EPCRA OFF-SITE PLAN AMERICOLD LOGISTICS - PLOVER I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION: SERB I.D.# Americold Logistics – Plover 005038-0 110th St & Hwy 54 - corner attached to McCain Foods 10953 State Highway 54 East P. O. Box 675 Plover, WI 54467 (715) 341-7679 or (715) 421-3200 FAX Number: (715) 424-3921 II. FACILITY COORDINATOR: David Tripp, FSM (715) 431-3200 – Work (715) 498-3976 – Cell ALTERNATE COORDINATOR: Frank Raikowski (715) 421-3200 – Work (715) 498-5032 – Cell III. CHEMICALS ON SITE: EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES: CAS# TRADE NAME/GENERIC NAME MAX.AMOUNT MAX.VUL.ZONE 7664-41-7 7664-93-9 Anhydrous Ammonia Sulfuric Acid 19,734# 54,875 # 0.8 Miles 0.1 Miles 2,625# N/A Other Hazardous Chemical: 7727-37-9 Liquid Nitrogen IV. PRIMARY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS: Village of Plover Fire Department Portage County HazMat Team Portage County Sheriff's Department Portage County Ambulance Service Department of Natural Resources Portage County Emergency Management American Red Cross V. 9-1-1 or 715-345-5310 9-1-1 or 715-345-5310 9-1-1 or 715-346-1400 9-1-1 or 715-344-1833 715-344-2752 715-346-1398 877-618-6628 SUPPORT AVAILABLE AT/FROM FACILITY: AMERICOLD LOGISTICS-PLOVER 1 July 2014 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: 4 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus 4 Respirators/Gas Masks 4 Pr. Rubber/Neoprene Boots 5 Pr. Rubber Gloves 3 Rubber Raincoats 3 Chemical Suits 4 Face Shields/Protection 10 Pr. Safety Goggles 14 Gas Detector Tubes Ammonia Detection Alarm System SAFETY EQUIPMENT: 55 4 Fire Extinguishers Safety First Aid Kits CONTAINMENT EQUIPMENT: 5 20 3 Shovels Brooms Yards Sand/Soil ABSORBENT MATERIALS: 500 Lbs. Pet Litter 1,000 Lbs Sawdust Baking Soda COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT: Radios and building alarms EXCAVATION EQUIPMENT: None TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT: 4 Street Barricades 5,000 Ft. Rope OTHER: None OUTSIDE RESOURCES AVAILABLE: AMERICOLD LOGISTICS-PLOVER 2 July 2014 The Village of Plover Fire Department is capable of handling minor HazMat incidents and they have Mutual Aid Agreements with several other fire departments in Portage County. If the incident extends beyond their capabilities trained personnel would be called to assist as necessary. Also, the following agencies are available for assistance as necessary: Portage County HazMat Team 9-1-1 or 715-345-5310 Local HazMat Team, Technician, Waupaca Co 715-258-4464 (1 hr response time) Regional HazMat Team, Wausau Fire Dept. 715-261-7900 (1 hr response time) VI. GENERAL INFORMATION/ASSUMPTIONS: The vulnerability zones set forth in this Plan are based on the EPA Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis; CAMEO generated printouts. The zones are based on a credible worst case scenario and identify the potential area for impact should an air-borne release of a single EHS chemical occur. The vulnerability zones are NOT intended to be used as a guide for population protection in fire-related incidents. Fire incidents were considered in the development of this plan and the plan provides basic information about the facility for first responders to employ. However, in an actual fire situation at this facility, the Incident Commander is strongly recommended to reference the fire department's own individual agency pre-emergency plans and standard operating procedures as well as the County's Emergency Operations Plan-Annex K: Fire and Rescue, as they may relate to this facility when making decisions at an incident involving fire. Further, fire departments that would respond to an incident at this facility are strongly encouraged to meet with facility representatives to determine ways to minimize an event at the facility and to determine what additional information and factors should be taken into consideration in the event of a fire should one occur. The actual response to an incident shall be determined by the field incident commander and the affected area may vary from the planning vulnerability zone identified in this Plan. Depending on wind speed and wind direction, the amount of material released and other pertinent factors, the ACTUAL vulnerability zone may be smaller, and in some instances larger, than the credible worst case vulnerability zone identified herein. The vulnerability zones determined in this plan are for general PLANNING PURPOSES. AMERICOLD LOGISTICS-PLOVER 3 July 2014 VII. HAZARDOUS ANALYSIS FOR AMERICOLD LOGISTICS: A. Description of Facility: The Americold Logistics is the