Cathedral Church of the Nativity

Vestry Minutes
September 19, 2011
Interim Treasurer:
Pam Bayliss, Tom Brandt, Carl Chegwidden, Dick Guyer, Barbara Iannelli,
Tom Kolepp, Kim Plyler, Phillip Rizzo, Richard Sause, David Swartz, Joy Thiel,
Ray Vernon
Garry Bruchok, Bill Krueger, Lee Snyder
Dean Tony Pompa, Canon Mariclair Partee
Dee Montgomery
The Ven. Rick Cluett, Bill Cauller, Karen Norelli, Dave Beinner
Following fellowship and dinner our meeting was called to order.
Bill Cauller, Stewardship Chair, introduced the members of his Stewardship Ministry Team that
were present with him this evening. They are Karen Norelli, Dave Beinner and Carl Chegwidden.
Bill explained that each year for our Stewardship Campaign we have invited guest speakers from
outside the Cathedral who are experts in the stewardship field. He said that this year they have
invited The Ven. Rick Cluett and he has consented to be our stewardship leader and companion as
we move in to our fall celebration in-gathering. Bill went on and shared dates and events they
have planned and urged the Vestry and our church leaders to participate. He introduced Rick
Cluett. Rick gave an inspirational talk to the Vestry regarding leadership and stewardship.
A draft of July minutes was reviewed. Richard Sause mentioned that a motion is missing from the
minutes regarding the approval of the expenditures for the Cathedral Wall Restoration Project.
The minutes will be amended with the motion and emailed out to the Vestry.
Dee Montgomery reported that the audit for 2010 was completed. No report was received yet.
Dee also commented on a series of bills Bill Korp put together that he really would like to pay this
month. The total is $25,000.
There was much discussion, questions and answers regarding pledge income. Tom Kolepp asked
if everybody was current with their pledges would we be at 63% budget. Or do we really have a
shortfall between what we budgeted for in pledge income and what pledges came in at?
Treasurer Dee Montgomery said yes. Canon Mariclair Partee mentioned that Bill Korp asked her
to go over fundraising income. By the end of September we will have made a $190 on the gift
cards from Giant and $2800 on space and room rentals. Canon Partee said to put that in
perspective, at this time last year, we had made $900 off of space and room rentals. Tom Kolepp
made a motion that the Vestry authorizes the Treasurer to borrow another $25,000 from the
Special Accounts recognizing that we have a cash flow problem and bills to pay. It was seconded
and all were in favor.
Pam Bayliss raised a concern about the negative Altar Flower account. There was discussion and
Dean Pompa asked Pam to discuss the cost of Altar Flowers with the head of our Flower Group,
Kit Hower.
Sr. Warden Kim Plyler made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. It was seconded and all
were in favor.
1. Property Committee – Richard Sause, Phil Rizzo
Richard Sause reported construction is moving along well. He said there are regular
construction management meetings every two weeks with the contractor and Sal
Verastro. Sal Verastro is onsite every week. Richard said our biggest decision is still
whether to replace or restore the tracery of the rose window. Richard said he had the first
meeting with the stained-glass expert and he promised to take his proposal and bring it
down so we could see a little more detail. One of the concerns is the value of the tiffany
window. At this time there was discussion from Vestry members on the details known
about the rose window. The details need to be sorted out and confirmed. Richard feels
we need to do an assessment of all the windows in the Cathedral and see what needs to be
done so that whatever money we have to spend on our windows we are putting in the
right places rather than just spending it on what is proposed initially by this one stainedglass expert. Richard welcomed anyone who is interested in volunteering in this part of
the restoration project. He said the rose window is worth approximately $1 million dollars
and there are a lot of questions on how to deal with the window. Richard noted that
everything else is going well with the project.
Phil Rizzo reported for Lee Snyder who is out of the country and not present at the
meeting. He said we’re still waiting on the light fixtures. They have been shipped. The
bevels have been painted to match. As soon as we receive them they will be installed.
Phil Rizzo also stated that the Property Committee discussed the issue of manpower when
functions are held here when we rent out the space. For example the amount of people it
takes to set up, take care of the function, and clean up afterwards. He said they did not
come up with any resolutions or recommendations.
Phil also mentioned another item that was discussed about the removal and pruning of
some of the trees on our property, especially the ones that over hang over the Shawnee
building and the beech on the side which needs a considerable amount of pruning. He said
the Property Committee would like to have the Vestry authorize funds for them to do this.
He said the trees are in a precarious position with a lot of dead wood. There was
discussion with questions on where the money should come from. It was not part of the
Capital Campaign monies which means it would come out of Operating Budget or Property
Maintenance Budget. It was mentioned that several of the trees are extending over other
people’s property and that is a concern. These trees are a liability. The Vestry felt that the
$6,000 is way to excessive at this time and that they really need to come up with a list of
things that really need to be done to lessen the risk of any damage. It was agreed that the
Property Committee come back with more detail and a broken down/selective list of the
work that needs to be done.
