06-11annualmeeting - Yuma Community Theater

YCT Annual Meeting Minutes of June 18, 2011
Present: Ralph Gray, Bob McCain, Gary Gleason, Leesa Baker, Wendy Beckers, Mary Ellen
Finch, Mike Finch, Todd Taylor
Absent: Joanne Kidd
President Ralph Gray called the meeting to order at 1:06PM.
Lifetime Members & Board Members
Ralph recognized lifetime members Luise and Clay Guy and Bob McCain.
Gary Gleason read the minutes of the annual meeting from June 2010. Bob McCain motioned to
accept the minutes as read. Todd Taylor offered a second and the motion carried.
IV. TREASURERS REPORT – Ralph Gray for Joanne Kidd
Bob McCain read a prepared statement by Joanne Kidd who was unable to attend. See addendum
A. Wendy Beckers motioned to accept the Treasurers Report. Todd Taylor offered a second and
the motion carried.
Ralph Gray read a prepared statement. See addendum B.
VI. 2010 - 2011 SEASON:
A. Summer Six Pack – Same Time Next Year
Adriana Tansey gave an impromptu presentation about the show. She commented that there
were a lot of lines to memorize but it was like a breath of fresh air and that it was the most
successful show of the summer.
B. White Christmas – Mary Ellen Finch
Mary Ellen reported that the show was an awesome experience and that working with Amy
Violette, the director, was a wonderful experience. She also gave kudos to Valerie Hall the
choreographer. There were a lot of first time YCT cast members. She also mentioned it was
the first time YCT had snow falling.
C. Catch Me If You Can – Michael Finch
Mike mentioned that he is a stickler for budgets. The show was directed by John Herrera, his
last as a YCT member and saw a profit of $8,000.
D. Full Monty – Ed Robinson
The director Bob Rammelt reported on the Full Monty. He reported losing some production
staff along the way. The show had an amazing cast and introduced a lot of new members to
YCT. Over 2,400 saw the show and some decided not to come.
A. Nominations from committee & Presentations
Bob stated one of the most important reasons for the annual meeting is the election of
officers. Mark Henrikson and Katy Mize offered to help with the ballots. Three board
member positions were up for election and one ratification. Wendy Beckers spoke for her
ratification. Ballots were passed out, tabulated and ratification passed. The nominating
committee submitted five names for consideration: Leesa Baker, Mary Ellen Finch, John
Grundon, Joanne Kidd and Adriana Tansey. Todd Taylor read a prepared statement by
Joanne Kidd and the other four candidates gave presentations.
B. Open Nominations from floor & Presentations
There were no nominations from the floor. Ballots were passed out and collected. While
votes were counted the meeting continued…
2011 – 2012 SEASON:
A. Summer Six Pack – Same Time Another Year – Todd Taylor/Joanne Kidd
Mike Finch reported that he was in charge of the money and has not spent anything yet. The
show opens in 30 days and tickets are $10. Mike introduced the two actors, Bob Rammelt
and Yara Nash to the membership.
B. Funny Money – Bob McCain/Gary Gleason
Gary reported that auditions would be held in August and was hoping for a less cumbersome
rehearsal schedule.
2011 - 2012 SEASON:
C. The King and I – Fred Brown
Report was given by John Grundom while board was in executive session.
D. Noises Off – Bob Rammelt/Lisa Rammelt
Report was given by Bob Rammelt while board was in executive session.
Election Results/Dismiss new board members to elect officers
After the votes were talleyed the new board members were announced. Mary Ellen Finch, Joanne
Kidd and Adriana Tansey were elected to three year terms on the board. During executive
session, Bob McCain was elected as President, Mike Finch as Vice President, Mary Ellen Finch
as Secretary, Joanne Kidd as Treasurer and Adriana Tansey will serve as Assistant to the
Discussion of possible building acquisition.
Todd Taylor gave a presentation on YCT’s search for its own venue. Todd mentioned such
points as the expense of GRHS and working with the district. One such possible location that has
been identified has good location, is in the county and has favorable grant opportunities. Several
members voiced there opionions about the possiblity.
Good of the Order
Louise Guy thanked the board for doing a good job. Marsh Parks asked for an email to announce
when seats go on sale. Another member mentioned that the first two weekends of December
should be avoided because of competition with the Nutcracker, etc. Patty Perry asked if any
workshops were planned? Todd Taylor encouraged the membership to get involved with
committees, especially the building committee.
Ralph Gray motioned to adjourn the meeting, Todd Taylor offered a second, motion carried and
the meeting adjourned at 3:11PM.
Next board meeting will be June 27, 2011 at Yuma Community Food Bank 7:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Gary Gleason
YCT outgoing Secretary