Why “International Vaishnava Monastery” or Why “Sustainable and Long-Lasting International Vaishnava Monastery and Farm Community Creation, Development and Maintenance in Europe” Last update: 26 July 2013 Here we can download this material support pptx (2Mb) presentation. Contents 1 In this post are giving answers on following question? 2 2 Why Now in Europe? 2 2.1 Why in Europe? 2.1.1 2.2 3 2 Lifetime social security for Vaishnava monk 2 Why now? 2 2.2.1 Now is adjustment period for Equalizer existing standard of living 2 2.2.2 What will happen, if we don’t do it now 3 Why Monastery? 3 3.1 Why such environment as Monastery? 3 3.2 Monastery – Culturally acceptable to be Restricted Area for Women 4 3.3 Seven Monasterie in today Latvia. 4 3.3.1 Monks and Monasterie in today Germany. 4 3.4 Cooperation with Government 4 3.5 What kind of support we can receive as Monks and Monasteries? 5 3.6 What kind of social programs we are already do? 5 3.6.1 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for children and youths: 5 3.6.2 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for middle age people: 5 3.6.3 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for old age people: 5 3.6.4 Social rehabilitation programs for physical or/and mental invalids, former prisoner and unemployed people: 5 4 Why International? 5 5 Why Patronage by Indians? 5 5.1 Cooperation with Indian Embassy and Special Country Government Care 5 5.2 Cooperation with Indian Embassy give more acceptance from local people 6 5.3 Wider visions, non-partial to one particular European Country or Nation. 6 5.4 Have 25+ years proved capacity 6 www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 1 of 8 5.5 Experiences for more than 25 years of “Sustainable and Long-Lasting, People Orientated Community”. 6 6 Three Case Studies 6.1 6 Case Study 1 – Buddhist “Forest Sangha trust” 16 Monasteries. 6.1.1 6 Amaravati Monastery annual budget 6 6.2 Case Study 2 – Mount Athos with 20 Christian Monasteries and about 2000 Monks 7 6.3 Case Study 3 – Roman Catholic celebate priests, monks and nuns 7 7 1 By Cooperation We Can Do Wonders for Pleasure of Sria Prabhpupada 7 In this post are giving answers on following question? Why in Europe? Why Now? Why Monastery? Why International? Why Patronage by Indians? 2 Why Now in Europe? 2.1 Why in Europe? 2.1.1 Lifetime social security for Vaishnava monk In order to regulate the functioning of the Monastery of legal and judicial legislation including Vaishnava Monk Statutory social security program: Social Insurance; Medical Care; Household standard minimum level of guarantee (now is aimed at the European Union level guaranteeing a minimum survival). In Europe Union, if a person does not have his/here personal income for lifetime, the government pays the benefits and for lifetime issues of regular food and other necessary social benefits as closing, shelter and medical security and care. In Europe Union, including Latvian, exists Euro-found which can be achieved for Vaishnava Renounced order Devotees (monks) officially - legal income which ensures legal retirement earnings and at the same time ensuring Devotees all spiritual life with the regular Spiritual Ritual execution. As a testament from Hrishikesh Prabhu letter with an offer to Vaishnava Monastery to use Euro-found financial support, it can also be received support for social crisis centre for Vaishnavas, nursing homes (for elderly Vaishnavas or Vanaprasthas), Hospice etc 2.2 Why now? 2.2.1 Now is adjustment period f or Equalizer existing standard of living Because right now the European Union central government under the existing provisions of the equalizer existing standard of living (income per person) between the old Euro Union Member States, such as Germany, Belgium, Sweden, England, Denmark and the new Member States, such as Latvia and other countries of the former USSR block. Therefore it would be useful right now (this adjustment period) to launch “International Vaishnava Monastery in Europe” establishment directly in Latvian, that www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 2 of 8 in perspective eighty-year period to ensure self sustainable, self maintaining (in financial terms too) International Vaishnava Community in Europe with the functional structure. By launching now this project in perspective eighty-year period we envision that this “International Vaishnava Monastery community in Europe” with functional structure will be Spiritual Oasis for Krishna Consciousness Devotee, Vaishnava Monks and Public in general. Spiritual Oasis for Chanting of the Holy Names, Outreach service and a Oasis to Worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Sri Radha Krishna in Nine Primary Devotional ways as Sravanam Kirtanam Visnoh... for Srila Prabhupada’s and Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Pleasure. 