CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY VESTRY MINUTES JULY 15, 2013 Attending: Barbara Iannelli, Tom Kolepp, Kim Plyler, Ray Vernon, Philip Rizzo, David Swartz, Pam Bayliss, Tom Brandt, Lee Snyder, Joy Thiel, Ray Vernon, Kris Warner, Carl Chegwidden, Richard Sause Spiritual Practice: Prayer of Thanksgiving Kim Plyler called the meeting to order after the devotions APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Kim Plyler Tom Kolepp made a motion to approve the minutes of our last meeting with corrections to dates of fund raisers and that Laura Chegwidden will help, not lead the hospitality for the Habitat project. Tom Brandt seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. TREASURER’S REPORT / FINANCE COMMITTEE: Tom Kolepp We are in good shape financially. Pledge income is a little behind and electronic giving is on budget. The Hurd Trust distribution has arrived. Tom Kolepp made a motion that the June Financial report be approved subject to audit. David Swartz seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. -1- STANDING MINISTRY REPORTS Fund Raising: Kim Plyler Mark your calendar for these upcoming events: September 22: Wine Tasting with Don Appleton 4:30 to 7 PM October: Harvest Dance November: Concert by Nyke Van Wyke Property Committee: Richard Sause, Lee Snyder, Phil Rizzo The repair plan for the storm damage is in place. There will be a meeting on Monday, July 22, 2013 to put the timetable in order. All parties will be represented, including the people who will be cleaning the organ. It is hoped that the work will begin by July 29 or August 4 and be completed by the end of August. The organ cleaning will cost about $5000. This money bill the Cathedral will need to pay, not the insurance company. The work on the choir room is in progress. The Shawnee property is a liability. We have people living in the lean too and others trespassing on the property. Phil Rizzo made a motion that we put up a 10-foot chain link fence and tear down the wooden structure. The motion was tabled. Communication Committee: Phil Rizzo The speakers have been installed and are working. The hearing aides have all been corrected and are working. The camera plan will be presented at the August meeting. The outdoor signage plan will be presented at the September meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Shawnee Property: Ray Vernon After much discussion the Vestry decided that it is time for us to rip down the building. We need to begin the process to get all the permits. Lee Snyder will start with the Historical group. -2- Habitat for Humanity: Ray Vernon No report. Meeting Wednesday, July 17. NEW BUSINESS: Property Committee asked if there is money in the Building Trust that can be used at this time. The Finance Committee will look into it. The Vestry wishes to thank Archdeacon Rick Cluett and Rev. Ginny Day for leading us during Dean Pompa’s sabbatical. It has been a pleasure having them with us. Barbara Iannelli made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tom Kolepp seconded the motion. I passed unanimously. CALENDAR: Vestry Retreat August 24 & 25 Next Vestry Meeting: Monday – September 16, 6:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Barbara Iannelli Barbara Iannelli Vestry Clerk -3-