CHRIST FELLOWSHIP CHURCH EVENT CHECKLIST Name of Event Date of Event Ministry Leader Name of Event Chairman __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Assignment of Event Chairman Responsible Person ___ Pre Brief ___ Action Plan ___ Coordination Requirements Administrative/Staff Support ___Calendar Placement ___ Building Request ___Vehicle Request ___Equipment Request Admin. Announcement __Sunday Bulletin __Phone Tree __Mail __Website Other Administrative Support ___Setup Crew ___Take Down Crew ___Media Coordination ___Greeter Coordination ___Usher Coordination ___Kitchen Crew ___Food Requirement ___Access to Kitchen Supplies ___Tables/Table Clothes ___Chairs ___Utensils ___Miscellaneous ___Vehicle Crew _____________________________ _____________________________ ___Other Ministries Coordination _______________________________ ___Outside of Church Coordination ___Leadership Briefing 30 days prior to event Date Completed copy of event to Church Administrator 1 I. Event Checklist A. Authorization of event by Senior Pastor & elders Ministry must obtain pre authorization from Senior Pastor, Assistant Pastor and/or elders before beginning to plan all Church events. The Church Staff should be notified to assist in this process. B. Assignment of Event Chairman All special events must have an Event Chairman assigned prior to the 3 months (90 days) scheduled Pre-brief to Senior Pastor, Assistant Pastor and elders. The Ministry must fill out a copy of the below listed Event Chairman Inf. Sheet, and provide it to the church Secretary. Once the Church Secretary receives the Inf. Sheet she/he will schedule the Pre-Briefing. 1) Event chairman Inf. Sheet (I) Event Name (II) Event Chairman’s name (III)Address (IV) Daytime phone (V) Evening phone (VI) Avail. Time during week (VII) Ministry position (VIII) Committee members (IX) Other information C) Pre-brief The pre-brief is meant to be used by the Ministry and the Event Coordinator to give Senior Pastor and Elders a summation of an upcoming event. This briefing should be no longer than 15 min in length, but it should cover the below listed items. It is important that the Event leader be the lead presenter for the briefing. 1) Schedule at least 3 months (90 days) prior to event The Ministry must schedule the pre-Brief at least 3 months (90 days) prior to the event. This is a basic requirement that must be adhered to by all Ministries 2) Presented to Senior Pastor & Elders Briefing are Scheduled for, the 3rd Tuesday of the month, three months (90 days) prior to the event. 2 3) Presented by Event Chairman It is essential that the Event chairman is the lead briefer to all briefings given about an event. It is less effective if different people give different briefing. The Event chairman will be held responsible for all activities and planning connected to the event. It is the Event Chairman that all questions will be directed to and all information will be required from. 4) Scheduled through Church Secretary The Ministry Leader is responsible to provide the Church Secretary with the “Event Chairman Inf. Sheet” and schedule the pre-brief. D) Action Plan The objective of the action plan is to really plan out all activities three to Six months prior to committing assets to them. It is our objective to involve all ministries in the planning of the event early in the process. We expect that the planning of the activity this far in advance and coordination with the different ministries early in the process, will allow the body of Christ to receive the utmost benefits from the event. Making your Action Plan complete and through early in your preparation will help insure a very successful finished product. A product that God can and will use to His glory. 1) Theme 2) Vision Every event must have a vision statement. This statement should tie in with the Vision Statement of the church. The Event Chairman should work with the Ministry Leader and the Elder in charge of that ministry area. If it does not tie in with the vision of the church, the question will be asked whether we as a body should be involved with that event. 3) Goals There should be concrete and measurable goals that you use to monitor your working towards the vision. Example are: amount of people you expect to participate and/or attend, amount of people in the surrounding area you expect to be touched, amount of unsaved you expect to accept Jesus Christ as Lord, amount of churches in the area you expect to be involved, amount of finances you expect the event to produce, and is the event expected to raise money for another event so the finances must be kept separated, etc. 4) Time Line We suggest that you set date milestones on your time line of things to do. This makes a huge task seem very small. It also allows you to get all of your coordination done as early as possible. Your already have three very important dates and times, that if they are not met, you will not have the event. (I) Six (6) mo. Pre-brief Information to Elder in charge of your area 3 Prior to 90 days provide the “Event chairman info sheet” to Church Secretary (II) Three (3) mo. Pre-brief Briefing to Senior Pastor and Elders (III)Thirty (30) Day Pre Leadership Brief Coordination and Briefing to Leadership on 1st Tuesday of the month. 5) Budget All events must have prior Budgeting allotted and approved by Senior Pastor and Elders. Do not assume because the money was allotted in the annual budget meeting that it is available for your event. The annual budget is a plan. That plan is based on what the leadership predicts (ed) our financial health would be in the upcoming year. This plan is monitored throughout the year. It is possible that some money allotted in the plan will not be available when it is time for your event, or that the church does not have the resources to provide the entire planned amount for your event. 6) Chairperson & members Event Chairperson will be appointed prior to the 3 month briefing. Members of the Event team/committee should be identified as early as possible. The membership list should be provided to the Church Secretary as early as possible. This list should be updated with any changes. Included in the list should be an alternate POC if the chairperson is not available. E) Coordination Requirements 1) Administrative/Staff support The following support items should be coordinated with the Church Secretary prior to the 3 mo. Briefing. Some items will not be answered in the first discussion/meeting, but most items can and will be scheduled prior to the 3 mo. briefing (I) Calendar Placement (II) Building request (III)Vehicle request (IV) Equipment Request (V) Admin. Announcement (a) Sunday Bulletin (b) Phone Tree 4 (c) Mail (d) Other Administrative in-committee/ ministry support The Event chairman must schedule the following administrative support. The Church staff cannot provide these areas. These items must be provided through the coordination of the Event chairman and or the Event committee. (Coordination with the Chairman of Deacon Board should be done) (i) Setup crew (ii) Take down Crew (iii) Kitchen Crew 1. Food requirements 2. Access to Kitchen 3. Supplier a. Tables/table cloths b. Chairs c. Utensils d. Etc. (iv) Vehicle Crew 2) Other Ministries Coordination Coordination with the different Ministry leaders is essential to the smooth operation of your scheduled event. Use your checklist to annotate the people who have been assigned to be responsible for these areas in your event. Please don’t attempt to reinvent the wheel. If you need a greeter, contact the person in charge of the greeters for the church. Ask them to provide their support from the list of greeters. Coordination should be done as far in advance as possible. It must be completed before the 30 day pre-Leadership brief. 5 (I) Greeter (II) Ushers (III)Hospitality Committee (IV) Media (a) Graphic (b) Video (c) Audio (d) Setup (e) Practice dates (V) Music (a) Musician (b) Praise Team (c) Other singers (d) Other 3) Outside of Church Coordination 4) Leadership Briefing (I) 30 days prior to event (II) Copy of Event Checklist to Church Administrator F) Event G) A.A.R After Action Review (A.A.R.) must be completed two weeks after every special event 6