CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS “Suicide Prevention: Creating Healthy Communities” Pennsylvania Suicide Prevention Conference October Oct 16&17, 2013 Ramada Inn, State College, PA Deadline for presentation proposals: March 29, 2013 Please read the following information about the conference and then click your mouse once to go directly to the next page to fill out the form. Five Tracks: Youth/Transition Age Youth Adults Older adults Military/Law Enforcement Survivors Suggested topics: Post-traumatic stress disorder Ethnic groups/special populations Substance abuse Veterans’ issues Gambling Religion and suicide Men and depression Pharmaceutical use/misuse Sports Innovative programs and techniques School programs Dialectical/Cognitive behavioral therapies Corrections Juvenile justice Peer programs Additional information: The registration fee will be waived for the lead presenter only, and the second presenter will receive a reduced rate of $50 if he or she plans to stay for the full day of the presentation. Presenters are responsible for their own lodging. A block of rooms is available at the Ramada Inn at night plus taxes. We are accepting proposals for 75 minute sessions. We require that you submit resumes or curriculum vitae for all presenters along with your proposal. For more information, contact Cindy Richard at “Suicide Prevention: Creating Healthy Communities” Pennsylvania Suicide Prevention Conference PRESENTATION PROPOSAL (you can fill out the form by tabbing from one form field to another or by inserting your cursor in a field) Title of proposal: Track (choose only one): Youth/Transition Age Youth Adults Older adults Military/Law Enforcement Survivors Content level: Basic Intermediate Advanced Desired workshop length: 75 minutes Lead presenter information: Name/Credentials: Title/Position: Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone/Fax: E-mail: Additional presenter information: Name/Credentials: Title/Position: Agency: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone/Fax: E-mail: Description of proposal (please limit to 75 words or less): This description will be used in the conference program. It should clearly and concisely summarize the information about the workshop you provide in the outline below. We reserve the right to edit for length and clarity. Proposal outline: Objectives Use specific, observable and measurable language Content (topics) Provide an outline of the content for each objective (don’t simply restate the objective) Time Frame Indicate how much time will be spent on each objective Presenter List the presenter responsible for each objective Methods Describe the teaching methods, strategies, materials and resources for each objective Audio-visual needs: Computer/LCD Overhead projector TV/DVD Other (please specify: ) Deadline for presentation proposals: March 29, 2013 You will be notified of our decision by April 12, 2013 Proposals must be submitted electronically to. Cindy Richard at