How to Write your Research Paper with Outline and 3 examples

Learn How to Write a Research Paper:
Blueprint and Outline
Directions: Ask yourself each of the below questions first. Next, be capable of answering each of the following
questions in order to complete the requirements for writing a research paper.
1. What is the prompt for your research paper (and how will you answer it)?
2. Based on the prompt, what is your thesis statement? (The thesis is one concise sentence that tells what
your paper will be about. It should also contain at least two different reasons for explanation.)
3. What is contained in your outline so you can begin your essay and remain on topic? See the outline below.
Introduction—In your own words, briefly explain the topic being researched.
Use a quote or paraphrase a source in your introduction to help introduce the topic being discussed.
Body Paragraph #1—Begin with a topic sentence. The TS tells the focus of the entire paragraph.
Your first claim about the topic being researched in detail is written here in body paragraph #1 and is the
1st reason from the thesis statement you developed earlier.
Be sure to have at least one quote from your research in this paragraph to support your thesis.
Body Paragraph #2— Once again, begin with a topic sentence, since the TS tells the focus of the entire
paragraph. Your second claim about the topic being researched in detail is written here in body
paragraph #2 and is the 2nd reason from the thesis statement you developed earlier.
Be sure to have at least one quote from your research in this paragraph as well in order to support your
Conclusion—Summarize what you stated in your research in a new fashion and style.
You may also add a quote in your conclusion that supports your research and concludes the paper.
Simplified Version from Above
Introduction— In your own words, briefly explain the topic being researched using a hook, response
to prompt and thesis. Use a quote to help introduce the topic.
Body Paragraph #1—Begin with a topic sentence. Your first claim about the topic in detail and quote
with support.
Body Paragraph #2—Begin with a topic sentence. Your second claim about the topic being researched
in detail with quote.
Conclusion—Summarize what you stated in your research in a new fashion and style and possibly use a
Example of the Mythological God/Goddess Paper (Outline)
[See sample paper Persephone: Queen of the Underworld]
1. What is the prompt for your research paper?
Research a god or goddess. After selecting a god or goddess from Greek Mythology, write a paper explaining what
your particular god or goddess is ruler over and the significance of the god or goddess.
2. Based on the prompt, what is your thesis statement? (The thesis is one concise sentence that tells what your
paper will be about.)
After taking her throne, Persephone became the unwilling queen of the underworld and the reason for seasonal
3. What is contained in your outline for your paper so you can begin your essay and remain on topic?
Introduction—The introduction should contain (3) pieces.
1st is the hook. It captures the attention of the reader. (Only one sentence.)
Hook: Imagine being kidnapped and made a queen.
2nd is the RTP or response to prompt. The RTP briefly discusses the topic being researched. Be careful not to go into too
much detail here. You will go into detail in your body paragraphs. (Two to three sentences.)
RTP: In Greek Mythology, this happened when Hades, king of the underworld, took Persephone as his bride. Colombia
Electronic Encyclopedia explains that Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and goddess Demeter. An innocent daughter,
she was taken against her will and forced to live in the underworld for four months each year (1). (Note: this quote is actually a
paraphrase from the text used, not an actual quote.)
3rd is your thesis statement. This is the backbone of your essay. It is the reason behind your research and should contain
at least two different reasons that will be supported in the two body paragraphs of your essay.
Thesis: After taking her throne, Persephone became the unwilling queen of the underworld and the reason for seasonal
Body Paragraph #1— Persephone is the queen of the underworld. According to Andrew Crossland’s article, Kate
Chopin’s Lilacs and the Myth of Persephone, “[Eros’] arrow strikes [Hades], making him love Persephone and want her
for his queen. He abducts her to the underworld. Demeter, the young virgin's divine mother, searches the globe for her
daughter. When she finds her… [She] has eaten a pomegranate seed in the underworld, [and] she cannot gain complete
freedom” (31). [See sample paper for complete research paper.]