nation's largest cold storage and distribution network. There are 45 locations throughout the country. This facility employs approximately 90 people working 3 shifts per day, 7 days per week throughout the year. B. Location of Facility: The Americold facility is located in the southwestern portion of the Town of Plover, 3 miles east of the Wood/Portage County line, 6.5 miles west of the Village of Plover, on Highway 54. The physical street address is 10953 State Highway 54 East. C. Who Delivers Chemicals: The entire supply of Anhydrous Ammonia is contained within the refrigeration system. D. Seasonal Storage Information: The Ammonia is present 365 days per year. The Sulfuric Acid is present 365 days per year. E. Where are Chemicals Stored: The entire supply of Ammonia is contained within the cooling system. The Ammonia is contained within the 4 inch liquid lines and the 12 inch vapor lines that run through the ceiling area of the building. The Sulfuric Acid on site is contained in 65 forklift batteries. F. Description of Containers: The Ammonia is contained within the 4 inch liquid lines and 12 inch vapor lines of the cooling system. The lines are sectioned and controlled by a series of manual valves. All Sulfuric Acid is contained in batteries on forklifts. G. Greatest Potential for Release: A break in the line system or a malfunction of the control valve system could create a potential for a release. H. Warning Systems: Americold is protected by an electronic ammonia detection alarm system. I. Accessibility Concerns: The liquid and vapor Ammonia lines run adjacent to the I-beams and truss system of the building. Access to the Americold facility may be hampered by the location of the Wisconsin Central LTD railroad tracks that run parallel to Highway 54. J. Special Considerations (environmental concerns, potential for affecting other jurisdictions, streams, marshes, etc): Americold shares a common concrete wall with McCain Foods, Inc. The two facilities are separate businesses and operate separately. VIII. SPECIAL FACILITIES AFFECTED: It has been determined that there are NO Special Facilities located within the 0.8 mile emergency planning zone. The attached risk zone map indicates the area that may be affected AMERICOLD LOGISTICS-PLOVER 4 July 2014 (Attachment C). The Special Facilities affected will be notified that they are situated within a potential risk zone and will be informed that they are responsible for developing individual plans for their facilities. IX. POPULATION PROTECTION: Evacuation/Shelter procedures are covered in the Portage County Emergency Operations Plan Annex E. The Ben Franklin Junior High School has been designated as the Mass Care Shelter Facility for the evacuees of Americold Logistics and McCain Foods, Inc. and the surrounding area. The American Red Cross and Community Human Services will coordinate shelter operations. During an actual incident, the designated shelter facility may change depending on various conditions. The On-Scene Incident Commander would make that determination. A listing of available shelters, their location and capacity, is available; Attachment 2, Annex E, Evacuation & Shelter, Portage County Emergency Operations Plan. Sufficient sheltering is available in the area to accommodate sheltering needs. Each Special Facility in Portage County has been sent information regarding the merits of In-Place Sheltering along with the "Recommended Shelter In-Place Instructions" as provided by the State Emergency Response Board. The determination whether to "shelter in-place" or "evacuate", will be made by the Incident Command Team or Incident Commander at the time of the incident. X. TRANSPORTATION RESOURCES: Should evacuation of Special Facilities be necessary, a list of Transportation Resources, along with contact information, is available; Attachment 3, Annex E, Evacuations & Shelter, Portage County Emergency Operations Plan. XI. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: McCain Foods, Inc. has been notified of the potential of a hazardous materials incident at Americold Logistics. They have also been notified that they are responsible for developing an emergency evacuation plan as may be necessary. Also, a portion of the Emergency Planning Zone overlaps into Wood County. A copy of this plan will be forwarded accordingly. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Facility Layout and Site Information Attachment B: Vulnerability Zone Maps indicating Special Facilities Attachment C: Material Safety Data Sheet on each EHS Chemical AMERICOLD LOGISTICS-PLOVER 5 July 2014