2.2.2 What will happen, if we don’t do it now Right now on average, as all Europe Continent ISKCON communities together, we are losing at least 510 possible ISKCON future leaders, who was-are in need for first 5-7-10 years special Devotee Care in order to let go old destructive experience (as broken family, child abuse, sexual abuse, broken relationship etc) and destructive lifestyle (as alcohol, drags, gambling, sexual misuse, crime etc) and regain balanced and healthy lifestyle and internal role – servant of servant of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. If right now we will not create, develop and maintain special Devotee Care structure as International Vaishnava Monastery in Europe with Devote Care programs and trained staff, churning rate in ISKCON Europe will increase and we will lose more and more present devotees and recruit less and less new dedicated devotees for Srila Prabbhpada’s mission. Why in Europe? Why Now? 3 Why Monastery? At present in Europe Continent we have hundreds of Christian and Buddhists Monasteries with dozens of thousands Monks. Concepts of “Monk” and “Monastery” is very much natural and healthy part of Westerner historical and present culture and day-to-day life. This we can see by continuously new and new Westerners joining this or that Monastery in one or other part of Wold. In contrary “Bramacharie”, “Vanaprastha” and “Ashram” concepts is still foreign, that for Western ISKCON devotees them self is quite difficult to accept it, what to speak about explain it to parents, relatives and friends. For more than 15 hundreds years of history Westerners have natural longing for self-discovery as monk or nun and then to life and serve as monk or nun. Time, Place and People now are ripened in Europe to embrace Vaishnava Monks and Monastery as part and parcel of our lives. Western governments have special laws about monasteries and monks/nuns, dedicate fund for them and as part of human rights and religious freedom, all Christian, Buddhist and Vaishnava monasteries are on the same laws level and any westerner have freedom to choose, which Spiritual Path to follow. Our as ISKCON freedom is chose to follow Western government terms and be supported by government and NGOs or keep playing the game on our own terms and conditions and be deprived of government financial and laws support, which can pay significant role in Srila Prabhupad’s and Lord Caitanya’s mission in the West as to teach and encourage the sankirtana movement, congregational chanting of the holy name of God, as revealed in the teachings of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. 3.1 Why such environment as Monastery? Special Environment where people can Sincerely and Seriously Deepen their Spiritual Practises; Being away from their previous surrounding, community, culture, country etc for at least 5-7-10 years. Equivalent to “Sages Hermitage in dense forest” at previous ages, can be Monastery in countryside today, as naturally there is more mode of goodness. As it is natural for some fishes to live deep in water and for some, on the top of it, it is natural for some kind of devotes of God serve to the Lord in Countryside Monastery environment and for other kind of Devotees – in midst of massive city. It is not the optional, it is essentially necessary, for those Devotees, who not yet come to the level of Holy Sage www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 3 of 8 (mahabhagavata, paramahamsa, avaduta) and by their nature more fragile and more sensitive to external environment. If we just swap over these two groups of fish or devotees, they just die as devotees, as per they psycho-physical nature they are deferent. As we see in this hunter Mrigari story, from time immemorial, in human society is the group of people, who need Sincerely and Seriously Deepen their Spiritual Practises by being away from their previous surrounding, community, culture, country etc in order to rise beyond and transcend their previous destructive conductions, habits, character believes etc in specialised environed. When we can provide to these people special environment for their Sincerely and Seriously Spiritual Practises, then they can rise beyond their previous destructive conditions and behaviour. After their personal experiences of going beyond and transcending “destructive self” and accruing steadiness in “new self” as servants of Krishna, they can give back to society, specially to those, who still existing in destructive environment where they was, so needful helping hands, couching, guidelines etc by personal example rather than preaching. Monastery – Culturally acceptable to be Restricted Area for Women 3.2 3.3 • There is a potential lifetime monk, who cannot practice renounced order of life side by side with women. They can be a lifetime monk in protected area. • Today Christian and Buddhist monks in West can practise whole life without speaking or even seeing women. • Today some Western Vaishnava monks have even more interactions with women in Ashram as before it, which cause growing churning rate in Vaishnava renounced order. Seven Monasterie in today Latvia. For example, today in Latvia 2 million population country are 7 active Christian Monasteries as follows: 1. Jēkabpils Sv. Nikolaja Brīnumdara pareizticīgo klosteris, Brīvības iela 202, Jēkabpils, Latvija, LV-5201 2. Rīgas Sv. Trijādības-Sergija sieviešu klosteris, Krišjāņa Barona iela 126, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1012 3. Liepājas Sv. Dominika klosteris, Jelgavas iela 17, Liepāja, Latvija, LV-3401 4. Liepājas Nabadzīgā bērna Jēzus māsu klosteris, Uliha iela 67, Liepāja, Latvija, LV-3401 5. Valgundes Pareizticīgo klosteris, Valgunde, Valgundes pagasts, Jelgavas novads, Latvija, LV-3017 6. Rīgas Betānijas dominikāņu māsu Sv. Jāzepa klosteris, Drustu iela 36a, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1002 7. Rīgas Nabadzīgā bērna Jēzus māsu klosteris, Klostera iela 19, Rīga, Latvija, LV-1050 3.3.1 Monks and Monasterie in today Germany. Some 300 Roman Catholic convents and monasteries in Germany now accept visitors - from the 8thcentury Benedictine abbey of Tholey to the four-year-old convent of the Sisters of St. Bridget in Bremen. About a quarter of a million guests were counted last year. They came to meditate, to fast, or simply to live briefly alongside people who have consecrated themselves to God. Some 5,000 men who have taken holy orders, i.e. made a lifelong commitment, make up the entire monastic community in Germany. While there are about 25,000 nuns in religious communities. 