Body Paragraph #2— Because Persephone must stay in the underworld during the winter months, the world becomes
cold and gloomy. After reading the, Kirkus Reviews based on “Persephone” by Sally Clayton, she explains that after
Persephone was taken, “Her mother Demeter [was] so distraught that she curse[d] Earth with endless winter” (196), but
when Persephone is able to return, she brings about the spring and blossoming of flowers and natural life.
Conclusion—Sadly, a peaceful day picking flowers, led to Persephone becoming a queen in a world she had nothing to
offer. She does not embrace her role as ruler and cannot wait until she is released from the grip of Hades every four
Heroic Quality Paper
1. What is the prompt for your research paper?
Prompt: What qualities make a Greek hero? Research a Greek hero and determine what two qualities best
represent him or her by finding at least two specific examples from your research that illustrate these two traits.
From bravery to perseverance, write a paper showing two qualities within your chosen hero.
Choose a Greek hero:
Choose two qualities to research for your hero:
i. Bravery
ii. Courage
iii. Cunning
iv. Dedication
v. Determination
vi. Intelligence
vii. Loyalty
viii. Sacrifice
ix. Selflessness
x. Perseverance
Based on the prompt, what is your thesis statement? (The thesis is one concise sentence that tells what your
paper will be about. It should contain at least two reasons within the thesis.) [See Brainstorm for additional help.]
3. What is contained in your outline for your paper so you can begin your essay and remain on topic?
Heroic Quality Paper: Outline
(Please refer to the previous sample outlines for guidance!)
Introduction—(Hook, RTP, Thesis)
Body Paragraph #1 (Topic Sentence and quote)
Body Paragraph #2(Topic Sentence and quote)
Conclusion—(Summarize reasons)
Heroic Quality Paper Requirements and Additional Help:
Research Paper Requirements:
(See sample essay for guidance and specifications.)
Your essay will be no more than two pages in length.
You will need to have at least three different sources to support your research on a specific quality of the
hero you chose.
You will need a works cited page. All sources must be in MLA format.
You document must be double-spaced according to MLA standards.
You must be sure to have 1” margins around the entire paper.
Your paper must be typed using Times New Roman font.
Your paper must have your last name and page # on the top right of each page, excluding the title page.
The font size must be 12.
Be sure to indent each paragraph.
Be sure to press the space bar twice after each period that ends a sentence, but not a paragraph.
Starting and Organizing Your Paper
Brainstorm: (To help develop your thesis statement and outline):
Practice #1:
Final Product:
Practice #1: In order to formulate your practice thesis statement, write each part of the above brainstorm on the
line and in order. (1, 2, and 3)
Final Product: From each box, write each part of the above brainstorm on the line and in order. (1, 2, and 3)
Outline: (Rewrite your outline created from above.)
Heroic Quality Paper
Directions: Use the following chart to help you find and organize the quotes that you will use in your research
paper. Find your quotes from the EbscoHost Database.
Prompt: What qualities make a Greek hero? Research a Greek hero and determine what two qualities best
represent him or her by finding at least two specific examples from your research that illustrate these two traits.
From bravery to perseverance, write a paper showing two qualities within your chosen hero.
Follow the example in order to complete the below chart correctly.
Introduction of quote, quote, and page number
As Odysseus waited for the Cyclops to return, he said, “We lit
a fire, burnt an offering ” (Homer 285).
Explanation of the quality in my own words.
Odysseus had faith in Zeus that he would ensure their safety while
they awaited the arrival of whoever lived in the cave. He believed
that Zeus would protect him and his crew.
MLA Source / Citation:
Who is your
Explain your hero by either using a quote or
paraphrasing a source found on EbscoHost.
Elaborate in your own words, your understanding of
the hero you chose.
MLA Source:
1st Quality
Introduce the quote, write the actual quote and
place the page # in parenthesis.
Explain the trait/quality in your own words, but be
sure to sound educated.
Introduce the quote, write the actual quote and
place the page # in parenthesis.
Explain the trait/quality in your own words, but be
sure to sound educated.
MLA Source:
2nd Quality