byte_int end_byte; } FRM_data; typedef struct end_of_frame_packet { generic_packet info; u_4byte_int frame_number; } FRM_end; typedef struct end_of_stream_packet { generic_packet info; } VS_end; Generic Video Stream Packet Name Packet Number Packet Type Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer Description value 0 – means this is video stream header, value 1 – means this is frame header, it also indicates beginning of a frame value 2 – for data of a single frame value 3 – end of frame value 4 – end of video stream Video Stream Start Packet Name Packet Number Packet Type Video Stream Version Encoding Type Used Image Height Image Width Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer Description value 0 – this is the first packet in the video stream value 0 – means this is video stream header We will use version value 1 Value 0 means jpeg, value 1 RAW Frame Header Packet (informs us that a new frame starts) Name Packet Number Packet Type Frame Number Time Stamp Fractional Time Stamp Frame Size Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer Description value 1 – means this is frame header The timestamp of a particular frame measured in seconds The fractional piece of a particular frame measured in microseconds in bytes, the size of the image data Frame Data Packet Name Packet Number Packet Type Frame Number Start Byte End Byte Data Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer varies Description 2 – for data of a single frame For a frame having the above frame number For a frame having the above frame number End Byte – Start Byte gives the size Start byte begins with 0, and the start byte and end byte numbers are inclusive. End of Frame Packet Name Packet Number Packet Type Frame Number Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer Description Size 4 byte unsigned integer 4 byte unsigned integer Description value 3 – end of frame End of Stream Packet Name Packet Number Packet Type value 4 – end of stream