3.4 Cooperation with Government Cooperation with Government on their term and conditions. Government and NGO’s ready and willing support social workers and social services. www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 4 of 8 According to Euro Continent Governments’ legal laws to create and maintain socially secure community as Shelter for all Europe Continent Vaishnava Monks (renounced order of life) with lifetime social guarantee for food, closing, shelter and medicine as long Monk follow “the four regulative principles of freedom” and written Vaishnava Monk Etiquette. Same security can be provided to Monks from any Eaten or Western countries, which stay and serve in this community as long time resident. 3.5 What kind of support we can receive as Monks and Monasteries? When we present our self as social workers, what anyway we do, when we form properly documents, according to government laws, [at least in Euro Continent 32 countries (28 EU and 4 EFTA and all countries map) including Latvia, UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden etc], lifelong support for monks (including vanaprasthas) can be received in forms of food, closing, shelter and medicine (including hospital expenses). Plus for social programs (in ISKCON language for outreach programs) we can receive government support in form of rent for room, food, printing materials etc. Even there are grants for building and upgrading social and crises centers (with can be living and serving area for monks), guest house, mental or/and physical invalid houses (even some of present ISKCON devotee and up in this group do to mixture of events), students hostel facilities (places where students have supporting environment for following 4 regulative principles of freedom and practice Spiritual Life), old people or nursing houses (in ISKCON language Vanaprastha ashram) and hospice. 3.6 What kind of social programs we are already do? Different programs, what can present for government and PR as social programs, what Vaishnava monks (Bramacharies, Vanaprasthas, Sanyasies) anyway do under names of outreach and Devote Care programs: 3.6.1 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for children and youths: Socially responsible life free of alcohol, drugs, sexual mis-contacts; Improving study and concentration skills; Responsible and harmonious family relationship; 3.6.2 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for middle age people: Middle age or Identity crisis – Who I am? Where I belong to? Loneliness – who to find our harmonious place and activities in sociality; Responsible and harmonious family relationship; 3.6.3 Social prevention and rehabilitation programs for old age people: Fearlessness of death – What will happen with me during and after death? Hospice– facilitate people harmonious death experience and their relative emotional heath; 3.6.4 Social rehabilitation programs for physical or/and mental invalids, former prisoner and unemployed people: Socially responsible life free of alcohol, drugs, sexual mis-contacts; 4 Why International? From Europe Continent 50 countries 26 are have population less that 5 million each and all these 26 countries together have 43 million population. When we from 1st day setting up English Speaking International Vaishnava Monastery, that give easy and natural way to anyone from 740 million people Visit and Practise in Monastery for short or longer time. At present in Latvia for life can stay people from 34 Euro Union and Schengen countries - just with Passport without any special VISA. From 1 Jan 2014 Latvia will have Euro (€) as country currency. www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 5 of 8 5 Why Patronage by Indians? 5.1 Cooperation with Indian Embassy and Special Country Government Care Land-donor as lawyer see it as needful plus for project development, that Indian trust is legal owner of land and real Patron of project, because European Countries governments giving more importance to International projects as local in order to cultivate International as India – Latvia relationships. Such path right now successfully walking some Cristiana and Buddhist in West. And as the results countries government give special care and intention to these Monasteries in comparison with just national Monasteries. 