2. Communications and Technology Update – Joy Thiel for Bill Krueger: Joy reported
that all the exterior signs have been ordered and will be installed in time for
convention. She explained handicap and visitor parking spaces. The interior signs have
not been ordered yet. Joy gave a description of what they will look like. She noted
that no decisions have been made yet on the corner sign.
3. Finance Committee – Tom Kolepp: Tom did not have an update. He wasn’t able to get
the team together.
4. Personnel Committee – Garry Bruchok: Garry is out of town. Dean Pompa said there is
nothing new to report. The Committee will not get together until next Spring.
5. Sesquicentennial Committee – Ray Vernon
Ray reported that the Committee is meeting and trying to set up a projected timeline
for events.
6. Budget Committee – Dean Pompa
Dean Pompa stated that a Budget Committee needs to be formed. The Budget
Committee consists of the Wardens, the Treasurer, the Dean, and two members of the
Parish. He said we need to get started in the beginning of October.
Church Growth – Barbara Iannelli
Barbara noted that the Committee has been formulated and they will have an
organizational meeting on October 6.
Shawnee Property – Ray Vernon
Ray noted that they have an organizational meeting scheduled for October 2 at 9 AM.
Fund Raising – Kim Plyler, et al.
Giant Cards - Barbara Iannelli reported that our Daughters of the King decided to
maintain a group called the “Giant Team” and sell our Giant grocery cards in the
hallway between services on Sunday.
UTO Grant – Carl Chegwidden learned from Cathy Bailey, our United Thank Offering
Chairperson here at the Cathedral, that once a year there is an ingathering UTO Sunday.
There is a pool of money nationally. The grant has to be applied for and it supports
these kinds of projects—for example, women and children in poverty that makes
significant impact that demonstrate new and innovative work that are part of a plan
Diocesan provincial mission. He said that Trinity Easton recently received a grant for
updating their kitchen which they use for a soup kitchen. He said we would have to
find something here and maybe the renovations of our restrooms which would give
some relief to our budget and accomplish something that is needed. He said there’s on
one grant per Diocese and the Bishop has to select from all the grant applications
submitted. The cycle would be coming up very soon. Carl said he would talk with Brian
Gordon to see if he has some ideas and then begin the grant application.
Sacred Space Grants – Kim Plyler reported that she is looking into applying for a grant
from the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts). She said that the Sacred Spaces
foundation is assisting churches that open their doors to the arts. Some churches have
held art exhibits in their space and others have launched full scale productions with
theatrical groups. Kim also mentioned that she’s working with the Eastern PA Arts
Alliance and their board is interested in partnering with Nativity to expand the
opportunities for grants. The NEA grant application deadline is in November. Kim will
be developing a joint application with Eastern Pa Arts Alliance to support Nativity as it
opens its doors to the arts. She will be reaching out to the sacred spaces to ask for a
grant to help support the joint effort and our Arts/Kids Summer Camp Program
currently called "Art Splash".
Communicating: What, how and who is communicating.
Dean Pompa led the discussion on how we can communicate tonight’s meeting to our
Parish quickly. He asked what we are going to communicate. The suggestions were:
Signage update, construction update, budget issues--especially that we are behind in
pledges and have bills to pay, altar flower memorial monies that we are behind, and Giant
cards. The Vestry Snippets will be placed in this Sunday’s bulletin, on the website, in the
Parish Visitor, and our weekly eblast. Barbara Iannelli will produce the Snippets. The Dean
suggested that once a month—the weekend after the Vestry meeting—a Vestry
representative should stand up and give a Snippets blurb in church. This weekend Pam
Bayliss will do 8 AM service, Kim Plyler 9 AM, Tom Kolepp 11 AM and Kim will find someone
to do 5 PM Saturday night service.
Pam Bayliss commented on the fact that the elevator was down during a funeral and that
people who cannot go up the steps had a very difficult time getting into the Cathedral.
Pam mentioned that we used to have a ramp that her husband made to help the elderly
get into church when South Side Ministry kids would be here. She suggested that we have
an inexpensive ramp made that we can use when the elevator is down.
Canon Partee mentioned that the Cathedral’s Community Garden (Mamo’s Garden) is
being cleaned out and winterized on October 1 starting at 9 AM.
October 2 – Blessing of Pets, 5 PM
October 8 and 9 – Diocesan Convention
October 16 – Lehigh Mountain Top Leadership Gathering, 4 PM
October 29-30 – Fall In-Gathering
The meeting was adjourned.
The next Vestry meeting is Monday, October 17 at 6:30 PM.
Respectively submitted,
Deb Smith
Deb Smith, Cathedral Administrator & Assistant to the Dean