5.2 Cooperation with Indian Embassy give more acceptance from local people For local people is easier to accept that Indians leading and developing Indian culture in Latvia with local people support as just local people do it them self. 5.3 Wider visions, non-partial to one particular European Country or Nation. In Europe Continent 36 countries we have more that 200 centres, where many of existing centres are lock in their own local sustenance (communal bills, food, shelter etc) and local outreach programs. When we are for 20-30 years are locked in our own short sited 2-3 million people area, it is very difficult to step back and see wider picture – 740 million people picture. What is needful and be so helpful in long run for all Europe Continents, for all Western and Eastern World including USA, Canada, Australia, India? 5.4 Have 25+ years proved capacity For example, such Indian communities as SSRG with their leaders and monks have 25+ years proved capacity to set up new workable Sustainable and Long-Lasting grihastha and monastic model like “International Vaishnava Monastery in Europe”, given by Srila Prabhupada and explained by Radhanath Swami Maharaj in cooperation with European Continent Governments, Embassies and NGOs. This model later can be adapted and implemented in others existing Euro Continent Vaishnava communities. Experiences for more than 25 years of “Sustainable and Long-Lasting, People Orientated Community”. 5.5 For example, such Indian communities as SSRG temple leaders and inmates have more than 25 years of experiences of “Sustainable and Long-Lasting, People Orientated Community”, what majority of European Continent countries do not have. They are proved by time of experiences, professionalism and Clarity of Vision to execute such capacity International projects. 6 Three Case Studies 6.1 Case Study 1 – Buddhist “Forest Sangha trust” 16 Monasteries. Forest Sangha trust (www.ForestSangha.org) at 2012 unite 16 Buddhist Monasteries in West including England, France, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and the United States and 4 Monasteries in Thailand with 122 Western Monks (Eldest 45 year serve as monk) and 11 Western Nuns. Now trust setting up two new Monasteries - in Brazil and Portugal. In 1976 the English Sangha Trust invited Ajahn Sumedho to establish a Theravada monastery in London. Along with a small group of monks form Thailand, Ajahn Sumedho heeded the request and established the first branch monastery in Ajahn Chah’s lineage outside of Thailand. Close cooperation with Thailand government, Embassies and local governments. Local governments and NGO’s support monk social security in terms of food, closing, shelter and medicine (including hospital expenses). www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 6 of 8 6.1.1 Amaravati Monastery annual budget The budget of the Amaravati Monastery at on 2011 was total: £348,000 (USD 525’600). Equivalent to approximately £6,700 per week or £950 per day. The figures exclude 'dana' for food and other gifts in kind on average £500-600 per day. Average daily expenses per one Monastery resident including gifts £58 (USD 80). 35 Monastery residents = monks 19 + 8 nun + 8 long time volunteers. Capital Expenditure: 25,000 Gardens & Grounds: 5,000 Insurance (including vehicles): 15,000 Heat, light, water and council tax: 50,000 Telephone & Internet: 5,000 Administration*: 39,000 Printing, Postage & Stationery: 9,000 Publications: 5,000 Travel: 35,000 Welfare: 50,000 Total: (USD 525’600) £ 348,000 6.2 Case Study 2 – Mount Athos with 20 Christian Monasteries and about 2000 Monks After reaching a low point of just 1,145 mainly elderly monks in 1971, the monasteries have been undergoing a steady and sustained renewal. By the year 2000, the monastic population had reached 1,610, with all 20 monasteries receiving an infusion of mainly young well-educated monks. In 2009, the population stood at nearly 2,000. Many younger monks possess university education and advanced skills. In all Mount Athos (www.WikiPedia.org and www.AthosWeBlog.com) territory (335 km2 or 130 sq mi) is a prohibition on entry for women, to make living in celibacy easier for those who have chosen to do so. Monks feel that the presence of women alters the social dynamics of the community and therefore slows their path towards spiritual enlightenment. 6.3 Case Study 3 – Roman Catholic celebate priests, monks and nuns 2010 Total priests 412,236 Religious brothers (monks) 54,665 Religious sisters (nuns) 721,935 Total Celibates 1,188,836 7 By Cooperation We Can Do Wonders for Pleasure of Sria Prabhpupada Now is the time, where by Cooperation between Western and Eastern ISKCON communities we can do Wonders for Pleasure of Sria Prabhpupada and Sri Sri Radha Krishna. In Europe Union countries situation is ripe for lunching countryside communities with priorities as “Chanting of Holy names”, “Devotee Care” and “Simple Living, High Thinking” because now according to Euro Continent Governments’ legal laws we can create and maintain socially secure community as Shelter for all Europe Continent Vaishnava Monks (renounced order of life in including vanaprasthas) with lifetime social guarantee for food, closing, shelter and medicine. Same security can be provided to Monks from any Eaten or Western countries, which stay and serve Euro Union ISKCON community as long time resident. www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 7 of 8 On behalf of all project partners Your humble servants BVG Janaka dasa das Vaishnava monk, Sri Sri Radha Gopinath temple-monastery, Mumbai, India. http://OurMonastery.wordpress.com www.OurMonastery.wordpress.com Vaishnava Monastery presentation - 26 July 2013 Page 8 of 8